UNTOUCHABLE (Siri's Saga Book 1) (39 page)

BOOK: UNTOUCHABLE (Siri's Saga Book 1)
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I hear Cat's voice. "The subtle suggestion of body movements are as provocative as the brass and bold when delivered in the right context. Use seduction, not sex, to sell yourself. We are not porn stars, we are erotic dancers. Every movement on the pole should be slow, deliberate, effortless, and mesmerizing."
Let me mesmerize you, My Fucking Golden God.

I touch the pole gently, as if I'm touching the arm of a lover. I slide my hand, caressing the bar, then I walk around it, letting my fingers trail behind. Hanging my head forward, I step up to the pole to dance for Aurei.

Grabbing the bar with both hands, I lift my body off the floor and circle the pole, then gently land. Letting my hair drape my face, with my back to Aurei, I sway seductively as if it is my lover. Angling my face to accept a kiss, I push my pussy against it and slide down to a squat, then turning my face away, I slow fuck the pole, gently, delicately, subdued as I rise. At the top, I sway to the music.

Grabbing the pole with both hands, I lift my body off the floor again and circle it to face him. With my back resting on the pole, I stretch my hands up the bar, while hanging my head down and sliding very slowly down to sit on my ankles. I lower my hands slowly down my head, over my hair to my neck, then lean my face back as I caress my tits and tummy, finally reaching my pussy then inside my thighs, pushing my knees wide apart, inviting him in. I pause there, letting him feel the zone I opened for him. Next, I caress my body as I move my hands back up to the pole, following the same path they traveled down. I lift my weight, tuck my legs and spin to face it, as I again slow fuck to stand and sway to the music.

Grabbing the bar with one hand, I raise my leg into a split. I lift myself up enough to spin around the pole once, then I let my stiletto touch and sink to my ankle. Letting my leg come off the pole, again, I slow fuck as I stand.
I want more of Aurelius Moore.

I raise my hands over my head, grip the bar, sharply arch my back and roll my ass into it again and again until the horns play their solo. Then, I flex my abs, heave my legs up and over the top, doing a virtual back flip. Hanging upside down, I open my legs into a split and lightly touch down on the other side, sinking to a squat with a bowed head. Again, I slow fuck the pole gently, delicately, and subdued as I stand, changing only the head angles and using my hair for emphasis. I hold my body off the pole and use the swimming motion to body fuck it until the music ends.

I touch down and wait for the next song. I chose another Whitney Houston, "Run to You." As soon as the music starts, I step back to the pole and grasp it. Leaning out, cocking my ass, as if I'm simply pulling on it getting a feel for it, I drop one hand and dramatically dip and roll my shoulder, rotating and coming up under my attached hand. When her voice croons, I slide my shoulders up the pole with my profile looking down. When she sings the first words, I pick my face up, tilting it slightly upward, giving him a strong profile as I extend my hand gracefully.
There is so much more in me than you see, than I show the world.
I curl my hand back to my chest to my heart.
My secrets.

If you will look, you will find me.
I roll my head to the front. Face down, dropping my arm to my side, I hunch my shoulders in weakness.
The real me. A girl who gets scared. Who isn't always strong.
I push off the pole and take two steps dragging my toes.
I've been hurt. I feel so lonely.

As she sings with her beautiful soulful voice the first chorus, I let him know.
I want to run … to you, Aurei. Only you.
I spin two and a half twirls back to the pole with my hair flying straight out. Then suddenly, draping the bar with my hair, my face angled down, I wrap it and myself in a hug.
Hold me. Keep me safe in your strong arms.

Then straddling the pole, I hold my weight with my hug, and keeping my feet on the floor, I release my body letting it slide down, extending my legs in front of me. Using them as an anchor, I squeeze it in a scissor lock and let the hug go. Leaning away, stretching myself to Aurei, I drop my face back until my hair hangs off the top of my head, and I see him. My beautiful Golden God has moved to the edge of the dance floor, just inside the shadow, watching, captivated. I hold myself there, not moving, then I very gracefully reach out a hand to him.

He steps to the edge of the light. I see his aqua shirt and his golden halo.

Every day I'm in control, but at night the key unlocks a lonely empty home.
I gently, but sharply, arch my back, pushing my tits to the ceiling, dropping my hand to floor. I dangle for a moment, then put my hands flat and lift my hips releasing their grip. Dropping my face until my weight rests on my forearms, I drag my feet across the floor. Next, I lift my straight legs until they are parallel to the pole, then I drop and roll them down to lie, collapsed on the floor.

Hiding my head with my hands, I shake my whole body in a pretend sob.
I'm alone and so lonely.
Still hanging my head, I push-up onto my hands and knees as I gather strength to sit back on my heels, looking to the sky as I reach up.
Why? What's the point of dreams if you are all alone.
Dropping my hands quickly, I turn to look right at him. Our eyes find each other. He is too far away to actually see them, but I can feel him to my core.
I want you, Aurei.
Slowly, I extended my hand to him, holding it out until the chorus starts. With the lyrics "Run To You," I rise but I don't dance. Instead, I trot off the platform and down to the stage.
I need you! I want you! Hold me! Keep me safe!
The words to the song drive me to Aurei.

At the edge, I fall to my knees and in one fluid motion, I spin, laying flat. Arching, I push my tits to the ceiling again. Allowing my head to hang limply, I drag my hair on the floor as I sit up. Then, I snap it, flipping my hair up and over the top in the opposite direction as the other times before. It falls like a curtain around my shoulders. Slumping forward, putting my hands on the edge of the stage, I pull my ass off and my feet hit the dance floor.

Standing there, I shake my disheveled hair back.
No more tears. No more fears. I need you!
Looking across the dance floor, our eyes lock and his green gaze pierces my core like the first time in that shrinking elevator span. The rest of the world falls away.
I walk quickly, breaking into a trot, hurrying across the short distance, closing in on him with my own intensity. I'm wild eyed, asking an unspoken question.

He returns my wild intensity with his thunderous one as he walks to stand only inches from me looking down on my face, but not touching me. His magnetism is turned on, like in the elevator. I can feel his body heat radiating over me, making my whole being come in tune with him, uncontrollably drawn to him like the flower following the sun. Emerald green controlling crystal green. The thunder controlling the wild. It takes every ounce of will power I possess not to throw my arms around him, to allow myself to be controlled by him. My body begins to quiver inside from the passion for him and the passion to resist him. "Breathe, baby. Breathe with me, Sweet Wild Thang." He leans down and touches his lips with mine in that same gentle, soft and firm way that makes me melt, and he blows his breath in my mouth. I inhale his essence and breathe him into my soul … forever. As the song ends, our eyes connected, our breathing syncing, I find the center of myself.
I know this truth. There will only ever be Aurelius for me.

Immediately, Lionel Richie, "Do It to Me" starts to play. At the opening instrumental, Aurei presses his body to mine. We are breathing as one being. He starts to sway to the music. My body instantly responds and matches his movements. Aurei has
perfect rhythm and fluid movement. Of course. He is perfect in every way.
We become one with the music and one with each other, as we sway together.

He dips his head down to my ear and sings softly, telling me. "You're a Bad Thang. Standing here … alone." The tone of his voice is like butter.
Smooth, silky, perfect!
I get chill bumps from my ear all the way down to my toes. "You look so damn good to me." My nipples harden, wanting his attention.

He sings. "Put your arms around me, Siri." I hand them to him. He lays one on his shoulder and holds the other one to his chest as he sings. "You've set me on fire."

I can feel his heart beating as we sway in each others essence.

He sings. "You put a spell on me. Did you know you set me free?" I look into his eyes. They tell me I'm the most beautiful girl in the world. He smiles at me with the sexiest smile and my body flushes hot for him. "You know what my heart desires. Your blue heart, baby." The corners of his eyes crinkle just a little. "I can't deny you." My eyes twinkle at him.

As Lionel sings the chorus to us, Aurei cups my ass, lifting me so I am light on my feet, and pulls me tight to him. His erection presses into me and my face touches his chest. I close my eyes and inhale deeply.
The essence of Aurei.

He takes a step, I match it. I open my eyes to see him smiling at me. "Let's dance, Siri." He pumps twice in that direction, then pulls me back and pumps twice. We dance in place a few more times, then we spin. He leads and I follow.
You are the sexiest dance partner I've ever had.

He sings to me as we dance with his deep voice and tone that penetrates me to my core. "You
the girl of my dreams. You're my Every Thang."

I feel him putting a spell on me as he sings, looking so sincerely into my eyes. "You put a spell on me, Siri. Did you know you set me free?"

Oh … I'm falling… into the abyss of bliss.

He pulls me tight when we spin, humming into my ear. Our bodies matching perfectly. "You set me on fire It's you." He whispers.

We dance the entire song with him singing to me, changing the words slightly to make them perfect for us. "Do it to me, once? No, more and more. I can't get enough of you. My friends." He laughs. "Said I was dreaming. I'm no fool. I know exactly what I'm feeling. Each time without good byes. We have the reason why. Give us a chance to try. Knowing. Knowing, Baby, you won't hurt me. Oh yeah. Do it to me, once? No, more and more. I'll give you everything. Your heart? That's mine. You do it to me, Siri. I can't get enough of you."

"Oh, Aurei!"

He wraps me in a tight high hug, burying me in his strong arms. His face bent down to mine. We stand cheek to cheek, oblivious to the rest of the world. "I got ya!"

My Fucking Golden God! Aurelius Moore! I am yours forever!
I become aware of the muffled sound of a song as Aurei moves, swaying again to the beat. He loosens his hug and I pick my head up to hear Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake singing, "Love Never Felt So Good." Aurei tips my chin up. "Do you know what time it is?"

I can feel his heat on my face and I sigh. "No, time has stood still." I smile with a dreamy expression up at him. "I don't really care what time it is."

He kisses my forehead and wraps his arms around me. "You don't care that 24 hours ago I took your hearts?"

Burying my face in his chest, I feel his heart beating against my cheek, as we sway to the song. "It has been a whole day, hasn't it?"

"Siri, it's been the happiest day of my life."

My heart stops. My feet freeze. My body stiffens. I am stunned by his words.
Oh My Fucking Golden God! Did you just say that to me?

He chuckles. "Breathe, Baby Thang."

My heart squeezes itself in my chest as tears well up in my eyes. I push-up on my tip toes and bury my face in his chest, hugging him tight. I mummer against him. "Oh My Fucking Golden God! I cannot believe the emotion and passion, coursing through my veins for you, and it's only been 24 hours! How is that possible?"

He chuckles, hugging me tight. "I'm not sure how, but it is possible."

I say with my mouth buried in his chest. "Aurei, do you believe in soulmates?"

"Soulmates?" He draws away, clarifying my muffled question.

"Yes." I release my hold just enough to lay my cheek on him so I can speak clearly. I lift my mouth to his neck and when I start to speak, he listens intently. "According to Greek mythology, humans were created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Zeus feared their power and split them into two separate beings, condemning them to spend their lives in search for their other halves."

He kisses my forehead. "You are a Special Thang." He thinks for a few moments. "Do I believe in soulmates? I believe we have souls." He slides one hand into my hair and the other he slides down my arm, pulling it off his back until he slides his fingers between mine, cinching our hands in that sexy, sensuous way. Bonding us together. "We do have a strong, undeniable connection that goes beyond physical attraction. I felt it the first time our eyes connected. With only a look, you pierced me deeper than anyone has ever done before. It was wild. It was you, Wild Thang." He squeezes me. "It's like you saw into me. It was startling, but I knew then there was no going back for me. When I look into your eyes, I find myself." He kisses my hair. "Do I believe in soulmates? It sounds so cliché to put it that way. But I guess I do now, Angel Thang."

We hold each other for a few more moments. "Your eyes pierced me to my core in the elevator that first time. It was thunderous." I giggle and nip his chest. "I have always believed there was this one special man out there for me. That's why I waited. I knew you  would find me."

BOOK: UNTOUCHABLE (Siri's Saga Book 1)
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