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Authors: Ashley Beale

Burning Attraction (2 page)

BOOK: Burning Attraction
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At lunch time I get to the cafeteria first and wait around outside the doors for Aubrey. I hear a husky bedroom voice come from my left and my head immediately sways in that direction. Okay, so when I said that last guy was the sexiest guy I've ever met, I lied. This man walking my way is. He is a couple inches taller than the last guy, his muscles bulk out like he is some kind of fighter, with tattoos placed nicely down his arms. His almost black hair is buzzed short, and his square jaw has the tiniest bit of scruff along it. What catches me off guard is his piercing green eyes, they're breath taking.

It takes me only a moment to notice he is walking with no other than Aubrey's step sister, Stella. The queen bitch, who I loathe completely. We've never gotten along and never will. I'm not catty at all, but this girl brings out my claws. She is laughing at something this mystery man is saying and I feel a ping of jealousy in me, I just don't know why. They walk on past me, Stella ignoring me, but the sex on a stick is staring at me intently. He flashes me a boyish grin before he opens the door, letting Stella in before following behind her.

Aubrey shows up minutes later and I ask if Stella has a boyfriend but she says no, she's just a whore. It doesn't surprise me that she could find a delicious man like that though. She’s five and a half feet tall, with curly bleach blonde hair and beautiful hazel eyes. My eyes are hazel as well, but they're browner, where Stella's are greener. The only thing green about me is the envy I have towards her right now for knowing this man.

The rest of the day goes by just as easy, and I actually like most of my classes. I was a little disappointed not to run into either of the hot guys I saw earlier today. I want the full college experience, and that includes finding the hottest guys on campus and hooking up with them once or twice. Throughout the day I did meet a handful of people I really enjoyed talking to, some girls, some guys. As much as I was dreading waking up this morning, I've found myself being happy that I did.

Before I know it it's Friday night and there is a frat party tonight that I cannot wait to attend. Aubrey said that Stella used to brag about how amazing frat parties were here, especially ones at the fraternity called Beta Theta Pi, which happens to be where the party is tonight. Aubrey helps me get ready, so that I am the perfect combination of cute and sexy. I don't like to overdo it, as Aubrey does, but I do adore some attention.

Since we both plan on getting plastered tonight, we walk to the fraternity. We only live a block away so it's not that bad. We arrive moments later and I find a pledge to fill our cups to the brim. He makes me a fruity drink and I love it, which means I know which pledge I'll keep coming back to tonight. I've noticed a handful of my new friends here tonight and I get moving around, talking to them all. Close to two hours in, Aubrey, me, and a few other girls I've met all go out on the makeshift dance floor to swing our booties around.

Someone puts their hands on my hips, and since I'm feeling good I don't even bother seeing who it is. I grind myself into him, and can smell the delicious scent of masculinity. When he puts his lips to my ear I feel shivers run down my spine. "You're so beautiful," the deep, seductive voice breathes. I turn my head over my shoulder to get a good look at the guy. It's the same one I saw when Aubrey and I pulled into the parking lot of school on Monday. I hadn't seen him again, and it nearly takes my breath away with how close his lips are to mine.

I flash a smile at him, "thanks." I turn back around and continue dancing, this time sexier than before. That is one thing I know how to do, shake my ass. I took dance lessons for thirteen years, so I'm able to sway my hips to any beat, and I'm not missing any tonight as the bass pumps through the speakers. The hotness behind me pulls me even closer to him, so now the bulge in his pants is rubbing into my back. Almost immediately I start throbbing with desire. I could probably take this man right here, right now, but I'm enjoying the foreplay.

He gets close to my ear again, "want to get some fresh air or a new drink?" I nod my head yes as he takes my hand, pulling me with him. We go and each grab a new drink before going out the back door, to the lawn that is just as crowded as inside. The only difference is, the music isn't nearly as loud out here, so we can have a chance to talk. We walk over to a bench and sit down next to each other. "I'm Carson," he says, extending a hand.

Shaking his hand causes my stomach to flare up with need for this man. "Cassandra, or Cassie," I say in response.

He nods his head a little bit, "I like it, it suits you, Cassie." Oh, and my name rolling off his tongue like that, I just melt to this bench. He doesn't realize what he is doing to me, not one bit.

I bite down on my smile, so he can't see that I'm excited about him saying my name like that. I swallow down the lump forming in my throat before I say anything more. "Thanks. So you a freshman this year or...?"

"Sophomore actually. I take it you’re a freshman though?" I nod in answer, too nervous to say more than I need to. "You from San Diego?" I nod again, which causes him to chuckle. His little laugh makes me want to straddle him and take him right here, but I won't only for the sake there is way too many people around, all with cell phones. I don't need that posted online. "And do you have a boyfriend?" he asks, lifting both eyebrows up in question.

"Nope, you? Well, girlfriend I mean." I bite down on my lips once again. I'm sure I look like an idiot but this man has me so nervous, I don't understand it. I typically flow with a lot of confidence, but not tonight for some reason.

He laughs, "no, no girlfriend. I wouldn't be dancing with you like that if I did." Carson's eyes take me in and I can see a swirl of desire in his luscious blue eyes. I look his face over, paying great detail to all his features. He has a swarm of freckles on the bridge of his nose, no hair on his face at all, his lips are full and kissable, and when she smirks at me I see a dimple on the right side of his mouth. A dimple- oh God, I'm in trouble. Oddly enough, I want to lick that tiny little indent, but I don't since that will probably cause him to run for the hills.

We sit and talk for a while longer about our majors, our families, our life in California. He is from a town called Byron, which is where his family still is, and he is actually part of the frat house that we're partying in. That is also where he resides during the school year. He has three siblings, all older, all female, which makes him a momma's boy. I tell him I live close by with Aubrey, grew up in this same city, just moved into my apartment over the summer, am an only child, and all the other boring details.

Conversation with Carson is easy. I enjoy talking with him, and can feel myself becoming more comfortable with each word said. When I take a glance at my cell phone I see it is almost one in the morning. It saddens me because I don't want to leave any time soon but I know it won't be much longer, there is less and less people around. Normally with someone like him I would ask if he wants to head inside, possibly to his bedroom, but I can't bring myself to it. I have a weird feeling being around him. I want to know more about him. I want to see him more.

I notice as Aubrey comes stumbling outside and starts yelling my name. "Over here Aubrey," I yell. I've sobered up a lot since we've been out here almost two hours talking about everything under the sun. Aubrey makes her way over to us and smiles when she sees who I'm talking to. I introduce Aubrey and Carson, who shake hands.

"You ready?" she asks me skeptically.

I look over at Carson with sad eyes before answering Aubrey, "yeah, I suppose I am."

He stands with me and walks us to the fence, where there is a gate that Aubrey and I can go through to head back out to the street. "Will you be here next week?"

"We will," Aubrey answers before I can.

Carson chuckles, "okay, I'll see you next week then." He leans down and brushes his lips across mine. When he pulls back, he stares into my eyes, waiting my reaction. I can't do anything more than smile at him. It felt amazing, I could feel his kiss all the way to between my legs. When he asks for my number I willingly give it to him, and after he punches a few things into his cell phone I feel mine vibrate. "Good night ladies," he says, before walking towards his frat house.

When Aubrey and I are back at the street, I pull my phone out to see what it says.
Friday can't come fast enough ;-)
It causes my heart to flutter like crazy. I save his number into my phone, then make my way back to the apartment, helping Aubrey as we go. She without a doubt drank a lot more than me tonight, she’s practically falling over drunk.

"What'd you and lover boy talk about?" she slurs out when we're almost back to the apartment.

I can't help but laughing at her, she looks like such a hot mess. "Oh you know, just introductions to one another. Learned a lot about him."

"Good. You need a good man."

"No, I don't need a man. Not this early into college. Come, we need to get you to bed, you're drooling." I practically carry Aubrey into her bedroom and don't bother changing her out of her clothes as I help her into bed.

When I get back into my bedroom I feel my phone buzz once again. Taking a glance at it, I see that Carson sent me one more text.
Just wanted to see if you made it home ok. Sweet dreams, beautiful.
Butterflies erupt throughout my stomach as I read the words, than I text him back telling him I did and good night. I cannot wait until next Friday already.
































Chapter 2: We Meet Again

The following Thursday I'm walking from third period to lunch with Aubrey by my side. We're in a detailed conversation about how wonderful Carson has been to me all week long. He either calls or texts me every day, and last night we went out on our first date. It was just dinner, then he dropped me back off home, but it was sweet. I hadn't wanted to meet someone so fast in the year, especially since it's my first year of college, so I told him I want to take things slow. He states that he understands completely, which is such a relief for me. Aubrey is mid-sentence when I hear a husky voice behind us, "you two are still attached at the hip I see."

I recognize the voice instantly. How could I not? It's that same bedroom voice I heard on the first day of school, the way-too-hot of a man that was walking with Stella. I pause mid step and turn my head over my shoulder to get a look at him, and yup, it's him. Looking as hot as ever, making me want to cream my pants instantly. How have I lived in San Diego my whole life, and on my first day of school here I land my eyes on undeniably the two hottest men alive?

"Excuse me?" I ask him with a little more attitude than I meant. He is looking directly at Aubrey and I, but I have no idea what he is talking about.

A small chuckle leaves his mouth as he grins that same boyish way he was the first time I saw him. How is it possible that a man that looks that sexy can also look that adorable? It's not fair to the female population, because I can guarantee that he is a heart breaker. He looks back and forth between Aubrey and me, before his green eyes burn into mine. "You don't even know who I am. That hurts," he says with a playful tone. He puts his hand over his heart, like I just broke it. I'd probably laugh if I knew who he was and what he was talking about.

"Um," I push my lips together and think real hard, but I know I don't know this man. How could anyone forget someone that looked like... him? I turn my entire body around to face him, and take in everything about him. I know I've never slept with him, I don't have class with him, and he didn't attend my last school. Who could he be? I'd like to get to know him, so I should probably be as nice as possible. I wrinkle my nose before continuing. "Sorry, wish I did but I don't have any idea."

He raises an eyebrow, still smirking at me. "I told you I'd find you when I was eight teen." His smirk grows into a million dollar smile as my mouth drops to the floor. No. Fucking. Way!

BOOK: Burning Attraction
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