Vegas Vacation (Destination Desire) (8 page)

BOOK: Vegas Vacation (Destination Desire)
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It gave him some hope.

Hope could be a wonderful and dangerous thing, all at the same time. He knew he couldn’t assume too much from her agreeing to come with him, but there were a few chinks beginning to show in that armor of hers. He just had to keep chipping away at her resolve. Still, it felt damn good to know she cared. About him. He’d waited a year for some confirmation of that. She wanted him, and she cared.

Today was off to an amazing start, despite the call from his father.

Refocusing his attention on the display in front of him, he read a placard that discussed the life of four-time Olympic gold medalist, Jesse Owens. The track-and-field champion had run in footraces against Thoroughbred horses…and won. Finn hadn’t known that. He glanced around, wanting to show Meg. She was focused on another display, her hands clasped behind her back.

“Meg, come see this,” he called softly, not wanting to disturb the other people in the large room.

She held up a finger, letting him know she’d be there in a minute. Her brown curls swept forward to cover her face when she bent down to get a closer look at the glass case in front of her. The pose just drew his gaze to her heart-shaped ass. The soft sundress she wore flowed over her curves to flutter around her knees. He’d had to stop himself from sliding his hand up her skirt when they were on the cab ride over here. It would have turned her on, but she’d have probably slapped his hand anyway.

After a moment, she straightened and looked around for him. He waved her over, and she smiled as she approached. The expression was softer and more intimate than he was used to, and he liked it. Since he knew for a fact that none of the other HMB teachers were here to witness anything, he pressed a quick kiss to her mouth when she reached his side.

She set her palms on his chest, but didn’t push him away, so he kissed her again, letting himself linger for just a moment longer than was strictly kosher in a public place. Her eyes were a bit glazed, and he liked that too, liked knowing he could shake her logic and make her respond.

“Was that why you called me over here?” Her fingers toyed with a button on his shirt.

“No, I wanted to show you this.” He waved to the placard about Jesse Owens and gave her a moment to read it.

“Huh. I can’t even imagine being able to run that fast.” Her brows drew together in thought as she moved along the wall to the next display. “Did you know that baseball was voted out of the Olympics? The 2008 Beijing games were the last ones to have it.”

“Where did you read that?” He glanced around at the various displays that made up the exhibit, not seeing one that looked particularly baseball related.

“Not here. I just know it.” She shrugged and stopped in front of an enlarged photo of a team of ice hockey players from the USSR. “Baseball was the first sport voted out of the Olympics since polo in 1936.”

“It’s interesting that you like sports.” One of the things he hadn’t given a lot of thought to when he’d begun pursuing her. He’d sensed they were sexually compatible, known they had personalities that would mesh well, but he hadn’t considered what interests they might share. As a physical education teacher, he was a fan of most sports, but had a few favorites—including baseball. Somehow her love of the same sport solidified the opinion that had been slowly building over the last year: they fit each other.

“Not sports in general. Baseball, specifically.” She spread her hands. “My dad and gramps competed over baseball factoids and stats. There was no way to grow up in my family and avoid knowing everything.”

“Who won the 1958 World Series?”

She didn’t hesitate. “The Yankees.”

“Who’d they play against?”

“The Braves. And the year before, it was the same teams, only the Braves won.” She smirked. “Any other questions on this pop quiz?”

“Nope.” He slid an arm around her waist, leaning in to brush his lips over her cheek. Damn, she smelled good—the light, flowery fragrance of her shampoo teasing his nose. He’d woken up to that scent this morning, and it was something he could get used to.

He tried to avoid considering what would happen if she didn’t change her mind about them. The possibility was there, hovering like a dark cloud over everything they said and did this week. He was doing his level best to ignore it, but he had a feeling that ignoring his worries was going to get harder as the days sped by.


Finn slid his fingers into Meg’s and she startled. One auburn eyebrow arched when she glanced at him. “Something wrong, sweetheart?”

“No, I just…I’m not used to this.” Not from him. It was a little jarring to go from ignoring her lust for him to public displays of affection overnight. She knew none of their colleagues were near the Olympic exhibit to see anything, so there should be no problem, but it was unsettling to have her standard operating procedure with him flip so quickly. She knew she’d asked for it, welcomed it, but accepting it internally was a little less easy. A little scary.

“There’s no time like the present to get used to it.” He lifted her hand to his lips and brushed a kiss over her knuckles, his blue gaze daring her to pull away. Instead, she just stared at his mouth, a little quiver running through her when he nibbled on the base of her thumb. A flush heated her face, then that same heat sluiced down her body. Her muscles both tensed and loosened, readying for sex. The beat of her heart thrummed in her ears, picking up speed.

His Adam’s apple bobbed when he swallowed and she wanted to put her mouth on his throat, drink in the scent of him, lick the saltiness of his skin, maybe even bite him.

“I want you,” he whispered against her palm.

Her chin dipped in a quick nod. She no longer had to deny how much she craved him, at least for a few days. She waved her free hand to encompass the exhibit. “This isn’t exactly the place to be able to do anything about it.”

“A shame.” Wickedness glinted in his gaze though, and a hint of laughter.

Releasing her hand, he bent forward and dropped a quick kiss on her mouth. She let her lips cling to his for a moment, her eyes sliding shut while his taste lingered. The sweetness of it made her heart squeeze, though she knew it shouldn’t. This was an affair, so her heart should be unmoved. Or race with passion, but not trip over itself for Finn. It worried her a little, but she pushed it from her mind.

“Maybe we should go somewhere we can do something about it,” she suggested. As much as she adored history, her interest in the exhibit waned under the temptation he presented.

His expression tightened with lust. “I’m ready when you are.”

Desire wound through her as she turned to walk out, the feel of her dress brushing against her legs somehow heightening her need. Finn slid his hand down her back, pressing her forward. Not that she needed urging. Leaving the exhibit, she stumbled when Finn took her arm and tugged her away from the building’s exit.

Frowning, she met his gaze. “Where are we—”

“In here.” He drew her through a doorway and automatic lights flashed on. He shut and locked the door behind them while she glanced around and saw they were in a large bathroom.

“You needed to pee before we left?”

“Nope.” He curled an arm around her waist so he could drag her against him. His mouth closed over anything she might have said. She met his tongue with her own, battling him for control of the kiss.

Her hands shoved into his hair, gripping the rough silk. She shifted her torso across his, stimulating her nipples—which hardened to painful points—but the pain just increased her craving. His hands dropped to her hips, pulling her tighter to him, and the ridge of his erection rode against her stomach.

Not where she wanted it.

Tingles skittered down her limbs, and her breath sped to panting. His fingers began to gather the fabric of her skirt, and she felt cool air brush her thighs. It sent fire spurting through her and her sex clenched.

His hands curled under the band of her panties, the roughness of his calluses making her shiver. He dipped down to tease her sex from behind, rubbing his fingertip along the slick lips, circling her opening before he pressed two thick fingers into her channel.

“Oh, God. Finn.” Her hips moved with the pace his hand set, and her mouth opened in a silent scream when he added a third finger to her pussy. She pressed her face to his chest, her nails digging into his shoulders as she held on tight. “Please.”

He thrust his fingers into her, deeper, then withdrew slowly, only to fill her again. Everything in her focused on what he was doing between her legs, and she could feel the building storm of orgasm gathering low in her belly. She moved her hips faster, trying to push herself over the edge. He hooked his fingers inside her, rubbing over her G-spot and it was as if a jolt of electricity speared through her loins. Her back bowed, her inner muscles fisted around his digits, and she bit his chest through his shirt.

He grunted, slipping his hand away from her. “I need to be inside you.”

“But I’m so close,” she objected. Her body screamed a protest at being denied what it craved so much. Her fingers bunched in his shirt, while she arched into him.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get you there again.” He pried her hands free and spun them both, positioning her so her front was pressed against the door. She couldn’t believe she was doing this—it was insane, wild. But hadn’t everything about the last few days been out of character and crazy? First coming to Vegas, then what she was doing in Vegas. Madness. But she didn’t want to stop. Her body was aflame, wanton and ripe for sex. The heavy rasp of his zipper sounded loud in the small room, and she heard the distinct rip of a condom wrapper. She glanced over her shoulder to see him toss the empty package in the trash and then sheath his cock.

His hands curved over her hips, drawing them back until they met his. She braced her palms against the door as he rubbed the head of his cock up and down her slit. Her chest tightened with excitement until she could barely draw a breath. “Please, Finn!”

He groaned, pushing the first inch into her. He filled her so slowly she wanted to scream. Her body demanded fast and hard. Shoving her ass back, she took him deep in one swift thrust. They both groaned, and the sound echoed. He was so wide, he stretched her to the limit. It was almost painful, but she was so wet, it made the glide totally erotic.

“Yes,” she gasped. “Yes, yes, yes!”

The high pleading in her own voice shocked her. Who was this woman who sobbed and begged for more from her lover? She cut loose during sex, sure, but this was far beyond anything she normally did. They were in a public restroom, for God’s sake. Turning her head, she caught sight of them in the wide mirror over the sink. Her face was flushed, her eyes glassy with lust, her lips parted as she panted. It was somewhat frightening to see herself that way, almost at the edge of feral. But it was scintillating too. The conflicting emotions became tangled with the need that Finn lit inside her. Her gaze moved to his reflection, and the desperation on his face reminded her of how he had looked the night before. His muscles flexed as he filled her, his cock shoving deep with each push into her sex. He was a man who held nothing back, and didn’t allow her to hold back either.

He reached an arm around her, his hand diving between her thighs to toy with her clit. All thought of their reflections dissipated as she focused on what he was doing to her body. He flicked his nail over that sensitive bundle of nerves, and she jerked in response. Her channel clenched around him, and she moaned, her eyes sliding shut so she could experience every single second of what he offered. His fingers teased her slick flesh, his cock pistoning in and out of her, stretching her with each pass until her legs threatened to give out. It was too much, too good, and she was moments away from orgasm.

“Finn, I’m going to—”

“Come,” he ordered, pinching her clit to guarantee she obeyed.

A high-pitched cry escaped her as her pussy clamped tight around him. He slammed deep, rotating his pelvis against her backside and a guttural groan escaped him as he joined her in climax. He pumped his cock into her, riding her through both of their orgasms. Prickles broke down her limbs and she shuddered with every wave that rolled over her, her sex squeezing again and again.

Her knees gave way, and he caught her securely against his broad chest. “I’ve got you, Meg. It’s all right.”

When was the last time she’d felt so utterly safe with a man? Never. Her mom had felt safe with her dad and that had been one big lie, hadn’t it? There was no safety in what Finn offered her—there was only lust and the rush of endorphins that made her want to believe what wasn’t there. Finn might say he wanted to date her, to have something permanent with her, but she knew it wasn’t true. Stiffening her legs, she forced herself to step away from him. She pulled her panties up and pushed her skirt down. She was uncomfortably wet, but she doubted anyone would be able to tell by looking at her.

He walked to the sink, cleaned himself up, and refastened his pants. “Are you all right?”

The edge of concern in his voice made her look up. She offered a weak smile. “Yes. I’ve…um…never done it in a public place before. It’s just not like me.”

“Isn’t that what you wanted from this week? A little adventure before we go back to being staid old teachers?” There was absolutely no inflection to his words, so the admonishment she heard was nothing more than the bite of her own conscience.

Lifting her chin, she held his gaze. “Yes, that’s exactly what I wanted.”

“Then you got it.” His wave encompassed the small room. Then he met her gaze. “Ready to eat?”

“Eat?” Her eyebrows arched.

“Yes, lunch. You wore me out, sweetheart. I’m famished. If you want me to keep going at your insatiable pace, you’re going to need to let me carb up.”

A blush burned its way up her cheeks, but she ignored it. “Well, then, let’s get you fed. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for you fainting under all the strain.”

“Guys don’t faint.” He tossed a paper towel into the trash, then reached around her to open the door. “After you.”

BOOK: Vegas Vacation (Destination Desire)
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