Read Tyed to You Online

Authors: Jordyn McKenzie

Tyed to You (8 page)

BOOK: Tyed to You
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Jasmine laughed. “I couldn’t tell you anyway, I lost count. The lad’s got talent.”

“Gah! Enough! Make yourself useful and get some toast going, breakfast is almost ready.”


* * * *


By the time breakfast had been served, it was called brunch due to the late morning hour. Laurel had retrieved a bottle of champagne and, paired with orange juice, they enjoyed mimosas all around with their pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast. Having decided to eat on the sunny deck overlooking the lake, it was a casual and light-hearted affair, all the stressors of the morning mostly forgotten.

Banal conversation flowed around a noticeably subdued Saul, even though he and Ty seemed to have settled the spat from earlier. He was less cocky and really only spoke when addressed. Freddie attempted to goad him into action by pelting him with bits of crust he’d peeled away from his toast, but Saul only deflected the pieces with a scowl. Jasmine picked up one of the chunks of bread and lobbed it towards Laurel’s low-cut tank top, sinking it easily, and crowed in victory.

“Really, Jassy? Who are you and what have you done with the sullen girl who arrived here yesterday?” Laurel groused as she shook out the bread crumbs from inside her top.

Jasmine just grinned and beamed, while Tyson leaned over to give her a loud smooch on the cheek. “Nice shot, babe.”

Not a peep from Saul.

“Wow, Ty, what did you do to our poor boy here?” Freddie asked. “Maybe I should take his temperature or something? That giant thermometer in the drawer can be used rectally, can’t it?”

Laurel slapped the back of Freddie’s arm with the back of her butter knife.

“Ouch! Laurel, that smarts! When did you become such a brute?”

“That’s a candy thermometer, you buffoon! It doesn’t go near anyone’s ass, do I make myself clear?”

Saul sighed and pushed away from the table, turning to Jasmine. “May I speak to you alone for a moment, please?”

Jasmine briefly glanced at Ty, who looked as surprised as she, then nodded, getting up to follow him back inside the house to where he was waiting for her in the living room.

He looked at the floor as he spoke. “I was a jerk this morning. I didn’t mean to disrespect you or make you feel uncomfortable, so I just wanted you to know that I’m sorry.”

“Did Ty put you up to this?” He seemed sincere, but if it was a coerced apology, she wasn’t going to put much into his words. They would only delay a repeat of his offensive behaviour.

But Saul shook his head at her question. “Nah, once we talked, he made me realise how awkward the situation had to be for you and I felt bad. I feel bad. You’re great and I know that Ty really, uh, likes you, so yeah. I don’t want to be the one that messes up a good thing for him.”

Jasmine was oddly touched by his words. “Thanks, Saul. That means a lot.”

“That’s not to mean that I’m gonna stop being a jackass, overall, because that’s just sort of who I am. But I’ll at least stay out of your guys’…uh…quality time.”

Jasmine laughed. “That’s fine by me.”

Once brunch had been eaten and cleaned up, she and Laurel donned bikinis for some lounging in the sun on the dock while the boys opted for another wakeboarding session. Music played from inside the house and they’d brought out a little cooler of beer and sodas.

Now that Laurel was fully caught up, and then some, on the status of Jasmine’s love life, it was Jasmine’s turn to listen to Laurel speak wistfully yet hesitantly of the potential for a happily-ever-after with Hank.

“I gotta be honest with you Jassy, when I saw how things went down for you and Kyle, it kind of killed my motivation to list my house. It’s my safety net, you know? I mean, Hank travels all the time. How do I know he’s not fucking around on me?”

“Do you two still fuck like rabbits when he comes home from his trips?” Jasmine asked over the lip of her beer bottle.

“Of course.” Laurel shrugged. “The man can barely keep his hands off me. And really, I’m just as bad. I mean have you seen him? Rawr!”

“Of course,” Jasmine repeated mockingly. “Within two years of being together, Kyle wouldn’t touch me for days, weeks. Didn’t matter if he was out of town for two days or two weeks. You two, on the other hand, have been together for two years and are still like a couple of freshly smitten kittens. I’m a little jealous, really.”

“Uh, sweetie, I don’t think you have any reason to be jealous anymore, considering your kitten’s been recently smitten.”

Jasmine lobbed an ice cube at Laurel. “Hush, you.”

All the same, there was an undercurrent of thought running through Jasmine’s mind. Would her relationship with Tyson, if one was to truly develop beyond this weekend, affect this friendship she held so dear? Laurel had not only given her blessing for such, she’d encouraged it. However, Laurel had always been Jasmine’s listening ear when she’d needed advice or to vent about her boyfriends and, later, Kyle. Perhaps she could still turn to Laurel for advice. Who knew Ty better than his own big sister? But to indulge her need to vent after a nasty argument? She’d hate to put Laurel in such an uncomfortable position.

Jasmine glanced over at her friend, who now appeared to be dozing, oblivious to the angst-laden thoughts Jasmine was entertaining. Deciding she was being silly and reading too much too soon into whatever was brewing between her and Ty, she banished those thoughts from her mind and set about enjoying the serene beauty that was the lake on a hot summer day.

Minutes passed, and Jasmine grew too warm from lounging under the sun. She went inside the lower level of the house to use the downstairs bathroom-slash-laundry room to freshen up. Smiling to herself when she heard the boat roar up to the dock just as she was entering the house. It had only been a couple of hours, but she’d missed Tyson’s company. She studied her reflection as she washed her hands and splashed water on her sweaty face. She’d got a little colour while sunning herself on the deck, she’d noticed. She slid a strap aside to see the faint beginnings of a tan line, and was more pleased than embarrassed to discover a small love bite on the side of her neck. It was like she was sixteen all over again.

She opened the door and was startled to find Tyson standing there waiting for her. “What are you…?” she began, but he pressed his lips against hers before she could finish, his body pushing hers back into the bathroom and shutting the door behind him.

He pulled away only to utter the words, “You were all I thought about out there,” before his mouth was on hers again, hands clenched in her hair to hold her still. His tongue invaded her mouth and she welcomed his intrusion only gladly, surrendering herself fully to his kiss.

Ty pulled away first, only to trail his lips down her throat, tasting, sucking, while his hands moulded themselves to her breasts, thumbs gently stroking her rigid nipples through her bikini top. Jasmine threw her head back in ecstasy at the immediate and utterly consuming sensations he generated within her in a mere matter of seconds, feeling her hair tickling her lower back.

He impatiently pushed aside the fabric triangles of her bikini top, dipping his head to suck at her breast with fervour, still kneading and stroking the other one. Jasmine bit her lip to contain her moan. “I missed you too,” she rasped.

Ty only groaned around his mouthful, sliding his other hand down to her ass, cupping it firmly to pull her body tighter against his. When he moved his mouth away, he grasped her around her waist, and quickly hoisted her up onto the washing machine. “Much better,” he murmured before dipping his head to sample her other nipple.

Jasmine stroked Ty’s hair, watching through heavily lidded eyes as he feasted on her breast. She didn’t notice that he’d relocated one of his hands, however, until she suddenly felt it pressing against her clit through the now-damp fabric of her bikini bottoms. “Oh Ty,” she whispered. “Fuck, baby, I want you so badly right now.”

Ty pushed aside her bikini bottom, and slid two fingers inside, groaning again at her warm, wet heat. Using his thumb to stroke her button, he pumped his fingers in and out of her, quickly propelling her towards climax. Jasmine reached forwards to touch him, gasping both at how good he was making her feel, and in delight over how hard he was. She gripped and stroked him through the fabric of his trunks, their mutual moans muffled by their kisses.

Jasmine felt she was quickly reaching her brink. “Wait!” she rasped, and leant forwards to grab the waistband of his swim trunks. “I want you inside me.” She slid them down far enough to free his erection. She smeared the pre-cum at the head around and gave him a few solid strokes before moving Ty’s hand away from her pussy and scooting up to the edge of the washing machine, positioning his cock at her entrance. “Now, baby, please?”

“Sweetheart, you never, ever have to beg,” he said quietly, covering her mouth with his, then gripping her hips to hold her steady while he eased inside her. They both sighed once he was fully seated within her, for Jasmine it was a mixture of relief and growing need. His thrusts were slow at first, almost leisurely, but it soon grew to a more urgent, frenzied pace. Jasmine lay back in a somewhat awkward position, her hands behind her resting atop the washing machine’s rear-affixed control panel for stability as she spread her legs wider for Ty, resting a calf on each of his shoulders. The washing supply cabinet mounted over the machine posed a bit of a challenge for comfort, and she took care to not bump her head as he pressed into her again and again.

“Oh fuck, Jasmine…” he groaned. He placed his hands on each side of her ribs as his momentum grew frenzied, seeming quite determined to hit the deepest parts of her. Her eyes locked with his until she was unable to keep them open any longer, feeling her face contort in her ecstasy. She could feel her breasts bouncing wildly with each thrust and opened her eyes again to see Ty watching them rather intently. He attempted to lean down and capture one of her nipples in his mouth, but her position, not to mention the proximity of the overhead cabinet prevented it, so he gave up and just pumped into her even harder. The washing machine began to thump and rattle under their momentum. Suddenly the door swung open and they froze. Laurel stood there wide-eyed in shock. “Oh shit! Sorry! I thought the washing machine was off-balance! Um. Sorry!” she squeaked and slammed the door shut.

Ty’s eyes warily met Jasmine’s. “Uh…”

She sighed, rolling her eyes. “She saw what she saw, we’ll deal with it in a bit. Now for the love of all that is holy, finish what you started and fucking make me come.”

The sound that escaped Ty’s throat could best be described as a growl. He grasped her thighs which were pressed close to his chest, and went for it. “Harder…” Jasmine moaned. The washer thumped and rattled a good many more times, as well as a stifled chorus of moans from the both of them, before all fell quiet in the washroom.

In fact, it was so quiet in there when they’d finished, all Jasmine could hear was their panting and the beating of her heart, even though she knew all of their friends were likely still inside the house and had heard everything.

Sure enough, after a few beats, Saul’s voice came from the floor above. “So if I high-five Ty when he comes up from there, would that be too out of line?”

Ty and Jasmine’s eyes met, and they shook their heads in chagrin. However, a second later, Jasmine heard Laurel say, “Um no, because if it wasn’t my brother I just walked in on her fucking, I’d be giving Jasmine a high-five too. Hell, I still might. I didn’t know the girl had it in her.”

“Shit,” Jasmine sighed. “Can we just go lock ourselves in the studio for the rest of the day?” She really dreaded facing the ribbing that awaited them then, but fuck it had been so worth it.

Ty kissed her. “Woman, I like the way you think.”

Chapter Seven




Spent and a little sore, Jasmine and Tyson cleaned up as best as they could and ventured upstairs to face the music. Jasmine could smell the char scent of the grill as they emerged from the stairwell and her stomach growled in anticipation. Her hunger was quickly forgotten when Laurel spotted them and began to applaud, with Saul and Freddie joining in.

“Bravo.” Laurel laughed. “While I hope to never walk in on you two again, lest I be scarred for life, I have to say I am most impressed with your stamina and ability. Kudos to you in particular, Jasmine, for maintaining such flexibility,” Laurel finished, raising her bottle of beer to them.

Jasmine laughed, covering her face with her hand in embarrassment while Ty wrapped his arm around her waist to squeeze her tightly to his side, kissing the top of her head.

“She’s a keeper,” he said proudly. He then looked at Saul, who was nearly shaking with the effort it took to restrain himself from acting out. Ty smiled and held up his open palm in the air towards him. “Come on, dude, I know you want to.”

Saul practically leapt over Freddie to high-five Tyson. “You are the man! Fuck, I wanna go bag me a thirty-year-old now.” He stopped himself, looking abashedly at Jasmine. “Shit, sorry. No offence. I…”

Jasmine laughed. “None taken, Saul. If you can find a thirty-year-old woman willing to put up with your shit and still fuck you, more power to you.”

Everyone laughed at that, then Freddie held up a pack of hot dogs and a plate of some freshly made hamburger patties. “I imagine you two have worked up an appetite, so I’m just gonna go throw these on the grill.”

“Need any help with anything?” Jasmine asked, but Laurel shook her head.

“Nope. We’re having macaroni salad I bought from the deli yesterday and Saul and Freddie have already prepped the lettuce, tomato, and onions. You and Ty can sit for a while and catch your breath.” Laurel smirked.

Ty smiled at his sister then led Jasmine to the couch. “Come here,” he said softly, sinking down onto the cushion and then pulling Jasmine to sit in his lap. Their lips met for a tender kiss, only to be interrupted by a throat-clearing Laurel who was passing through the room with some tongs for Freddie.

“Ease up on that shit, I don’t need an encore performance,” she joked in a deadpan voice.

BOOK: Tyed to You
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