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Authors: Emma Gold

When He Dares

BOOK: When He Dares
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When He Dares
By Emma Gold
Copyright © 2015 Emma Gold
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are all made up in my mind. In other words, nothing is to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.
© 2015 Emma Gold
Twenty one year old runaway Lauren Rowe isn’t the type of girl to let any man take advantage. Her life has been tough, but she finally has a real opportunity to turn it all around and make something of herself.
An unexpected encounter with a sexy and mysterious stranger leaves her reeling, and questioning everything she ever thought about herself. Has she ruined her chance before it’s even begun?




Every time I pushed my way through the crowds of commuters and down into the depths of the London Underground I felt a mild sense of panic. I’d been doing this everyday now for the past year or so and it still seemed so alien to me. Having grown up in a small country town it had been a major shock to my system when I first arrived in London and had my first experience of the tube system here. The low hum of electricity and rumbling trains, barely audible over the cacophony of hundreds of people squeezing themselves onto the tiny platforms. It struck me as very weird that despite the noise of the crowd no one appeared to actually be talking to each other, everyone avoiding eye contact and pretending not to notice the person squashed up against them.


It was the sheer number of people that panicked me, the way the crowds surged and shunted forwards each time the train doors opened. Today was no exception. Despite positioning myself with my back against a wall, I was still being jostled around and pushed first one way and then another. A young woman with neon pink and purple dreadlocks was standing right in front of me, so close that hardened ends of matted strands of vibrant hair which she had gathered up into a bunch were close to poking my eye out. There was no room for escape thanks to the two young men in suits either side of me so I had little choice but to just turn my head to the side to avoid possibly losing my vision, or at the very least ending up with a sore eye.


The young man in the suit beside me gave me a swift look of sympathy and then resumed staring off into the middle distance and listening intently to whatever was playing through his earphones. I hated this place. I truly hated it. When I came to London I had been full of hope and excitement about the new wonderful life I was going to live. Whilst it was certainly something new it had turned out to be not so wonderful at all.


Suddenly the low rumble of an approaching train gained volume and the long row of carriages trundled into the station. The relief of the crowd moving away from me was only momentary, as we all tried to cram into the carriage the crush of bodies was even worse. As usual there was absolutely no chance of getting far enough inside to find a seat. Not that there would have been one free anyway.


Just about managing to avoid getting caught in the door as it closed, I turned myself around so I was facing the door, shut my eyes to the mass of bodies surrounding me and tried my hardest to pretend I was somewhere else. My tube journey to work only lasted 12 minutes but it always felt like a lifetime and was easily the worst part of my day, which is saying something considering that when I got to my job at the restaurant I cleaned toilets all day. Hopefully today would change all that, I’d still have to get the tube but if I got this new job then the tube journey would actually be worth suffering.


I had been standing there for only a few moments with my eyes shut tight when I felt a hand brush across my backside. Not an unusual occurrence on the Underground, it was easy to accidentally feel someone up with so many people crammed so close together. Breathing a little sigh of irritation I ignored the interruption of the wayward hand and tried again to imagine myself somewhere far away. Then it happened again, but this time the large warm hand slid firmly over the curve of my hip and down over my ass. This was no accident. My eyes flew open in shock and I could see the owner of the offending hand clear as day reflected in the glass panel of the door. Almost two heads taller than me and dressed in a light grey hooded top that stretched over his broad muscled chest and arms, was quite possibly the most beautiful man I had ever seen. Dumbfounded and open mouthed I took in the cropped black hair, sexy hazel eyes, straight nose and strong jaw and hoped to god I wasn’t drooling all over my only suit.


He stared back at me in the glass reflection with no shame for his blatant groping and flashed me a grin that made me feel like my legs might give way beneath me at any moment. Under normal circumstances if anyone did anything like this to me I would have flipped out and created a huge scene, but this wasn’t normal circumstances, this man was surely an angel or some other equally perfect and agonisingly sexy being. His hot gaze had me transfixed and I simply stood there as he continued to rub his hand against my backside.


‘Come on Lauren’ I thought. ‘What the hell are you doing letting this guy grope you?’ My mind was telling me this was very wrong and totally inappropriate but my body was responding eagerly to the touch of this hot stranger and I couldn't seem to pull myself away. Totally oblivious to my internal conflict he carried right on stroking me and watching my reflection in the door. Slipping his hand around my waist he pulled gently backwards so that my body was fully pressed up against him and I immediately became aware that I wasn't the only one getting a little excited. A big and very hard bulge in the front of his trousers nestled snugly against my ass and I felt a rush of warmth and wetness in my core as he moved his hips forward into me.


The lights in the carriage flickered for a moment and snapped me out of my trance. Suddenly remembering where I was, I scanned reflection of the other passengers, worried that someone could see what we were doing, but not a single person had noticed. They were all too busy in their own little worlds to take notice of what was happening right next to them.


The stranger was still watching my reflection and seemed to be amused by my obvious worry. Giving me another sexy smile he began to very slowly and very discreetly grind his hard package against my ass. My legs were feeling weak again as ripples of electric pleasure coursed through me but his strong muscular arm was still wrapped around my waist, holding me firm. I allowed myself to lean back slightly and relax against his hard chest. I could feel a definite wetness between my legs now, soaking right through my underwear.


Neither of us had said a word to each other yet but somehow I felt a deep connection to this man. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. So when I noticed the arm around my waist begin to drop slightly and felt his warm hand slide down between my shirt and the waistband of my skirt I didn't pull away. He slid his hand easily under the material and down towards my now slick and throbbing pussy. I parted my legs a little to allow better access to his hand which was now rubbing my slit through my cotton panties. His cock twitched and strained in the confines of his jeans as he slowly pulled my soaked panties to the side and ran his fingers gently up and down my pussy, easing his way in between the folds of hot flesh.


Looking up again I could see that still no one had noticed what we were doing. I couldn't believe I was allowing myself to do something like this in public though. It just wasn't the type of thing I would ever normally do. His finger tips found the entrance to my pussy and I gasped as he slid one, then two fingers deep inside me. The pad of his thumb grazed over my clit and sent a jolt of pleasure through my body. Continuing to rub my clit in small circles, he encouraged the waves of pleasure that were building up inside me and I knew it wouldn’t be long before I came. Clamping my mouth shut tight so I wouldn’t embarrass myself by moaning out loud, I gripped the nearby handrail hard as the peak of orgasm rushed over me and felt myself tighten around his fingers which were still deep inside me.


I caught his eye again in the glass and my face flushed in embarrassment. Just at that moment the train began to slow as we entered a station and he quickly pulled his hand from me just in time before the doors slid wide open and we were jostled forward onto the platform. Still stunned by what had just happened I looked down for a split second to straighten my clothes and by the time I looked up he had gone. Scanning the heavy crowd as it moved forward I couldn't see him anywhere around me. He had seemingly vanished into thin air and I didn’t even know his name.


Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I allowed the momentum of the rushing commuters carry me forward until I was standing outside the station. The bright daylight burst the bubble I had been in and a feeling of shame suddenly washed over me. What the hell had I been thinking?!


Looking around at all the commuters going abut their day I suddenly felt exposed and embarrassed. It felt like all these people could tell what I’d done just by looking at me. Of course I knew that probably wasn’t true, and nobody really seemed to be looking at me at all. But the shame and regret of doing that in a public place with a total stranger had a hold of me.


I sidled over to a bench not far from the station entrance and sat down. Still feeling breathless I needed a moment to compose myself. That’s when I saw it. The huge ladder in my black tights, running from my thigh right down to my ankle.
I thought. How the hell can I go to my interview looking like this?!  A quick glance at my watch told me I was going to be late so grabbing my bag I ran across the street to a large cafe and headed straight for the restrooms.


Pulling off my tights I noticed my knickers were soaking wet so I pulled those off too. There was nothing for it but to go commando to the interview. Chucking my ruined underwear into the bin I checked myself over in the full length mirror on the back of the door. God I hated this suit. It was given to me by a woman I used to do cleaning jobs for, at the time I had been irritated that she was offering me her old clothes; I don’t take kindly to offers of charity. Considering though it was the only thing I had that could be considered anywhere near suitable for an interview, I was grateful today at least for her cast offs. I also was very grateful for the knee length fitted skirt now that I was wearing no underwear.


With my clothes rearranged and my hair tucked back into its clip I ran out of the door and back onto the street. I could see the building I needed to go to for my interview, it was the biggest and most prestigious building on the block so it was kind of hard to miss. Unfortunately it was still a fair walk away. Feeling cross with myself for being late I rushed through the crowds as quickly as I could to get there.


Twenty minutes late! A whole twenty minutes late for what could possibly be the most important interview I would ever have. Not even sure if I would be allowed to still have my interview, I presented myself at the reception desk of Cole Investments on the 28th floor and began to offer my apologies.


The young blonde girl behind the large black glass desk gave me a bored look and picked up her phone.


“Mr Cole your 9:25 interviewee has finally arrived. Should I ask her to leave?”


Almost ready to turn around and walk out in disappointment I was more than surprised when she hung up the phone and told me to take a seat.


Sitting down on a large green leather tub chair I took a moment to calm myself down and survey my surroundings. The reception area of Cole Investments was quite possibly the most intimidating place I had ever been in my life. The large open foyer with several doors leading off it was decorated in sleek shades of grey, black and forest green. The plush carpet and the artworks dotted around the walls probably cost more money than I could ever earn in my lifetime. Smartly dressed men and women were coming and going between the doors, talking loudly about portfolios and returns and completely ignoring me. They probably didn’t even notice I was there.


Fidgeting uncomfortably I tried to focus on the answers I would give to the interview questions. I knew my interview was with Mr Cole the CEO of the company, he was looking for a new personal assistant. It was sheer luck that I had even found out about the position. I had been on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor of a toilet stall in LaVella and had overheard two women having what they thought was a private discussion about Nathan Cole.


According to those women, Mr Cole was a notorious player who tried it on with all of his assistants and got through them so fast it was a wonder any of them even had time to learn the job before they left or were fired for some reason. Neither woman painted him in a favourable light; it seemed he was the topic for a lot of their sordid gossip.


I’d never met a man as rich or powerful as Mr Cole, I didn’t exactly hang around in those circles, but I’d certainly met his type. Players who used women and discarded them, in fact I’d had more than my fair share of dealings with men just like that and I was confident I knew how to handle them. I didn’t relish the idea of working for someone so grotesque, but the job was too good an opportunity to pass. I desperately need the money.


I sat there for almost 45 minutes and was starting to think I’d been forgotten about when suddenly a door opened across the other side of the foyer and a young, slim, flame haired woman in an impossibly perfect and expensive suit  came breezing through out into the reception area with a wide smile on her face. She gave me a snooty look as she passed and walked over to the reception desk. “Well I’m 100% certain I got the job Laila, he couldn’t keep his eyes off me! You were right about him.”


The blonde reception girl beamed and jumped up to give her friend a congratulatory hug over the top of the desk. “I told you so babe, he’s a sucker for a beautiful girl. It’ll be so much fun working here together I’m sooo excited!”

BOOK: When He Dares
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