UNTOUCHED (Midwest Alphas) (Book 1) (24 page)

BOOK: UNTOUCHED (Midwest Alphas) (Book 1)
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“No?” I raise my eyebrow, genuinely surprised by her response. “I thought you lived for that kind of thing.”

“You’re wrong.”

“Okay then…” She still won’t look up. I’m hit with disappointment as I long for one of our long-winded verbal sparing matches. I hate Monosyllabic Piper. “I have one more question,” I say, feeling the dull sting of desperation, “and I want you to be honest with me. How many times have you thought about me naked?”

And just like that, she finally looks up at me. “Seriously?”

“Fifty? Sixty?” I grin. “You’re thinking about me right now, aren’t you?”

“No,” she answers.

“Sure you are. It’s simple psychology. I tell you not to think about green elephants and suddenly, you’re thinking about green elephants. Now,
, I know it’s difficult for you, but
… don’t think about me naked right now.” I lock our eyes and give her a devious smile.

It’s the ultimate Hail Mary pass of getting inside Piper Lynch’s white cotton panties. I’d relied on subtle gestures and kind words up until now, but maybe a more straight forward approach is necessary to thin the ice.

She keeps her eyes trained on me and lets the magazine fall to Mandy’s empty seat on her left. “All right, Kai,” she hums between her lips. “I
thinking about you naked right now.” She closes her eyes and my briefs feel a little tighter. “I’m imagining your strong chest. Your thick, manly arms. Your chiseled, washboard abs…” I bite my inner cheek as I watch the sultry movement of her red lips. “All the way down to your—” her faces falls and her eyes flutter open — “Oh.”

I sit back.

“It’s a little

“I can assure you that my dick has received the most generous of accolades,” I argue, playing off her reaction. “It’s like reading reviews for that new
Mad Max

“It’s underwhelming and tries too hard?”

I flinch at the quickness of her wit, stunningly mesmerized by her all over again. It’s a side of her I’ve never seen before. The Sexy and Playful Piper Lynch. “You bite your tongue,” I say.

“I’m just passing on what I’ve heard, Kai,” she says. “Apparently, your size isn’t as impressive as your fan club leads you to believe.”

“Who told you this?” I inquire. “I want names.”

She smirks. “Fat chance.”

“Was it Mandy? Judy Stamper? Delilah Monroe?” (Belle Academy Females #22 and #17, respectively.)

“Your mother.”

My jaw drops. “I am speechless… and slightly confused.”

“Good.” She snatches the magazine back off the seat next to her. “Maybe I can finally get some peace and quiet in here.”

Lynch. Where has this side of you been all my life? My heart races like never before. “I would be happy to clear up any confusion in this area for you, if you’d like,” I say, poking her a little further.

“No, thank you.” She reaches up her neck and scratches an inch on the back of her head. Her fingers push her raven black hair behind her shoulder, revealing a dark red and purple mark along the side of her neck.

“Whoa—” I lean forward. Her eyes flick back at me and she quickly fluffs her long hair back into place to cover it up. “Wait — what is that?” I ask.

“Nothing,” she answers.

I don’t like her eagerness in concealing it. I’ve played more than enough contact sports to know what she’s trying to hide. “That’s not nothing, Piper. You didn’t have it the other night. Who did that to you?”

She rolls her eyes at me. “It’s
, Kai.”

Perhaps coming along for her safety wasn’t the worst idea in the world after all. “Piper...” I stand up and stare down at her.

“What?” she glares up at me with her little blue daggers.

I’m not about to sit here and let her lie to me about this. I reach out and brush her hair aside again. She withdraws from my touch, but I’ve got her trapped between myself and the seat. I fish my fingers beneath the neck of her shirt and I see the bruise, purple and spotted blue, traveling down to her collar bone.

“Excuse you!” She grips my hand and forces me away.

“How did that happen, Piper?” I ask, seething.

“None of your business, Kai.”

I stay in place above her.
“How did that happen, Piper?”
I ask her again.

She heaves an angry breath. “It happened
during sex
, Kai.”

I pause. “What?”

“There,” she says, staring up at me with spite in her eyes. “Now you know. Your stepsister is a total nympho. Happy?”

My eyebrow twitches along with my cock. “Kind of.”

She sighs and raises her magazine again. Her eyes scan another page, obviously pretending to ignore me.

Lynch. I was wrong about her this whole time. Here I was, laughing at Shawn for even suggesting that she’s anything more than an innocent virgin…

I sit back down across from her, feeling the sudden sting of rejection at the very idea that someone else has gotten inside of her first. “So, you like it rough, huh?” I say. “I can’t say I’m surprised.”

“I like it a lot of different ways,” she says, her eyes locked on the foreign written word in front of her.

I shake my head. Piper speaks some pretty decent French, but she doesn’t understand a word of German — or so I believe. What else don’t I know about her? What else has she hidden from me since we were kids? She’s not even trying to hide the bruise anymore. It’s prominently on display, her hair pushed back behind her neck where I left it. “You shouldn’t let guys do that to you,” I say.

She breaks her silence with a scoff. “Excuse me?”

“You could get hurt.”

“If a man goes too far, I say something,” she says. “If he continues, I leave. It’s all very simple.”

The experience in her words gives me chills. “Still…”

She looks over at me with an angry twitch. “I’m not going to change just because it makes you feel a little uncomfortable.”

“I’m not asking you to,” I explain. “I’m just suggesting you be careful.”

“I am careful.”

My eyes drop to her neck again. I want to say something more about the giant bruise creeping up towards her fucking face, but I keep quiet. I try to imagine what kind of man caused it, but I push that thought away faster than it formed. The idea of her with someone else, after obsessing about her for so long, hurts in ways I don’t expect.

Piper quickly exhales and lets the magazine slip from her hand. “You’re being a little hypocritical, don’t you think?”

“Over what?” I ask quickly.

...” She raises an eyebrow. “I know all about your little bet with Shawn, Kai.”

My heart sinks, but I don’t want her to see that. “I didn’t
the girls in our class, Piper,” I argue.

“No, you just collected and traded them like baseball cards,” she bites. “But you’re wasting your time here, Kai. You’ll never get a full set.”

I stare back at her. Sexy and Playful Piper is gone. This is Evil and Vindictive Piper. The more familiar Piper. “You sound awfully confident about that,” I smirk.

“We both know there’s only one reason why you came on this trip and it sure as hell has
to do with my
,” she says, her voice unwavering. “Let me be crystal clear about it right now. It’s not going to happen.”

“You say no an awful lot for a self-proclaimed nympho.”

“Even in Germany, Kai.” Her lips curl. “

“And for the record, your Daddy didn’t send me here to keep you
,” I blurt.

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah, he just didn’t want his little slut of a daughter getting passed around the entirety of Eastern Europe.” She stares back at me with a bright blue fire and I know the instant the words leave my lips that I’ve gone too far. I choke on my tongue. “That didn’t come out right—”

“Oh, yes. Please tell me how that was
to come out,” she says with her voice laced with ice.

“Piper…” A wave of nausea strikes me cold.

“You know what… never mind,” she says. “I’m bored.” She stands up and pulls the compartment door open.

I whisper her name again, but my voice is too low for her to hear it before she slams the door closed. Not that she would have stopped to listen to what I have to say anyway.


Chapter 7



“Come on, Piper. It’s not that bad.”

I stare at Mandy across the tiny table of the diner car. “Yes,
it is
that bad. I came on this trip to get away from Belle Academy and Kai

“Calm down,” she warns softly as my voice gets a little too loud. Her eyes trace a halo around the room, reminding me of the other passengers scattered throughout the car.

I take a deep breath to try and relax myself, but it does very little calm my nerves. “I just can’t win with him…”

“What is it with everything between you two being some kind of competition?” she asks. “Why can’t you two just

I lay my head down on the table and feel to the womb-like rocking of the train car shifting back and forth along the tracks. Why can’t Kai and I just
? I’ve asked myself the same question a million times before. Sometimes, for a brief second, I think it’s possible and then he opens his mouth and I’m reminded once again why we can never just

Mandy’s fingers trace through my hair, pushing it back away from my face and tucking it gently behind my ear. “Hey—” she says. “If them being here really bothers you that much, we can tell them to fuck off when we get to Munich. Okay?”

“I just don’t want too many complications later on,” I admit.

“There won’t be. I’ll make sure of it,” she promises.

I pull myself up. “Thank you, lady…” I tell her.

She smiles at me and I feel a little better. Mandy has been my most trusted confidant for ages. There’s no one else I’d trust to come with me on this trip and no one else I’d rather spend the remaining days of my old life with.

“So, what’ll it be?” she asks. “Do they stay? Or do they fuck off in Munich?”

I shake my head. “My dad will probably contact local law enforcement if we ditch them. Especially if Kai plans on squealing about this…” I brush my hair back and Mandy nods at the bruise.

“Well, maybe you two can find some common ground this week. Who knows?” she asks. “He’s really not that bad to have around and Shawn can be pretty fun… in small doses.”

I chuckle. “It’s pretty obvious he came along for you. You know that, right?”

She brushes her hand through the air. “I can handle Shawn Monty.”

“Yeah, I bet you can…” We smirk at each other and I sit back with a deep sigh. “I guess they can stick around for awhile… assuming Kai can keep his fucking cool.”

“You can always just throw him a bone and shut him up for good,” she suggests. “It worked for me.”

I stand up from the table. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that, or else I’d have to tell
to fuck off in Munich, too.”

She laughs as we walk out of the diner car.

“Oh, thank Christ.” Shawn blocks the doorway when we return to our compartment. “Mandy, I need you to come with me and work that German word magic on the bartender for me again.”

“You mean politely asking for a drink in their native language?” she asks.

“Yeah, that.”

She looks over at me and I nod to show I’ll be all right. “Fine,” she says. “But I’m going to teach you how to do it yourself for next time. It’s literally five words.”

“I make no promises,” Shawn says.

They turn around and make their way back to the diner car. I linger in the compartment doorway for a moment. Kai sits inside with his eyes locked on the window. An orange sunset glosses the sky outside, the world just moments away from plunging into darkness. I finally step inside and close the door behind me. He doesn’t budge.

I sit down in my seat across from him, thankful that he seems hellbent on keeping quiet. Truthfully, his insult doesn’t bother me all that much. If I had a nickel for every time society labeled me a slut, I’d be able to finance this trip threefold. No, I’m more angry at the speed in which he went there to begin with. Somehow, I thought my stepbrother was a little bit more open minded than that, given his own sordid history. It’s disappointing, to say the least.

BOOK: UNTOUCHED (Midwest Alphas) (Book 1)
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