Brides of Caralon 00 Seductress of Caralon (4 page)

BOOK: Brides of Caralon 00 Seductress of Caralon
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Finally, he lowered the blue material over her plump breasts, securing it underneath. “These are beautiful,” he whispered, dipping to rake his tongue across one taut pink nipple.


Another soft moan left her. “Oh Ares,” she purred.


He cast a devilish grin up at her as he lightly closed his teeth around her nipple, pulling, gently biting. Then he whispered to her, “Even Ares can’t help you now,


Reaching down,
took possession of the candle—she released it easily into his grip. As he suckled one puckered nipple, he thrust the candle into her pussy, harder and deeper than her own strokes.


She cried out at each drive of the tool, and he sucked at her furiously. She held his head to her chest, crushing him against her, and he buried his face in her lush softness, the valley between her breasts seeming to swallow him. It would be easy to forget his task, so easy, but
hadn’t gotten where he was by being vulnerable—even when faced with the most entrancing body he’d ever had the privilege of touching. He’d never let himself be bested; he never let anyone even think they’d bested him. She would admit to him why she’d come.


With one deft move, he released the candle, gripped both her wrists tight, and pushed her back onto the bed until his face hovered only inches above hers. “Tell me who sent you,
. Tell me who was stupid enough to give me your body in a useless attempt to save their little domain. Tell me exactly what you came here to do.”


“I came here to be fucked by you. But no one sent me.”


She was utterly enticing, yet her lies were beginning to wear thin. “No one sent you, eh? That’s all you have to say? All you’re going to give me?” Shifting to secure both her wrists with one hand, he reached down between them, untying the waist of his pants until his cock burst free.


He’d had enough of her lies and wanted to scare her now—scare the truth from her. Squeezing tight on her slender wrists with his roughened hand, he planted his knees on her thighs, spreading her wide. “Tell me now, vixen, or suffer my wrath.”


The girl stayed silent,
big eyes wide with…what?
Or anticipation?
She was clearly ripe for sex, but she was also young—how experienced could she be? In fact, given that she was the daughter of a ruler—dear Ares, had
sent a virgin to seduce him? Would the man actually sacrifice his daughter’s bride value?


Every nerve in his body ached to know the answers, even as he burned to wring honesty from her. If he took her virginity, the one thing that gave her value among
upper classes, he should be cursed to hell, but Ares…he was weak. His rigid cock throbbed where it lay against her slit. Every limb, every pore, drove him onward, needing to know the sweet depths of her
. “Last chance to save
,” he bit off.


When she remained silent, those warm blue eyes seeming to dare him, he couldn’t hold back. With a mighty thrust, he rammed his cock inside her, making her cry out. Ares above—she was a virgin. The telltale wall of defense inside her hadn’t held, of course, but he’d felt himself break through.


Now her lips trembled, her breath came ragged, but her eyes… Given the size of his cock, he might have expected to read in them pain, anguish, fear—but instead, he saw only fire raging in
gaze. She was still daring him, daring him to do more.


“You will tell me,” he ground out as he drove his cock deep into her wetness. “By Ares, you will.” He rammed against her once more.


Again and again, he thrust into her warm, tight passage, trying to drive the truth from her lips, but her cries were those of delight and nothing else. Harder, he willed himself.
Her sobs grew more feral, yet those sparkling eyes of hers remained defiant, wild with pleasure.


fucked her, harder, faster, he kept telling himself the power of his large cock in her tiny hole would wrench an admission from her eventually, that a virgin could not take what he was doling out, but for long, intense moments, the heat and bliss that assailed his body banished all other thoughts. Her lush breasts jiggled below him with each thrust until he used his free hand to seize one, squeezing it firmly, bending to draw on her beaded nipple once more. He sucked it deep, deeper, feeling it elongate between his lips, her fevered moans fueling him. Harder, fuck her harder. Each deep thrust into her pussy made him groan, the sound mixing with her high-pitched squeals. “Tell me!” he yelled. “Tell me!”


vixen ignored him completely.


And finally, a sense of calm anger washed over him. She was enjoying being held down far too much, enjoying the hot drive of his cock too deeply.


Suddenly he understood how to lure the truth from her.


Releasing her wrists from his tight grip, he sat up and eased his cock out of her
until only its tip teased her pink flesh.


Her labored breath was the only sound.


He wanted more of her, wanted it like he wanted to breathe, but there was also immense satisfaction to be had in other ways.


Her lips trembled when she spoke, her voice soft, needy. “Please.”


“Please what, vixen?”


“Please…don’t stop. Please fuck me.”


He felt the slow smile creep over him. “You want more of this big cock,


She nodded against the bedcovers. “Yes. Oh yes!”


“Then tell me who sent you.”


Even now, she remained quiet other than her ragged breathing.


Glancing down, he could almost see her pussy pulsing with need. She rubbed it against the head of his cock. Temptingly wet, but he didn’t move, only stared down at her. “If you want it, tell me what I ask of you.”


Without answering, she reached down for his cock with one hand, beginning to finger her clit with the other.
Hungry little vixen.


“No!” he snapped, closing his hands around her wrists once more, pinning them to the bedcovers at her side.


“But I—I’m so—”


Desperate for cock?
He hoped she was desperate enough. “You’ll only get more when you’ve answered me.” Letting go of her wrists, he reached behind him to the table at the end of the bed. He lit a candle—dusk had grown deeper and he wanted to see every second of his encounter with
. Then he reached for a long string of twine, left over from erecting his tent earlier.


Turning back to his captive, he rolled her onto her side, pulled her hands behind her back, and tied her wrists snugly together. “There,” he said. “Now you get only what I give you.”


When she raised her gaze to him, though, her expression was wilder than ever. Subduing her hands had done nothing to squelch her raging heat. As her raven mane fell about her face, he thought she looked like a hungry animal, caged but still fighting. Ares, he wanted her.


“Tell me who sent you,
, and I’ll loose your hands. I’ll loose your hands and I’ll fuck you all night long.” A promise he wanted to keep.


Her deep-set eyes were just as beautiful and untamed as ever, and when she opened her mouth, the noise that came out sounded more animal than human. Even without the use of her hands, she jerked to a sitting position, her eyes darting down between her own spread legs and then between his, to the cock jutting from the soft leather of his pants.


Without warning, she propelled herself forward, bending over, grabbing onto the head of his cock with her tender mouth. “Oh Ares!” he groaned. She was the hottest, hungriest little beast of a female he’d ever encountered. And now that his cock was in her mouth, it depleted some of his strength—this was a pleasure he couldn’t resist.


She shifted to her knees, dipping to slide her wet mouth up and down as much of his length as she could take between her delicate lips. Even without her hands to help her, she worked vigorously, her mouth latching onto him like a tiny vise. He had no choice but to lean back and watch the beautifully erotic sight of her lips wrapping around him, her mouth being filled with his width and length. He couldn’t help thrusting lightly, thinking, Deeper, vixen, take me deeper. Wondrously, she did, allowing him to fuck her sweet mouth as they both moaned their pleasure.


weakness was killing him. He didn’t like his inability to stop. Domains had been lost over lesser failings. But his cock was immersed in the sweetest, wettest mouth he’d ever felt, and her wild enthusiasm was too great for him to fight.


Just when he feared he might climax, she raised her head, lips swollen,
wild and untamed. “Fuck me,” she pleaded. “Fuck me!”


drew in a deep, trembling breath. Don’t give her what she wants. Tie her up better. Tie her to the chair. Make her beg until she delivers what you want.


“Fuck me,
! I need your cock. I have to have it! Put it in me.”


The last time
had responded to a woman’s demands was…never. He’d always been the one in control, had never come across a woman brave enough to question his authority in bed. But
was different. She was fire. She was lightning in a bottle.


He couldn’t help himself. Her sweet pussy was too tight, her tigress’s role too enticing. Gritting his teeth, he pulled her to her feet,
pushed her to her knees on the floor. “
over the bed,” he commanded.


She obeyed, suddenly eager to please now that she knew she was getting what she craved. She was a vision of pure allure, blue clouds of fabric hanging in lovely disarray around her body, her hands tied behind her back as she
the fucking she’d begged for.


He thought about issuing threats, warnings, but at the moment, all he wanted to do was sink his cock where it belonged—deep in her pretty, wet
. He still couldn’t believe her newly deflowered pussy could take him so well, a thought that added to his need. He couldn’t wait another second, dropping to his knees behind her, lifting her ass, and plunging his cock to the hilt.


Her cry of pleasure took him to heaven and he fell into the same hot, hard rhythm as before, pounding her pussy over and over again as her sobs filled the candlelit tent.


Hard, hard, hard, he fucked her. Wet and tight, in and out, his cock grew stiffer with each thrust. How long would she take it before she begged him to stop? Amid his fucking, he issued a wry chuckle.
This girl?
She’d probably take it all night, drain him of his seed over and over and still plead for more. Born to fuck, he thought.
Born to fuck him.


That was when she began moving her bound hands behind her, reaching, clawing—for anything, it seemed—another wild reaction to be being fucked. Her cries intensified as her slender, willowy fingers flailed about in desperation.


Peering down, watching his cock slam into her, he saw one of her stretching fingers collide with her anus. “Oh,” she moaned at her own touch, and he had the distinct feeling she’d just discovered that part of


Indeed, after that one stroke, her fingers returned there, her hands struggling against the bindings as she rubbed the puckered fissure and let out another groan of pleasure.


His own
heat increased, watching her caress her tiny asshole with more and more fervor. She sobbed with frustration, though, when the twine at her wrists prevented her from stimulating it exactly in the manner she pleased, and
was so enraptured by the sight of her touching herself there that he was sorely tempted to reach for the blade at his hip and slice the twine away.


But then a better idea occurred to him, and without ever easing up on his strokes, he reached around her and closed his fist around the abandoned candle. The moment he placed its rounded end at her ass, she released a moan of gratitude and relaxed her hands. Her hunger astounded him, propelling him to twist the still-moist candle back and forth against the fissure until it slowly began to ease its way inside. As her cries filled the tent, as his cock continued to plunge deep into her warm pussy, he applied just enough pressure on the candle to drive it gently deeper, deeper.

BOOK: Brides of Caralon 00 Seductress of Caralon
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