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Authors: Raye Morgan

Undercover Passion (15 page)

BOOK: Undercover Passion
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“Where are we going?” Abby asked.

“Back to my place,” Daniel said.

“Your house?” she looked at him coyly. “You're actually going to let me see where you live?”

“Might as well,” he said, sliding an arm around her shoulders. “It's where you're going to live, too. At least in the short run.”

They smiled and kissed and seemed to have forgotten all about Phoebe, until she cleared her throat.

“Listen, you two, before you go off into your own private wonderland, we need to talk about
this retirement home you've got me signed up for.”

Daniel looked at Abby. “So you've heard about that.”

“I have. And I've got to tell you, I won't live in the place.”

Daniel was too filled with happiness to let this bother him right now, but he knew it was going to nag at him in the future. “But, Gram, you need to be someplace where you're safe and taken care of.”

“I know that, of course. And I've got a great place picked out. I've already got friends there and everything.” She grinned at him. “It's not as swanky as the one you picked, but it's more my style. And I think I'll be very happy there.”

He stared at her, not sure if he was relieved or annoyed.

“It's okay,” Abby whispered in his ear soothingly. “She knows what she likes.”

He turned and looked at her, pulling her back into his arms. “You're right,” he said, loving her with every fiber of his being. “And so do I.”

Special thanks and acknowledgment are given to Raye Morgan for her contribution to the Logan's Legacy series.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-6959-4


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BOOK: Undercover Passion
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