Read Chaos Conquers All Online

Authors: A.A. Askevold

Chaos Conquers All (4 page)

BOOK: Chaos Conquers All
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Trace broke off their kiss, "Let's take this somewhere more comfortable shall we?"

"Agreed," Tex answered in his husky growl.

Tex reached down and picked her up throwing her over his shoulder in one swift move. He gave her a swift hard slap on the ass and the sting had her biting her lip. She liked that a lot and she hoped to god that little bit of roughness Tex had in him would be enough after..... She stopped her thoughts there. She was not going to let that man intrude on this moment. Tex stalked towards the bedroom with Trace following behind them grinning. She watched from her position as Trace tossed his cut onto the couch and pulled his shirt off over his head. God, that beautiful body. The smooth muscle of his chest and the ripple of his abs made her fingertips tingle with the need to touch him.


"What the fuck?" Tex exclaimed as he came to a sudden stop outside her bedroom door.

Shit. She'd forgotten all about her trashed room. The whole club had ridden back to the clubhouse after Reaper's death and she'd bunked down for a few hours sleep there before church.

"I decided my lamp didn't match my bedspread anymore," Nikki said with a shrug.

Trace gave her a look but didn't say anything.

"Well, looks like it's my room," Tex continued down the hall and away from the destruction in her room.




Tex took thirty seconds to survey the destruction in Nikki's room then decided that was better left for another time. Right now he was sporting a massive hard on and he wasn't about to let anything get between his cock and his woman. He'd waited for this moment for too long to let anything stuff it up. He shifted Nikki, placing her feet on the floor of his room and let her stand. He wanted to rip her clothes off and bury himself inside her for hours but this was a delicate balance they were trying to achieve here and he needed to employ a little restraint. But it was only going to be a little.


He watched as Nikki's eyes flicked back and forth between them. Her chest rose and fell a little more dramatically. Her eyelids were beginning to lower and her tongue kept flicking out to wet her lips. In the drawn out silence, Tex dropped his cut on the floor then ripped his shirt off over his head tossing it across the room. Nikki's eyes fixed on his naked torso and the hunger in them made him want to crow like a rooster. This was the feeling he'd been chasing, that he'd been missing all this time. His woman's eyes on him. Now, to get her naked.


"Those clothes need to come off Ace," he commanded.

He watched as she visibly gulped then followed his command. Her cut dropped to the floor followed by her tight black shirt. Tex was immediately drawn to the swell of her breasts and the dusty pink of her nipples peeking out from behind the black lace of her bra. He wanted to get his mouth on those beautiful little rosy buds and suck them till she squirmed. His cock pulsed at the thought and he knew that little bit of self-control was just about used up.


Her boots were next. As she bent down slowly, Tex couldn't help but picture being behind her running his hand up the curve of her back while he plunged into and out of her sex. A few more thoughts like that and he'd be on her. As her jeans slid down, revealing the barely there black lace panties, Tex knew he'd reached his limit.




Nikki stood before Tex and Trace, her eyes flicking back and forth between them. Tex’s height combined with his wide well-muscled chest gave him that classic alpha male look. He had that in his eyes when he looked at her too. That hungry ‘you are mine’ gaze, that sent shivers right through a girl and straight to her panties. His slightly over long messy blond hair gave him that appearance of wildness and those dark coffee coloured eyes whispered of his inner turbulence. Every girl’s bad boy fantasy.


Trace was not classic alpha male. His dominance and masculinity were not as overt as Tex’s but that didn’t make him any less male. His athletic physique was leaner, more toned. His muscles were well defined but the angles of his body were less harsh. He was that well-groomed CK underwear model that had you wanting to spend hours licking the V that travelled down from his hips and into his underwear. His cheeky, flirty grin was thoroughly infectious and could melt the coldest heart. Those bottomless ocean blue eyes of his were something women would gladly drown in. But it was his ultimately sweet nature in a world full of bitterness that really held you to him.


Faced with the pair of them she knew deep down this was right. She had no idea how this was going to work between the three of them but somehow they'd make it work. Both men advanced towards her at the same time. Their serious and hungry expressions had her pulse racing and her sex aching. She began her slow retreat. The back of her knees hit Tex's mattress and she sat down sliding back onto his bed. They followed her. Trace crawled up the mattress from the bottom of the bed placing wet kisses on her skin as he moved up her body. Tex approached from the side of the bed kneeling next to her. He paused staring down at her as if waiting for something.


Trace's mouth continued on its path while Tex's hovered inches from hers, his warm breath caressing her lips. Somewhere in the background, Nikki heard her phone ring. She ignored it concentrating instead on the sensations building in her body. Trace nuzzled her inner thigh drawing a sigh from her. A little flare of hunger appeared in Tex's eyes but he still didn't move. What was he waiting for? Trace's breath whispered across the damp lace shielding her from his view. Her eyelids fluttered closed as another sigh left her. Nikki felt the rasp of the lace against her skin as Trace pulled it aside and she shivered in anticipation of his mouth on her.


"Open your eyes, Ace. Look at me," Tex commanded.

Nikki dragged her eyelids open again. Her gaze met Tex's ravenous eyes and she begged internally for him to kiss her. It was Trace who answered the plea. His tongue swept through her wet folds skimming over her swollen clit. The contact elicited a moan from her mouth. Tex growled at the sound and his eyes darkened dramatically. All these things sent another flood of wetness to Trace’s waiting mouth. Trace’s groan hit her ears at the same time Tex’s mouth crashed down on hers. His kiss was bruising. His tongue battled with hers trying to keep the control squarely in his court.




Trace groaned as liquid seeped from Nikki onto his tongue. He loved the taste of her. He could spend all night eating her beautiful pussy but he had other plans. Trace glanced up at Nikki. Her mouth was fully embroiled in Tex’s and while he knew he should feel jealous all he felt was turned on. That didn’t mean he didn’t want a little of the attention though. He slid two fingers inside her and listened to her moan into Tex's mouth but that wasn't enough.  He hooked his fingers and brushed them along her slick passage until he felt her squirm. That's the spot he was after.


She tore her mouth away from Tex's and gasped loudly.

"Jesus Trace," she moaned his name, the sound causing his cock to pulse hard against his jeans.

His chest swelled with triumph as her gaze came to his. Her smokey blue eyes were hooded by heavy lids and her lips were red and swollen from Tex's kiss. With his eyes on her, he started up a firm back and forth stroke and matched the movement with his tongue over her clit. Her fingers slid down her body and wound their way into his hair gripping hard as he worked the little knot of nerves inside her.


His view was blocked momentarily as Tex pulled the lace of her bra down to reveal her breasts. Her nipples stood at attention, begging for someone to touch them. He wanted to do it but he knew if he made the journey up her body it would end with his cock inside her and he didn't want that yet. Plus he had to leave something for Tex to do 'cause right now that lazy prick was doing little else but watching. Tex ducked into view, his mouth locking over Nikki's nipple and Trace felt the answering clench on his fingers. He couldn't wait to feel that on his cock. But first they needed to get Nikki over the line.




Her phone rang again distracting her from the pleasure moving through her body. She attempted to speak for a second time but was cut off by Tex’s teeth sinking into the flesh of her hardened nipple. Between the two of them she barely had time to breathe let alone think and talk. If she'd had even half her wits about her at that point she would've realised that was their plan.


Her body was fast becoming sensation and not much else, her brain hanging on for dear life. Trace adjusted his speed again, ramping up the action that was driving her toward orgasm. She knew that burn too well, that sweet liquid fire that pulsed through her body each time promising to catapult her into ecstasy only to draw back and prolong the sweet torture.


Both men's mouths and hands were engaged in pleasuring her. Tex's other hand came up to pinch and twist her unencumbered nipple. Her own hands were buried in each man’s hair. As they worked her body, she stroked and grabbed and pulled at their locks but neither man seemed to mind. Tex growled and bit her nipple just that little bit harder when she pulled on his messy blond hair. The sensation sent another wave of pleasure through her, her body clamping down on Trace’s fingers.


It was Trace’s turn to growl and the vibration of sound against her pussy drove that sweet burn higher still. He added that little bit of extra pressure that she needed from his tongue and fingers and her body froze as that cold, sweet burn rocketed through her body.

“Trace,” his name came tearing out of her mouth on a loud cry, as her body crashed over that peak.

Her eyes closed as her body rode wave after wave of bliss.


She was so wound up in the orgasm rolling through her body that she didn't hear her phone ring a third time. She didn't hear the throb of a v8 engine as the car rolled down their street. She didn't hear anything except the roar of her own blood in her ears as she came. It wasn't until the first shot was fired that Nikki heard anything outside of her own moans and the husky breaths of the men wrapped around her.


The room exploded around them. Glass shattered, wood splintered and plaster fractured. Trace grabbed the edge of the mattress and the pair of them quickly twisted their limbs with hers and rolled. The three of them hit the floor with the mattress on top of them as the bullets kept coming.


Nikki was not willing to lie there under a mattress doing nothing while some asshole shot the fuck out of their house. She scrambled trying to extract herself from Tex and Trace's hold and flip the mattress off herself at the same time. It didn't work, the boys had her wound up tight and she wasn't going anywhere. The bullets stopped and the screeching of tires signalled the exit of the shooters.


"I think we might have to stave off the sex, at least until we can get ourselves some Kevlar if that's gonna be the result of your orgasms," Tex quipped as he released her.

Trace laughed long and loud as she shoved away from him, throwing off the mattress. All their phones were now ringing from random parts of the room. Tex reached his first.


"They hit us at the house too," he paused briefly, "Nah we're all fine."

Fine. Nikki was not fine, she was pissed. The beautiful house she worked so hard for was now littered with bullet holes. Nikki went to her room righting what was left of her chest of draws she grabbed out some underwear and clothes. She angrily shoved her legs into her jeans and reefed on her shirt. Bridges or Cole or whatever the fuck his name was, was behind this and she was going to see to it that he paid for this.


Trace's phone rang again as she was pulling on her boots.

"They what?" he asked frowning, "Are you guys ok?"

Nikki looked up at him as his face turned serious.

"Let me know how you go at Docs," Trace commanded before hanging up.

Someone had been hurt.

"Who got hit?"

"Jay copped a bit of shrapnel in his arm. Nothing serious. Brodie is taking him down to Doc to get fixed up," Trace explained before ducking into his room to grab clothes.


"Looks like we got hit everywhere," Tex stated as he stalked down the hallway towards them already dressed. "Mum and Dad's place got shot up. They are all fine although Jodie was staying there and man, was she hysterical. The old man fired back a few shots. He's positive it was Niners."

Trace appeared in his doorway pulling on a shirt, "Yeah, Brodie said he saw colours. He and Jay got caught coming out of Eros. No real damage to Eros. A few of the girl’s cars copped it though so we might have to cover that shit."


"They hit Case's place too. Luckily, they were out the back playing with Joey so no one got hit but you better believe that man is raging and so is his woman. Rock was balls deep in the cop when they hit his joint and apparently she got grazed by a bullet or some shrapnel or some shit," Tex explained.

BOOK: Chaos Conquers All
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