Brides of Caralon 00 Seductress of Caralon (3 page)

BOOK: Brides of Caralon 00 Seductress of Caralon
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His cock had risen to its full length in the few short heartbeats it had taken to study her.
knew two things. She was trouble, sent by a ruler who meant him harm. And he was going to have her.


He strode boldly through the shallow water, splashing his way across, his gaze never wavering. As he neared her, his muscles went taut and his cock grew still more rigid.


Her eyes went feral, her breath heavy, even before he kneeled in front of her, firmly parted her legs, and bent to rake his tongue up the center of her glistening
. A quivering moan left her as the taste and scent of her salty-sweet juices filled his senses.


“Who sent you?” he asked, narrowing his gaze on her sapphire eyes.


The vixen still trembled, looking fraught with pleasure from just that one lick. “Sent me? No one sent me.”


He arched one brow. “Am I to believe you simply dropped out of heaven, a gift from Ares for a hungry warrior?”


She shook her head. “I’ve come from a village to the south, through the mountains.” She pointed. “When I heard
the Attacker was marching past, I could not resist traveling to see such a legend.”


Amused, he dropped his gaze to her pussy, still spread pink and lovely below. “Came to see me, did you?”


“To seduce you,” she clarified.


He could not hold in a slight grin. “Why?”


The raven-haired beauty bit her lip and let her eyes rake over him. “Look at you. You’re as muscular and handsome as any combatant has ever been. How could I know such a man was passing through without wanting him, wanting his cock?”


could not hold in his smile. She was the most alluring female he’d ever met. She was clearly too ignorant to realize, however, that her silken clothing and denuded
gave away her background. The only question that remained was which of his enemies had commissioned her seduction.


Reaching down, he thrust aside his thin fur vest and pulled the tie that laced his pants—revealing his erection. His seductress gasped. “Dear Ares—it’s even bigger than I expected.”


“What’s your name, vixen?”


She looked utterly dazed as she stared at his cock.


, do you like what you see?”


Appearing breathless, the girl nodded with enthusiasm.


He edged closer to her, until his cock stood but a few inches from her lovely face. “Do you want it? Do you want it in your pussy?
In your delicate little heart-shaped mouth?”
He reached out to run his thumb over her full lower lip.


Finally drawing her gaze from his shaft, she looked up at him. “More than I’ve ever wanted anything before.”


Again, he allowed himself a small smile. She might be bait, but he liked an eager woman. So did his cock.


Reaching down, he ran his hands briskly over her breasts, her sides, her hips, then parted her legs and took a close look at her pussy. She released a trembling sigh. He’d been fairly certain there was no place on her scant ensemble to hide a weapon or poison, but he’d had to make sure. Finally, he glanced over his shoulder and called out in the direction from which he’d come. He’d left his two most trusted men just beyond the copse of trees that lined the stream.



A few seconds later, the two men appeared.
grinned. “What have you there,


He gazed down into the beautiful wanton’s eyes and smiled.
“A captive.”


* * * * *


sat in
tent, reliving the past hour. Her senses were on overload.


Upon reaching the area near
encampment, her father’s guides had searched him out, and only when they’d seen him heading toward the stream had they left her. She’d felt so uncertain she could complete the task given her that she’d almost been tempted to run—anywhere—but escaping alone into the mountains would probably be fatal, so she’d stayed to face her fate.


The moment she’d seen
, her
. He was…amazing. His light hair had fallen about his face like a sun-kissed mane, his shoulders were broader than any she’d ever seen, and his chest rippled with muscles. When he’d crossed the creek toward her, she’d been certain he would hold her down and fuck her—and she found herself hoping, waiting, for that grand intrusion she’d learned about last night.


She’d nearly fainted when he’d licked her pussy. Ares above, Gilda had not warned her he might use his mouth on her. Her entire being had prickled with a pleasure so intense it was almost agonizing.


And then he’d unleashed his cock—a tool much longer and thicker than Gilda’s clay one. Fear had lurched inside her, even as a hunger and want unlike any she’d ever known raced through her, leaving her utterly confused and excited.


Oh, how she’d wanted him to end her suspense and plunge himself between her legs on the creek bank. She could not have been more shocked when he’d announced he was taking her captive.


He’d chuckled in the face of her obvious fear as his men drew her hands behind her back, tying them with twine. As she’d stood glowering up at him, he’d gently lifted her chin. “I shall see you soon,
.” Then he’d brushed a tantalizingly soft kiss across her lips, sending a rush of sensation skittering through her body.


As the two men had led her through the enormous valley encampment,
soldiers had all gaped and ogled, yelling out obscenities as she passed. She’d sensed their eyes on her breasts and
, but rather than feeling appalled or ashamed, their stares had only added to the intense arousal that left her legs streaming with her own juices.


Upon reaching the largest tent in the camp,
men had untied her hands, although one of them had leered at her, saying, “I’d advise you not to leave this tent, pretty. If you do, all the men will get to enjoy you, not just


Now she sat looking around, surprised at the luxuries a man like
possessed. Rather than the dull, cold warrior’s residence she expected, the tent teemed with the expensive silks of the wealthy, and he slept on a feather bed—on which she currently rested. Across the tent, she noticed he even owned a viewing glass, much like her own, remnants and shards of the ancient glass pieced together to form a whole.


How long would it be before he came to her? Night would fall soon—surely then, if not before. Drat it all, she should have done as Gilda had advised and practiced with the clay cock so she’d have some idea of what it would feel like, what to expect. For even as her whole body burned with a desire like none she’d ever felt, her
quivered in fear, as well. Gilda had said it might hurt at first, and upon seeing
massive cock,
now worried what his penetration would do to her.


She peered frantically around the tent. She’d not brought the toy cock with her, but perhaps she could find something just as good. Of course, despite the lavishness of
tent, items to choose from were few, but her eyes did fall on a plump candle wedged in yet another antique—a brass holder whose dents and tarnish made it no less exquisite.


Biting her lip,
rose from the bed and snatched up the half-burned candle. It was not as wide or as long as
, but it would be better than nothing.


After positioning the viewing glass across from the bed, she lounged back on the silk coverings, parted her legs, and looked at her pussy’s reflection. Reaching down, she used both hands to part her
and locate the entrance Gilda had pointed out to her. Then she freed one hand and picked up the candle, positioning its end just so.


When she first began to attempt insertion, she met resistance—it felt strange to be putting something in her body that way. But when she thought of
, her arousal bloomed fresh and her pussy seemed to open, allowing the end of the candle inside.


, how strange and erotic for her
to be swallowing something so sizable.
Peering at the viewing glass, she experimented, beginning to move the candle in and out, pushing it slightly deeper with each slide. The sight of the candle slipping in and out of her pussy was as exciting as the sensation itself. Oh, Ares, she wanted to be ready for
. Captive or not, despite her fear and uncertain fate, she wanted all the pleasure the hulking warrior had to give.


* * * * *


stood at the entrance to his tent, thoroughly tantalized by watching his tempting little captive fuck herself with his candle. It had taken but a few inquiries among his men to learn
was the name of the youngest daughter of

, a domain so small and poorly guarded that
had, up to now, possessed no particular interest in taking it just yet. He’d been weaving through the interior mountains, planning to turn north soon and attack the growing domain of
New Bern
. But if this
was so afraid of him that he’d sent his daughter to—what?
him?—well, then, to
his troops would go.


It was easy to see why she’d been sent—a woman so lovely and sensual could easily lure most men’s thoughts away from war and onto heat. Fortunately, he wasn’t most men—he knew well how to enjoy a woman without surrendering completely.


looked ripe and ready, the candle slipping easily in and out of her inviting passage, reminding him of the long lick he’d given it earlier—the tart-sweet taste of her still lingered lightly in his mouth. A shame she was an enemy, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t enjoy each other.


In and out, in and out, she smoothly moved the candle. Letting a lecherous smile creep over his face, he drew back the tent flap and stepped inside.


She gasped, her blue eyes going wide as she extracted the candle, letting it drop between her legs.


“No,” he said, moving closer and bending down to pick it up. He smoothly re-inserted it into her pussy,
physically wrapped her hand around it. “Don’t stop. I wish to watch.”


He took a seat in a wooden chair a few feet away, focusing intently on her. He’d never seen bigger, bluer eyes, her lashes long and lush—she stayed focused on him as she slowly began working the candle again.


“Good girl,” he said softly. “That’s right. Fuck your pretty little pussy for me.”


“Don’t you want to fuck it yourself?” she asked, lowering her chin provocatively.


He let another grin steal over him.
“All in good time,
Now, fuck your
and tell me who sent you.” He knew the answer already, but he wanted to make her admit the truth.


“No one sent me.”
In and out, in and out.
“I told you, I came from—”


“Who sent you?” he snapped. When she ceased moving the candle, he spoke more gently. “Don’t stop. Keep going and tell me.”


The candle resumed its slippery fuck as she said, once more, “No one sent me. I’m here of my own accord.”


rose from the chair and closed the distance between them, kneeling before the low bed. “Keep working your candle,” he instructed,
closed his hands around her full, rose-tipped breasts through the transparent fabric. She moaned. He kneaded the firm mounds and his cock throbbed with wanting her.

BOOK: Brides of Caralon 00 Seductress of Caralon
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