Unlucky in Love ( Lucky #1) (11 page)

BOOK: Unlucky in Love ( Lucky #1)
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Aiden lay in the dark with Kristen wrapped around him and couldn’t shut down his mind. Even though his body was completely sated from the hours of making love to Kristen, his mind refused to let him rest. So, he held on to her as she slept blissfully through the night, and he thought about his father.

It had been a hard blow, hearing of his stroke, but Alzheimer’s on top of it all was almost too much. He wanted to call his mom and find out if she had known about it. Something told him that she had been hiding it from him for a while.

He rubbed a lock of Kristen’s hair between his fingertips. He could feel her naked body pressed up next to his. Every breath she took was pure heaven as her skin brushed against his.

He’d never thought he could get this close to someone so fast. Especially since his track record wasn’t all that impressive. He almost chuckled out loud when he remembered Kristen’s history of relationships. How is it that a woman of her caliber had such terrible luck when it came to men?

He felt her shift in her sleep and pulled her closer, wrapping his arm more tightly around her. She felt good in his arms. Right somehow. He closed his eyes, remembering their evening together, how she’d matched his every move, pace for pace.

He knew he’d been with more sexual partners than she had, but honestly, he could say he’d never had what they had together. Never.

He finally drifted off, his mind filled with Kristen as sleep finally overtook him.

When he woke in the morning, his arms were empty so he felt around the large bed for her. The sheets and pillowcase were cold next to him, telling him that she’d gotten up some time before.

When he finally cracked open his eyes, he immediately shut them again. The room was too bright. Rolling over, he squinted and glanced at the windows. The curtains, which had been closed last night, were thrown back wide. He groaned and rolled over toward the bathroom, hoping to hear the shower running. He frowned when he couldn’t hear a sound coming from the bathroom.

Standing up, he stretched his arms over his head and rolled the kinks out of his neck caused by sleeping in the same spot as he held Kristen. He would gladly wake up with a sore neck every morning as long as she lay next to him like she had last night.

He walked into the bathroom and when he walked out, Kristen was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at her phone. When she heard him walk in, she looked up at him and smiled. He watched her smile falter when she realized he was still completely naked.

“You did promise me a shower this morning.” He walked over to her and pulled her up off the bed. She had tossed on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. He could tell she hadn’t showered, since her hair was completely dry.

“I guess I did.” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he started walking backward toward the bathroom. When he dipped his head down and placed a soft kiss on her lips, he knew he was officially in trouble. His heart almost beat out of his chest and he felt his legs go wobbly underneath him. Instead of freaking out, he decided to grab hold and enjoy the ride.

An hour later, he stood in the bedroom waiting for her to finish drying her hair. He’d carried his bag down to the trunk of his car and was dealing with a few e-mails on his phone as he waited.

He’d called and left a message for his mom, but he knew she and Eric were probably already at church.

“We can grab some breakfast at the coffee shop downstairs on our way out,” he yelled over her blow-dryer.

“Sounds good. For some reason, I’m starving.” She smiled over at him as she brushed through her hair. “All done.” She turned off the hair dryer.

“I figured we’d make it back downtown in time to hit a couple furniture stores.” He walked over and leaned on the counter next to her. She frowned and he saw something cross her eyes.

“What?” His eyebrows pulled together.

“It’s nothing, really.” She bent down and zipped the bag shut.

“Kristen.” He waited until she stood up again, then took her shoulders and held her still. “I saw that look. What’s wrong with us going shopping for a bed and sofa for you?”

“Nothing, really. It’s just, last time I was at a furniture store, I found out my boyfriend had a wife and kids.” She sighed. “I guess it kind of spoiled shopping for a sofa for me. Kind of like how getting carjacked ruined buying a new car.”

He shook his head and then pulled her face up until their eyes met. “Is this why you still don’t have any furniture?”

“I guess so. I just can’t bring myself to step foot in a furniture store again.”

“Well, that’s because you haven’t gone with me.” He leaned in and quickly kissed her, then dipped down and picked up her bag. “Got everything?”

She looked around and nodded. “Yes, everything.”

“Did you see the view from the living room?” he asked as they were walking by.

She gasped and walked over to the windows. He was right; the view was spectacular. “Yeah, a person could get used to that,” she said.

He had stopped and followed her to the windows to pull her close for just a moment.

“Come winter, I don’t know if I could deal with being snowed in, though.” She sighed, feeling wonderful in his arms.

“I bet we could find something to keep your mind off being snowed in,” he said, smiling into her hair.

She chuckled and reached up to kiss him.

After eating warm blueberry muffins and having cups of coffee, they swung by the hospital one last time.

This time, the visit was more for Shannon than his father, who was not having a good day. It was hard when the old man didn’t recognize him at all today. He actually thought he was a doctor, come to check up on him.

When they walked in, he asked Shannon if he could talk to her for a moment. She nodded, not saying anything, but followed him to the doorway.

“I want to apologize.” He pulled Shannon closer to the doorway. “I haven’t always treated you—”

“No, let me first. I wanted to tell you about your father, but . . .” She looked over to the man who was sitting up in bed watching television. “Gordon can be stubborn.”

He leaned down and kissed her on her cheek. “You’re too good for him. I’m sorry.”

“It was nice of you to drive up here.” She leaned in. “I like your girl, Kristen,” she whispered.

“Me too.” Then he hugged her before he turned and walked out with Kristen.

The drive down the mountain was always peaceful. Even when large semis slowed the right lanes down at the steepest parts, his car hugged the roads and he enjoyed the drive. Kristen looked comfortable enough as they took the last hill and Denver came into view.

“This is my favorite view of the city,” he said. She sighed and leaned forward to get a better look out his windshield. “This and the view at Red Rocks.” He glanced at her.

“I love Red Rocks.” She smiled. “I can’t tell you how many concerts Amy and I have been to there.” She giggled. “Since we lived so close, we used to bike there during the day when we were teenagers.” She leaned back in the seat and he watched her eyes go almost misty with memories.

“I figured we’d hit a few furniture stores downtown first. I have a friend who owns Albert’s.”

“Really?” She turned toward him.

“Went to high school with him. He took over the shop when his grandfather passed away a few years back.”

“I’ve used Albert’s lots of times for some of our higher-paying clients.” She frowned. “But, I don’t think I can . . .”

He stopped her by taking her hand. “Tom owes me a favor. I’m sure he will have something that will work.”

Kristen sighed as she dreamed about the soft cream-colored sofa that sat in front of her. But her insurance check wasn’t enough to buy a doorstop in a place like this, let alone a name-brand, top-of-the-line, one-of-a-kind, soft leather sofa.

She knew that even just dreaming about buying furniture from Albert’s was probably costing her too much.

Aiden walked over to her and smiled. “That’s a beauty.” He sat down on the plush leather. She’d tested it out herself just a minute ago. So far, it was the most comfortable sofa she’d ever sat on and she desperately wanted it. But the insurance check also had to cover a new bed, nightstands, a dresser, and a table and chairs for her dining room.

This sofa was out of her league.

“Oh! Come try it out.” He patted the spot next to him. He was like a kid in a candy store. Ever since they walked through the front doors less than half an hour ago, he’d been sitting on every sofa, lying on every mattress, and opening every drawer on the dressers.

She moved over and sat next to him. The sofa was better the second time around. She leaned back into the crook of his arm and relaxed.

“It’s lovely, but with a price tag like that”—she pointed to the yellow tag hanging off the corner—“I’m better off sticking with my beanbags.”

“There he is now . . .” He nodded toward a tall blond man that was walking their way. His hair was a little long and had a slight curl to it. He looked around their age, and when he approached them, Aiden stood up and gave the man a hug.

“Tom, this is Kristen. Kristen, Tom.” Aiden stood back so she could shake the man’s hand.

Tom’s eyes ran up and down her, and for a moment, she thought he was going to hug her as well. Then he shook her hand and turned back toward Aiden. “I see you’re keeping yourself busy.”

Aiden turned to her and sobered a little. “Kristen lost all her furniture a while back.”

Tom’s eyebrows shot up in question. “Fire?”

She shook her head. “Thieving ex-boyfriend.”

He laughed quickly, the sound vibrating in the large room, then he took her hand in his and stood close to her. “My dear, we’re here to please. What do you think of the Lexington?” He pointed to the cream sofa of her dreams.

She glanced back down at the perfect sofa. “It’s lovely. Too bad it comes with such a big price tag.”

Tom smiled at her and his blue eyes were mesmerizing. She blinked a few times and then looked over at Aiden’s darker ones. Aiden was looking at her, and when their eyes met, she felt the heat of his gaze singe her down to her toes.

Who would have thought that Aiden’s brown eyes and crooked smile could make her knees go weak from a few feet away? Especially while Adonis was holding her hand.

“Well, I think there’s something I can do about that.” Tom smiled and she noticed how perfect his teeth were. Funny, a few months ago she would have swooned over the man, but now she was thinking how perfect another less-than-straight smile was.

Tom dropped her hand and walked over to the tag, then ripped it off and tore it up. “Any friend of Aiden’s is a friend of mine. Let’s head to my office and talk about what else you need.” He took her arm again and started walking toward the stairs. She glanced back and watched Aiden following them. When he saw her look, he winked at her.

Less than an hour later, they walked out of the store. She was now the proud owner of not only the cream-colored Lexington sofa but a gorgeous queen-sized cherry bed frame with a matching dresser and nightstands, and a pillow-top mattress to boot. Not to mention that she would still have money left over to buy a dining room set. Everything was going to be delivered to her apartment later that week.

“Man, Tom must owe you big time,” she said after Aiden got into the car and started it up.

He nodded. “Yeah. That will teach him to flirt with my sister ever again.”

Kristen smiled. “Which one? Amber or Ashley?”

He looked at her. “Amber. Ashley is only eighteen. If I had caught him trying to kiss Ashley he would have had to give you everything in the store.” He frowned as she laughed.

“He does have flirting down to a science.” She reached over and took his hand as he drove. He smiled at her. “You know . . .” She watched him closely. “A few months ago, I would have fallen for his tricks.”

He glanced at her, his eyebrows shooting up. “Tom? Tom’s your type?” He laughed. The rich sound filled his small car. She couldn’t help it—she smiled hearing it.

“Tall, blonde, blue-eyed, beach-bum look.” She sighed. “Adonis in a suit.”

His smile fell away a little. “Seriously?”

She dropped his hand and crossed her arms over her chest.

“What’s wrong with the type?” she asked.

“Up until a while ago, you would have seen me with a tall, blonde, blue-eyed woman who looked like she’d been on the cover of at least one magazine.”

She hid her frown. She didn’t mind being honest with him, but for some reason, she hadn’t expected his honesty to sting so much.

He reached over and took her hand again. “Hey, but now I can’t even imagine spending my time with anyone other than you.”

She beamed. “I feel the same way.” Even though she’d said it, for some reason just the thought of him with a woman like that hurt.

She knew she wasn’t much to look at. Her caramel-colored hair was plain, and it frizzed every time it snowed or rained. Her green eyes were her best feature, if anyone could get close enough to see them. She’d worked hard on keeping her body toned. Of course, it helped that she walked a lot every day.

Still, she sat quietly thinking the entire way back to her place. When he parked out front of her apartment, he leaned over and pulled her close.

BOOK: Unlucky in Love ( Lucky #1)
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