Read Wild Wyoming Nights Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Siren Classic

Wild Wyoming Nights (25 page)

BOOK: Wild Wyoming Nights
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“Oh God. Chase, please. I want…” her voice trailed off on a moan.

“What, Abby? What do you want?”

“Harder—oh, God—harder, please.”

His pelvis rode her ass hard and fast, his balls slapping against her pussy lips, and she felt her climax hit her like a wave, rolling over her until she whimpered his name. Finally, she heard him roar his own completion behind her.

After several moments, he groaned when he pulled his semi-soft cock from her ass. “I’ll be right back. I need to wash up.” He disappeared into the bathroom for a few minutes and returned with a warm wet washcloth. “Let me wash you.”

“Mmm. That’s kind of sexy, you know.”

His dimples creased his cheeks as he smiled and ran the warm washcloth between her legs. “Be careful.”

“Why?” she whispered, almost purring under his ministrations.

“You’ll probably be sore tomorrow already, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to walk tomorrow with all this activity.” He tossed the scrap of material into the laundry hamper against the wall. “Stay tonight.”

His whispered words sent a shiver across her arms as a smile played on her lips. “I couldn’t move if I wanted to.” She snuggled up to his side, his hand moving softly over her arm while she drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Seventeen

“You’re leaving?”

“I have to, Abby. Riding season has started, and I’m missing all the action.” She watched with sadness in her heart while Cole packed his truck. Shaking her head, she knew it was a matter of time before he ran into his match. She wasn’t sure when or where it would happen yet, but it would.

“I’m going to miss you.”

He pulled her into his embrace, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders while he squeezed her tight. “I’m gonna miss you, too. Keep that brother of mine out of trouble, will you?”

“I’ll do my best.” Chase frowned from the porch as Cole stepped back and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Be careful, okay?”

“One of your feelings again?” Cole asked perplexed.

She smiled. “No. I just know you a little too well to believe you wouldn’t try something even if I was having one of my feelings.”

He laughed and tweaked her nose. “I’ll let you know where I am, trust me.”


Sliding into the truck, he pulled the door shut and started the engine before he waved and headed down the driveway. Chase walked up behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist. He nuzzled his nose against her ear.

“He’ll be okay.”

“I know.”

Once the truck was out of sight, he took her hand and they walked back inside the house.

“So what’s on the agenda tonight?”

“I thought we could go out for dinner. My parents wanted to join us.”


A frown settled on her face as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her chin with his fingers. “Something wrong?”

“No, it’s fine. I love your parents, but I thought we might spend a quiet night here, just the two of us. We haven’t had much time alone unless we go to my house with Cole being here.”

“I know darlin’, but its just dinner. We’ll have the rest of the night.” His eyes held a twinkle that she started to question. He was up to something.
She could see it in his face.

“Where are we going to dinner then so I know what to wear?”

“It’s a surprise, but you might want to wear that little black dress I like so much.”

Her eyebrow rose and she cocked her head to the side. “What are you up to?”

“Me? Nothing.”

She put her hands on her hips with a pretend fierceness as she said, “Yeah right, Chase Robert Wilder.”

“Don’t ruin the surprise, just go with the flow, and I promise I’ll make it up to you later. We still need to find out how you like…” he whispered in her ear and she blushed to the roots of her hair.

“Okay—all right.” She pulled away and headed toward the bathroom with her cheeks pink while he laughed behind her.

An hour later they sat across from his parents at one of the ritziest hotels in Laramie. It was a good thing she did dress up; otherwise she would have been completely out done by the gorgeous man next to her. Chase had dressed to the hilt with his tux shirt, tie, jacket and black Stetson, drawing every female eye in the place, including hers.

They sat at an intimate corner table in a private area of the dining room. The stark white tablecloth, the roses on the top and soft candlelight illuminating the room made her think of romance and getting him back home in bed with her. It was a totally randy thought with his parents sitting across the table from them. She shifted in her chair as he reached over and nuzzled her ear with his nose.

“I’m thinking the same thing, baby—soon.”
His whispered words sent shivers down her arms and a wistful smile across her lips.

Champagne arrived at their table, and she shifted a surprised look at Chase, but he just smiled with those dimples she loved so much. Once their dinner order was placed and they sat talking while they sipped the bubbly liquid, she started to relax. The alcohol and the attention of her escort lulled her into a peaceful state as his fingers caressed her bare arm.

Their meal finally arrived, but they continued to chat and she told his parents about her family and her life in New York.

“I supposed your parents will be visiting you out here,” Bonnie said.

“I’m sure they will. My mom has been anxious to come out anyway and meet Chase.”

“My son said you were married before?”

Her eyes swung around to meet his and she thought she heard him growl, “Mom.” She put her hand on his with a soft “it’s okay” as she turned around and met his mothers questioning stare. “Yes, I was. My husband was a firefighter in New York. He was killed when the towers were hit.”

“Oh my gosh, Abby. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine. It was a while ago and your son has shown me you can love more than one person in your lifetime.” She entwined their fingers together and their eyes met.

He leaned over and brushed his lips against hers. “I think this is a good time. What do you think, Mom?”

Bonnie smiled and nodded her head

Abby saw him reach into the breast pocket of his coat and pull out something. Holding it between his fingers, he dropped to one knee at her feet. She gasped as the diamond solitaire twinkled in the light and her gaze swept up to meet his.

“Abigail, will you marry me?”

Tears filled her eyes and one slipped down her cheek as her heart swelled with love for the handsome man in front of her. Wiping the tear with his thumb, he caressed her cheek with his palm and she choked out a whispered, “Yes.”


Fall in Wyoming. The bright hues of orange, yellow and red graced the aspen trees brushing against the steeple that reached for the bright blue sky above. Soft organ music echoed through the hall and drifted on the wind outside as the large crowd gathered inside, spilling on the lawn around the front.

It wasn’t every day a Wilder got married. It was the social event of the season in these parts. Of course, they didn’t need a reason to celebrate in Laramie.

Everyone found a place in the pews while Chase took his spot at the front with Cole and Justin next to him, his proud parents sitting in the first row.

The music started and the doors at the back of the church stood wide and a pretty blonde took her spot and began to slowly walk up the aisle toward them.

Justin jabbed Cole with his elbow as they watched the bridesmaid and maid of honor make their way up the aisle, taking their places across from them. Chase scowled at the two and then turned his gaze back to the rear of the church in anticipation when the bridal march began.

He held his breath for a moment before he exhaled slowly when Abby stepped into the doorway.

God! She’s absolutely beautiful.

She wrapped her hand into the crook of her father’s elbow, and they made their way to his side.

Her eyes met his and he could see the tears sparkling on her lashes as sweet smile curved her lips.

Flashing his dimpled smile, he tucked her hand into his and they stepped up to meet the preacher.

* * * *

The vows were read while the crowd behind them quietly listened and Abby cradled Chase’s hand in hers. They had grown so much closer in the last several months. She almost couldn’t remember a time in her life that he wasn’t a part of it.

His love surrounded her, healing her broken heart until she could finally feel at peace with the loss of Joshua.

When the preacher finally said, “You may kiss your bride,” Chase lifted her filmy veil over her face, slipped his strong arm around her waist and pulled her tight against his chest.

Dimples graced his face when his eyes full of love met hers. Bending his head he whispered, “I love you,” before he took her lips softly with his and she whimpered slightly at the tears choking her throat.

When he released her lips, she whispered, “I love you,” before they turned to be greeted by the well-wishers in the pews.

Her heart clenched in her chest the moment her eyes met those of the man standing at the back of the church. His soft words met her ears, calming her like nothing else could, and a sad smile graced her lips.

Be happy Abby,
she heard as he slowly faded from her sight.



Sandy Sullivan is a romance author who, when not writing, spends her time with her husband Shaun, riding her horses, playing with their dogs, and enjoying the rolling hills of her home.

She lives on a farm south of Nashville, Tennessee, where they moved in 2005 from the state of Washington where she grew up.

She is an avid reader of romance novels and she enjoys reading Nora Roberts, Jude Deveraux, and Susan Wiggs as well as fellow Siren authors Tonya Ramagos, Morgan Ashbury, Missy Martine and many more.

She would love to hear from you, so please visit her website at
, and feel free to leave feedback about any of her novels that have been released to date.

Also by Sandy Sullivan

Cowboy Love

Available at


Siren Publishing, Inc.

BOOK: Wild Wyoming Nights
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