Read Unraveled (Undone) Online

Authors: Jennifer Dawson

Tags: #Erotic romance series, #Bdsm, #Spanking, #Caning, #Domination and Submission, #Romance, #contemporary romance

Unraveled (Undone) (2 page)

BOOK: Unraveled (Undone)
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Leo kisses the top of my head. “Not a thing, I mean, it’s fine for
sister, but
sisters are too pure for that.”

He’s teasing, of course. Just one of the many perks he gets from being engaged to his best friend’s baby sister.

I have to play my part accordingly. I jerk away and plant my hands on my red latex-covered hips. “I didn’t hear any complaints this morning.”

I’m pretty sure most of the stuff Leo did to me is illegal in most states, but believe me, I’m not complaining. Leo’s a sexual genius.

What can I say? I’m a lucky girl.

“Stop. Not another word.” Michael growls. Apparently he’s in overprotective big brother mode, and looks quite menacing standing there in all black, with that set of his granite-like jaw and high cheekbones. “I don’t want to hear this, nor do I want to do this.”

I roll my eyes at my brother. “We’ve all had to make sacrifices.”

It’s our friend, Brandon Townsend III’s, big night. This weekend he’s opening his brand new club—a modern-day speakeasy—that’s literally the talk of the Chicago club scene. Unlike his current place, this isn’t a sex club, and the waiting list is a mile long. Tonight is a special occasion, a Valentine’s treat. Brandon is holding a very exclusive VIP party for all his kinky friends. According to him, he can’t go too straight; he’s got a rep to live up to.

My brother doesn’t appreciate there are people that would kill for a chance to go to one of Brandon’s parties that he takes for granted. I don’t make that mistake. I have connections to make. I’m going to be an art dealer once I finish my masters. I mean, sure, making contacts at a sex party isn’t ideal, but you never know when the CEO of a company, that likes to be trussed up and hogtied, is going to need some art for his corner office.

“Just shoot me,” Michael says in a droll voice.

“That can be arranged, I have a gun,” Leo quips, good-natured. Leo and Michael are homicide detectives at the Chicago Police Department. Bloodshed is a regular topic in these circles.

There’s a female exasperated huff from behind Michael’s broad, six-five shoulders. “Are you going to let them in or just stand there blocking their way?”

Michael’s jaw turns hard and he glances back at Layla, whom I still can’t see. “Are you getting sassy with me, girl?”

A laugh. “They’ve been standing in the hallway for five minutes while you complain. At least let them sit on the couch.”

“Yeah! Let me in,” I say in my best annoying little sister voice.

Leo grips my elbow. “I suppose we should take pity on him.”

“Well, I would if he would let me in the door.” I huff again for good measure.

Leo winks at me, and then grins at Michael. “It would be nice if you let us in.”

Before he can respond, Layla ducks under his arm still blocking the threshold and straightens to her full five-seven.

One look at her and I let out a low wolf whistle. She’s gorgeous with wild chestnut hair she’s curled into something exotic and untamed. Her sky-blue eyes are smoky and heavily made up. Her dress is white, short, and silky. In more polite circles her outfit might be considered more appropriate as a nightgown, but on her it looks exactly right. She’s clearly not wearing a bra and her white boots go up to her knees.

She looks insane, like a go-go sex goddess, with no trace of the haunted girl I’d met nine months ago.

“Jillian’s here.” She throws her arms around me in a hug.

I squeeze her and then pull back to look at her. “Goddamn, girl. You’re smoking.”

She beams. “Why thank you, so are you.”

She’s right, I am. I’m wearing a red latex fetish dress with a short flirty skirt that plays up my Amazon height, endless legs and makes my waist impossibly small in a corseted top. Leo laced me into the dress and would be lacing me out of it sometime tonight. I didn’t know when, but it was a matter of time, and the anticipation was already killing me.

What can I say, I like to be watched.

A kink I had no idea about until I started going out with Leo, who likes to push me to my limits. We’ve been together for almost a year now and he’s pulled me farther and farther into my submissive side, much to my brother’s dismay.

Which brought us to tonight where our worlds are colliding.

Not that we all didn’t know about each other’s proclivities. Layla and I were known to get into trouble together quite often.

You’ve got to keep these men on their toes.

Leo pulls Layla close, running his hands affectionately and mildly inappropriately over her stomach. He kisses the side of her neck and grins at Michael. “I can’t wait to see what you do to all this bare skin tonight.”

I’ve learned over time that the BDSM crowd tends to be a bit more handsy than most would consider polite.

I’ve gotten used to it.

My brother gave him a dry look. “I can’t say I feel the same.”

While Layla and I have been “dealt with” a time or two (or many) in front of each other, Michael and Leo keep it pretty tame. But tame and Valentine’s sex parties don’t really go hand and hand, and my brother is having a hard time adjusting. Not that I can’t relate, when Michael puts Layla through whatever he’s got planned I won’t be anywhere in the vicinity.

But I can still have fun with it in the spaces in-between.

Because I’m still a little sister, and giving my big brother fits is kind of like a job requirement.

Layla grabs my hand and we duck under my brother’s arm and walk into their condo. Their dog Belle leaps from the couch and runs over to me in excited circles. My brother rescued her from the streets a couple years ago. She’s so mangy and pitiful looking she’s completely adorable. She’s also the worst trained dog ever.

When she tries to plant her huge paws on my stomach, Layla barks, “Belle, down.”

The dog promptly sits, and looks at Layla with panting, excited eyes.

I’m in shock. Before Layla, Belle was a lovable, overly affectionate wild beast that wouldn’t listen to anyone, least of all Michael. “Wow! I’m impressed.”

Layla strokes the dog’s ears. “Good girl.”

Belle stares at her in worship and doesn’t move from her spot.

I pat her on her head and her whole body shakes as her tail pounds against the hardwood floor, but she still stays seated.

I whip toward my big, scary brother. “Layla’s trained her. She listens.”

He narrows his eyes. “Don’t remind me.”

Layla leans down, flashing all sorts of cleavage, and pats Belle on the head, who whines with excitement. “That’s right, girl. He’s too easy on you.” She tosses a mischievous glance at Michael. “Later I’ll teach you how to give a proper command.”

I cover my mouth to keep from laughing, but Leo has no problem and the sound of his rich voice rings through the living room.

Michael crosses his arms over his chest and shakes his head. “You just can’t help yourself, can you?”

“Nope.” Her voice is flippant. The more time that passes the sassier Layla becomes and I have to say it’s pretty awesome.

My brother practically pulled her back from the dead, and she’s been thriving ever since. When I first met her, it worried me to watch Michael so enraptured with someone so broken, but I see now he wasn’t wrong to love her. She’s the best thing that ever happened to him, because he needs someone that’s a constant challenge.

And Layla is a challenge.

With a sweet, innocent expression, Layla points to the floor. “Down, Belle.”

The dog promptly falls to the floor and plants her head on paws, looking pitifully adorable. Layla flashes Michael a grin. “It’s all in the tone.”

He cocks a brow. “Is it now?”

Layla flips her hair. “I’m surprised you don’t know that.”

I recognize her look, the amused defiance, I’ve used it on Leo many times and he indulges me when he feels like it.

The question is if Michael is in the mood to indulge Layla.

Michael slants a glance at Leo. “She’s giving me no choice here, is she?”

Leo shakes his head. “No, she is not.”

Michael assesses Layla then points to the floor. “You can come to heel right next to Belle, girl.”

So he’s not in the mood.

Something flashes in Layla’s blue eyes. “I don’t want to.”

Michael shrugs. “Too bad. Kneel.”

I flash her a look of sympathy, although it’s really her own fault. I didn’t know my brother was a dominant—or even what a dominant was—until I started dating Leo. But now that our dirty secrets are all out in the open, both Michael and Leo are more overt in their displays as long as we’re not with the rest of the family.

Although we’ve never done anything like we’re going to do tonight. We did grumble. One night when Leo and I were over at Brandon’s for dinner I protested it as inhumane, but Brandon ordered us all to get over ourselves, exclaiming he’d never speak to us again if we didn’t show up.

I accused Brandon of being a dramatic schoolgirl.

Which ended up with me turned over Leo’s knee while Brandon watched in amusement.

Sure it was embarrassing, but I still came.

Layla stands there, not obeying. She glances at me, but I can only shrug helplessly.

“Layla,” Michael says, his tone full of warning. “I’m not going to tell you again. Trust me, you won’t like the consequences.”

Layla gives an indignant little sigh and sinks to her knees.

Michael walks over to her, strokes her hair and whispers something in her ear that makes her gasp.

Leo’s arm comes around my waist and he kisses my temple. “Look at you, being such a good girl.”

My heart swells ridiculously, because I like to make him proud. I bat my lashes up at him. “Always.”

Leo’s head dips and his lips brush my ear. “Later, I’m going to put you on display. Everyone is going to watch you and they’re all going to see exactly what kind of girl you are.”

My knees actually go weak.

He’s been working me over all day and I’m about to combust. He’s brought me close to orgasm about a hundred times, but I haven’t come.

And, I want to come.

You have no idea how bad I want to come.

“I can’t wait to sink my cock into that hot, tight cunt of yours.” Leo’s teeth scrapes my earlobe. “In front of everyone.”

My whole body goes tight with fear, anticipation and arousal. I take a stuttery breath and look up at him. “You wouldn’t.”

His eyes darken. “I would. I am.”

I swallow hard.

“I’m going to lay you out, expose you, and fuck you.”

“Oh god.”

He smirks. “Indeed. Consider it a Valentine’s present.”

I bite my lip and twist the antique, platinum diamond engagement ring on my finger. He’s giving me my fantasy and it makes me nervous as well as excited. He’s dug deep into my exhibitionist side, testing and seeking out the things that flip my switch. The only person I’ve ever done anything in front of before is Brandon because he’s a friend and he’s safe. But as my boundaries have stretched, so have my limits, and my fantasies have become increasingly depraved. I thought that was where they would stay. Leo’s never done anything like this. Never fucked me in front of anyone. Never exposed me for just anyone to see.

I’m terrified.

Even as the fear rushes through me, wetness slicks down my bare thighs, because, of course, I’m not wearing any panties.

I’d had some on, but Leo shredded them off me with a knife, then licked my pussy until I twisted under him, pulling back when I was about to come.

I grip the counter.

Leo’s mouth brushes my neck, his tongue sliding over my skin. “That’s right. Everyone’s going to be watching you. Are you wet, Jilly?”


“Do you want everyone to watch you?”

I’m not thinking about the sanity of my answers. “Yes.”

“Are you going to please me?”

“Yes.” He makes me a mindless needy mess and all I want at the moment is to continue.

But before he can, the doorbell rings.

He strokes a finger down my bare arm. “I believe you will.”





BOOK: Unraveled (Undone)
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