Read Valentine's in the Club Online

Authors: Megan Slayer

Tags: #Romance

Valentine's in the Club (2 page)

BOOK: Valentine's in the Club
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Close? He hummed against her clit, then pulled his fingers out of her sweet heat. She wasn’t allowed to be so close without him. He wrapped his hand around his cock, coating himself in her juices. The touch of his fingers on his body kicked his need up another notch. Damn, he was close, too.

She rose up on her elbows and frowned at him. “What?” Her dark brows knotted. “You stopped.”

“Come here, babe.” Trip grasped her hips, easing her down from the desk and onto his lap.

Morgan shivered and guided his cock into her pussy. She enveloped him inch by inch, and her grip on him nearly drove him mad. He groaned and held onto her waist.

Morgan panted. Her hair fell around her shoulders in tangled curls, and her cheeks tinged with pink. She tipped her head back and balanced on her toes, rolling her hips. The move sent him deeper into her.

“God.” Trip licked his lips and scooted forward on his chair. He needed the leverage to give her the time of her life. She deserved a man to love her, and he wanted to be that man. He pistoned his hips, filling her with his cock. He wouldn’t last. Not this time. Next time he’d go slow. Next time he’d be gentle.

“Now. Trip. Fuck me.” Morgan met him thrust for thrust. Her moans drowned out the music on the other side of the wall.

“Yes, ma’am.” Trip took over the session and grasped her ass. Her chest bounced with each thrust, and her head lolled on her shoulders. Her legs trembled. Oh, yeah. The orgasm building in his belly surged through his body. Love and devotion to Morgan bubbled in his heart.

“Mine, Morgan.” Trip held her tight to his groin and gave in to the climax. His seed filled her womb, and he growled. “Mine.”

“Trip.” His name came out on a sigh, and she slumped against his chest. She gasped for breath in his arms and didn’t speak for a long time.

Trip cuddled her and kissed the top of his head. If someone asked him to describe a perfect moment, he’d have described having her right there in his embrace. The world faded away, and nothing mattered but her.

Morgan disengaged from him, but instead of smiling, she shook her head. “We shouldn’t have done that,” she whispered. “Trip. We made a mistake.”

Hell’s bells. Talk about ruining a perfect moment. Jesus. Trip scrubbed one hand over his face. Part of him wanted to be patient with her. Yeah, they’d taken things to the next level and chanced the friendship, but it was better. They were better as a team. Sex served as the icing on the cake...didn’t it?

“That shouldn’t have happened.” She crawled off his lap and righted her dress. “You finished inside me. What the hell were you thinking?”

“I’m sorry. I’ll remember for next time.” Being with her meant thinking went out the window. Yes, he should’ve used a rubber, but things had gone too damn fast.

“Next time? There won’t a next time.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “This was such a damn mistake.”

Now she’d pissed him off. Denying they had chemistry and a fucking good time...damn it. “You don’t want to give me a chance? Fine. Just look at this before you fly off the handle and run out of here.” Trip reached behind her and flipped a switch, then spread his arms. “Look. It’s what you’ve always wanted.” The view switched from a blank wall to a window looking out over the club. Light from the dance floor sparkled in his office.

“They can see us. They saw us!” Morgan swatted him away and stomped to the door. Her skirt swirled around her hips.“Rat bastard.”



“It’s one-way glass, Morgan. We see them, they see a mirror.”

“Why?” she snapped, then shook her head. “Look, I have to go.” Damn it. He’d listened to her. He did know her. But he wasn’t just any guy. He was her freaking boss.

“You said you wanted to do something crazy. To get out of your safe world and have fun.” A muscle twitched in his jaw. “Did being here with me improve your Valentine’s Day? I know I forgot the wine and roses, but come on. Wasn’t it good?”

Was he for real? The sex was to make Valentine’s Day nice? Great. As far as she knew, the glass hadn’t switched until after they’d fucked, but still. She wanted to live a little on her terms, not his. She leveled her shoulders. “You made it memorable, all right. Thanks.” She grabbed her purse, then finger-combed her hair back into place. “Don’t call me.”

Morgan waved her finger at him. “Don’t.” She turned on her heel and bolted from his office. Her heart hammered, and frustration sizzled in her brain. She’d trusted him, even liked him. She navigated her way through the dancers and scanned the happy faces for her friend.

Relief swirled in her belly when she finally spotted Lacey grinding on a towering man with black hair spilling over his shoulders.

“There you are,” Morgan shouted in Lacey’s ear.

“You look like you got lucky for Valentine’s Day!” Lacey pointed to the strap of Morgan’s halter top. “Next time put it back straight.”

Morgan glanced down at the strap. Fuck. She’d twisted it when she fixed her clothes. “I want to go home.”

Lacey stopped dancing and frowned. Her blonde brows knitted. She placed her hand on her partner’s chest. “Save me a dance.”

The man wrapped his arm around Lacey and placed a rough kiss on her lips, then let her go. The start of a smile twitched on his lips.

Lacey wobbled on her stilettos, but walked away from the muscled hunk. “Bathroom.” She tugged Morgan through the dancers to the bathroom. “Here.” She slapped an
Out of Order
sign on the door, then closed the door and clicked the lock. “You left him, didn’t you?”

“What if he changed his mind?” Morgan stood before the mirror and righted her strap. She pressed her lips together to fix her lipstick, then turned back to Lacey. “It wasn’t what we expected.”

“Bullshit.” Lacey cocked her hip and folded her arms. “Trip doesn’t put himself out there much. I know. He’s quiet and shy unless he’s in his club owner persona.”

“And you know this how?” Morgan snapped. A twinge of jealousy hit her hard. Trust Lacey to sample the goods first.

“He’s my brother.” Lacey’s mouth formed a tight line.

“Brother?” Morgan swayed on her feet.

“You don’t think I’d set up my best friend with a total stranger, do you? Come on.” Lacey sighed. “Did you ever wonder why I could be here and every bouncer gives me a wide berth? It’s not because of my smiling face or my warm personality. It’s because my big brother owns the joint. The bouncers know he’ll rearrange more than just their faces if they fuck with me.”

“You never said anything.”

“You never asked.” Lacey pressed the buttons on her phone. “So you and my brother”—she waggled her head—“wango-tangoed. He’s really into you. But hey, I get it. He’s not your type. Fine. Just tell him that yourself.”

“Lace, he’s my boss. I shouldn’t have wango-tangoed, as you so eloquently put it, with him at all. It was stupid, even if I did like it.”

“And you’re really going to work here for the rest of your life?”

A knock on the door echoed in the room. Lacey shoved a loose hank of hair off her face, then grinned. “That’s my cue to leave.” She flipped the lock, then opened the door. “Hi, Trip.”



Trip ducked into the women’s restroom. He clenched and unclenched his left hand. He gripped the rose in his other hand. Thorns bit into his skin. Damn nervous energy. Morgan was the one woman to knock his whole world off-kilter, and she’d run from him. Fucking hell. Maybe having his sister to mediate wasn’t a bad idea, but then again, some of his best ideas blew up in his face.

Lacey grinned, then gave him a soft punch on the arm. “Be gentle with her, even if she should have her butt kicked.”

“You got it, brat.”

“Later, taters.” Lacey blew Morgan a kiss, then disappeared into the writhing mob of dancers.

“Hey.” Trip sat on the arm of the couch, but kept one arm behind his back. “Can we talk?” He’d forgotten how much furniture Lacey had talked him into using for the bathroom. What women needed a couch for, he wasn’t sure. Did they use it to wait on each other? He shrugged to himself, then shoved the thoughts aside. This moment was all about Morgan.

“This is the ladies’ room.” Morgan rested her hands on her hips. “You shouldn’t be in here.”

“It’s my club. My rules.” He hooked his thumb in the loops of his jeans.

“Asshole.” Her eyes narrowed, and her lips drew up in a bow.

“Me? I’m a nice guy.” Trip snorted. “I want to talk to you. If this is where I have to corner you, then fine. What’s crawled up your ass? Huh? We have a good thing together.”

“I don’t know. Lots of things”—she curled her fingers in the air—“have crawled up my ass, as you put it. But I’m angry because there are a lot of things you never told me. Owning this place? Lacey being your sister? That’s a lot to leave out. And you want to take things farther. I don’t do casual. I want to know the man I date. I don’t feel like I know you at all.”

“Morgan, slow down. I never told you because I let you do all the talking. You tell me you need a listener. I listen.” He handed her the rose he’d hidden behind his back. Might as well give her the damn flower.

“This was for you, before you left.” He braced himself for the snappy comeback. Would she even want the flower or would she throw it back in his face? Who knew?

“Oh.” Morgan crept closer to him and took the flower. The deep red contrasted with her mocha skin. “Thank you.” She touched the rose petals, then dusted the flower under her nose. “Smells wonderful.” She sat down opposite him on the couch. “Why don’t you start from the beginning? I’m here to listen to you.”

His heart splintered. He’d been dishonest by not telling her his whole story, and she deserved the truth. Time to be honest. “Valentine’s Day doesn’t usually work for me. I tend to get the shaft. Women want something from me I can’t give them, and I get screwed over. I thought things with us would be different. I see you and I want to try again. I want to give love a chance.” He slid off the arm of the couch onto the cushion. “I should’ve said something before. My heart ran away with my brain.”

“I’m just one of your waitresses.”

“Who happens to be sexy as hell.” He trailed his fingers over the softness of her cheek. “So sexy.” Seeing the deep brown of her skin against the creamy color of his fingers turned him on. She contrasted with him in so many ways, and he wanted to explore them all. “You fuzz up my brain and make me think about forever. I like it.”

“You’re delirious.” She rolled her eyes, but didn’t flinch from his touch.

“Probably.” He shrugged and inched across the couch to her. “I did say my brain wasn’t firing on all cylinders.”

Morgan climbed onto his lap, then nodded to something over his shoulder. “There isn’t some funny glass in here, too, is there?”


“Good.” She trailed her fingers up and down his chest. “I didn’t want to live out my fantasy here.”

“So I was right?”

She crooked one brow. “This will be the only time I admit it. But yes, you were right.” Her eyes sparkled in the fluorescent lights. She licked her lips, then reached behind her neck. The ties of her dress slid down her breasts, revealing her to him. His mouth watered as each chocolate nipple came into view.

Trip palmed her breast, thrilled to feel her peaked nipple under his hand.

“Yes.” Morgan closed her eyes and arched into his touch. “Please?”

Oh, yeah, he’d give her more. He curled one arm around her waist, tugging her close. From her neck to her breasts, he kissed and learned her curves. Each tiny moan turned his senses inside out. She clawed at his shoulders, her nails biting through the fabric of his shirt. He welcomed the burn.

BOOK: Valentine's in the Club
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