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Authors: Julia Talbot

Under the Moon (4 page)

BOOK: Under the Moon
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The word was long and drawn out and sounded so good on Jamie's lips. Ty pushed deeper, letting Jamie feel him.

"Fuck, you're tight, Jamie.” Tight was a complete understatement. The man was tight and hot and just having his finger in there made Ty afraid he would blow. He moved his finger in and out, slowly working up to two.

"More.” Jamie's skin was flushed all the way down the man's spine, and muscles quivered everywhere from strain.

"Anything you want.” He pulled his fingers free and got the condom open, pushing it on with shaking fingers. He got it slicked up before putting both hands on Jamie's ass and spreading that little hole wide open with his thumbs. “Ready?"

Jamie made a strangled noise. “God, yes. More. Please."

"In.” He pushed the head of his cock right where it wanted to go, squeezing in, feeling Jamie's body clamp down around him. He gave Jamie time to relax, gave them both time to catch their breath. Ty's chest heaved, and sweat dripped into his eyes. He felt like he'd been running a marathon and he still had the final sprint to go.

"Okay. I'm okay. Move now.” Moving in short little pulses, Jamie pushed back against him, panting, begging. The words started to jumble up, almost like wolf sounds, but that was okay.

Ty got it.

Grabbing Jamie's hips in an iron grip, Ty started to really thrust, moving his hips strongly. His skin slapped against Jamie's, the sound almost like a spanking, which he would love to try sometime. Right now all he could do was hold on and enjoy the ride.

Straightening his arms, hands flat on the bed, Jamie started to push, demanding more, body squeezing Ty's cock in rhythmic waves.

Ty cried out, so close now that he could go over any moment. He bent almost double to take a deep bite at the nape of Jamie's neck, needing that taste, that connection

Jamie howled for him, fucking howled like the wolf Jamie should be. That lean body convulsed under his, Jamie's ass slamming back into the cradle of Ty's hips that Ty's balls swung and slapped back against his own body.

Christ. He bit his lower lip hard enough to draw blood, hard enough to keep his own howl down to a, “Nghhhh,” tendons standing out in his neck. He came so hard that he figured his head was going to pop right off, so hard he almost lost himself in the change. He hung on by the barest thread, because wouldn't that be awkward.

Jamie slumped down on the bed, head on a pillow. “I made a mess.” The words were muffled, but audible.

"On the bed?"

"Mmmhmm. I may never come again."

"That would be a shame.” Ty knew he was leaning too hard on Jamie's back, but he couldn't move. That bite... Something had changed with it, some connection between them had been born. He wanted to stay right where he was.

"My cock is going to fall off if you don't move,” Jamie finally murmured. “It's caught between me and the bed. Blood circulation is going fast."

"Sorry.” He was. He moved back, easing out, condom in place. Mostly. He hadn't blown it, but man, it had been close.

"S'okay.” Jamie crawled up on the bed after pulling the comforter off. There were tons of pillows and blankets left for them to make a nest out of, so he didn't protest.

The one pillow that caught under Ty's knee when he flopped on the bed had to go. It was covered in some kind of scratchy tweed. He kicked it off. The rest could stay.

"Still think this is a bad idea?” he asked, stroked Jamie's side as he pulled the man back against him to spoon.

"Terrible. I gotta say that it's worth it, though. Gimme a few and we can go again."

Ty licked the bite mark he'd left on the back of Jamie's neck. Electricity shot through him, and he and Jamie both shivered.

"I thought you said you'd never come again."

"I got blood supply back to my dick when you let me up."

Ty snorted, the sound just like the one he made when he was in his wolf form, blowing his lips at some pack member's antics. “Hooray for blood flow."

"You know it.” Jamie went silent, stroking the back of Ty's hand, and Ty could almost hear the mental gears grinding.

He wanted to ask what was up, but he decided to exercise patience again. He waited silently, just nuzzling and licking Jamie's skin.

"If we do this, this you and me thing?"


"I won't ask you not to go all alpha on me or whatever. I know that's second nature. What I will ask is that you don't try to force me to fit in with a pack."

Ty thought about that one. He ran with a pack, sure, but he wasn't a super pack law freak about it. He lived a pretty self-sufficient life. “I can do that. You left a long time ago, huh?"

"For a variety of reasons, yeah.” Jamie turned to face him, wiggling until they were eye to eye. “I can't go back to that. It's too hard to be a nerd and be queer and all."

"I can't promise I won't try to get you to run with me during the moon, but I can respect the need to be separate.” Ty tilted his head. “I am a bit more wolfy than you, though. You might have to promise to put up with sniffing and growling and shit."

"I can probably do that.” Jamie kissed his chin. “It might take some practice."

"Practice makes perfect, babe.” He bent his head to kiss Jamie, pushing his tongue deep. They were really going to do this. This ‘us’ thing.

Fuck him raw.

His cock was just taking an interest in another round, despite the shattering orgasm he'd already had, when the door to Jamie's bedroom flew open, the wood around the lock splintering away.

Ty whipped around, rising to his knees on the bed and putting Jamie behind him. “What the fuck?"

Anton stood in the doorway, a small police style battering ram in one hand and a really big pistol in the other. Creepy little Anton, with his crazy eyes and spittle flying out of his mouth.

Christ. This whole thing was just getting out of hand. What did a werewolf have to do to have a decent date, anyway?

* * * *

"Seriously? What the fuck, Anton?” Jamie peered at his roommate over Ty's shoulder. “What the hell are you doing in here? With a gun?"

His heart was racing, his body going into fight or flight mode. His wolf rose to the surface wanting to protect Ty. Too bad Ty wasn't about to go along with that plan.

Ty puffed up, shoulders looking immeasurably broad. “What do you want, Anton?"

Anton dropped the battering ram and wiped his mouth with the back of his free hand. “I knew it. I knew you would try to steal Jamie from me. But I need him, don't you see? I thought you could help me, too, but you only wanted him!"

Jamie stared, his mouth dropping open. “Dude. You're not even queer."

"No!” Anton actually stamped his foot. “No, no, no. That's not what I want from you. You know what I truly want. I want you to make me one of you. So I can defend Gaia!"

Blinking, Jamie sat back on his heels. That was the craziest fucking thing he'd ever heard.

Ty started laughing. Not just chuckling, or making some sort nervous sound. This was full-on, deep-chested laughter. It grew and grew until it was a roar of sound.

"Stop! Stop laughing at me. Make me one of you, and I swear under the moon I will do everything in my power to be a productive member of the pack."

Ty kept laughing, actually bending over to slap his legs. Jamie whacked him. Hard.

"Sorry,” Ty wheezed. “That's just too rich. Anton, man, you can't become one of us. That's crap. You have to be born this way."

Anton's eyes widened, and Jamie watched that trigger finger tighten a little. “No. I read all about it. There are two kinds of werewolves. You can help me."

"No.” Ty wasn't laughing now. He was growling, an alpha sound that made the hair stand up on the back of Jamie's neck.

Sadly, Anton wasn't smart enough to be afraid or heed the warning signs. The man just kept waving his pistol and blathering about the moon.

Ty tensed up, one muscle at a time. Jamie knew what was coming, knew what that stance meant. His chest went tight, and he cast about for something to use as a weapon, something to protect Ty with if things went down in a bad way.

"You really want me to bite you?” Ty asked, cutting Anton off in mid-sentence.

"Yes. I do. I won't shoot you, or him, if you do. These are silver bullets. I'll kill you both if you don't change me."

"Silver bullets, huh?” Ty's head tilted back and forth, and Jamie knew the man was scenting Anton, testing the balance of hormones and chemicals pulsing in the man's veins.

Waiting for the best time to strike.

Ty pushed one hand back and pressed against Jamie's right leg. Okay. Go right.

"Well, then,” Ty murmured, the sound such an obvious warning growl. “I'll do what you want."

Anton smiled, the smile of a child who was getting just what he wanted. The gun in Anton's hand wavered for just a moment, but that was all the time Ty needed.

The air crackled with magic, the sound of tearing skin and cracking bones sounded in an awful cacophony, and Jamie leaped to his right just as Ty leaped at Anton, fully wolfed-out.

The gun didn't go off, which was what Jamie had expected. Instead, it clattered across the floor, and Anton screamed, a short sound that cut off quickly when Ty's teeth closed around the crazy bastard's throat.

The sound of Anton's body thudding to the floor was almost drowned out by Ty's snarl when the wolf changed back into the man.

Jamie raised his head to peer over the side of the bed. “Did you kill him?"

"No.” Streaks of blood covered Ty's limbs. That was one of the worst things about changing back to human. It was always dirty. “He passed out from fear and lack of air."

"Should we call 911?"

"Only if you want to press charges. I mean, this is going to be hard to explain, and I'm not leaving you with him for a roommate if you decide not to send him to jail."

Jamie pondered everything for a moment. “How long will he be out?"

"I don't know. We can tie him up. Drop him off at the hospital."

"That's a good idea, I guess.” It was like, three in the morning. No one would see them. He hoped.

"You okay?” Ty came to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. Jamie hadn't realized he was shaking until his teeth started to chatter. He reached up and grabbed Ty's wrist, letting it be his solid thing in a spinny world.

Jamie tried to grin. “I'm okay. Okay."

Ty pulled him close, hugging him tight. “We'll figure out what to do with him, huh? Hell of a start to this whole you and me thing, huh?"

"Yeah. Told you that you'd go all alpha on me and do something crazy."

"Well, I told you I couldn't help that.” Ty kissed him quickly before stepping back to grab his clothes off the floor. “We need to deal with this guy, huh?"

"We do.” Jamie climbed down off the bed, grabbing some sweats out of his chest of drawers and getting some bungee cords out of his closet to tie Anton up.

"This has to be the weirdest second date I've ever been on,” Jamie said, grinning at Ty.

Ty laughed out loud. “You said you don't date other weres. This was hanging out."

"Right. Then I hate to see what's going to happen when we do decide to go out."

"We'll take it slow, huh? Maybe our third date will be me helping you move into my place."


Jamie laughed, watching the antics of Rufus the German shepherd. He'd never had dogs growing up. It had just seemed too weird. He had to admit, though, that taking Rufus to the park filled some deep-seated need that he could usually only get satisfied once a month, if that.

Ty laughed, tossing a big stick for the silly dog, who bounced and barked and just generally cavorted.

Jamie had broken down and moved in with Ty three weeks after the whole Anton incident. He'd kicked Anton out and gotten a restraining order against the guy since Anton didn't seem to realize that popping up at Jamie's classes and the coffeeshop might be bad. How weird was that? Ty had been after him to move in every day, and Jamie had finally agreed because all of Anton's gaming friends kept dropping by and wanting to get their dice rolling on.

"So, does it count as a date if I live with you now?” It was a running gag with them, every time they went out and did something together. Jamie straddled the bench of a picnic table, torn between watching Rufus and watching the sun go down.

"Well, you don't date other weres, so I'm gonna go with no. You want your burrito now?"

They'd stopped and gotten huge burritos at Bocaza, and they both dug in, eating together as natural as anything now. Oh, they growled at each other when Ty was getting his pack member face on, or when Jamie was too lone wolf, but they were comfortable as old mates most of the time.

"So, what's on your agenda tonight, Mr. Nerd?” Ty teased him unmercifully about his class load, and Jamie teased Ty about stinking of wolf every night when he came home from playing scientist.

"Oh, I was thinking I might go home, read a few chapters, maybe fuck my boyfriend."

Ty sat up straight, tossing his burrito wrapper in the trash. “I like part of that plan a lot."

"Which one?” He raised a brow, waiting for the little growl.

It came right on cue, and it had Rufus running back to them to put his head in Ty's lap. Poor baby got all sorts of mixed signals from them when they were playing.

Ty stroked the dog's ears, but only had eyes for Jamie. “I think you know which part."

"Mmm. Well, then, we'd better get on home, huh?” Jamie stood, tossing his wrapper in the trash, too, and tossing Rufus’ leash to Ty. “I'd hate to disappoint you. Maybe we could do a little gaming, too. Watch a werewolf movie."

Ty grimaced. “You are not funny. I don't ever want to think of that freak again."

"Hey, you should thank him.” Jamie had been grateful that Ty hadn't killed Anton, if nothing else because Anton had introduced them. He would never have given Ty a chance otherwise.

"Why is that?” Ty stepped up, sliding an arm around him a brief embrace and a hard kiss.

Jamie blinked the stars out of his eyes from the kiss. “He gave you a mate on a silver platter."

Now it was Ty's turn to blink, his expression surprised, then pleased, a wide smile dawning on his face. “Are you my mate?"

BOOK: Under the Moon
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