Read What Da Lick Read? The Triple Cross Online

Authors: Sevyn McCray

Tags: #General Fiction

What Da Lick Read? The Triple Cross (22 page)

BOOK: What Da Lick Read? The Triple Cross
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Loyalty was heartbroken that she was about to leave. She walked upstairs to the room that she had been sharing with K.J. since she had been here. She had accumulated so many new things. He had been spoiling her rotten. Tears started to roll down her face as she started to pack. She felt his presence when he entered the bedroom. She didn’t want him to see her cry. Loyalty decided to leave everything where it was, that way he knew that she was coming back. She turned around and wiped her tears.


He walked up and hugged her tightly. “Baby, you will be coming right back, don’t worry about packing just take what you need. We need to hurry to the airport so that you can get to your family. I can come Friday night after practice and then leave on the first plane out Monday morning so that I can make it back in time for practice. I know how it is when a family is going through something, extra support is always needed.”


“Oh baby, you would do that for me? That would mean a lot to me if you could, but if you can’t I understand.” Loyalty loved how thoughtful K.J. was.


K.J. left out as Loyalty grabbed a few things and headed down the steps behind him. They got in his Bugatti and headed straight to the private airport where the owner’s G-5 was held.


When they got to the airport which really was more like a few landing strips and a place where a few private planes were housed, they got out and walked up to the plane. Loyalty held onto K.J. around his waist. She didn’t want to let him go. She saw cameras flashing in the background. Paparazzi had a way of finding out every move that K.J. made. She understood that he was one of the best players in the league, but nothing was private. He bent down and cradled her face.


“Baby I am going to miss you every second that you are away from me. Promise that you will not forget about me.” K.J. bent down and kissed Loyalty.


“How can I forget you? I’m not bullshitting you, I feel as if you are my soul mate. I love you boy.”


Loyalty was sincere with her feelings for
; she had never felt that way before. They hugged one more time and then she walked up the steps to the plane.


She turned around and said. “I love you
Amin Aziz Jr. and I will call you as soon as I get to the hospital and find out everything. She got on the plane and the door closed.

Chapter 25: Heads will roll…

Ponchees hung up the phone and threw the glass of Hennessey Black into the unlit fire place. He was furious. He had promised himself that nothing would happen to Gigi,
and her family, Coach K, and the kids. Now he was hearing this shit. He had planned on going to Georgia next week, but he had just got off the phone having his private plane readied for his trip tonight. Too much shit was going on and he needed to go and make his presence felt and remind everyone who was really calling all the shots. His cell phone rang and he it picked up and looked at it. It was Sam calling, he had been attempting to reach her for the last past hour, now she wanted to call back. He let it ring.


He got up and paced back and forth. He knew that this was more than just a car accident; He could feel it in his bones. His contact in Atlanta had told him that Coach’s son and two of his daughters were in the hospital. It shouldn’t have happened and if it did, the first person that he was supposed to hear from was Sam.


Ponchees’ butler came into his study to let him know that the chauffeur was out front ready to take him to his plane. He grabbed his phone from the table and left out. Gigi always tried to take care of things herself. She never called him and told him her problems. That is one of the main reasons why he has Sam in Atlanta, being his eyes and ears. Now she had failed him.


The limo pulled in front of the jet on the landing strip and Ponchees got out. His bodyguard Fire who also doubled as his driver got out also and went around and got his luggage out of the trunk. They both walked up the steps and boarded the plane. The automatic door closed behind them. The stewardess came into the cabin and asked if they needed any refreshments or blankets if they were going to rest. Ponchees ordered a double Hennessey Black on the rocks and reclined in his seat. He was trying to calm his nerves before he arrived so that he wouldn’t immediately go into death mode. The stewardess returned with the drink. Ponchees downed it in one big gulp.


“Fire, I’m gonna take me a quick nap. Wake me when we are over Atlanta.”


“Yes Sir, boss.”


Fire pulled out his
and tried to watch a movie. His phone started to ring. He looked at the display. It was Sam, He didn’t know fully what was going on but he did know that the boss was mad at her. He switched his phone to airplane mode. Fire knew that he needed to relax because he had a feeling all hell was gonna break loose once they arrived in Atlanta. He dozed off.


Sam had been calling Ponchees ever since her number two guard told her about the accident. He confessed to her that he had went home after he saw Poke leave the No Pressure spot beat up. He had figured that he was too hurt to be doing anything but trying to recuperate because he saw him leave barely walking.


Sam didn’t smoke, but she sure did drink. She needed a double shot right now because her nerves were bad. She was waiting on information from the hospital regarding Coach K’s kid. She had seen the playback on the news of the wreckage. She knew that if anyone survived the accident, they were going to be injured terribly. Sam felt bad and knew in her gut that Poke had something to do with the accident. Sam had ordered him found and brought to her. She was going to take care of this problem herself, that is the only way she saw being able to save face with Ponchees when she did talk to him.


Sam’s number one guard
, who worked at Gigi’s Pleasure Chest walked into her office in the warehouse. He saw the look on her face.


“Ma’am I just received news that Coach K’s daughter was taken out of the club unconscious by Concrete and is in the hospital also.”


Sam pounded on the desk hard and stood up and went to her wet bar that she had in the corner of her office. She poured a double shot of
straight and took it to the head. She needed something to take the edge off cause her stomach was a ball of nerves.


“Any news on where in the hell is Slow Poke? I need somebody watching
house and his house on Perry Blvd. Where else does he hang out at? Ponchees is not answering the phone and I know that means that he is in route. Poke is a problem that needs to be solved. I need him dead tonight, because this shit is gonna fall on me!” She shouted as she poured another shot of Patron.


“There is no news, we should have put a tracking device on his damn car, and then we would know where he was at all times.”
said as he watched his boss drown her problems in liquor.


“That’s okay, he will be found and dealt with accordingly.” Sam sat back down at her desk; she felt the alcohol flowing through her system.




Poke didn’t want to go home. He couldn’t believe that he had been putting in all this work and didn’t have shit to show for it. He had been banking on selling the bricks and having some money to get away with. He was riding around on the north side of the city because he was scared to go to the west side. They probably knew by now that he had tampered with the brakes on
car. Damn he felt bad. He had known that kid since he was born and now he had caused his death. That showed what kind of snake he was; he knew that no matter what kind of beef he and Khalil had, he would never mess with his son. Greed and jealously had taken an envious friend and turned him into a monster.


Poke pulled over into a
gas station and pulled out his cell phone. He dialed
number. The sound of her sweet voice always calmed him down. A recording came on telling him that the number that he was trying to reach had blocked his call. He was pissed. He dialed another number.


“I did it; it is all over the news. I need you to give me some money so that I can get out of town before they do an investigation on the car accident. When everything cools down I will come back and finish what I started, but for now I need to go because it has gotten too hot.”


“Poke, why are you calling me asking me for money, when you just hit a lick for three bricks earlier this week? Now there is no way I’m about to believe that the dope was fake. It wasn’t; my sister is supplying the entire city. That is the only place where Honesty gets her work from, so come on son, you need to make up another story. Why don’t you just say that you need some more money to go with what you have?” She said into the phone.


She knew that she was gonna have to do something about Poke real quick. That nigga was a real snake. He didn’t have any loyalty if he just murdered the son of his best friend. Even if they weren’t friends anymore, he still had watched Killian grow up. It was more than dope that had him like this. It was a deep rooted hostility toward Coach K that made him do the things he did.


“Man, that dope was fake. I got my ass almost beat to death today by them No Pressure niggas cause I tried to sell it to them and it tested fake. You can see my face, I’m fucked up and I
lying. Just bring me some money so that I can get out of town.” Poke was trying to convince her that the dope wasn’t real. She would just see how he was beat up when she came to bring him some money.


“Okay I will bring you some money in about two hours, I think it’s best if you disappear for a while until shit cool off cause it is only gonna get hotter.” She had a plan for Poke’s ass.


“Okay, meet me at my spot, I’m heading there now.”


Poke hung up with her and he called the chick that he had met the other night at Gigi’s. She was cool, she thought that he had some money and it seemed from their conversation that she was willing to do anything to get it. He would see if she wanted to get away with him. He needed some companionship. Maybe while he was away he would try to clean himself up. He had been doing dope for twenty-five years. He needed to get his shit together. What he had just done to
was weighing on him.


The chick Sheena agreed to go away with Poke for a few days. He headed to her house. He would tell her that they needed to take her car, because he was sure that Khalil will have someone looking for him. He headed over to her apartment on Camp Creek Pkwy to meet her.




Loyalty arrived at the hospital by cab. She had come straight from Charlie Brown airport. She had been in fantasy land but now it was back to reality. She walked through the emergency room and her dad’s face was the first one that she saw. She ran over to him and he picked her up off of the ground when he hugged her. She grabbed his face and looked in his eyes. Loyalty could see the pain written all over them. Her dad looked like he had aged ten years since she had seen him last week and she knew that all of that had taken place right here in this emergency room tonight.


The doctor walked into the emergency room and everybody faced him.


“I’m so sorry that it has been taking so long, but it is so hectic back there. We were trying to get everyone stabilized first before we took the next step. The first young lady isn’t doing well. We called in our top surgeon and he looked at her MRI and there is nothing that we can do. She is too far gone. I’m sorry. She is on life support. The young man has lost a huge amount of blood and we are low so we would like everyone who is related to donate, that will help. He has a lot of damage to his face from the glass, so he will need some plastic surgery later in the near future. He also has six broken ribs and a punctured lung. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. His left leg is damaged so severely that it can’t be repaired. We are going to have to take it. There are prosthetics out there that work better than our actual limbs and he is young so he should rebound very well. I just need you to go ahead and donate the blood so that we can get him into surgery.” The doctor turned to walk away.


Khalil’s heart sank when he heard that his daughter was so bad off. The tears just poured like someone had turned on a faucet. Then his son was about to lose his leg.


“Doctor, can I see my daughter please?”


“Yes, I will get a nurse to take you to where she is being held. We are about to transfer her to a room upstairs so she can be comfortable and we can watch her.” The doctor walked back through the double doors.


Khalil turned around and looked at Gigi who was sitting there in shock. She couldn’t believe that the doctor said that Honesty was that bad off. All she did was fall from a chair. Gigi didn’t want to lose her. She was in love with her.


“I thought you said that she simply slid to the floor. Did she hit her head? What in the hell happened? How did she end up on life support? What did you do to my daughter?” He shouted at Gigi. He was thinking about the fact that the stash house had been robbed and Honesty was short with Gigi’s money.

BOOK: What Da Lick Read? The Triple Cross
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