Undone (The Unexpected Series Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Undone (The Unexpected Series Book 2)
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Last night gutted me. Like Thanksgiving, I lost my cool and this time someone got in the way. It’s not Jace’s fault but when I saw his fucking lips on her, I wanted to bust him up. And I followed through.

Now I get to go grovel to the woman who drives me insane.

Grabbing the keys off the hook I lock up the house behind me to head to the office before meeting Noelle for lunch.

Jace is outside his house washing his car.


“I heard you’re going to see my girl?” He calls out from across the street sponge in hand.

I shake at the thought that he’s talked to her today.

“Shut the fuck up, Jace, before I give you another black eye.” I don’t look at him. I just want to get in my damn truck and leave so I don’t punch him again.

“You hit like a pussy, Trent. Maybe you should come to my gym. I can give you some lessons on how to hit like a man.” His voice grows closer, and I unlock my truck hoping I keep my cool this time.

“Go to hell.” I slam my truck door closed, starting it, and rolling the windows down.

“You won’t win, you know?” He says from outside my window. It would be so easy to just reach my hand out and strangle his steroid grown neck.

“She’s not a prize to a game.”

Slamming it into reverse I leave him there as I pull out of the driveway disappointed I didn’t roll over his foot.


I pull into Decker Construction fifteen minutes later finding Danny’s truck alone in the parking lot. Not only is he my best friend and old college roommate, but he is my right hand man in the business and knows way too much about me.

I find him on the phone, and I walk past his cluttered desk with a head nod hoping to escape his twenty questions. Plopping myself down into my leather chair, I open up my email. He comes strolling in with a fucking smirk on his face while I’m responding to a permit request.

I don’t look up from the computer. “Don’t you know how to fucking knock, Dan?”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” He walks back to the door, knocks and walks back in. “What the fuck happened last night? I leave the party for a beer run and I come back to chaos.”

“Nothing happened. Can you leave?” I pound the keys on the keyboard annoyed. I just wanted to run in for a few quiet minutes on a Sunday.

He’s silent and I finally look up. He’s just staring.


“Man, you have it bad. I didn’t realize until now. I thought maybe you just needed to get her out of your system. Fuck her once and be over it, but I can see now that it wouldn’t be enough, huh?”

“Are you for real?” I yell trying to keep myself from throttling my best friend. “When did it ever come off to you that I just needed to FUCK her out of my system?”

Dan doesn’t understand the concept of being a ‘one woman’ man. His definition is one per night. Through the past few years I’ve followed the same motto, but in the back of my mind, I’ve always wanted Noelle to be my only one.

“Shit. Sorry, man.” He lifts his palms up in retreat turning to head out of the room.

“Where the hell are you going?” I ask getting back to my task on the computer.

“To buy you some tampons. You’re acting like a woman.” He laughs and I launch a stapler at him.

“Get the hell out, Danny! I have shit to do.” He throws the stapler back at me hitting my framed picture of Erin, Noelle and I at Lake Geneva just before I met Alex. I pick it up and stare at Noelle’s face.
Damn, she’s beautiful.

Putting it back in its place I pick up my cellphone shooting off a text to Noelle.


Swallowing the lump in my throat, I pull into Noelle’s driveway. Last summer, every day, I would get the same lovesick feeling whenever I would pick up Jason from Erin’s house and Noelle’s car was in the driveway. I lived for those days.

It didn’t start that way. I never really liked Noelle. She got on my last damn nerve with her crazy antics and smart mouth. Then one day I just couldn’t deny it anymore.

I was having another rough day with Alex’s parents. A month after Jason was born Alex disappeared leaving a note saying she just needed some time and the baby was too much for her. So between trying to start a company and taking care of an infant, I was stretched thin. I begged Alex’s parents to tell me where she was, but they wouldn’t budge. The look in their eyes told me they wanted to.

That day when I arrived at Erin’s, I found Noelle on the couch with a peacefully sleeping Jason on her chest. It hit me like a Mack truck. One day I hated her and the next day I wanted to take her to my bedroom and worship every inch of her body, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want Noe to be a rebound, and I didn’t want her to get hurt. I wasn’t sure if seeing her with Jason had me wanting her for the sake of him having a maternal influence. So, I’ve had my needs fulfilled elsewhere and unfortunately watched Noelle do the same.

Before I can get out of the truck, she’s already out the door skipping towards me. For someone as structured as Noelle, she can be very carefree.

I get out heading to her side to open the door. She says nothing to me when she climbs in. As she steps up her short yellow sundress rides up, and I see no trace of her panties. I’ve suspected before that she doesn’t like to wear them.

“What ya looking at, Hotrod?” She asks over her shoulder when she catches me.

“Nothing,” I squeak out and then clear my throat. “Nothing.”

“Nothing is right, because I’m not wearing anything.” She winks and sits down pulling the door closed and almost catches my rock hard dick in it.

Running my hands down my face, I walk to my side and jump in and try to keep my nerves in check.

The ride to the pizza place is nothing short of torture. Not only has she confirmed that she doesn’t wear underwear but her dress keeps riding up her toned thighs every time she changes the radio station.

Her long blonde hair hitting just below her shoulder blades is wavy and sexy. I want to reach over and run my hands through it. Just as the thought hits she uses her own to glide through her locks and turns her brilliant blue eyes to me smiling when she catches me. Again.

The restaurant is packed when we arrive. Thankfully, a small table in the back is open for just the two of us. We order a deep dish sausage pizza right away knowing it takes a while and wait until the server is done putting our drinks down.

“So talk,” Noelle commands never one for beating around the bush.

“I’m sorry,” I blurt out. It’s a start.

“I know.” She takes a sip of her water and looks out the window. “What else do you have to say?”

I’ve gone back and forth between telling her and chickening out. Erin tells me she thinks Noelle might have feelings for me too, but I’m just not sure. I can’t keep going on wound up like I have. I’m yelling at everyone and everything.

Shit or get off the pot, right?

“I wanted to…”

“You know Trent,” she interrupts. “You can’t keep me from dating Jace.”

What the fuck?

“Noelle, I…”

“Is he a bad guy?” Her eyebrows raise opening up her eyes. They are the color of the ocean in a storm. Beautiful.

“Not that I know of.” I shake my head. She isn’t making this easy.

“So, why then?” She softly asks reaching over and grabbing my hands. The touch is electric. “Tell me so I understand.”

Her blue eyes seek answers in mine. She looks at me like she might already know them. I freeze up.

“I’m just protecting you,” I say chickening out.

I can’t tell her yet. What if I lose her? What if she doesn’t want the same and I end up never being able to see her again.

“I don’t need protection, Trent.” She throws my hands away seemingly disappointed and crosses her arms over her chest. “I’m a big girl.”

“I know that…”

“How’s Jason? I haven’t seen him in a while.” She changes the subject ending the conversation.

“He’s good. I have to pick him up from Alex’s parents tonight. I’ve missed him.”

Jason is my life. Who knew that a little tyke would steal my heart and make my world tilt on its axis…just the way Noelle has.

The rest of the lunch is quiet and when I try to bring up last night, she shoots the subject down. I decide to give up. I’ve never met someone who pisses me off and who I want to kiss all in the same minute. She frustrates me as much as she turns me on.

We pay the bill and leave.

“Can you take me to your house?” She asks while typing a text when we get back in the truck.

“Why?” I hesitantly ask. I’m not sure where this is headed.

“I’m supposed to go to the beach with Jace.” She lifts up the large bag she brought with her. “I told him I would be right over.”

I stare at her wondering if she has lost her damn mind.


“What do you mean ‘no’?” She stops typing and looks over my way. “You want to go out of your way to take me home just to go back to yours when you can just save your gas and take me there.”

“Correct. I will be taking you home.” I turn onto the street in the direction of her house and she huffs as she rattles off another text.

She jumps out and slams the door shut before I can even put it in park in her driveway.

“Noelle, wait!” I yell, getting out to go after her.

She barely makes it to the door when I grab her upper arm and swing her around.”What the fuck, Trent? Let me go.”

“I don’t want to leave like this. Let’s just start over and talk this time.” I stand hovering over her. She’s almost a foot shorter than me but nothing less than intimidating.

“I gave you the chance to talk.” She looks up, and I watch as her blue eyes dilate.

I push closer and she retreats back. Something’s changed. Noelle doesn’t back down.

“You didn’t.” I lower my voice. “You kept interrupting me. If you would just shut that fucking mouth of yours for two seconds I could explain.”

“You can’t talk to me like that!” She yells pulling her arm from my grasp and shoving into my chest not moving me an inch.

“Noelle, shut your mouth for one damn minute.” I grab both wrists but she tries to pull away. “Stop and listen.”

“Go to hell. You can’t make me shut up, Trent. You’re not…”

I can’t take it anymore. My lips crash onto hers. Her feistiness is turning me on. Her pushing me, goading me, writhing against me. She is still at first and then turns her hands to interlock with mine and opens her mouth allowing my tongue to slip in and meet hers.

Years of wanting her fuel this one kiss. I bite down on her lip when she teasingly pulls her tongue away from me. She moans making my dick twitch. Needing the satisfying friction only she can give me, I push myself into her and bring her arms around my neck. I let them go and slide my hands down her body making contact with her hips and pull her roughly into me. She lets out a whimper and grabs the hair at the nape of my neck.

“Fuck,” I whisper against her lips, and she attempts to push herself up on her toes to deepen the kiss.

Someone honks from behind us yelling that we need to get a room, and I instantly pull away. Her body falls back against her door, and she touches her lips as she looks up at me. Her chest is heaving up and down, and I can see her hard nipples pushing on the fabric of her dress.

Her lips swollen from our kiss and her eyes wide she almost looks innocent.

I’m done being Mr. Nice Guy. It’s gotten me nowhere.

I step closer again not caring that we’re outside. Slipping my hand under her dress to the apex of her thighs, I push a finger inside her, making her moan, and find she is dripping wet.

She clamps down on my finger, and I pull it out looking at it glisten as her eyes widen even more.

“Explanation enough?” I ask slipping my digit into my mouth making a show of pulling it slowly out. Shock stretches across her face and I leave her there to walk back to my truck.

“Fuck you, Trent!” She yells towards my back. “I’m still going to go see Jace.”

“See him all you want, Noe, but remember who’s got your pussy on their tongue.”


BOOK: Undone (The Unexpected Series Book 2)
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