Unexpected Love (Unexpected Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Unexpected Love (Unexpected Series)
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Chapter 7



      It seems like we were just at prom, time goes by so fast when everything in your life just kind of flows. It has been so much fun spending time with everyone I love and making memories.

     Elena and I had a blast at prom, everyone raved about our dresses and Elena was allowed to wear her FM pumps. Her mom surprised her, by saying you are almost an adult so I think you can make your own choices. We were shocked by that. Elena got into Harvard law and she is super excited. We both are sad it is all coming to an end.

As we get ready for graduation up in my room, we both are wearing white dresses with white pumps. I wear my hair down with long curls. Elena has hers half up and then long curls. We are doing our makeup when I begin to cry.

Sobbing, “I say this is it, it is really here. I am leaving in a few days, to move away to Princeton and you are going away to Harvard.”

      Elena beings to cry; she sputters, “It will be ok; we can call and exchange emails. We have been friends forever and nothing will ever change that, no matter how far apart we are or how long we go without speaking, you are in my heart, I love you girl.”

      Smiling a little, I say, “I love you too.”

      We fix our makeup and head down the stairs
, our parents are waiting at the end of the stairs. They begin to take pictures as we make our way down. Smiling I say, “We better get used to it. They are going to take pictures of us all day.”

      Elena laughs and come
s back with, “You know it girl.” We pose for their pictures. I stand there with a smile plastered to my face and I have a million thoughts running through my head. I am so ready for this, but then I am so scared. This is the first time I will be on my own. I will be all alone in a new city. I’m going to miss my parents and my best friend, this is home.

      I wait in the
line to walk into the auditorium. I am a ball of nerves. I pray I don’t fall flat on my face. Elena looks back at me and smiles. I grin back and give her thumbs up. We hear the music begin to play and we start to follow the line out. We take our seats and all eyes are on us. We sit there for what seemed like hours while the guest speakers and principal talk. It isn’t until one of our own get up there and talk that we pay attention.

  Jessica Michaels is our Valedictorian. She is the head cheerleader and dating the quarterback. I hear her say, “Our lives as we know it are going to change from this day forward, most of us will lose touch with one another, high school will be forgotten. We will move on to bigger and better things. This is the first day of our lives. So feel free to make mistakes and learn from them. No one is perfect; you can strive for perfection, but don’t let it consume you. Cherish your days, for you know not, when they will come to an end. Love like you haven’t loved before and do it with your whole heart, it may get broken a time or two, but eventually it will all be worth it, love will find you when it’s time. Enjoy our youth for we will never be this young again. Congratulations Class of 2013.”

Tears stream down my face as her words wash over me. She is right, this is a new beginning and I have to do it all with an open heart. Everyone applauds her speech. They begin to call our names. I watch as Elena walks with her line to the stage, I wait for them to call Elena Matthews, I yell out to her, “Congrats Elena, I love you!”

     She looks to me and shoo
ts me thumbs up. I smile back, God I am going to miss that girl. I stand with my line and walk towards the stage. I am so nervous; as I stand there, that all too familiar cold chill runs down my back. I shiver a little. Someone is watching me; chuckling a little, I think everyone is watching me. I hear my name and start to walk across the stage and I notice I am trembling. I shake the principles hand and grab my diploma. I hear Elena yell, “Woo-hoo, we did it.” Smiling big, I give her a little wave.

As she walks across the stage, I am so proud of whom she has become. It seems like yesterday that she was just a little girl chasing butterflies and now, she is a woman who has the whole world ahead of her. It is funny how you can spend all this time watching someone grow into a woman and yet continue to view them as a child. Something changed for me today, for the first time ever I see her as a woman.

      When everyone has
walked, they have us move our tassels and then they announce the class of 2013. Chaos breaks out around us as everyone throws their caps in the air and yells out. As the graduation song plays, we make our way out of the auditorium. Our parents meet us by a palm tree. We take a bunch of photos of us and with our family and more with our friends, some with us crying and others with us goofing off.

      I am frozen in place when I see Damon making h
is way towards me.  “Hey Arissa, I just wanted you to know that I am proud of you and I am sorry for how things ended. I hope that you can forgive me.”

      Remembering the words from Jessica’s speech I say, “You are forgiven Damon, but I still want nothing to do with you.”

      He nods and responds, “I deserve that.”

      “Goodbye Damon!”

      He utters, “Good bye Arissa and good luck.”

I turn away from him and get back to celebrating.

     All the parents put together a party for the graduating class. They rented a multi-function room at the Hilton and th
ere was candy, sodas and a DJ. It has twinkly lights all over the ceiling above the dance floor. Cameras on all the tables, almost like a wedding. Elena and I are taking pictures when we hear, “It’s a Party in the USA,” By Miley Cyrus. I know the song is so old, but when you are celebrating, it is a perfect song to dance to.

      We look at each other and I grab her hand and drag her onto the dance floor. We shake our butts and sing into our h
ands like they are microphones, ‘I got my hands up their playing my song…’ I point to my shoes and sing, ‘stilettos’ we are so crazy. Waving my hands in the air, we continue to dance and sing. When that song ends, ‘Umbrella,’ by Rihanna starts to play. We sing along just like we did with Miley. Tears start to fall as we realize this is the last time we get to party together. We snap a few teary eyed pictures. In need of a drink, “Let’s go get a drink.” She nods in agreement.

      While enjoyi
ng my Dr Pepper, we chat about college and things we are going to do or must do. We promise again to send pictures and emails all the time. With our fluids replenished, we hit the dance floor. They must have played every good dance song there is. We danced for hours and we refused to stop until they shut everything down around one a.m. Our parents bought us a hotel room so we wouldn’t have to be out driving so late.

      “This room is massive,” I call out to Elena as I make my way into the room. It has white linen and a big screen TV.

      Elena walks around and then asks, “Where the hell is the bathroom? I really have to pee.”

       I laugh at her and say try that door pointing to the one to her left. She yells, “Yep that’s it and h
oly hell you should see the tub!”

I come running in behind her and screech, “I got first dibs.” She laughs and says, “Can I pee first?” Chuckling I answer, “Yes.”

I enjoy my long hot bath that relaxes my tired legs. I danced so much, but it was worth it. We made so many memories that I will cherish forever. We both crawl into the queen size bed and fall asleep almost immediately.

I dream that night of him like always, he is lying on a bed just like this one. I snuggle into his side and he brushes my hair from my face and then pulls my chin to him planting his soft luscious lips to mine. I open my mouth and begin to tease his tongue with mine. I hear him moan and it excites me. I reach my arm around him and pull him into me. He deepens our kiss and it is me that lets a moan escape.

      I feel his hand run down my sensitive side and I wiggle a little to escape the assault. I being to run my finger down his spine and he shudders and I know I have paid him back. I push him to his back and start to roll
on top of him when I hear, “Ow, Arissa you’re hurting me.”

      Waking up I realize I almost crushed Elena. “I am so sorry, I was dreaming.”

      She looks at me and says, “Some dream, you damn near smothered me.” I apologized again and we go back to sleep.

      We wake up a little after ten and get dressed. Elena drives me home and she comes in to get her things from yesterday. When we get into the door my parents greet us, “Hey girls
, did you have fun?”

      We reply, “Yes, Thank you!” Elena beings to
climb the stairs when she overhears my parents say, “We have a surprise for you.”

      I beam and say, “What is it?” Elena rushes back down the stairs excited to see what it is.

      Dad answers, “Well, since you got a full ride to Princeton and you got a car for Christmas, your mother and I have decided to gift you with an apartment.” 

      I am stunned and then sputter, “Are you serious?” 

    “Yes honey, we bought it just after you got accepted. It is ready for you to move in.”

     Excitedly I hug them both and say, “Thank you!”
  Elena hugs me as we jump up and down in excitement.

     She squeals, “I am so happy for you.” I tell her thank you.

     I have had plans to leave right after graduation and rent a place. I am going to get a job and get settled in before college starts. This means that most of it is taken care of for me. I can move in, look for a job and not have to worry so much. I thank my parents about a million times before I go to bed that night.
















Chapter 8



“It’s time to go,” dad gestures, pointing towards the front door.

“I know dad, it’s just every time I think that I have everything, I remember something else I want to bring with me.”

He acknowledges, “What you don’t have, you can buy when we get there sweetie.”

  Agreeing, “I know, but then I would have two.”

Dad laughs at me, “We need to get on the road soon. It’s going to take us a few days to get there.”

“Ok Dad, just let me do one last check, and then I will be down.”

Standing in the doorway, I can’t believe I am leaving the only place I have ever called home. This room holds so many memories. A little tear escapes my eye as I shut the door on my old life and being to open the door to a new one. 

“Ok, I’m ready,” I holler. I make my way down the stairs and see mom there crying. I walk straight into her arms. “I love you Mommy, I am going to miss you.”

Clenching me to her, she sobs, “I am going to miss you too and I love you so much, call me when you get there.”

Wiping the tears from my eyes, “I will, I promise.”

I am not looking forward to the drive, but with all the stuff that I am taking, I can’t fly. Dad rented a small U-Haul truck and we are driving up together. Mom wasn’t able to get her vacation time approved, so mom and dad are going to fly up in a few weeks to check out the place, once I get settled.

The drive is long and my dad is so funny. He is driving and making up his own words to songs and making fun of people in the cars around us. There are these two dogs in the back window of this little car in front of us. Dad being the clown that he is begins to speak for the dogs.

“Hey bud, do you smell that?” as the dog starts to sniff the other dogs butt.

He teases, “Yep I smell it alright, it’s your butt and it reeks!” 

I burst into laughter. He goes on for about ten minutes giving a running dialogue of the two dogs. By time, the car pulls off I can’t take it anymore my sides hurt and I can hardly breathe.  He is always the life of the party. I love him so much.

Two days later, we arrive and my apartment is enormous, it’s like a house. I don’t think my parents spared any expense. It has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a huge kitchen with all state of the art appliances and a massive living room. It also has a loft that looks down on the living room. This place is so exquisite.

I wrap my arms around my dad to show him my appreciation, “This is too much Dad, but don’t get me wrong I love it.”

He smiles, “Nothing is too much for my little girl. You can get a roommate once you find someone trustworthy, since you will be here a few years.”

I smile, “This is going to be amazing.” Feeling as if I am free from everything that has happened over the last year. I am so thrilled, for this fresh start; it’s going to be incredible.


     I help dad unload my car from the dolly from behind the U-Haul truck. Therefore, we can get my things inside. I didn’t bring much just some photos, my clothes, personal supplies and my laptop. I pretty much have to buy everything else. This little pile of stuff looks pathetic in this big apartment. As I take in my new surroundings, I can’t help but ponder the fact that this is it. This is all I have brought with me to start my new life. I am slightly home sick from this realization.

Dad comes up next to me and puts his arm around my neck, “Hey kiddo, how about we go get you some furniture.”

I beam, “This place needs it, I have nothing!”

The furniture store isn’t that far away, it has a ton of makeshift rooms all set up and already decorated. I walk excitedly through them pointing out things I like to dad. “I love the wood color of this one.” He nods in agreement.

Walking onto the next, I fall in love with the king sized four-poster bed. It has impenetrable lofty posts and no canopy and I like that. “Dad I want this one, I wonder if they have it in the cherry wood.”

Dad walks off to get the sales clerk and I walk around the setup and peek into the dresser and lie on the bed. It’s absolutely gorgeous and the mattress is so plush.

The sales clerk comes up and says, “I have a picture of one I can show you, but I don’t have any assembled.”

Agreeing, I follow him to see the picture. He types something into the computer and then turns the screen to me. This one shows an armoire in the photo. “Can I get it with the armoire too?”

“Let me check our inventory,” clicking away at the keys, he informs, “Yes, I have one in stock, would you like it?”

“Yes we will take it, as well as all the rest of the furniture in the room.”

Moving on to living room furniture, dad spots this leather sofa set he insists, “Honey this would look great in the apartment and the guys would love it.”

Chuckling, “Well then I will have to buy a big screen TV to go with it. I might as well go big or go home right?”

Dad smirks, “That can be arranged.”

Dad tells the salesman we will take that whole set up, which included two leather sofas, a black and silver coffee table set, two black and silver lamps with white shades, and a black designer rug.  We pick out a 55” big screen TV too. I am so spoiled.

I am so excited about my purchases. We have to load up the U-Haul and take everything to the apartment.

After we lug everything inside dad groaned, “We need to return the truck and when we can come back we can put everything together.”

Following dad to the U-Haul dealer in my car, I think about the space and how I want to place all the new stuff. I am so thrilled! I watch as dad goes in to return the truck and wait patiently for his return. When I notice a Chinese restaurant sign just down the road. That would be great for dinner. My stomach growls in anticipation. I hear the car door open and dad climbs in.

“Hey Dad, how about we order Chinese for dinner?”

“I reckon that will be okay. If that is what you want sweetheart.”

“That is exactly what I want. I can taste it already. It has been such a long day and we have to go back to the apartment and put all this stuff together before we can even have somewhere to sleep.”

    We drive right over to the Chinese place and we order our food to go. I get orange chicken and pork fried rice, dad ordered, chicken and broccoli.  Back home we shuffle the furniture around to make a spot to eat. I am so starved I devour mine before dad can finish his. 

I am stuffed and it is making me tired, but now we have to put all this stuff together so we have somewhere to sleep tonight.

I clear up the takeaway containers, putting them in the bag it came in. Meanwhile, dad heads off to my room to get the furniture set up. I decide to start rearranging the sofas and putting the tables together in the living room. Admiring my work, I think it’s starting to look like a home then I hear, “Arissa honey, can you come help me?”

I make my way through the chaos and walk into my room. The dresser is together and the armoire is in the middle of the wall facing where my bed will go. The bed is most of the way put together we just have to slide the rails into place and put the slats in. I help dad lift the rails into place and then screw in the slats. We put on the new mattress set. This bed is huge and it looks like it is fit for a queen.

I gasp, “I love it Dad and it looks beautiful.”

Dad replies, in a perpetually tired voice, “I am pleased you like it sweetie.”

We decide we are done for the night. I find the box with my blankets and pillows in it. I toss dad a set and I take the other one and head for the couch. Leaving the bed to him he has been driving the last few days and he has to fly home tomorrow it’s only fair.

In a non-committal way dad asks, “Are you sure you don’t want the bed?”

I smile gratefully at my dad and tell him, “No daddy you can have it, you have had a long day and you deserve it.”

Dad declares, “I love you baby girl, good night.”

“Good night Daddy, I love you too.”

We awake early, dad gets right to setting up the TV, and I run out to see what I can find for breakfast. I spot a Dunkin Donuts just about a mile up the road. I order two coffees and a half dozen donuts. I like Bavarian cream and dad likes glazed. 

I get home, hand dad the coffee, and look around. “You know this place is starting to look really good, I have a lot of shopping left to do though.”

Dad agrees, “I can’t wait to see what it looks like when I come back in a few weeks with your mother.”

Dad is flying home in just a few hours. I am sad to see him go, but excited to be on my own.

“Hey Dad, we need to get going. You know it takes forever to get checked in since 9/11.”

Dad gets his suitcase from the bedroom and I grab my keys. Typing in the address into my GPS I follow the directions to the airport. The airport is about twenty minutes away. I help dad get his stuff together and then follow him in. I can’t go very far because of the security rules. Therefore, we say goodbye just outside the terminal gate.

Dad teases, “Now make sure you use the GPS so you don’t get lost in this big city.”

I laugh, “I will Dad and you know I have to because I don’t have anyone to call for help.”

I stand on my tiptoes and throw my arms around his neck hugging him tight I whimper in a small panicky voice, “I’m not sure I can do this on my own Daddy.”

Dad comforts me, “You can do it baby, I have faith in you. Just be strong and remember everything we have ever taught you and you will do fine”

I cry out, “I love you Daddy, I am going to miss you so much.”

I peer up into my dad’s eyes and for the first time in a long time I see tears welling up in his eyes, “I love you too baby girl, please be safe and call home often.”

I give dad a kiss on the cheek and weep, “I will, bye Daddy.”

Dad gives one last tight squeeze and then chocks out, “Goodbye baby.”

I watched as my dad left with tears streaming down my face. I was all alone in this new town. This was my choice, but was it the right choice? Will I be ok?

Shaking it off, I get in the car and program in home in the GPS. I drive home, I feel the warm airflow through my windows, and the radio is blaring. I feel free, not a care in the world, this feeling invigorating me, it is a fresh start.

The cable guy shows up a few hours later as I am making a list of things I need to buy. I have to say, I am a little nervous being here alone with him. I wish I had scheduled it when dad was here. Maybe I should buy a watchdog, that might be a deterrent. The apartment is equipped with an alarm system but it’s not very comforting being all alone with some strange guy.

The cable guy was efficient and hooked everything up in a timely manner. I didn’t even have to use the panic button. He was actually somewhat hot. He showed me how to use everything, as I stood close to smell his manly scent. I asked questions to prolong his stay. He was very patient with my questions. I was hoping he would ask me out before he left, but he didn’t, he was very professional. It actually irritated me a little that he didn’t seem at all interested. 

Finishing my list, I search the GPS for the nearest Wal-Mart. I find one about ten minutes up the road.

I can’t find anything, this Wal-Mart is set up completely different from the Wal-Mart back home. I amble down the aisles and throw things in the cart that I may need. I find a fluffy lavender bath towel and a really pretty, floral shower curtain. It is covered in beautiful little lavender flowers and sage green stems. It also has colorful butterflies floating everywhere. I find the matching soap dish, toothbrush holder and bath mat.


     Roaming around the aisles, I spot the bedding section. I have to buy new sheets because I bought a king size bed. I spot this lavender comforter set that matches the bathroom set. I don’t know why but I have always loved butterflies. I am so envious of them being able to soar through the earth’s atmosphere. I immediately toss it in the cart.

BOOK: Unexpected Love (Unexpected Series)
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