Zeus (Taken by Olympus Book 1)

BOOK: Zeus (Taken by Olympus Book 1)
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Taken by Olympus, Book One


Celia Aaron



Taken by Olympus

Celia Aaron

Copyright © 2015 Celia Aaron

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book only. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Celia Aaron. Please do not participate in piracy of books or other creative works.

This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, place and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

WARNING: This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Please store your files wisely, away from under-aged readers. This book contains situations involving forced seduction and dubious consent. If these are triggers for you, it’s likely best for you to avoid this story. If not, get the popcorn and enjoy.

Other Books by Celia Aaron

Forced by the Kingpin

Forced Series, Book 1


Forced by the Professor

Forced Series, Book 2


Forced by the Hitmen

Forced Series, Book 3


Forced by the Stepbrother

Forced Series, Book 4


Forced by the Quarterback

Forced Series, Book 5





Acquisition Series, Book One




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Chapter One




The red barn loomed up from the green landscape. It was idyllic, the weather vane atop spinning in the breeze that had only recently kicked up. The Sullivan farm was far out of my way, on the distant edge of the county, and deep in the black belt. The smell of hay and fertile earth swirled and created its own pungent perfume.

I pulled up to the barn and killed the engine. Hank Sullivan strolled out and gave me wave. I returned it and gathered up my bag and medical supplies. As I opened the Jeep door, a flash of lightning in the distance caught my eye. The deep rumble of thunder wasn’t far behind. I needed to get Hank’s horse taken care of sooner rather than later. The country road leading to the farm turned to mud at the slightest hint of rain, and the advancing storm clouds threatened much more than a passing shower.

“Glad you could come, Doc.” Hank shook my hand.

I brushed the blonde strands back behind my ears and smiled up into his weathered, yet handsome, face. I had always liked the Sullivans. Hank’s daughter Gina volunteered at the large animal veterinary clinic I owned. She would make an excellent veterinarian one day. Hank’s son Dean was hardworking and handsome.

“Where is he?”

“I brought him from the stables. He’s waiting in the barn.” Hank’s face darkened. “I sure hope you can save him.”

I hefted my bag higher on my shoulder. “Only one way to find out.”

We walked together into the barn, the smell of old hay and leather surrounding us. Lefty, the gelding I’d been called to examine, stood and watched us approach. He was fifteen hands high and a beautiful midnight black. I’d brought him into this world, helping his dame deliver him and keeping both of them alive. He was my first delivery after I graduated from veterinary school just three years ago.

A man walked from the back of the barn. Dean, Hank’s son. Plenty of women around the county drooled over Dean. I could see why. He was tall with broad shoulders and an open smile. His jeans hit him in all the right places and his plaid button down was open at the throat, revealing a dusting of dark hair on his chest.

He tipped his hat to me. I gave him a little wave before turning to my charge.

“How you doing, Lefty?” I smoothed a hand down his flank as he nickered in greeting.

I knelt next to his back left leg. He was clearly favoring it. “Got a problem back here, boy?”

The thunder rumbled louder as I felt around the tendons, muscles, and bone. He didn’t shy away though I knew my investigation hurt. I closed my eyes, just going by the sensations at the tips of my fingers. It wasn’t the worst news, but it wasn’t good either.

I stood and gave Lefty an affectionate pat.

“Well, Tara?” Hank held his beat-up cowboy hat in his hands.

“It’s a medium sprain. He’s going to need to be box-rested for a few weeks or so and then we’ll check him again.”

“Oh, thank goodness.” Hank swallowed hard. “When he came up lame, I thought…”

“Oh, I think he’ll recover. The ligament will never be as strong, so you’ll need to maybe give him to one of your girls to ride. I’ll call back to the office and have them bring out some anti-inflammatory meds for him. He’ll be just fine, really.”

“That’s good to hear.” Dean’s pleasant baritone came from right behind me.

I kept inspecting the horse, even though I could feel Dean’s eyes on me. I walked around to Lefty’s front. He stared at me with intelligent eyes. “You’re pretty much on bed rest, buddy.”

He nickered again. I gave a quick listen to his heart and checked his other hooves. He looked fine. I let out a sigh of relief that I wouldn’t have to take any more drastic measures. Being a large animal vet came with highs and lows, but nothing was lower than putting down an animal in the prime of life.

“He’s looking great, Hank. Really. You take great care of your animals.”

“Thanks, Doc. I think that’s the highest praise a man can get from a vet.” He smiled, kind wrinkles around his eyes.

The distinct smell of rain cut through the air. I needed to get on the road before I got stuck out here for the night.

“I think my work here is done.” I hefted my pack.

Hank settled his hat back over his salt and pepper hair. “Thanks, Doc. I appreciate you coming on out here. Can I interest you in dinner? Lina’s frying up some chicken.”

“Yeah, you should stay.” Dean offered to carry my bag.

I shook my head. “I’ve got it.” I had to stand on my own two feet. Vets were mostly men, especially ones in my specialty. Carrying my own bag and doing my own heavy lifting was part of the job, especially if I wanted to make inroads with some of the more old fashioned farmers in the region.

Dean gave a heart-stopping grin and dropped his proffered hands. “Well, if you won’t let me help you, you could at least stay for dinner.”

I could have stayed, but the lightning in the distance told me my time was up.

“Maybe next time. I have to get back.” I strode back toward my Jeep.

Dean opened the door for me and I tossed my bag in.

“Thanks again, Doc.” Hank tipped his hat and left to tend to Lefty.

I climbed up and started the engine just as a particularly bright flash of lightning streaked across the sky.

“Be careful out there, Tara. Come on back if it gets bad.” Dean closed my door and rested his arm on the open window. He stared at me for a beat too long, causing warmth to creep from my collar and stain my cheeks. He was expectant, as if he thought I’d change my mind.

What was I supposed to say? I had no real experience with men. I’d never been popular in high school – too busy looking after animals and volunteering at shelters. In college, I was completely focused on getting my veterinary degree and getting out so I could do some good. I was the youngest graduate my veterinary school ever had. I never made time for men. I never even had a boyfriend.

When I didn’t say anything, Dean laughed and backed up a step. “See you around, Tara.”

I got the feeling from the way he said it that I’d be seeing him sooner rather than later.

“Okay. Yeah. See you soon.” I reversed away from the barn and headed down the dirt lane. I watched him in my rear view mirror, his lanky frame enticing even as I fled. I ripped my gaze forward, focusing on getting out of the dirt lane in one piece.

The fields of corn swayed on either side, the wind making them dance. I flipped on my headlights as the darkening clouds turned the afternoon into twilight. I stepped on the gas, trying to make it to the paved county highway before the bottom dropped out.

Lightning struck all around, electricity crackling in the air. I floored it, bouncing along the dirt road so hard my teeth chattered. I had less than a mile to go when a huge blast of lightning rent the sky directly in front of me and blinded me for a second.

When I could see again, a huge bull stood in the road ahead of me. I slammed on the brakes, skidding to a halt only a few paces from him. It was the largest bull I’d ever seen, and its enormous horns glinted, as if someone had dipped them in molten gold. He was a tan color with a diamond on his chest of the purest white.

He didn’t move, simply faced my car and watched as I skidded toward him. He was huge, proud, beautiful beyond all reckoning. He was also lost. I knew Hank Sullivan’s bull, Danny, and he was nothing like the animal in the roadway. I couldn’t imagine who would own a bull with gilded horns. He was completely out of place in this area. Maybe he’d escaped from a travel trailer?

He remained still. I was almost glad. I wanted a closer look. I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened my door. I slid out and left my door open in case he decided I was a threat. Getting gored by a golden bull wasn’t on my to-do list for the day.

Lightning still crackled all around, the sky brightening with each bolt. The thunder was almost deafening. The very first drops of rain spattered down, wetting my gray t-shirt and jeans. My long hair whipped around me, pulled every which way by the rising storm. I took a few halting steps, testing to see if he would charge. He watched me with golden eyes. I had never seen a more beautiful creature.

“Are you lost, fella?” I edged closer as the rain began to pour.

He inhaled as I put my hand up to scratch his ear. When I made contact, the lightning picked up, electricity roving the surface of the earth and creating a blanket of white light all around us. And then it all went black.




Chapter Two




I was in a cloud. Soft fluffiness surrounded me, embraced me like a long lost friend. I tried to squeeze the velvety cloud to me, but I couldn’t move. My eyes fluttered open.

I was in a huge room, the ceiling open to the brilliant blue heavens above. Everything glittered with crystal and gold. The walls were covered with hand-painted murals of the bull I’d seen, a rain of gold, a huge swan, and a golden eagle.

Where am I?

The last thing I remembered was the road at the Sullivan farm. This sumptuous room was definitely not on the farm, and I was certain there was no dwelling like this anywhere in the black belt of rural Georgia. The bull wasn’t here, either.

I tried to move my hands again but they were stuck fast. I turned to look at what held me. I was roped to the largest bed I had ever seen. I was awash in white satin, the soft cloud I’d felt as I’d slept. I was naked beneath the material, my wrists bound to the bed. My legs were free, so I drew them up.

“Don’t do that.” A deep voice rumbled over me.

“Who’s there?” I peered around.

A bright flash, as if the lightning was back, and a man stood at the foot of the bed. He was tall, seven feet perhaps, shirtless, and perfectly sculpted. His eyes were gold, the irises like the molten precious metal. His hair was far lighter than mine. It was almost white and fell to his shoulder in tousled waves. Beautiful.

He stared at me as if he could see what I looked like beneath the layers of satin. He looked hungry and rubbed a hand over his smooth jaw. He ate me up with his eyes. My body responded, my core growing hotter, tighter. I had never been looked at like that before, like I was a meal.

I blinked hard.
Snap out of it.
“What’s going on? Why am I tied?” I yanked on the ropes.

He smiled. My heart did a back flip. He was beyond perfect. I was certain there was no such thing as a more gorgeous man – and maybe even woman.

“You’re tied for my pleasure.” He pulled on the rope that held the toga-like material covering his hips. The fabric fell away and revealed his large length.
Oh my god.
“And yours.”

My mouth watered even as I tried to retreat farther up the bed. Just clenching my legs together and drawing away from him rubbed my clit, making it desire the opposite of escape.

“You can’t just kidnap me and-and-and—”

“And what?” He stalked up the bed to me, and yanked both my ankles down. His hard body settled on top of mine, crushing my resistance easily. He pushed his knees between mine, spreading my legs and opening my pussy. The only thing separating us was the satin. Was that a good thing?

“And just…” My breathy voice trailed off as I looked into his golden eyes. So much desire was there. Knowing it was for me made me melt.

His gaze flicked down to my lips and back to my eyes. “I’ve watched you for a long time, Tara.”

“Wh-what? Like a stalker?” My heart pounded. It should have been pounding with fear. Instead, it was the fiercest desire I’d ever felt that spurred its beat.

He laughed, the sound rich and delicious. I wanted to bathe in it. “Quite so. Every animal you’ve saved, every time you’ve helped someone and expected nothing in return, every time you’ve wisely spurned mortal men’s advances.”

Wait, what?
“Mortal men? What are you talking about?” I met plenty of amorous farmers in my line of work, but I never had time for them, never had time for anything other than my practice.

Oh, god, does he know I’m a virgin?

His stunning smile widened, as if reading my thoughts. “Yes, I know.” His hips pushed against me, his hard cock against my thigh.

My mind rebelled against the implications of what he’d said. He couldn’t read thoughts. No one could.

Even so, I shivered at the sensations he was creating in me. The heat between my legs, the palpitations of my heart, the muddling of my logic, reason.

“Who are you?”

He dropped his mouth to my ear, his breath maddening along my skin. I clenched my hands shut and forced my hips to stay put. I wanted to move against him, to get just a touch of friction against my clit. I’d never felt such need before. He laughed, the low rumble raising goose bumps all over my body.

“Can you keep a secret?” His voice was a seductive whisper and his lips grazed my earlobe.


He moved down to my neck and dropped soft kisses against the fluttering vein there. I moaned low in my throat and couldn’t keep my hips from pushing up from the bed.

He returned his gaze to mine. “Zeus.”

My mind whirled with disbelief. “Are you saying you’re a Greek god?”

He smirked. “I’m a god. Not a particular nationality.”

I wanted to deny it. To tell him he was insane. That what he said couldn’t possibly be true. When I looked around the room at the sheer immensity of it, the blue sky above, the gold, the crystal, and the stunning man above me, something in my heart told me it was real.

“Let’s say I believe you.” I chewed my lower lip. His eyes followed the movement and his cock grew harder against me.

He moved a large palm to my breast and cupped it through the satin. I hitched in a breath. When he rubbed his thumb over my stiff nipple, I bit my lip harder.

“Let’s say that.” He bent his head back to my neck, continuing his kisses from earlier, moving lower.

“Why did you bring me here? Why—” I let out a strangled sound when he fastened his mouth on me through the sheet. “Why pick me?” My mind scrambled, the touch of his hot mouth making my thoughts dissolve as soon as they arrived.

He released my nipple, rose up, and ripped the sheet from me. The cold air assaulted my skin as his eyes roved every inch of me.

“Look at you. I’ve wanted to taste you from the second I saw you. I want your taste in my mouth, down my throat. I want to make you scream. And,” his eyes darkened, “I’ve wanted to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to think about anyone but me ever again.”

I shuddered under his possessive gaze, the dark heat in his eyes. Clouds gathered above us, lightning playing from one to the other in spidery streaks.

“You’re mine, Tara. I need you to understand that.” His voice was a growl, so different from the smooth seduction of only moments before. I couldn’t tell which one I liked better.

His gaze pierced me, reinforcing the intensity of his words, until he bent his head down to my pussy. He parted my thighs wider with his large palms. I was completely spread beneath him. When his warm breath played across my skin, I bucked.

His laughter, erotic and tinged with power filled my mind. “That’s it, Tara. Give it all to me.” He kissed my inner thighs, back and forth as I trembled beneath him. I was awash in desire, on fire for his touch. But there was trepidation mixed in, too. No man had ever seen me like this, much less touched me.
And with his tongue?
I wanted it but feared it at the same time.

“Don’t. Please stop.” My voice quavered, the need and fear warring. “I-I’ve never had anyone touch me—”

He ignored my protest and licked my tender flesh. I arched off the bed. His tongue was warm, sensual velvet.

“You like that?” His irises swirled with golden light as he licked again.

I cried out, unintelligible words spilling from my lips.

He settled his mouth on me, laughing as I struggled. I didn’t know if I wanted to escape or push against him harder. Did it matter? I was tied to his bed. He put a palm on each thigh, pressing me wider, and fastened his mouth to me.

I screamed with the heat, the intensity of his mouth. I threw my head back, seeing nothing but sky as he feasted on me. His tongue licked feverishly, as if wanting every last bit of my wetness. Up and down he went, the wicked tip of his tongue flicking my clit with each sure stroke. I glanced down to him and his eyes were still on me.

When he darted his nimble tongue into my opening, my stomach clenched. He growled against my flesh and pressed his palms harder, spreading me as wide as I could go. He renewed his assault, licking and sucking until I couldn’t form any coherent thoughts. My hips moved against him. Me trying to stay still like trying to stop water from being wet. All I wanted was release. I was drawn so tight that each slide of his tongue against my clit was a leap toward ecstasy. He smoothed a hand down my thigh and pressed a finger into my core.

“Oh. My. God.”

He popped his head up and I cursed him for breaking the contact. “Just call me Zeus.” He returned to his work, my hypersensitive skin screaming at his touch, yet desperate for me.

I was panting, moaning, on the verge of tears at the tension he’d instilled in my body. I was a creature of pure need, desperate for release. He moved his finger in and out along with the rhythm of his mouth. I was at the edge. I froze, my hips no longer rocking against him. So close to falling over.

He pulled away. I cried out with frustration. I glared at him, then let my gaze stray farther down. He’d fisted his hard cock. Blood darkened the tip as he slowly worked his hand up and down his shaft. It would never fit inside me. It was too big. I would tear.

I dug in my heels and pushed up toward the head of the bed. With one hand on my hip, he ripped me back down. “No, Tara. You’re mine. All of you.”

“You’ll hurt me.” My eyes widened as he advanced, pressing his thighs against mine. The head of his cock brushed my swollen folds and a jolt of electricity swirled between us.

“I’m aching for you Tara.” His eyes pinned me more than his hand on my hip.

I knew there was no escape, no denying his cock as he slid it over my slick core. He teased my clit and bent his head to my nipple. He sucked one into his mouth, his teeth teasing around the edges as his tongue tickled the tip. The sensation went straight to my pussy, wetting it even more. I was soaking for him, for the promise of pleasure that was even now working my clit into a frenzy.

He nudged the head into my opening.

A flash of pain. “No, Zeus. It won’t fit.”

He bit down on my nipple and I writhed beneath him. He slid his hand beneath my back, between my shoulder blades, and gripped my hair. He yanked hard. I squealed as my head fell back, leaving my neck exposed. He fastened his mouth to my throat, suck and biting. I hopelessly pulled at my bonds as he slid inside me even further, his cock giving me pleasure and pain.

“I won’t stop, Tara. Even if you beg.” He pushed the slightest bit deeper and licked up my neck to my ear. “Do you want to beg? Beg me to stop, Tara.” His voice was a dark seduction as the sky roiled above us, lightning crackling.

“Don’t, please.” It was a breathy squeak.

“Struggle if you want. You aren’t going anywhere. I’m going to do whatever I want with you, little mortal.” He pulled harder on the strands, the tendons in my neck stretching to their limit. “And I want quite a lot.”

“Now, beg.” His voice had a hard edge, violence and lust mixing into a deep rumble.

“Please, stop.” My words said one thing, my tone said another. I wanted him deeper.
Fuck the pain
. I wanted it.

He rocked his hips into me, seating himself as deeply as he could go. I screamed at the sudden pressure, the fire roaring through every nerve ending I possessed.

“Mine.” It was a guttural proclamation of ownership.

He slid out, allowing me to draw in a breath before he plunged back inside. I cried out again as he bit my neck, his teeth almost breaking the skin. I brought my heels up to his back and dug in to try and ground myself somehow, to have some say in how he fucked me. He wouldn’t give me even that small piece of control. He yanked one thigh down and pinned it to the bed, leaving me at his mercy.

He started a vicious rhythm. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think at the wave of new sensations drowning my mind. There was nothing I could do to stop him and he knew it. He sank into me again and again, forcing me to accept him, to accommodate his thick cock. I was crying out on every breath as he claimed me, marking me as his.

He had no pity, no remorse even as I felt my virgin’s blood leak onto his perfect satin sheets. It was a transgression. It was a revelation. I found myself pushing into his strokes, spurring him on. His powerful back rippled as he fucked me harder, his chest crushing mine. He let up his hold on my hair and sat back on his haunches. He pulled my hips up to his and maintained his punishing pace. Each time he pistoned into me, a sharp crack of flesh on flesh echoed around the room and mixed with the crackle of electricity.

His golden eyes, now darkened with streaks of midnight, stared at where our bodies joined. He released one of my hips and took my breast in his hand. He squeezed and kneaded before pinching my nipple between his thumb and forefinger. I arched up to him, increasing the contact to my clit. He gripped my breast and pushed into me harder and faster, a frenzied pace that seemed almost impossible.

The pain was gone now, just a memory. Pleasure flooded into its place. I was on the edge again, looking over into the pool of release below. I wanted to jump, to drown myself in bliss. My muscles tightened. My hips began to lock up as the pleasure overtook me. When he released my breast and rubbed his thumb over my clit, I jumped into the swirling pool below. I sank straight to the bottom, soaked in relief as wave after wave of pleasure wracked my body. I screamed and tears flowed from my eyes as I spasmed around his cock. I had never felt so high.

BOOK: Zeus (Taken by Olympus Book 1)
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