Unbroken: Country Fever, Book 3 (6 page)

BOOK: Unbroken: Country Fever, Book 3
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Purposely, Christian gripped the root and angled the head downward. Brushing the plump pillows of Claire’s lips.

A spike of heat rammed deep into his groin. He threw his head back at the pleasure of just feeling her mouth close to his cock. But he couldn’t look at the ceiling for long. He snapped his gaze back to her mouth.

She opened her lips. The glistening pink of her tongue drove him over a line he’d never expected to cross. A raw, animalistic sound spiraled from his chest as Claire clasped his hip and drew him closer. She snaked her tongue out and licked the ribbon of juice stringing from the purple head.

A soft moan sounded from her.

“All the way, sweetheart. Take him into your mouth.”

Claire did as Tucker instructed, opening wide to accept him.

When her warm mouth settled around his head, a shudder tore through Christian. He swayed, his mind boggling. She pressed her lips firmly on the spot just under the head. Then she sank her nails lightly into his ass and jerked him in.


He stared down at her, shocked to see her beautiful lips resting against his groin. Her wide gaze met his. Then she pulled back enough to breathe.

“You didn’t tell me…” Christian began but gulped when she sucked in his length once more.

Tucker rumbled with laughter. “Yeah, she’s amazing at deep-throating.” He jerked his hips upward, shoving his shaft through the tight clasp of his fist.

Christian’s mouth grew dry as Claire worked over every inch of his cock, tongue maneuvering in ways he’d never dreamed possible. He cupped her face, finding the soft spots behind her ears, learning the silken whorl of her curls beneath his fingers.

“Bring him off, baby. Just like that. Chris likes the pressure.”

God, only Tucker would know such a thing, and hearing him say it made Christian’s stomach bottom out. In a fury, he churned his hips, sinking himself deep into Claire’s mind-blowingly hot mouth.

She increased her pull on his shaft according to Tucker’s words, eyes wide and trancelike. He’d heard of women who loved blowjobs, got off on the giving, and who could come without anyone touching them. But he’d never seen it in person. Claire might be that girl.

He dug his fingers into her scalp, drawing her closer and then letting her retreat, half in fucking love with her already. The slapping sound of Tucker’s hand on his cock sent a spear of pressure to his balls. In one violent rush, he came. Hot jets of come poured into Claire’s perfect mouth.

Tucker’s groan ripped through the air. At the moment his release claimed him, he and Christian’s gazes locked. Held in a trance of their own.

Twitches of sensation plucked at the nerves of Christian’s body as he came off his high. He fingered Claire’s jaw tenderly, devouring her impossibly long lashes and the spiky shadows they created on her flushed cheeks.

She released him with a soft
and opened her eyes.

Christian’s Adam’s apple bobbed with the emotion clogging his throat. Would she let him crawl into bed and hold her, kiss her? Would she breathe his name into his ear the way she’d done Tucker’s?

But it wasn’t meant to be.

Tucker hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her so she half lay across his broad chest. He cupped each breast, rolling the peaks between his fingers. “Go down on her, Chris.”

Christian bowed his head, struggling with the need to plunge his tongue deep into her pussy then suck Tucker’s cock to the root, as Claire had just done for him. Alternating back and forth, delivering pleasure to both until they succumbed to ecstasy.

One step at a time.
He gripped Claire’s hips and angled her upward, fitting her pussy against his mouth. As her sweet musk mingled with the earthier scents of the man who held her still for Christian, he lost himself—fell into a chasm, mind, body and soul.



Shivers of pleasure coursed through Claire as she dove head first into the mattress. Arms to the side and mouth filled with cotton comforter, she fought to gain control of her emotions.

Tucker was more tender and giving than he’d ever been with her. An apology for ditching her earlier in the week? Or had he truly missed her and his regret pushed him to show her in brand new ways?

And Christian…that man’s strong, silent presence was slowly picking at her heartstrings. When Tucker had first suggested they share her, she’d thought to only gain as much pleasure as possible. After all, what woman would turn down a chance to be with two deliciously rugged men?

“We’ve killed her,” Christian mused.

Tucker tucked a finger under her chin and stroked the ticklish spot that made her twitch. She jackknifed on the bed, attempting to protect her overly sensitive body from more flicking, licking and stroking.

Then again, she craved it.

“To the shower.” Tucker’s voice was a rough lick to her senses.

She continued to lay still, unable to move. Long minutes passed as she dozed. Finally, warm hands scooped her up.

As her lovers bore her off to the bathroom, she fought to make sense of her emotions. Tucker—she loved. But Christian was a brand new entity. She’d never given herself to two men at once, and her pleasure was blurring the lines in her heart.

She opened her eyes as her feet met cool tile. Christian’s carved body crowded in front of her. He reached into the shower and switched the water on.

“Nothing to strip off.” Tucker grinned. The dimple she couldn’t tear her gaze from flashed on his chin, just off center. A peek at the soft gooey insides of the man, she’d always thought.

Christian turned with a satisfied smile. Steam boiled out of the shower, along with that woodsy scent she associated with Tucker. For a long second, Claire studied Christian. A smudge of five o’clock shadow on his angular jaw dizzied her with memories of him going down between her legs.

She shivered. Damn, had she really done this? Gotten so carried away with Tucker that she’d do anything for him?

I did this for myself. No use lying.

Tucker planted his hands on her hips. She looked down to see the tanned digits against her body. Then he lifted her over the side of the tub and planted her in the shower. They stepped inside too.

“It’s crowded in here.”

Tucker grabbed the soap and held it under the stream. “This bathtub was installed in the 1920’s. Threesomes weren’t that popular then.”

She giggled as Tucker passed Christian the soap. Watching their manly hands work up a lather did things to her insides. Was it possible that she could still want them? After so many orgasms?

Tucker stood in front of her, eyes snapping as he reached for her. She let him press her against the wall of flesh that was Christian and soap her breasts with painstaking thoroughness.

“Those are hardly dirty,” she murmured. Sharp pleasure racked her core.

“Hmm. Here then?” Tucker ran his palm downward to cup her mound.

She squeaked.

From behind, Christian’s cock lengthened, jabbing into her lower back. She wondered if all his arousal was really from her or the fact that Tucker’s shaft was waving slowly back and forth, as if seeking a target.

She’d never considered how erotic it was to see two men so comfortable in their skins and with each other, but it could quickly become her obsession.

Over her shoulder, they looked at each other. Tucker eased his fingers down her seam, soaping her pussy. Up and down, riding the outer folds. Juices spilled from her.

At that moment, she felt Christian’s hands on her ass. Gliding down another seam and right past her pucker.

She cried out. No one had ever touched her this way before. She bit off the urge to say,
But her body was more brazen. She pushed back against Christian’s finger.

He circled her intimately, loosening her every muscle and her mind. For long, sensual minutes she drifted, speared on Tucker’s probing fingers and Christian’s gentle touch. When he applied more pressure, she couldn’t take it another second.

“Please,” she rasped. The word bounced off the tiled walls of the shower.

“Go on,” Tucker ordered.

Christian pressed harder until the tip of his finger breeched the tight ring of muscle. With a cry, she felt her body pull at his finger. Drawing him in.

His thigh muscles trembled. He ground his length into her back. She ground too, which drew his finger in completely.

Tucker plunged two fingers into her pussy.

“Oh my God.” She squeezed her eyes shut and thrashed. How would it feel to have them both inside her? Was she a crazed slut for thinking such a thought? Playing with Christian was one thing, but taking him into her body was another.

It felt too intimate.

“Feels good, doesn’t it, baby?” Tucker murmured against her ear. Water sluiced off his skin and wet hers. He slipped his fingers out. In again. She moaned.

Christian eased his finger out to the tip then rammed it home in one go.

“Fuck, yes,” she cried.

“Think of us moving inside you together.”

She couldn’t think of anything else.

They set a rhythm, moving at the same time, until her knees buckled. They suspended her between them, hard arms lashing her to big, wet muscles. Heat ricocheted around her body. She was going to die from the pleasure.

Suddenly, their movements grew disjointed. Christian plunged in while Tucker pulled out. The change sent her over the edge, sailing. Her ass clamped down on Christian’s finger at the moment her pussy pulsated wildly.

A long scream bounced off the walls. Hell, was that her? She hung limply in their arms for several seconds, trying to regain her equilibrium.

“I do believe you’ve popped her ass cherry,” Tucker said.

Christian grunted. “Her first anal orgasm.” He placed his lips against her ear and breathed, “I’m honored to be your first.”

Something warm and fuzzy settled in her belly, but she didn’t have time to dwell on it before Tucker thrust his cock into her hand. Her lips stretched into a grin as she reached for Christian too, bringing the three of them together for another round.



Christian caressed the curve of Claire’s hip, his erection bobbing against his ridged abs. At the sight of his friend touching his woman, a growl settled in Tucker’s chest. He bit it off, unsure whether to break Christian’s fingers or thread them with his in order to feel Claire’s peachy-soft skin together.

She was spread out beneath him, curls tumbling in wild disarray, a daredevil smile gracing her lips. After a quick nap, she seemed to be rejuvenated.

“Uh-oh,” Tucker said.

“What’s uh-oh?” Christian reached for her again, running his hands up the sides of her torso, over the outside swells of her full breasts. The man couldn’t keep his damn hands off her either.

“I know that smile,” Tucker said a split second before Claire rolled out from under him, twisting like a trick rider. She locked her arms around Tucker’s neck and wrestled him to the mattress. Excitement swirled in his groin. Several hours and orgasms later, and he was ready for her again. Especially when she shimmied around in the saddle of his groin and slid over his condom-covered cock reverse cowgirl style.

“Jesus God,” he groaned.

Her tight pussy hugged his shaft perfectly, milking him before he had anything to give. But when she extended a hand to Christian and drew him around to the foot of the bed so she could lean all the way forward and suck his cock, Tucker thought she might kill him with ecstasy.

The golden cheeks of her ass wiggled in his face as she rose and fell over his length. Dark pressure built in his core, mirroring the almost delicious ache in his heart. He stared between her legs as her wet sex swallowed him.

Christian made a choked noise. Hell, had his friend ever looked so absorbed with another woman? No. With Tucker, alone? Maybe.

Christian’s tanned skin rippled on his stomach when Claire released his cock with a soft
Immediately, she caught it in her mouth again, still fucking Tucker with a brand new rhythm that made his balls clench.

Tucker gripped her hips and rammed his shaft home. The head bumped something deep within her body. She cried out, so he did it again. And again.

Over her body, his and Christian’s gazes collided. Sparks sprayed like metal sheered against metal. Throwing his head back, Christian broke their connection. He dug his hands into Claire’s hair and churned his hips. She made a humming noise and sent Christian over the edge.

Tucker’s own orgasm rushed up, stronger than the last. Spurts shot from his engorged prick. For a split second, he imagined filling her body without the barrier of a condom. Of truly owning this woman.

She wanted him to.

Her throaty cry echoed at the moment her tight sheath contracted around him. Palms on her ass cheeks, he parted them slightly to watch her muscles squeeze and release him. Long seconds spiraled between them as the sexual haze dissipated. Outside, a steady drip from the gutter tapped a beat.

Heather loved lying in Tucker’s arms, listening to the rain. Would Claire?

BOOK: Unbroken: Country Fever, Book 3
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