Read WitchofArundaleHall Online

Authors: Jennifer Leeland

WitchofArundaleHall (4 page)

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Sarah turned and gripped Madame’s hands. “That is not true. You
were always good to my mother despite the cold reception you received from my
family. You helped Perry when he was in trouble. You seem most worthy of God’s

Madame clasped Sarah’s hands and smiled. “Perry is right. You
are very sweet and passionate. You give me the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps
you could give him the same consideration.”

Sarah cleared her throat. “When did Perry tell you that I
was sweet?” Had Perry spoken about her during some illicit tryst? How could he?

“I’m afraid he was in his cups,” Madame de Laval said with a
secret smile. “This was…let me see, Michaelmas last year?”

Before Joshua Arundale had come home. Before the Duke of
Kent had damaged her reputation. Her heart froze and she pressed her lips
together, so fearful of the words that rose in her mind. She said them anyway. “Madame,
I love him so much that my heart breaks. I watched him struggle and fail for
years. I will not force an obligation based on a wicked curse on him now.”

“Oh my sweet girl. Every step he takes proves his tender
feelings for you.” Madame turned Sarah back toward the mirror and finished her
toilette. “Be his wife, Sarah. Love him as you would have him love you.”

“I cannot,” Sarah said quietly. “The curse binds us
together, not love. I will marry him, but only as a way to do what must be

Madam sighed and stroked her shoulder. “If he loves you,
whether due to a curse or for your sweet body, it is more than many women

“I would take less from any other man, Madame. But not from

“I wish I could say I do not understand,” Madame answered. “But
I do.” She smiled and lifted Sarah to her feet. “There. You are even more

She stared at her reflection. Madam had loaned her a
full-length ivory dress with a high waist and a modest neckline. The sleeves
stretched over her arms and gave her a regal appearance. Her red hair, usually
completely unruly and kept in a tight bun, was loose and curled in the latest

Around her neck she wore the only jewelry she had received
from her mother, a necklace with a round locket.

She looked like a bride.

Her heart pounded and she couldn’t breathe. What was she

A knock on the door made her jump, and a maid appeared. “Madam,
Mr. Perry Arundale is downstairs for the lady.”

“Time to go,” Madame said briskly. “Come, Sarah.”

She closed her eyes, rose and stepped into the hall. As she
went down the stairs she reminded herself that she was doing this to end the
curse, that Perry would hasten her travel to France, that this marriage would
mean nothing once she’d accomplished her goal.

But in the front hall her gaze met Perry’s. He was handsome in
a tailored gray suit and a blue cravat, and all she could see was the man she

Everything else seemed inconsequential. She took her courage
in both hands and took Perry’s outstretched fingers.


Chapter Four


Stunning. Beautiful. Perry couldn’t speak when she took his
hand, her gaze locked with his. His throat tightened and he resisted the urge
to drag her closer, show her exactly how she affected him. “Sarah,” he said,
his voice strained.

“Mr. Arundale.” She curtsied and he stared helplessly. He
had to take himself to task. He was about to take her to a church and marry
her, not take her as he desperately wanted. But the beast within growled and
leaped to be free to Claim its mate in the most basic way.

Jaimison handed her the flowers that Perry had bought for
her and she took them. Her eyes softened and she smiled at him. “A sprig of heather?”

“It reminded me of home.” He pulled her closer. “It reminded
me of you.”

“Mr. Arundale—” She sounded breathless and her eyes widened.
“Did you see my brother?”

Perry sighed and loosened his hold. “Yes, I did. He was well
aware that Lady North was in town, since he was the one who summoned her.”

Sarah’s face was pinched and bleak. “I wish I could be
surprised but I am not.”

“He hoped to begin a bidding war, pitting Lady North’s
desire to stop the wedding against my desire to wed.” Perry gave Sarah a steady
look. “But I informed him that he could be present today or not but the
marriage would go through.”

“He can’t stop it?” she asked, and her voice shook. Did she
hope that her selfish brother would save her from him? Maybe she did.

“No, my dear.” He dropped his hand from hers. “I am afraid
you will have to resign yourself to being my wife.”

She opened her mouth as if she would say more but pressed
her lips together and gripped his arm. “Shall we go?”

He winced at the sad, bitter tone of her capitulation. Part
of him thought he should back out and not force her into this union. But he
knew it had to be done, that he would have to show her he cared for her while
she was unwillingly bound to him in holy matrimony.

As he led her to the carriage, Louise pulled on his sleeve. “A

Sarah gave Louise a silent, pleading glance, then took
Jaimison’s arm to the carriage.

“What is it, Madame?” he asked, his gaze still on Sarah’s

“I do not think I will go along with your plan for this
evening.” Her voice was serious.

Surprised, he stared at her. “You don’t think physical
passion will lead to the connection she seeks to deny?”

“I think physical passion will definitely lead to that
connection but not what you had in mind for tonight.” Louise placed a gentle
hand on his arm. “I am thrilled that you thought to share her with us but she
loves you. Just the suggestion that Cy and I wanted her brought out the passion
she felt for you. Take her tonight. Just you.”

“Love me?” He snorted. “You are imagining things. She will
reject me, afraid that I will bind her to me in a much more permanent way than
words said in a church.” Perry couldn’t stop the fear from coloring his voice.

“Perhaps,” Louise said in a thoughtful tone. She shook her
head. “You are probably correct about her sensual nature, but leave it for
another time. Tonight, show her she belongs to you.” Louise smiled and patted
his cheek. “Now go and get married.”

“Louise—” he started, but she put her fingers over his lips
and shook her head.

He climbed into the carriage and looked back. Louise and Cy
stood in the door, arm in arm, clearly in love with each other. He envied them.
When he turned to his future wife he despaired a little.

Her arms were crossed and her lips were tightened into a
disagreeable scowl. She stared out the carriage window and would not look at

“What is it, my dear?”

“Don’t you dare call me that you…you monster,” she snapped,
and her lips trembled.

Any softness he felt dissipated. “I’m not sure you know what
a monster truly is. It does not matter. You will be my wife.”

She tipped her chin and glared at him. “And you can sleep
with whomever you wish?”

He stared at her. She thought that he’d— The idea was
ludicrous and he couldn’t help himself. He laughed long and hard, the first
humor he’d felt in weeks.

Sarah, however, was not amused.

Perry shook his head. “I have never slept with Madame de
Laval and have no intention of being her lover.”

Sarah froze. “But she said— She implied that you’d made
arrangements,” she said, her blue eyes clouded with confusion.

“I planned an evening for your pleasure.”

She glared at him. “To give me to strangers?”

“When I asked Leo if you had a preference he said you
enjoyed watching threesomes.” He raised an eyebrow. “I’m well aware that my
partial claiming has left you…wanting.”

The sound of his future bride’s gasp only made him want her
more. Her face flushed with color and she was breathless when she spoke. “I
require no extra effort on your part.”

“And yet I will be at your service,” he said, the apparent double
entendre making her swallow nervously.

For a moment her lips parted and her eyes glazed, and he
thought he’d won. But she was made of sterner stuff. “I will break the curse
and you will no longer be obligated.”

Did she believe that was why he offered to give her
pleasure? If she thought breaking the curse was going to change their bond one
iota, she was sadly mistaken. “I promise you that I will keep my word. But I’m
giving you fair warning, bride. Once you are mine I will keep you, Claiming or

Her gaze jerked to his face, her eyes wide. “But if I break
the curse, you will be free, able to start a new life.”

She was convinced that if it wasn’t for the curse he
wouldn’t want her. There was no way to convince her but to show her his
devotion. “You are my new life, Sarah Ayers.”

It was clear she didn’t believe him, but the carriage
stopped. He exited and helped her down. She seemed small and fragile in the
ivory dress and white slippers. Her hand gripped his arm. “Is my brother to see
me to the altar?”

“No. I relieved Mr. Ayers of his obligation. Jaimison did a
little digging while I was…indisposed.” That was a delicate way to put it. While
Perry had shook and trembled, tied to a bed, barely conscious of reality,
Jaimison had sought out Sarah’s people. One man had seemed to feel kindly
toward a young girl left without mother or father.

They entered the church and Sarah’s hand jumped beneath his,
a small sound of happiness escaping her lips. “Dr. Vanguard,” she said, and
rushed forward.

Jaimison had discovered that Dr. Evan Vanguard had been
Sarah’s tutor when she was a young girl. He was an older gentleman, near
seventy years old, his gait slow and his knuckles gnarled with age.

Sarah rushed to the older man and clasped his hands in hers.
“How good of you to come.”

“Your young man was persuasive,” Dr. Vanguard said, giving
Perry a sharp glance. “He seemed to think I would be needed.”

“Oh yes,” Sarah said, her voice shaky. To Perry’s surprise,
she turned to him and wrapped her arms around him, pressing her lips to his
cheek. “Thank you.”

Before he could respond she stepped away and locked arms
with her old tutor. “Lead the way, Dr. Vanguard.”

Perry watched his future bride stride through the narthex,
his hand on his cheek where she’d kissed him.

* * * * *

The ceremony had touched Perry in a surprising way and he
found his tenderness toward Sarah increased as they exited the church. She said
a tearful farewell to Dr. Vanguard and took Perry’s arm to step into the

She was his. The sense of relief was incredible. He could
protect her now. The beast beneath his skin wanted to howl and the man was
elated. Tonight he would show her his passion, his need for her.

Madame de Laval’s residence was dimly lit as they arrived,
and Sarah clasped her hands together in that familiar nervous gesture. “It was
nice of Lord Alfred to attend.”

Perry stepped down from the carriage and turned to grip her
waist to lift her to the ground. “He likes you.”

“What made you think of Dr. Vanguard?” she said a little

“I thought he would be a better choice than your brother.” Perry
didn’t mention that Walter Ayers had been more than happy to relinquish the
responsibility of walking Sarah down the aisle. Or that it had taken Jaimison
almost four months to find the man.

Perry sensed that Sarah was nervous, frightened. He wanted
to reassure her but found he was enjoying her plight. He wanted her off balance
since he intended to do everything to that sweet body but release his seed in

Heat snaked through his veins and he tightened his hold on
her. Madame de Laval had been right. Sarah belonged only to him tonight. Another
time he might show her the delights of coupling with more than one person but
this was a special evening.

Sarah stopped at the bottom of the stair and gripped his
arm. “I…must change before—” She bit her lip and focused her gaze on his boots.

He tipped her head up and pressed a gentle kiss to her
mouth. “I will give you a few minutes.”

Her lips trembled and she searched his face. What did she
need to see? “Perry, I am afraid,” she whispered.

What could he do? He wrapped his arm around her waist and
cupped her face with his other hand. With determination and force he captured
her mouth in a hungry kiss, a taste of what was to come. When he broke away he
was pleased that her eyes were clouded and her body was pliant against his. “I
am yours, Sarah. I will protect you and keep you safe.”

Her gaze cleared and she cocked her head to the side. “And
who shall protect me from you, sir?” Her voice was filled with warmth and

He nipped at the tender flesh under her ear and whispered, “I
promise you will beg me tonight and like it.”

She shuddered and he stepped back to give her room. “Be
ready, Sarah.”

He watched intently as she fled up the stairs, her skirts
rustling wildly.

On the count of ten he raced up the steps after her.

* * * * *

“May I get you anything else, miss?” the maid asked her with
a sweet smile. Sarah could only shake her head, her stomach churning and
rolling, her pulse jumping.

It was sweet of Madame de Laval to send a maid to help her
undress. Sarah was well aware that her new husband awaited her in the next
room, a sitting room off the bedroom where she stood with her hands twisted and
her heart pounding. The bed seemed too large and the room too quiet.

The maid, whose name Sarah had forgotten in her anxiety,
must have closed the door loudly enough that Perry knew she was alone.

Was she ready for the evening Perry had in mind? Her body
was warm and desperate for the sensation of his touch. Her heart was panicked.

A gentle knock, barely noticeable, made her jump. “Come in.”

Perry opened the door and closed it quietly behind him. When
he turned, her mouth went dry. Years of drink and revelry should have marred
his perfection. In spite of those years he was handsome beyond belief. His hair
was a little longer than fashion demanded and the raven color seemed to have a
bluish tinge in the dim candlelight.

He stalked her, his movements slow and deliberate, his eye
color the luminous blue that indicated the beast was close. Arousal and fear
rose, her throat tightened and her heart pounded. He knew it all, she was sure.
His senses were sharpened when the wolf was close. Though his appearance was
human, she recognized the beast beneath that demanded its mate.

She bolted. Silly, really. He captured her easily and
growled in her ear. Was she afraid of him? Not because of the wolf. It was the
man who terrified her. The beast wanted her body, her submission. The man owned
her heart and could destroy her. Hadn’t she seen it happen?

Even as his mouth traveled over her skin, nipping at her
neck, his grip bruising, she struggled. She could not allow him to control her
with this…this obsession. Her body was on fire, wanting those things that
appalled and frightened her. She wanted him to strip her, strike her as he had
before, bind her to the bed and fill her with his cock.

“No,” she cried, and pushed him away. No. She could not do
this. If he had her again, touched her body with the rough caresses she craved,
she would never leave him. She would beg him to do the very thing that would
trap them both in a dismal future.

“You only wish to addle my thoughts so I’ll give in to your
lust and you can Claim me.”

His eyes narrowed, the dangerous luminous blue revealing the
beast beneath. “I gave you my word.”

Her resistance weakened. She had to keep him from touching
her. “Your word,” she said, putting every ounce of contempt into her tone that
she could, “why should I take your word?”

He had not moved from where she had shoved him, his face
pinched with unspoken pain and his fist clenched. The luminous blue shade was
gone and the gray, hurt-filled gaze only wrenched her heart more.

“Have I been that unreliable, then?”

It had to be done. She could not trust herself with him and
had to drive him from her. “Do you think I don’t know you? You’ve been a
wastrel, a drinker. You allowed Elizabeth to support you. And now, after six
months, I’m to believe you’ve changed?” Sarah’s heart shattered as she noted
the way he flinched at her accusations, but it was for the best. “I have
married you as you insisted but that is all.”

The silence between them was painful. He was still, as if
frozen. When he spoke, his words were slow and careful. “That is all? You are
my mate. Do you deny it?”

“I deny anything so barbaric.” She inhaled a sharp breath at
the defeated, hurt expression that flitted across his face and was gone.

Stiffly he bowed at the waist. “As you wish.”

“Perry,” she said, trying to heal the hurt she knew she’d
caused. “We mustn’t yield to temptation.”

BOOK: WitchofArundaleHall
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