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Authors: Vanessa Vale

Western Widows (8 page)

BOOK: Western Widows
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My skin was slick with perspiration and all I could do was rest my cheek on the cool surface. I couldn't move. I couldn't get away from his touch. I couldn't resist whatever he wanted to do. Everything he was doing to me I liked. I couldn't avoid it, turn away or deny the pleasure his touch wrought from my body. I couldn't deny his words. I was dirty. I was tawdry. I was everything he wanted. In fact, I had no choice to take whatever he wanted to do to me. He was showing me by his actions that he was just as dirty and depraved as I. Seth felt no shame, showed no embarrassment at expressing his darkest desires. He seemed to revel in it. By tying me down and forcing me to take whatever he wanted, made me come to the realization that I could find pleasure in it. I had no choice.

Seth slipped his finger from my pussy only to add a second all the while his thumb continued to collect my juices and circle my bottom hole, pushing deeper and deeper each time until all at once his digit breached the tight ring. I groaned at the burning, stretching sensation.

"You're such a good girl, Rachel, taking me. It's such a pretty sight, seeing your ass clench my thumb. Breathe, baby. That's it. Let's work you a bit, then I'll fuck your pussy nice and hard."

I could only pant and try to relax as he worked my holes, his fingers moving in and out mimicking what his cock would do. But it was his thumb that took me to a place I never imagined. I'd fantasized about having a man kiss me, touch me and fuck me as Seth did, but this...oh, this I never knew. Every time his thumb slid over that tight ring, it made my toes tingle, my body heat, little sparks of pleasure like a metal on a flint. It was unlike anything I'd ever imagined. It hurt and was uncomfortable, but that only added to my need to come. My orgasm came upon with complete surprise. I'd come on my own in the past with my fingers upon my clit. I came with Seth with his cock rubbing over spots deep inside my pussy, but he'd been working my clit as well. This time, he was all but ignoring that pleasure button. I went from embarrassed and surprised by his actions to coming, all within a few heartbeats.

When the pleasure struck, I stiffened and my breath lodged in my throat, my inner walls clenching down holding his fingers deep within me as well as his thumb. I wanted his thumb in my ass.

"Jesus, baby. That's it. Oh, I love seeing your pleasure. Your ass is clenching my thumb so hard I swear I'll have a bruise. That's it. Such a good girl," he crooned, all the while I was awash in pleasure. When the feelings subsided and I lay limply across the table, he kissed his way down my spine while keeping his fingers and thumb within, not moving. "Again."

I shook my head. "No," I whispered. I was too sensitive, my tissues overworked from Seth's attentions.

"Yes," he reiterated. "Your body is mine. Your pleasure is mine." He pushed his thumb in deeper, moved it from side to side stretching me while his fingers languorously stroked that spot that had had me coming before. I came again almost instantaneously, this time screaming. I couldn't help it, my orgasm on the knife edge between intense pleasure and sweet pain.

Fingers slipped from my pussy and ran down my back, a wet streak of arousal coating the path. Seth pulled his thumb almost all the way out so that he rimmed my tight ring of muscle, the sensitive places continuing to be worked.

A knock at the front door had me stiffening and clenching down on his finger.

"Shh," he soothed, pulling his thumb free. Instead of feeling relief, I felt empty, both of my holes lonely and my body wanting more. "I'll be right back."

"You can't leave me like this," I replied, my body so sated I didn't know if I could get up even if I weren't tied down. "Please, I don't want someone to see me."

Seth grabbed a dish towel and wiped his hands as he knelt down in front of me. "No one's going to see you, baby, but me. I promise. What we do is private. Now, I'll send them on their way and I'll be right back to fuck you. See my cock?"

I was able to glance down to his lap and see his cock, an angry red with fluid seeping from the tip. He'd made me come twice while he was still aroused and unfulfilled.

"I'm getting rid of whomever's at the door. I'll be right back."

"But you're naked!" I shouted as he left the room.

I strained to hear what he told the person at the door, but true to his word, he was back within a minute.

"That was Liam Anderson. News of our wedding has spread and wanted to invite us to dinner." His hand was on my ass as I felt the head of his cock line up with my pussy. "I told him tomorrow night. I said we were a little indisposed."

"You didn't," I said on a groan, his broad tip nudging my entrance.

"I was naked. The man isn't an idiot." He thrust deep in one long glide and groaned, his hand squeezing my flesh. Slowly, he pulled back, then slid back in. His fingers had been very skilled, curling and rubbing over very specific spots inside me, but his cock was so big and hard that he filled me beyond full. It was what I'd needed. I needed him inside me, filling me up, making me complete.

"Yes!" I cried out.

His fingers slid over my thigh, swiped some of my juices and wiped them over my back entrance.

"I promised a hard fucking, baby." His thumb returned and as he pistoned his hips deep inside me, his position allowing for his cock to hit my womb, all the while his thumb slipped into my ass again.

He moved in tandem, his cock fucking me along with his thumb. I'd never been so full before. My damp palms tried to grab hold of the table but I had no purchase. I couldn't widen my stance, I couldn't lift my hips. I could do nothing but be fucked and fucked well. I came again, as if just having Seth touch me, having him fill my ass would bring it about. My mind went soft, fuzzy even, as I came, too much pleasure had me wrung out like wet laundry. I lay there limp as Seth used my body for his own needs. He'd said he would show me how I'd made him feel, how out of control he'd been over the past few months. He'd said he's show me that he was the one in control.

There was no question he'd done just that. When he'd first tied me to the table, I'd felt out of control, as if he held my life in his hands. Wary, vulnerable and needy. But now, now I knew that I could give myself to Seth in every way and he'd not only protect me, he'd cherish me.
He possessed me.

He came with a roar, his cock swelling further inside me just before he filled me with his seed, hot and sticky while his thumb lodged deep. His hands slapped the hard surface of the table to support his weight as he caught his breath. "Jesus, woman. What you do to me."







Rachel was asleep sprawled across me, her head resting on my chest, her dark hair a wild tangle over my shoulder and down my arm. She straddled my leg and I could feel the heat of her pussy against my thigh, but she remained motionless, worn out from all the fucking we'd accomplished. It was late in the afternoon and the sun was just starting to tip low on the horizon. I should be napping, but I was unaccustomed to sharing a bed, let alone having a warm, pliant body using me as a pillow. I didn't mind in the least. Carefully, I ran my hand up and down her back, feeling the bumps of her spine, reminding me how small and fragile she was. I forgot that in tandem with my hardening cock and took her as I wanted. I should be gentle with her, but I couldn't. I needed to make her see how earnest I was to make her mine. I wanted to possess her, inside and out. There was no question I'd done just that over the past day.

Had it been only yesterday morning when I decided I would corner her and force her to speak with me? Was it only yesterday afternoon when we wed? Was it this time yesterday I questioned what her body would look like, then systematically found out? Now, a day later, I knew every inch of her. Knew what made her hot, what made her moan. What her nipples looked like, what they tasted like. Yesterday, having her tied to the kitchen table had been the ultimate proof over my control of her. She hadn't begged or pleaded for me to stop. She hadn't been upset that I'd placed her in just the way I wanted. To the contrary. She'd reveled in my claiming. She'd succumbed and submitted beautifully and because of it, she'd been so responsive, so sensitive that she came quickly and repeatedly.

But then we'd been rudely interrupted, just when I was ready to sink into that insatiable pussy. When I first answered the door, I only opened it partially, not interested in exposing myself to whomever was at the door, but I didn't want them to continue knocking. I had Rachel securely tied to the kitchen table and my cock was painfully ready to fuck her. I'd had my thumb beautifully filling her ass and I'd had to leave her.

Liam Anderson, a longtime friend, stood there with a cocky grin on his face, having heard about the wedding. Because of that stupid expression, I'd opened the door further to let him see he'd interrupted without saying a word. He'd invited us to dinner, but changed the invitation to the next day. I nodded, then shut the door in his face. I hadn't said a word.

The kitchen wasn't the only place I'd had her. Once we'd recovered, I carried her to the washroom for a bath. It had been impossible to keep my hands to myself and I'd taunted us both with a cloth and a bar of soap. We barely made it back to bed before I took her again. Sometime after the moon had set did we fall asleep. Over the course of the day I hadn't let her up from bed, keeping her there, bringing her food and drink only to talk, lazily nap and fuck.

It was time to get up and dress for dinner with the Andersons. I wasn't eager for the activity, but Rachel must be sore. I had to admit that if we continued at this pace, I'd be dead by the end of the week. But death by fucking wouldn't be all that terrible.

"Wake up, baby." I tilted my head to kiss her hair. "We are expected at the Andersons for dinner."

Rachel stirred and groaned, then lifted her head. Her dark eyes were sleepy and sated and I felt well pleased knowing I made her that way. "If we are to leave the house, then we must retrieve my things."

The idea of keeping her naked and in my bed held appeal. "Mmm, we shall collect them in the morning. In the meantime, the dress you wore yesterday will be serviceable enough."

She climbed off me and stood.

"Remember, no drawers."


* * * * *


An hour later, Charlotte Anderson opened the door for us, the scents of meat and freshly baked bread escaping. The fair haired woman smiled at Rachel. "I'm so glad you're here. And what exciting news! Please, come in."

She led us into the parlor as Liam came down the hall from the direction of the kitchen. I'd been to their house for dinner a few evenings ago. Longtime friends, we were beyond the usual pleasantries and polite manners.

"That glacier atop Flattop Mountain moved faster than you," Liam said, his ribald hitting its mark. He slapped me on the shoulder and grinned along with his words. "Hello, Rachel."

"Mr. Anderson," she replied. They may have met in the past, however, it did not seem to have been a close connection.

"Please, call me Liam. You know Charlotte already."

"Yes, from church," Charlotte replied. "Mrs. Abernathy had us ladeling punch together at the spring social." She waved a hand at a comfortable chair and instead of letting Rachel sit as would be gentlemanly, I sat and pulled her down into my lap.

"Seth!" she cried, trying to wiggle off my lap.

"We're newlyweds," I replied, not a contrite bone in my body. I liked feeling her ass squirm over my cock.

"They are sitting beside each other as is proper and they've only been married a few days longer," Rachel countered.

"Quite right," Liam said, standing and pulling Charlotte up as well before sitting once again, this time with Charlotte ensconced in his lap. "We aren't an old married couple." Liam kissed Charlotte on the cheek.

"It seems the pact is complete. We were supposed to watch out for Richard and Aaron's wives, but who knew Charlotte would be the one for me?"

I couldn't agree more. "Rachel was mine from the minute I saw her."

Her mouth fell open at my statement.

"The other men that were killed, were they married?" Charlotte asked.

I thought of the men. Richard, Aaron, Paul Samuels and two others. "Two were too young, perhaps eighteen or nineteen," I shared.

"Leah Samuels' husband was killed," Rachel said. "I know her from church."

"She's so quiet," Charlotte added. "I remember her husband. I know it's wrong to speak ill of the dead, but I didn't like him very much. He didn't seem overly affectionate or kind to Leah."

The man was a fucking asshole and I could only imagine the life his wife had. I glanced at Liam and I could tell from the tightness in his jaw he agreed.

"Surely you can find a man, a nice man, for Leah?" Charlotte looked between the two of us.

"You're playing matchmaker?" Liam asked her. "If you are, you don't want to find her a
man. You want to find a man that will—"

Charlotte covered her husband's mouth with her hand. "Don't you dare say it."

"Fine," Liam replied. "I'll just show you later." He grinned wickedly and Charlotte flushed a pretty pink. "What was the impetus for action, Seth?" Liam asked, clearly changing the subject. "Was it my words over dinner the other night?"

My friend wanted to be the one responsible for putting Rachel and I together. He'd most certainly been the one to pull my head from my ass, although I doubted he'd take responsibility for that.

"It was Rachel."

She turned her head to look at me, a frown marring her forehead. "Me?"

Her hair was pulled up neatly into a bun at the nape of her neck. She looked lovely all prim and proper, but now, knowing her more passionate nature, I only wanted to see her naked, her hair long and flowing down her back. At least the knowledge that she wore no drawers was the secret we could share, even while out in public.

"You. It was what you said on the street." Didn't she remember? I felt like they were words I'd never forget.

"We said quite a bit, then I remember the kiss," she replied.

"I heard about that kiss. So romantic," Charlotte added.

"Romantic? Do you want me to kiss you out in front of the saloon?" Liam asked her, turning her chin with his finger.

Charlotte shook her head.

"Good," Liam replied with a slight growl. "I don't share you with anyone. I want no other man to witness your pleasure."

I was in full agreement with Liam. Rachel was all mine. Every kiss, every whimper, every heated gaze. I may have kissed her in public, but I'd taken the weight of her desires for each other from her and carried it myself. I would continue to do so now that we were married, letting her be as passionate as she desired.

"What did I say that changed your mind?" Rachel asked.

"You said you spent the past three months doing everything you could to dissuade me to protect my honor."

Her dark eyes met mine. Held. "I wanted to take advantage of him," she told the others. "He wouldn't let me. He
won't let me." The corner of her mouth turned up.

"Liam let me take advantage of him just last night," Charlotte commented. "I think I like it."

A sound akin to a growl escaped Liam's throat, but I didn't look at either of them. My eyes were only for Rachel.

"You want to tarnish my honor? You made an honest man of me yesterday after the public kiss."

Rachel nudged me playfully at words. "Yes, that's true. But I never truly ravaged you. It's only fair after the way you've spent the past day sullying my virtue."

"That's my job, baby. A husband can sully his wife all day long."

"Damn right," Liam added.

"I don't want control, Seth," Rachel murmured. "I just want my chance to ruin you."

I raised my brows at her words. She'd spent months thinking of me. She wouldn't have avoided me and tried to deflect my intentions otherwise. By marrying her, I'd given her the freedom to be as passionate and wanton as she wanted. As I could make her. But I hadn't yet let her
all the tawdry and licentious things she'd imagined. Denying her this was wrong.

My cock hardened in anticipation of what she might do and Rachel's eyes widened as she felt it hard and thick against her ass.

"You're not staying for dinner, are you?" Liam asked.

I turned and looked at my friend. "Hell, no. I'm about to be ruined."






BOOK: Western Widows
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