Read Chaos Conquers All Online

Authors: A.A. Askevold

Chaos Conquers All (9 page)

BOOK: Chaos Conquers All
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“How does it feel to know you were whoring yourself out to the enemy? Bridges own little submissive sex slave,” Black gloated as Nikki’s reaction to the conformation showed on her face.


Fear and anger roared through her all at once. The monster began to ignore Nikki’s control and push forward driving her to pay Black back for revealing her secret. She tried to desperately to regain command but it was too late. Her hand tightened in Daisy’s hair to the point where the girl was wailing with the pain of it. The knife in her hand travelled down to Daisy’s throat and the whole time her eyes were squarely locked on Black’s. She would make him pay for that shit and pay dearly.




Trace’s mind exploded at Black’s words. She was fucking Bridges? Mister Corporal Punishment was Bridges? Trace’s mind flicked back to the man Tex had pointed out at the Mint. He’d known there was something familiar about the guy he just hadn’t been able to place it. Now he realised where he’d seen him before, in the security footage from outside the clubhouse. He’d been right there when the handsy boyfriend had grabbed Nikki outside the clubhouse. Shit.


If that guy was Bridges’ right hand man and he was Mister Corporal Punishment’s bodyguard then that meant Nikki’s Dom was Bridges. Suddenly he felt like he couldn’t breathe. He ripped the mask off his face and heaved in air. Had she known? All this time she’d been sleeping with the guy had she known he was Bridges? His gaze went back to the screen in front of Black and he saw Nikki’s knife hand moving to Daisy’s throat. Shit.

“Nikki, stop!” he yelled at her as he turned the laptop towards him.

Brodie burst in the door and frowned at Trace. He watched Nikki intently. Her eyes seemed to blink rapidly and she froze the knife pressed against Daisy’s throat. She seemed to be in a state of shock. Maybe she hadn’t known that bastard was Bridges.

“Watch this prick and tape his fucking mouth shut,” he commanded as he took the laptop and shut himself in the next room.


As his attention remained on the screen he could see Tex taking slow steps toward Nikki, his mask gone now too.

“Hey Baby Girl, you don’t need to do this. That bastard does not deserve the satisfaction of turning you into a cold blooded killer like him. Just let Daisy go,” he moved close to the camera as he spoke.

“He’s trying to take away the people I love. He deserves to suffer the same consequences,” she growled and pressed the knife harder into Daisy’s delicate skin.

The girl whimpered as a slow trickle of blood slid down her throat.

“I don’t care what that bastard says, we are not going anywhere, Baby Girl. We love you,” he told her firmly.

He was telling the truth, even if she was a complete monster he’d never stop loving her.

“Trace is right, Ace. That bastard could tell us you were Bridges and we would still love you,” he heard Tex speak.




She was Bridges. If she slit Daisy’s throat she was Bridges. This was different than killing the prospects. Even if she had done wrong there, she hadn’t done it in cold blood. She’d honestly thought they were betraying her family. She looked into Trace’s eyes and she saw the truth. He would always love her and so would Tex but could they stand to look at her if she knowingly murdered an innocent person? Maybe they could but could she stand to look at herself?


“Fuck,” Nikki screamed loudly and angrily before relaxing her hold on Daisy and stepping back.

The woman sagged like dead weight probably having passed out from the sheer terror of her near death experience.

“Talk to us Ace,” Tex demanded.

“I had no fucking idea he was Bridges. When I started that shit with him, he was just some guy with too much money and one hell of a kink," she explained. "That bastard fucking played me. The whole time he knew who I was. He had my mother killed, he turned my father against the club and he's trying to kill my family. The things I let him…" she stopped there.

She could feel the anger vibrating around the room. The boys did not need to hear that shit. She was beginning to wonder if she wasn't just another way to get back at the club. The man may have professed his undying love but men lie and he was a particularly good liar.


"Why the fuck didn't you just tell us this shit after we mentioned him in Church?" Tex asked.

She hadn't said anything because she was still hoping to protect her little secrets.

"Like Black said, if Cole was really Bridges then that made me the enemy's whore," she spat the words out like they were poison. "I'd already fucked up enough and I didn't want to lose the club. I didn't want to lose either of you," she said quietly.

"That bastard is going to fucking die," she heard Trace growl through the speakers then the video chat went dead.


The tension in the room wasn't lessened any by Trace's disconnection. Nikki turned to look at Tex. He was staring at the wall next to him both his hands balled into fists.  Nikki opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. Tex growled loudly and turned, driving his fist into the concrete wall. Nikki winced at the crunching sound which probably meant a broken knuckle or two.

"I'm sorry. I didn't…" she was stopped by a slicing gesture from Tex.

"I don't want to talk about it. Just jack that bitch up with the Ketamine before she fully comes to and let's get out of here," he commanded.


She watched Tex for a few seconds longer but he refused to make eye contact with her. Fucking Black. That bastard was going to pay for this shit. Trace may have had him under wraps but she sure as hell was gonna make him suffer before she killed him. Nikki grabbed the syringe of Ketamine and injected it into Daisy's IV line. She might not be able to kill her but she had no problem using Daisy to punish that asshole. After Black was dead, that just left that lying prick Cole. She would not let him destroy them all like this. She would use the next twenty two hours to bring them all to their knees.





Trace reefed open the door and stormed into the living area of the apartment.

"Wait outside the door," he told Brodie with clenched teeth.

Black's head came round at the sound of his voice. The man had the biggest shit-eating grin on his face and it made Trace want to find a hot needle and poke the man's eyes out. Brodie didn't move. Instead he stood there looking Trace over with a frown on his face.

"You sure that's a good idea, brother?" he questioned.

"I said wait outside the fucking door!" he commanded, glaring hard at Brodie.

Brodie held his hands up in a gesture of surrender as he spoke, "Whatever you say, brother."


Trace threw the laptop down on the table and ripped the tape off Black's mouth.

"So I'm guessing you didn't know the MC's princess was sucking Bridges dick," Black quipped with a smile on his face.

Trace saw red. He brought his arm back punched Black hard in the face. The crack of his fist against Black's cheek bone echoed through the space. The force of the blow knocked Black over. The chair toppled to the side hitting the floor with a cracking sound. The man's satisfied grin remained plastered across his face.

"Tell me where I find that prick or I'll have Ace gut your girlfriend," he snarled.

Black laughed and shook his head, "Why don't you try the Ivory tower? She fucked her way in there once before, I'm sure she could do it again."


An image of Nikki kissing Cole popped into his head, driving his anger on. He hit Black again. The first blow connected with the man's nose and the second caught him in the eye. Trace was holding on to his self-control by the last thread.

"One last chance Black," Trace warned him, "Where the fuck is Bridges?"

"She must have one hell of a pussy. Maybe I'll ask Bridges if I can have a turn when he's finished with her, see what all the fuss is about."

At Black's words, Trace lost the tenuous grip he had on his temper and he let rip. He hammered his fist into Black's face.

"You think you can touch her?" he yelled as he rained down blows, "No one else can touch her. Not you and not him."

Black just laughed at him, a sick twisted laugh that turned his heart to ice.


He would kill Black before he let him touch Nikki. He would kill him and then he would kill Bridges. His knuckles became bloody and Black's laugh turned to coughing.

"What the fuck? Trace!" Brodie yelled as he tackled him to the floor, "We need the prick alive man."

Right at that moment he needed to kill that prick and his needs were the only thing he could focus on.

"I don't give a fuck I'm going to kill him," he growled as he shoved Brodie off.

He ran for Black swinging his boot into the man's guts. Their captive groaned and coughed, blood spraying the floor in front of him.


Brodie lunged for him again gripping his arm and reefing him backwards. Brodie pinned him to the wall. Part of Trace wanted to deck him too. He was raging and as he looked at Black's bloodied and smiling face he began to wonder where the man got all this bravado from. They had his girlfriend tied up in a torture chamber and here he was taunting them. Either the man didn't give a shit about Daisy or he knew something they didn't.


He ran his eyes over Black as his anger turned to unease. The left arm of the chair was broken probably from the fall Black had taken when he'd hit him. This left Black's left arm free although he'd made no attempt to use it to defend himself. The way he was grinning he had to have done something.

"Search him," Trace ordered.

Brodie frowned at him, "Why?"

"Because if I have to touch him, I'll kill the bastard. His left hand is free and I don't like that smile plastered all over his face," he explained quietly.


Brodie moved quickly. Kneeling on Black's loose arm he searched the man's pocket. He came out with a pager.

"Who did you contact?" Brodie growled at him.

Black just continued his coughing, gurgling laughter.

“He sent a pre-programmed message,” Brodie explained as he pressed some buttons on the machine, “It was this address.”

“How long ago?” Trace asked as he moved towards the window.

“Two or three minutes,” Brodie stated before turning back to Black, “How far away are they and how many?”

Black wasn’t answering.


Trace looked down into the alleyway. The truck was there waiting for them.

“I asked you a question asshole,” Brodie said as he shook Black by his shirt.

The man seemed out of it. His face was swollen and bloody. The guy’s breathing was laboured. Maybe the boot to the guts had winded him.

“We gotta go. Get him free. He comes with us,” Trace ordered.

“Don’t try any bullshit because I won’t hesitate to blow out your kneecap,” Brodie told him as he cut the tape around Black’s ankles and wrist.

They hauled him to his feet and taped his wrists together.


Trace took the lead moving down the fire escape at break neck speed. Brodie struggled to keep up. He had to half drag Black then catch him as he stumbled down the stairs. They reached the bottom within a couple of minutes, despite having the semi-dead weight of Black. As Trace's feet hit the ground he heard the squealing of tires. A black sedan rounded the corner into the alleyway. Trace pointed his gun and fired off a couple of shots.

"Take him around the other side, I'll cover you," he yelled at Brodie.

As Brodie headed around the truck the doors to the vehicle opened. Trace darted for the nearest cover as bullets whizzed past him. Just what they needed. Of course the cavalry had to arrive right on time. Shit.


He checked on Brodie’s progress but he’d disappeared from Trace’s line of sight. He hoped to god that meant he was already rounding the truck. He took a deep breath and stuck his head out around the metal bin. Bullets tinged off the metal and he barely managed to catch a glimpse of their attackers. He’d have to fire blind. He might not hit anything but as long as he kept them pinned down that would have to do. He stuck the muzzle of his pistol around the bin and began to shoot. The return fire struck the bricks behind him and pinged off the back of the truck. Why the hell were they shooting the back of the truck?


The truck's engine spluttered to life and Trace looked back. Brodie was peering around the corner of the vehicle. The idiot had left Jay alone with Black. The man may have been a little out of it but there was always the chance he was faking. Even with Black’s hands taped behind his back Trace had the feeling he could be dangerous.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he yelled out to him.

“Saving your ass man,” Brodie yelled back as he signalled Jay.

BOOK: Chaos Conquers All
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