Wolf's Surrender: Part of the Immortal Ops World (Shadow Agents / PSI-Ops Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Wolf's Surrender: Part of the Immortal Ops World (Shadow Agents / PSI-Ops Book 1)
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“I still want you safe.”

Ezra stood tall. “I want
of you safe.”

The door to the cell opened and a different guard appeared. “Ezra, we have a problem. Something is happening at the other facility. Felix has given the green light on Operation Red.”

What was Operation Red?

She waited for additional information from the new guard but none came. From the expression on Ezra’s face and his tense body language, Operation Red was far from a good thing. Ezra inclined his head in the man’s direction. “Go to the main room. I’ll be there in a minute. I’ll deal with these two myself.”

The guard left and Ezra grabbed Alice’s arm. “Alice, you need to listen to Brad. Caesar isn’t responding to my calls, and with what Felix ordered, I know something bad has happened to him.” He looked to Brad. “Alice, I’m going to trust Brad to get you out of here.”

She stiffened. She was being put into the hot guy’s care? There was no way she’d be able to control her inner harlot if she was making contact with Brad. She’d use him and dry him up like what had happened to the first boy she’d ever kissed.

No! She wouldn’t let that happen.

Ezra kept his gaze on Brad. “I’m unlocking you. Can I trust you with her?”

“I’m not leaving this place without Mae,” pushed Alice, wanting both her friend safe and distance to be kept between her and Brad. It was for his own good.

Ezra held her firmly. “An operative I trust is with her. I need to get there and make sure he’s come out of the drugs given to him before any of these assholes decide to start the killings with him. The two of you need to get out. If Felix has Caesar, he’ll find a way to break him. It’s what he does. Caesar is strong, but not that strong.”

Couldn’t Ezra see she was on edge? That she was holding on by a thread? That her succubus was on the verge of doing something horrible to a good man? Digging her heels in, Alice tried to plant herself and remain in place. Ezra wasn’t having any of it. He lifted her with ease and carried her from her cell and right to the door of Brad’s cell. Alice’s mind raced. She couldn’t be close to him. Couldn’t allow contact.

Ezra opened the door and set Alice down, giving her a good shove right into the arms of the man Alice feared touching most at the moment.


“Take her and go.”

For being locked up, Brad smelled great. Better than great. He smelled good enough to lick and her inner harlot wanted to do just that and more. Her succubus roared to life, wanting him, making heat flare throughout her body.

Ezra plucked the glasses from her hand. “Mae will need these.”

“I’m not leaving without my friend,” pressed Alice, trying and failing to get out of Brad’s grasp. His hands felt so good on her sexually starved skin that she nearly sank into his embrace, all while her mind wanted her to do the opposite. She could feel herself starting to draw upon his energy. She didn’t want to hurt him. Didn’t want to be what finally ended him when he’d clearly fought to survive for as long as he had. She opened her mouth to scream at the men and confess that she couldn’t control her lust, when all of a sudden Brad lifted her and tossed her over his shoulder as if she were a sack of potatoes.

Cream flooded her sex and she nearly moaned, only just managing to hold it in. She clung to what little control remained over her succubus, drawing on her anger to try to keep Brad safe. The stupid fool was going to get himself killed trying to save her and she was going to be the weapon that ended him. She hit at his back to no avail. “Put me down!”

He stiffened and she felt it then, his desire for her rolling off him in waves. He spanked her bottom with two good swats, drawing a yelp from her. “Silence, woman. I’m getting you out of here.”

Brad turned enough for her to see Ezra again. The dragon-shifter looked pleased. She wanted to hit him too.


Ezra spoke to Brad, “Left, right and then two lefts. An exit is there. I have a safe house not far from here.” He gave the address and then cast a worried look at Alice.

She had to close her eyes to focus on keeping her succubus side under control. It wanted her to stop struggling and start trying to jump Brad’s bones. It didn’t matter that there was obvious danger around them and something big was going down. All it cared about was getting laid and it wanted Brad to be the man doing the dirty deed.

“Copy that,” replied Brad.

He was a shifter. Couldn’t he sense how much of a threat she was?

Worst shifter instincts ever
, she thought, opening her eyes, staring at his tight ass from her position over his strong shoulder.
But best shifter ass ever.

She was about to reach down and try to feel the ass she was so focused on when loud sirens, their sound was nearly deafening, began going off. Brad’s entire body stiffened and he jerked, setting her down and then swaying. Something was wrong.

Very wrong with him.

She touched his shoulder, worry lacing her. “Brad?”

He bent, nearly going to one knee, his hands moving over his ears. It was clear he was in immense pain. The need to jump his bones subsided somewhat, as if her succubus was as worried about his safety as Alice was. She didn’t know what to do or how to stop the noises that were obviously hurting him. She did the only thing she could think to do—she put her hands over his ears, and bent, locking gazes with him. The need to kiss him was there, yet she resisted, scared she’d reduce him to a dried-up shell of a man all while trying to help him. Instead, she continued to stare into his dark gaze, willing him to know she was there and she wasn’t about to leave him.

There was movement at the end of the hall and at first she thought it might be Ezra. It wasn’t. It was one of the asshole guards. She gasped and Brad came upright, growling loudly as he yanked her behind him in a protective manner. In the blink of an eye he was charging the guards, seemingly unconcerned with the fact several of them were carrying shock sticks. One of them rammed a stick into Brad and his body jerked but he didn’t go down.

Holy crap!

Her man was alpha through and through.

My man?
she thought, freezing for a moment at the shock of the idea of Brad being hers in any way. When she shook off the stunned moment of it all, she realized he was being converged upon from all sides by guards. Brad struck one and the man dropped his stick. Alice wasted no time snatching it up and thrusting it into the guard closest to her. The man not only jerked and went down, he started to drool too.

Yeah, her man was a total badass.

Stop with the
my man
, she scolded herself.

Brad twisted, his eyes wild as he glanced down at her holding the shock stick. From his expression he looked as though he thought she might actually use the thing on him. That was absurd. She was about to let him know as much when blood began to trickle from his nose. Worry slammed into her. She reached up, touching just under his nose. With a shaky hand, she held up her index finger that was coated in blood.

Brad shrugged, like it was no big deal he’d just sprung a leak from the nose. He grabbed her other hand and turned, heading in the direction they’d originally been going in. He practically dragged her along. She did her best to keep pace, but he was faster than she could ever hope to be. Huge pops and bangs sounded from what felt like all directions in the hallway. Brad whipped around and then slammed her into the unforgiving wall, pressing his powerful frame to hers, making her succubus shout with victory.

Her body was so starved for sex and sexual energy that at first she didn’t realize what the noises had been. As Brad jerked several times and grunted, she understood. Someone was shooting at them and they’d managed to hit Brad more than once.

“You’re bleeding!” yelled Alice a second before there was a massive explosion and heat and fire swelled around them.

Chapter Eight

Brad’s ears rang as he lifted his head, for a moment unsure where he was or who he was with. His head felt heavy and his body was hot, pain radiating throughout him. He tried to look around only to find his vision blurred to the point he couldn’t make out anything. He touched his temple lightly, trying to think, to focus on what had happened. Slowly
it came back to him. He remembered trying to make a run for it with someone.


His heart hammered quickly in his chest as he recalled everything. Alice. He’d been trying to get her to safety. To freedom. Something had happened. He’d been so close to the exit. So close to freedom and then everything had turned on its axis. The world had shifted beneath his feet and it had felt as if someone had dropped a truck on him.

Not a truck,
he thought. The building. The fucking building had exploded around them.

Frantic, he felt around his immediate area, still unable to see through the smoke, in search of Alice. His fingers skimmed over broken pieces of the building. He lifted a portion and squeezed, reducing it to dust nearly instantly, his emotions were so high. He took a deep breath in, hoping to at least catch her scent, but all he could smell was the aftereffects of the explosion and charred flesh. Panic continued to assail him. Had Alice been injured? Had she been killed?

“No!” he roared, the sound deep and visceral. The wolf pounded at him from within, demanding to be free to hunt for the woman. With nothing more than adrenaline guiding his actions, he put his palms to the floor and pushed up. He hadn’t realized something had been on him until then. He didn’t stop to question what that something was. He used his worry and fear as a weapon as he burst free from the rubble and stood, his arms going out, his vision clearing slowly. He soaked in the destruction around him. Smoke filled the area and fires burned to his left and right. The air was thick and hard to breathe, but he didn’t care. His only concern was Alice.

Where the hell was she?

He’d been holding her to him as guards shot at them and then bam, everything had gone dark. Looking around, it seemed like the whole building had collapsed in his area. With a jerk
he spun to see that an entire cinderblock wall had been what had fallen on him.

Fear ate at him. Alice wouldn’t have survived something like that. He should have been more banged up than he was, especially considering that prior to the explosion he’d been riddled with bullet wounds. He didn’t want to dwell on what the scientists had done to him. Now wasn’t the time. Whatever they’d done had made it so he was able to at least search for his woman.

, he thought, his heart still racing.

And she was missing.

Twisting more, he sniffed the air again, forcing himself to filter out everything but her scent. He caught it then, faint but there. The smell of strawberries and mint.


The wolf continued to beat at him
and he let it peek through slightly, enhancing his senses even more. He dropped to where he’d just been and saw her then, lying there, not moving. He grabbed for her as gently as he could with his state of mind. The wolf reacted, clawing at his gut, demanding he do something because she wasn’t breathing. It wanted him to do the unthinkable and claim her. For a moment
he feared his wolf would win and he’d do just that.

“Alice!” he shouted, lifting her and cradling her against his frame. He held her with one arm and grabbed for her face with the other. He cupped her mouth and was about to do a bastardized form of CPR when she gasped and laced her fingers through his hair, drawing him closer to her as her lips collided with his. Her tongue darted past his tongue and he growled, low and deep as need slammed through him.

Try as he might to control himself, he couldn’t. He’d spent too long being pumped endlessly with drugs that made him desire sex
and his wolf was too close to the surface. Need poured off Alice and Brad couldn’t deny her, even if he’d wanted to, which he did not. His tongue moved around hers in expert fashion as if the two had years of practice together rather than mere seconds.

It felt as if someone had tied a rope around his waist, connecting him to Alice.
He’d had a similar sensation when, after his last beating with silver-coated chains, he’d had fleeting images of a pale redhead in need. His jaw sagged in disbelief as he put it all together, who the woman from his vision was—Alice.

He knew he should back away and make sure she was safe and sound, but he couldn’t seem to gather control or stop kissing her. He took their kiss to another level, his tongue delving deeper. He yanked harder on her, trying to kiss his way through her. The feeling of being tied to her increased to the point he actually thought he might have managed to fuse to her.

His cock responded to the idea, liking it very much. So much that it seemed to have a mind of its own. He couldn’t recall a time he’d ever been this hard, this desperate to have sex. He didn’t care about anything other than her and being one with her.

Her eyes snapped open and she pushed on his chest, breaking their kiss, a look of sheer terror on her face. The sight ripped at his gut. He didn’t want her afraid of him.

“Alice,” he said softly. “I’m sorry. You kissed me, and well, I couldn’t stop myself from kissing you back.”

She kept her hand on his chest and began to caress it. “Did I hurt you?”

His brows met. Was she serious? Sure, she’d hurt him if she thought giving him a raging hard-on equaled pain. In all honesty, it sort of did. He had to reach down and adjust himself in an attempt to alleviate some of the pressure in his cock.

“No, baby,” he said softly. “You didn’t hurt me. Whatever you did actually made me feel better.”

“It did?” she asked, confusion coating her beautiful face.


Did I just

She blinked several times and then coughed. Blood shot out of her mouth and trickled down her chin and neck. The false sense of relief he’d gained from her speaking to him vanished and he realized just how hurt she was. She’d clearly sustained internal injuries during the explosion.

BOOK: Wolf's Surrender: Part of the Immortal Ops World (Shadow Agents / PSI-Ops Book 1)
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