Read Xavier's Xmas Online

Authors: Amber Kell

Xavier's Xmas (3 page)

BOOK: Xavier's Xmas
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Rob's head jerked up. "What trespassing? You invited me in."

"I don't remember that, do you Frankie? All I see is an obsessed ex-boyfriend and a man beside me who has innumerable bruises from you. Did I mention the police commissioner is my cousin?" All throughout his talk, Xave's voice was calm and considering, as if they were discussing the weather instead of Rob's possible incarceration.

"What do you want?" Rob's voice was filled with resignation. The man might be a bully but he wasn't an idiot.

"Have all his stuff brought by tomorrow then never contact him again."

Rob pulled himself to his feet.

Xave's hand landed on Rob's shoulder. "And get anger management counseling before you do some damage that won't heal."

Frankie was surprised when his ex-boyfriend looked like he was considering the last part.

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry Frankie."

Frankie nodded from where he was behind Xave. He wasn't going to aggravate his lover by acknowledging Rob any more than necessary.

When the door closed behind Rob, Frankie jumped into Xave's surprised embrace. "I love you."

"I love you too." Even though he'd heard it moments before it still took Frankie by surprise. It was as if he were getting everything he ever wanted for Christmas. If all it took was a little beating to get Xave in his arms, he'd sign up for a daily punishment.

He was brought back to the present when Xave entwined their fingers and started pulling him down the hall.

"Come on. It's Christmas," Xave said.

"You got me something?"

Frankie loved Christmas. He had since he was a child.

"Of course I got you something. Why wouldn't I?"

"But I wasn't going to be here."

Xave shrugged and shot Frankie a shy smile. "My mother always said that you buy everyone you love at least one little thing for the holidays. You're all I've got. Whether you stayed with Rob or not, I still loved you. In here," He tapped his chest directly over his heart.

Frankie blinked back tears. "Um. I got you something too. It's in my bag." It was one of the few things, besides his clothes, he'd managed to grab on his way out of Rob's. Not that he had a lot of personal belongings, but he was damned if he was going to leave Xave's present behind.

"Go get it and we'll exchange presents by the tree."

It was such a kitschy, holiday, Xavier thing to do. Frankie gave him what he knew was a loopy grin before rushing off to get the gift.

His bags were still in the hall where they'd been abandoned the night before. Rooting around, it took five minutes before he found the small box.

"Yes," he exclaimed as he rushed back to where Xave was waiting by the Christmas tree.

The other man looked nervous.

"What?" he asked, skidding to a halt.

"Nothing," Xave replied.

* * * *

Xavier knew he was being an idiot, but he couldn't stop the nerves jittering inside his stomach like a rampaging buffalo. He hoped the smile he gave Frankie was reassuring but the looks his lover kept giving him said otherwise. They said he was being a freak and his lover was too polite to call him on it.

"Um here." He shoved his present at Frankie, blushing as he saw the surprise flash in his friend's eyes.

"Here is yours." Frankie held out a white box. Both men stared at each other's presents and laughed. They were both in plain white boxes.

"Looks like we aren't going to win any decorating awards," Xavier joked.

Frankie laughed. "Nope."

"Let's sit down."

They nervously perched on the couch and stared at each other.

"You go first," Xavier said pointing at Frankie's box. "That way I won't have a nervous breakdown before you open it."

Frankie smiled. That sweet open smile did more towards reassuring Xavier that he wasn't an idiot than anything else.

Opening the box Frankie let out a surprised laugh. An electronic picture frame nestled in a bed of white tissue.

"There's a memory stick inside, I loaded with all of our pictures." Xavier tried to make it not sound too pathetic, but knew he failed miserably. "I… I didn't want you to forget me."

* * * *

Frankie blinked back tears as he looked into the eyes of the sweetest man he knew. "I could never forget you Xave, even if I moved to the other end of the earth. Are there any naughty pictures in here?"

Xave laughed, a blush crossing his light skin. "Only if the one in my swimsuit is considered naughty."

"Honey, anything with you half-naked is naughty in my book." Frankie gave a happy sigh as he looked at his gift. Knowing that his lover could've bought him something really flashy and expensive and instead gave him a box full of memories meant everything to him.

Blinking back an onset of tears he pointed at Xave’s gift. "Now open yours. I wasn't sure if I was going to give it to you after I moved out, but I kept it in case I ever got the nerve."

Giving him a puzzled glance, Xavier opened the box and looked inside. Pulling out a braided leather bracelet he gave Frankie a puzzled look.

"I made it in leatherworks class. I wanted to give you something I made myself."

A wide smile crossed Xave’s face. Without a word he slipped it on his wrist. "It's beautiful. I really like that you made me something. It makes me feel special."

"You are special. You, Xave, are like the best Christmas gift ever. Do you know why I'm so cheerful in the morning?"

His lover shook his head.

"Because I get to wake up and see you. I didn't make the connection myself until I moved in with Rob. With Rob I hated mornings because you weren't there to grumble at me and drink my coffee." Putting his hands on Xave’s face, Frankie forced his lover to look at him. "I know you worry about the age difference, but you are everything I've ever wanted. You are my permanent Christmas present."

His lover's face lit up as he leaned down and kissed Frankie. Heat burned through the young man as he was wrapped in his lover's embrace. Silently he made a vow to always be there to help Xavier enjoy Christmas.



The End



About the Author



Amber Kell is a dreamer who has been writing stories in her head for as long as she could remember.


She lives in Seattle with her husband, two sons, two cats and one very stupid dog. To learn more about her current books or works in progress, check out her blog at Her fans can also reach her at [email protected].






Email: [email protected]







Also by Amber Kell:



Back To Hell

Banded Brothers: To Have A Human

Cob Brothers: Ash Swan

Cob Brothers: The Swimming Swan

Cob Brothers: The Helpful Swan

Considering Carlyle

Cowboy Lovin’: Robert’s Rancher

Cowboy Lovin’: Tyler’s Cowboy

Dangerous Lovers: Accounting For Luke

Dangerous Lovers: Catching Mr Right

Dragon Men: Mate Hunt

Dragon Men: Mate Test

Dragon Men: Mate Dance

Dragon Men: Mate Healer


Imperfect Porn: Patrick’s Plight

Larson Legacy: Trials of Tam

Larson Legacy: Lessons for Lewis

Magical Men: Keeping Dallas

Matchmaker, Matchmaker

Moon Pack: Attracting Anthony

Moon Pack: Baiting Ben

Moon Pack: Courting Calvin

Moon Pack: Denying Dare

Moon Pack: Enticing Elliott

Moon Pack: Finding Farro

Moon Pack: Getting Gabe

Moon Pack: Hunting Henry

Moon Pack: Inflaming Inno

Moon Pack: Judging Jager

My Subby Valentine

Planetary Submissives: Orlin’s Fall

Planetary Submissives: Chalice

Protecting His Soul

Supernatural Mates: More Than Pride

Supernatural Mates: Talan’s Treasure

Supernatural Mates: Nothing To Do With Pride

Supernatural Mates: From Pack to Pride

Supernatural Mates: A Prideful Mate

Supernatural Mates: A Prideless Man

Underwolves: A Gamma’s Choice

Wooing Master Jones

Yearning Love: Protecting Francis

Yearning Love: Taking Care of Charlie

BOOK: Xavier's Xmas
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