Read Unwritten Rules Online

Authors: M.A. Stacie

Unwritten Rules (9 page)

BOOK: Unwritten Rules
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pointed upward. “And what’s up there?”

“The sky, Red. Let me show you.”

His hand gave mine a short squeeze as we

climbed the stairs. Once we reached the top, he pressed the bar across the door and opened it. He let go of my hand, walking out onto the rooftop holding his arms out in greeting. He spun around, his face turned upward to the dark clouds.

“Look at it al from here!” He shouted.

His voice echoed off the nearby building and

reverberated around us. His gaze locked on mine. Though he had let go of my hand moments before, sparks flew between us. I couldn’t deny it. It was as if my body knew the only thing that could make it whole, was him. This is the thing J.J. was searching for; this complete connection. I started to chastise myself, after al , I didn’t real y know him. Yet here I was basical y deciding he was the man I was taking home to meet my mom. I needed to chil out a little, to just have fun.

I needed to al ow whatever I had with Jonah to develop, and not force or mold it into what I wanted.

“Hel looooo!” Jonah waved at me, making me

realize I’d zoned out.

He was stil giddy, his eyes twinkling brightly.

“Jonah, are you high?”

He snorted, shaking his head.

“Not at al . I get a little pumped after a gig. I get excited; it makes me feel alive.”

I hummed as if I understood. In truth, he did look a little jumpy. I swal owed, feeling stupid for thinking he was lying. I had no reason to think otherwise.

I pul ed his jacket tighter around my shoulders and stepped over to the edge of the roof. “Why did you bring me up here?”

“I come here a lot. I just wanted to share it with you.” I heard him move closer. “I messed up, and I should have said I was sorry sooner.”

I gazed out at the other rooftops as I felt his hands rest on my shoulders. The heat radiated from his body burning through his jacket into my back. I fought not to lean into his touch. I refused to make this too easy.

“It was embarrassing, Jonah,” I stated. “I just don’t understand why.”

His fingers tightened on my shoulders at my

words. I was about to turn around and repeat myself when he spoke. It was low and husky, enough to set the butterflies off in my stomach again.

“I explained why – I got scared. We had barely spoken, and by the time my mind caught up with my body, I was already al over you. I didn’t want you to think I’d taken advantage of you. When I woke, the reality of what we’d done hit me like a sledgehammer. I was a fool. I’m sorry. I should have stayed to explain it al .”

I turned, my eyes meeting his intense blue ones.

“But that doesn’t explain why you avoided me. I think you would’ve continued to avoid me had I not tracked you down at the bar.”

His eyes closed for a moment, and I wondered if he was trying to think of an excuse. I couldn’t see Jonah being the type to use the attack on me as a way to get me into bed. He had to be tel ing the truth. Didn’t he?

“Oh, I’ve messed this up.”

His hands moved forward to rest on my hips; his thumbs caressing my hipbones. Sparks shot to the apex of my thighs. I gritted my teeth to stop a sigh exiting my lips.

“I want to get to know you. Wil you let me?” His voice was like some magic spel , weaving its way into my heart and dissolving my determination.

I exhaled, pressing my forehead against his chest. His arms moved up almost immediately, hugging me close. My world was engulfed in the scent of leather and Jonah. I nuzzled closer wanting more.

“You said we could have a do over. Can we,


I smiled at the new endearment. I was about to nod in agreement, when I remembered my head was stil buried in his chest. Lifting it, I met his gaze again. “I’m giving you a chance. Don’t screw it up.”

Jonah crossed his heart, grinning before

enveloping me in a tight embrace.

“So did you like the band?” he asked, his voice lighter than before.

“You guys are crazy! I loved it, but I’m surprised you didn’t get mauled by those groupies.”

“Yeah, they’re up front almost every damn gig. Dan thinks it’s funny. I find it tiresome.”

“I’m sure you do,” I replied, my tone laced with sarcasm.

I’d barely spoken the words when his lips met

mine. He kissed me with a slow, delicate reverence. He was so gentle that my legs turned to jel y and almost gave out on me. I clung to him, his shirt bal ing in my fists. The jacket he’d placed around my shoulders earlier fel to the floor. I shivered.

His lips were slightly swol en, and his hair was standing in haphazard spikes from where my fingers had combed through it. My heart skipped a beat; his cheeks flushed pink. I adored that smal reaction.

He looked amazing. I wanted more.

I sighed as he placed his hands on my bare


“You’re cold. Let’s go inside.”

“In a little while,” I breathed, not wanting the moment to end it.

The air around us stirred with an intense electric charge that couldn’t be ignored.

“El e?” He hummed as he traced my col ar bone

with his finger. “You feel it, right?”

I smiled, tilting my head to the side. Jonah took it as an invitation and placed a smal peck there. His pul on me was undeniable; thoughts of him consuming me day in and day out. When I was near him my body made demands I didn’t want to deny.

Jonah sighed and tunneled his fingers into my


“Definitely down,” he exhaled, referring to his earlier request to leave my hair free from restraints. As he swept his lips across my neck, I felt the first drop of rain fal . Jonah didn’t seem to notice, or he was too absorbed in kissing my neck to care. I giggled, feeling him grin into the crook of my neck.

“We should go inside,” I whispered. “It’s starting to rain.”

“No. Stay. The city looks beautiful when it rains. Wait and see.”

There was a loud crack of thunder. I jumped,

squealing and shivering. He roared with laughter as I slapped him playful y on the chest.

“Why is that funny? I hate the thunder.”

“Bet I can make you like it,” he whispered,

wiggling his brows.

I moved past him and started to walk back toward the entrance to our building, but he caught me around the waist and pul ed me back against his chest. A huge drop of rain landed on the swel of my breast, above the edge of my tank. Jonah’s eyes glistened in excitement before he lowered his head, his tongue darting out and to lap it up. I moaned, lust flooding my system.

His tongue laved my breast as he backed us

slowly against the wal . The rain began to fal harder, before a flash of lightning came, as his lips fixed to mine. His tongue dipped into my mouth, sliding seductively against mine. I heard another clap of thunder, although I wasn’t scared this time. I was too lost in what we were doing to care.

Our mouths caressed with urgent need as the

heavens opened and the rain pelted down. The water sluiced along the wal , trickling down my back, making me gasp. I had to pul away, but only to gasp louder when I saw the look on Jonah’s face. Lust. Pure unadulterated lust, directed at me.

My fingers danced across the buttons of his

soaked, black shirt. I real y wanted to take it off him, but I was unsure how to proceed. Was he intending to have me here? On the roof?

My tank and jeans were stuck to my skin, and the rain felt so good against my heated flesh. It was just what I needed to cool the flames.

“Stil want to go inside, El e?” He asked.

I licked my lips, tasting the tang of the rain and shook my head. I was rewarded with a low chuckle seconds before his hands thrust into my soaking wet hair. He devoured my lips. I pushed my fingers under his shirt feeling his muscles bunch at my touch, but it wasn’t enough. Jonah wanted more.

He separated us and quirked a brow as he began to unbutton his sopping wet shirt. I couldn’t tear my eyes away. Feeling bold, I began to pop open the fastening that ran down the front of my tank.

Our clothes swiftly landed in a wet pile on the ground, the rain cascading down onto our newly naked skin. He stared at my breasts, transfixed by the way the rain hit them, leaving them slick and shiny. His stare alone made me whimper. I wanted to look at him,
look at him. I got no further than his abdomen before my body him. I got no further than his abdomen before my body started to pulse with an intense need for him. As I took a step closer, his hands cupped my

breasts, flicking a thumb across the erect peak. My eyes rol ed back as a hum escaped my lips. I shivered again.

“Red, answer me. Do you stil want us to go


I took a deep breath and decided to say exactly what I was thinking. “You promised to show me how beautiful things were in the rain. I can’t see that from inside, can I?” I teased, hoping he’d play along.

Jonah didn’t reply. He pushed me against the wal and pressed his wet body against mine. I immediately wrapped a leg around his thigh; his arousal nestling against my center. Craving more of him, I moved his hands to my ass. He sensed my need and lifted me into his arms. I found myself sandwiched between the wal and Jonah, both my legs wrapped tightly around his hips. My hands gripped his forearms, and I squeezed my thighs. The closeness made us both hiss with pleasure. Teasing him further, I rocked against his arousal.

“El e,” He bit out. “There’s no going back from here.”

“I know.” I blinked, dislodging the beads of rain that rested on my lashes.


“Yes,” I begged. “Yes.”

He pinched my ass making me yelp before he

ground his hips into mine. A bal of searing heat began to grow low in my bel y.

“Please stop teasing.”

He flashed a crooked grin, knowing he’d pushed me just far enough. I only needed one thing, one
His hand moved across my ass, underneath us, so that he could align his arousal with mine.

“I promise, no more,” he rumbled as I tried to spear myself onto him.

“Nuh uh...”

I let out a whimper as he took the lobe of my ear between his teeth and continued to rock his erection across my sex.

I needed him inside of me. Though it wasn’t the first time we’d had sex, it felt different. It wasn’t just the rain. I was worried about the morning, but I refused to let that ruin this. I buried it and gave Jonah my ful attention. He hadn’t seen my mental argument as he was licking the water from my neck, whispering into my ear.

He licked the water from my neck and whispered,

“Though we were only together a short time, I’ve missed you.”

I bit back the urge to tel him that that was of his own doing, not mine.

The rain began fal ing faster as the thunder

sounded in the distance, adding to the intensity of the moment. The rain trickled down my back in little rivulets. I could hear Jonah panting. I watched his chest rise and fal quickly, the dark ink on his body undulating with the breaths. I was mesmerized by the movements.

I leaned in and kissed his lips softly, but Jonah had other ideas.

“El e, I can’t...” he ground out, feeling my whole body encapsulate him, as he slowly entered me. I encased him so tightly; not knowing how long I would be able to keep my orgasm at bay. We had fit together perfectly, just as we had before. I sighed, placing a smal kiss on his lips again. I was amazed by the wonder of our union.

Jonah rested his forehead against mine as he

thrust into me. I whimpered and pushed back.

“So good,” he uttered, kissing my nose before

forcing himself further into me.

His fingers pinched my ass, clawing as if he just couldn’t get deep enough. My desire consumed me, burning through my body, desperate for a release of any kind.

“Jonah...” I panted.

He grunted through his teeth and thrust as a bolt of lightning forked through the sky. It lit up his face for an instant, showing the pure, unadulterated desire that overwhelmed him. I felt it too.

I braced myself and rocked us harder as he

placed his hands flat on the wal next to my head. I turned my head, kissing his forearm. Goose bumps skittered across the skin, making me smile before I repeated the action. My thoughts were incoherent, fixated on Jonah and how he made me feel.

“Harder, Jonah,” I moaned, pushing my hips faster against his.

He did as I asked and pumped into me with every ounce of strength he had. My legs quivered. It felt like jolts of electricity were shooting through my system. Each tiny shock was headed in one direction; al focused on the part of me that demanded his touch.

He closed his eyes briefly; his jaw steely set. I clenched my inner muscles tightly around him and was greeted with a guttural groan. He was close, and I grinned as I licked the shel of his ear, tasting the rain. I whispered, “Please, Jonah. Please.”

“Yes,” he whimpered in return.

We were working in unison now, meeting each

other thrust for thrust, touch for touch, and kiss for kiss. Every part of me was centered on him.

I rested my forehead against his slick chest,

noticing that the rain had almost drowned out his scent. A slight tang floated in the air with a hint of his muskiness. It made my mouth water.

I needed a taste of him. I was like an addict

craving a fix.

I brought my mouth to the base of his neck and sucked gently. I felt a rumble of approval against his chest. His head flopped back, and I licked at the veins that strained on this throat. My abdomen clenched at the sight of his abandon, and swiftly my whole body began to burn.

“Jonah. Oh, Jonah. Yes.”

I was fascinated by the look on his face, but the image became blurry as my orgasm hit its crescendo. It was beautiful.

I gasped as Jonah continued to keep pace. Never faltering.

“El e,” he said, my name little more than a


I moaned, swirling my hips as my orgasm

dispersed, hoping to urge Jonah’s on. I wanted him to feel as lost in the moment as I was.

He panted and gasped; clawing at my back. I

clenched my thighs, throwing my face up to the sky as the water beat against my skin. The thunder was getting closer, more aggressive, and I felt him begin to pulse. His stomach twitched, and his legs almost gave out as he snarled; his orgasm lancing through him. He pushed aggressively into me one last time, before he shoved his face into my chest and muffled his lustful cries.

BOOK: Unwritten Rules
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