Unto Us the Time Has Come (6 page)

BOOK: Unto Us the Time Has Come
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“What?” Kenn looked at him like he was insane. “You’re perfect.”

The praise felt good. “You think?”

“Shut up and quit fishing. You’re the hottest bastard on earth.”

He chuckled, Kenn making him feel ten feet tall. “You’re not so bad yourself, babe.”

Kenn flexed for him, pretty muscles bulging.

Chris reached out and slid his fingers along Kenn’s abs. Groaning as Kenn sucked in for him, he pulled Kenn to him, bringing their mouths together. Things went from hot to blistering in seconds, and Kenn climbed onto his lap.

Their kisses deepened, Kenn’s tongue pushing into his mouth. He sucked on it, arms wrapping around Kenn. He loved the way Kenn rubbed against him, rocked their covered cocks together. He reveled in it, in the touching and the kissing and the need.

He got Kenn’s shirt off and his jeans open. Better. Progress. Pushing his hand into Ken’s jeans, he got his fingers on that hot rod of flesh. God, it felt good. Right.

Kenn gasped, bucked in his arms.
Oh, hungry lover.
He pushed Kenn off his lap so he could pull those jeans off, and Kenn’s underwear too.

“Hey….” Kenn spread, helping, dragging his underwear off and getting them both naked.

Scooting back up on the bed, Chris brought Kenn with him. Once they were lying face to face, he pounced, taking Kenn’s mouth again.

Oh God, just like that, there they were. Him and Kenn, naked and in bed together. He’d thought he’d never have this again.

“Love you.” He ground the words out, needing Kenn to hear him.

“Good. Love you too. Show me.”

Rolling Kenn onto his back, he rocked into his lover as they kissed. He felt like a teenager, but at the same time, he knew the stakes here, knew he needed to show Kenn that this was forever. For always.

Their cocks bumped and slipped as he moved, sending pleasure shooting through the rest of his body. Kenn bent one leg, that soft inner thigh sliding up to hook around his hip. It was familiar, but also exciting—it had been long enough, it was almost new again. Chris moaned, tongue-fucking Kenn’s mouth as his body rocked with the same rhythm. Kenn arched, bucking up toward him, and upping the ante.

“Want you.” He did. Chris wanted to sink into Kenn’s mouth, into his ass. He wanted to do it all at the same time, each act so good.

“You… I never. There wasn’t anyone else. Not even a single date.”

The implications of that made Chris smile. First that Kenn had been as uninterested in anyone else as he’d been. And second, that they were both still clean.

“Me either. Not even a kiss or a second look.” He hadn’t been looking. At all. This was his life, right here.

“No. You’re my Mr. Right.”

“Ditto.” He didn’t want to ruin the mood by talking about the things they needed to discuss yet, so he brought their mouths back together again, putting his passion into it. This time Kenn met him, crashing their lips together.

He rubbed their bodies together, suddenly hot and hard for it. He had to come with Kenn, now. He couldn’t wait. The need was as necessary as breathing. The friction was perfect, and Kenn leaked as much as he did, slicking the way.

“Gonna make me come,” he said. “Gonna come all over you.”

“Then we’ll smell right again.”

Oh fuck, the things his husband said. His fucking husband.

Groaning, Chris worked their lower bodies harder together. When Kenn reached down and squeezed their cocks together, that was all she wrote. Crying out, he shot, spunk spraying up over Kenn’s body. It took about three heartbeats before Kenn shot too, coating his belly.

Groaning, he dropped onto Kenn, letting Kenn feel him completely. He panted, looking into Kenn’s eyes.

Kenn looked dazed. “Wow. Hey.”

“Hey.” Chris took another soft kiss. “I never thought I’d be here with you like this again.”

“I didn’t let myself hope. My heart was broken.”

“Why did we let this go on so long?” He knew he was a stubborn fuck, that much was clear. Kenn was pretty healthy in that department too.

“Because we both hurt each other a lot,” Kenn admitted softly.

“We are idiots.” And he wasn’t ever letting Kenn go again. He’d do whatever it took.

Chapter Nine


up Christmas Eve with a total sense of unreality. He was home. Like really, genuinely home. Chris was curled up around him, keeping him warm, holding him close. He reached out, stroking the soft, heavy mass of Chris’s hair.

Chris rumbled and pressed closer. “Kenn….”

“Mmm-hmm. Right here.”

Chris’s eyes opened, the blue like crystals. “I thought I was dreaming.”

“No. No, I’m real.” That was good—right. “It’s Christmas Eve.”

Chris smiled. “You’re the best present I’ve ever gotten.”

He had to smile back. Had to.

Chris stretched, body rubbing against him. “Merry Christmas Eve, babe.”

“Are we going to tell your folks I’m back?”

“Yes.” No hesitation, no prevaricating. “You’re back, you’re staying. All of you. We’re a family, and we’re going to start acting like one again.”

He loved the serious tone of Chris’s voice.

Then Chris went on. “I’ve got some stuff to tell you. Things you need to know.”

“Okay.” That sounded grim.

Chris slid a hand through his hair and kissed him quickly, like he couldn’t
do it.

“I start a new job in the new year. It’s a lateral move, but there’s no traveling, far less overtime.”

“What?” What had Chris just said? Kenn couldn’t have heard him right.

“I understand now—seeing you working two jobs just to make ends meet, never having time. Not being there for the kids. I get it. So when they offered me a new job a couple of days ago, I took it. It means I’ll be home more. Weekends. Evenings.”

“You… you mean it?” He felt dazed.

“They couriered the paperwork day before yesterday. I signed it and sent it back.”

“You…. Oh God. You’ll be happy doing that?”

Chris grabbed him. “You know how much I love that you asked me that? That you care?”

“I’m your husband. Of course I care.”

“I’ll be happy being home with my husband and my kids. It’s as a manager of Research and Development. It’ll be interesting stuff.”

“I….” Kenn grabbed Chris, held on, eyes stinging. “Thank you.”

“You’re more important to me than anything, Kenn. Than anything.” Chris kissed him, not hot and passionately, but like it was the most important thing in the world.

“I meant it. I will always love you. Always.”

Chris nodded. “I believe you. And I feel the same way. I won’t let you leave again.”


Chris met his eyes, looking as serious as a heart attack. “I do.”

“I promise to talk to you. I promise not just to leave. I’ll fight for us.”

“Good. I need to know you’re not going to just walk out again.” Chris wrapped a hand around his wrist.

“You have my word.”

“Good.” Chris tugged him close. “What else do you need from me?”

Kenn thought for a moment. “Help moving the last bits of stuff from the apartment.”

“Consider it done.”

“I feel like…. Like this is a dream. What if I wake up?” He was terrified that was going to happen and all this was going to get pulled out from under him.

“Should I pinch you so you know you’re awake? Or I could start singing….” Chris winked. His singing voice wasn’t good and they both knew it.

“Oh God….” He pounced on Chris and kissed him hard. “Butthead.”

Laughing, Chris lay back, giving him a living mattress. “Yeah, but I’m your butthead.”

“You are. You forgive me?” He didn’t blame all this just on Chris—they’d both had an equal hand in it.

“Only if you’ll forgive me too.”

He nodded. “I do. I so do, love.”

Home. He was home.

A commotion started at the door.

“Daddy! Da! It’s Christmas Eve!”

Chris laughed softly. “I have to admit, I feel as excited as they sound.”

“Christmas Eve, love. We should have fondue and wine tonight once the babies are snoozing.”

“Oh. Our tradition.” Chris kissed him. “I’d love to.”

More knocking came at the door, and Chris rolled his eyes. “Okay. Okay, I’m coming.” Chris slipped out of bed and pulled on a pair of sweats before going to open the door for their children.

“Da! Daddy! It’s Christmas Eve!” Kenn was tackled by a squealing little girl.

Chris and Micah joined them on the bed, laughing.

“It is, and we have great plans.” Chris met his eyes. “All together.”

“All together. Forever.”

Chapter Ten


, C
was up before the kids on Christmas morning. Before the kids and before Kenn. He was too excited to go back to sleep too, so he slipped out of bed and made cocoa for them all, humming under his breath. It was the best Christmas ever.

The tree looked amazing, the snow was falling, and last night had been… incredible. His folks had welcomed Kenn back, and then they’d shared hours of melted cheese and wine before making love for hours.

There was a hush over the house at the moment, everything quiet and waiting for the excitement and noise. Right now, he felt the warm glow of anticipation for what the day would bring, for his family.

He heard soft footsteps, and then his husband—his husband, not soon-to-be ex, but just husband—wrapped around him, snuggling against his back. “I smell cocoa.”

He put his hand on Kenn’s. “You do. It’s Christmas cocoa.” He smiled, closed his eyes, and breathed the moment in. “Merry Christmas, babe.”

“Merry Christmas, lover.” He felt Kenn’s smile against his jaw.

He nuzzled back. “You want your Christmas present early? Before the kids get up?” And how crazy was it that they were both up before the kids?

“Ooo. You can present me again?” Kenn cupped his cock.

Chris actually moaned. He thought they may have chafed something. “You’re insatiable.” It was totally a compliment. To them both, he thought.

“I’m bow-legged. It’s amazing. Give me my present.”

Chris laughed softly. “You look good bow-legged.”

Turning, he gave Kenn a proper kiss, then went to the cupboard over the fridge and took the little wrapped box out of it. He handed the gift to Kenn.

“Thank you.” Kenn offered him a grin. “I didn’t… I mean, the kids got you things, but we’ve been together since I knew we were going to be together together….”

“It’s okay, babe. You and the kids coming home is the best Christmas present I could ever hope for.” And he meant that sincerely. He didn’t care if there was a single gift under that tree for him—his joy was going to be sitting back and watching his family open theirs.

“Still….” Kenn unwrapped the box. Inside there were the house keys, the keys to the car, and the keys to the studio. Resting underneath the keys were their wedding rings.

Chris waited, his breath caught in his chest, for Kenn’s reaction. He’d managed to get a hold of the landlord for the studio, and luckily the place hadn’t been rented out to anyone else yet. He’d paid for a year in advance.

Kenn looked up at him, tears glistening on his lashes. “Y… you. You mean it?”

“Of course I do. I’ve been saying it for the last few days. But I’ll keep telling you every day until you believe it. I want you home, I want my life and my family back, and I’m going to work as hard as I can to make sure that happens and that you feel like you’re finally home again too.”

“I meant the studio. I just… I know I’m not contributing.” Kenn set the keys down.

“Are you kidding me? You’re the main caretaker for the kids. You keep the house up. You fix all the crap that breaks, and you make my life a million times better. How is that not contributing?”

“You forgot blowjobs and my spaghetti sauce.” Kenn’s hands were shaking as he grabbed their wedding rings. “Be mine, Chris. Forever. Always?”

Chris had to blink back the tears as he nodded, and his voice was thick with emotion. “Please.” His own hand was none too steady as he held it out for Kenn to slip the ring on.

Kenn put the simple, heavy gold band on his finger, then held out its match. “My turn.”

“Be mine, Kenn. Never leave me again.”

“I promise. Christmas promises can’t be broken, you know.”

“No more broken promises, period. It’s my vow to you.” Chris slipped the band on Kenn’s finger. “There. We’re whole again.”

Kenn held his hand out, admiring the ring. “Back where it belongs.”

Chris took Kenn’s hand and kissed the ring. “Yes. Like you and the kids.”

“Yes. Merry Christmas.” Kenn stepped forward and squeezed him tight. “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas, babe.”

Happy squeals and “It’s Christmas! It’s Christmas!” preceded the sound of what had to be a dozen elephants thundering down the stairs.

Kenn began to laugh, and Chris could see their lives together stretching out like an unrolled ribbon in front of them. He knew what it meant to lose it now, knew that it took compromise and care and that he had to check his pride at the door. He had something far more precious than his pride now. He had a family he loved more than anything.

Taking Kenn’s hand, he headed for the living room to celebrate Christmas with his husband and their children.

Merry Christmas to them all.

Don’t miss the 2015 Advent Calendar:

31 stories of holiday love!

BOOK: Unto Us the Time Has Come
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