Read Devon's Discipline Online

Authors: Adaline Raine

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Romance, #BDSM

Devon's Discipline (4 page)

BOOK: Devon's Discipline
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Out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of a note on the fridge in the kitchen. Could he have left it for her?

She decided to see what it said. The note contained tight cursive:


I trust your foot is feeling better. Please enjoy the plate I left for you.


She opened the door, saw a large dish of food, and grabbed it.

After four tries to heat the food in his overly technical microwave, she settled for lukewarm and sat down on one of the stools near the breakfast nook. Her first bite of hash browns tasted too fresh to have once been frozen and she wondered when he’d had time to cook. She moved on to the eggs, perfectly scrambled, just the way she liked them, and then to the pancakes.
When did he have time to make all of this?

Is my foot really be fine?
Her thoughts moved away from food and returned to the elixir. She wiggled her toes in amazement again.
Why did he help me?

The front door opened as she popped the last of the meal into her mouth. Matthews came into the kitchen just as she dabbed the corners of her lips with a napkin. “I’m sorry I passed out last night.”

“I told you to go home and take the potion in your own bed.” He moved past her to the fridge and poured a glass of orange juice. He passed it to her, then leaned back against the counter.

“What possessed you to take my cast off?”

“Drop the attitude.” He took the dirty dish from her, rinsed it in the sink, and placed it neatly into the dishwasher. He was the first man she had ever met who put dishes in the dishwasher the way she did. “Your leg will be good as new tomorrow, so the cast would cause more harm. I do have one question though. Did you crash your car because you were drunk?”

“My car got bored with the road and decided to explore the woods.” Devon shrugged. She didn’t want to tell him she’d been bar hopping.

“I’m amazed that the same girl who offers incredible insight inside my classroom is the same brat sitting here.” He ran a hand down over his face.

“I’m not a brat!” Devon snipped and sounded exactly like one even to her own ears.
Damn! Why does he have this effect on me?
She looked away now, embarrassed by her behavior.

“You refused to answer my question so I’ll assume you were under the influence.” Matthews cocked his head to the side to study her.

“Do you know what happens when you assume something?” Devon surprised herself again with her tone.
Why do I want to challenge him?

“If you had any idea what I’d like to do to you right now—”

“Does it involve handcuffs and whipped cream?” She blinked up at him innocently as he glowered down at her. She had hoped to diffuse the situation, but his eyes darkened.

“Your attitude is not cute. I’m concerned you will continue to go out, drown yourself in alcohol, and place yourself into dangerous situations. I think you need someone to guide you.”

“I’m perfectly capable of making my own decisions.” She finished the juice and slammed the glass onto the counter. It would have had more merit had the glass broken, but the look he shot her made her secretly glad it had not.

“Be respectful of the objects in my house. I’ve let you stay here as a guest.” He picked the glass up, rinsed it, and put it in the dishwasher. “I think you would benefit from my guidance.”

“Nope. I’m good, so I’ll get out of here.” Devon shrugged her shoulders as if she didn’t care but her interest piqued at the mention of him doing anything for her.

“Did anyone check up on you last night to make sure you were all right?”

“Of course!” Devon made a point to pull her phone out of her pocket. The screen showed not one missed call or text. Some of her anger faded at the realization she had spent too many nights away from the house. “Well, I guess not. Lucy and Barbi must have been busy.”

“Is being out all night part of your routine?” Matthews locked those deep blue-violet eyes on hers.

“My routine is none of your business.”

“Your antics caused me to cancel my plans so it is my business. Do you remember what I said in the cafe?”

“I don’t have time to stay here and listen to you lecture me.”
Forget this, I am out of here.
She stood up and found her book bag on one of the kitchen chairs, but as she reached for it he grabbed her hand.

“I don’t intend to lecture you for this.”

“I’m a junior in college, not a child! You can’t spank me!” Devon shook off his hand. “I’m an adult.”

“You’re acting like a child. Accept the punishment I have in mind or drop my class.”

“It’s the only class I enjoy!” Devon brushed at her eyes as tears suddenly welled up and began falling. “If I withdraw this late in the semester my whole term is done.”

“Then go sit on the couch.”

Devon searched his face for some hint of amusement but found none.
Is he really going to spank me?
She wiped at her cheeks, then resolved to do as he said. She really wanted to pass all of her classes, and his attention had given her a reason to actually participate. She figured a spanking paled in comparison to flunking out.

Matthews joined her on the couch and patted his lap. “Get over my knees.”

Devon felt her lower lip tremble as she took in his command.
Why the hell did I agree to this?
She clambered over them, unable to comprehend how they’d reached this point. She felt his hand rest on top of her jeans and jumped as the other smacked the center of each cheek.

“Ouch!” Her first cry came from amazement rather than pain.
Shit! He is serious!

“I specifically explained in detail to go home first, before you took the vial, but you lied to my face.”

“I decided to go out afterwards, since that would have been more fun. I didn’t mean for you to change your plans. Ouch!” Devon bucked upwards as another round landed.

“You can’t change what happened, but I can help you get back on track.” His hand struck each side of her bottom in fast succession and she reached her arms back to cover herself.

“Fine! Can we please stop playing 1950’s housewife now?” She looked over her shoulder to see him glaring at her.

“We’re not playing.” Matthews slid his hand underneath her and unbuttoned her pants. He yanked them down, turning a deaf ear to her protests.

“No! Wait!” Devon moved her hands to her face and buried her head in the couch cushion. Yesterday morning she had run out of clean underwear and had gone commando.
Gods! I am even more embarrassed!
“I usually wear panties,” she mumbled in defense.

“Did you skip them for my class?” Matthews traced the curve of each cheek with his hand.

“Don’t flatter yourself,” she grumbled and wondered if her butt would be the same shade as her burning face.

“You’re getting my thigh damp, so I don’t believe you.” He landed several stinging blows to her butt.

“Ow! Ow!” Devon yelped and reached her hand back again but he captured it in his and continued. “Okay! Okay! You turn me on, but please stop!”

“Finally some truth from you.” Matthews massaged each cheek lightly then tapped his hand hard at the very top of her thigh.

“Oh! It hurts more there!” Devon thrashed as another flurry came down across her entire bottom. His grip tightened around her waist and four more slaps met each side of her butt. They hurt the most and Devon let out a sob as her will to fight drained. The intensity of the last set showed her how awful his punishment could be.

“Part of life is learning to live with your emotions. We all feel pain, and grief, and sadness. If you substitute those feelings for a void, you will hurt yourself.” He pulled her pants back up and righted her.

“What do you get out of this?” Devon accepted a box of tissues from him and leaned her head on his shoulder. She quickly raised it, surprised at her desire to be close, but he looped his arm around her and she rested her head against him again.
Why do I want to curl up and not let go?

“The satisfaction of seeing you believe in yourself again. I have no hidden agenda.”

“Are you going to spank me every time I go out drinking?”

“This has nothing to do with drinking. You will face consequences when you are disrespectful to yourself or to me. Am I clear?”

“Yeah, but I can’t stop going out to bars. It’s honestly the only escape I have.”

“We’ll tackle the alcohol issue after you go to every class, every day.” He moved his arm to lean back, then folded his hands behind his head casually as if he had not just spanked the daylights out of her.

“Like that’s going to happen—”

She squeaked as he took a hold of her and flipped her back over his lap. Several taps landed on top of her pants and stung her badly aching bottom.

“Okay! I’ll go to class!” She could not believe he’d followed through on his promise so quickly. Her blushing face felt cool in comparison to the burn along her upper thighs. “I get it!”

“Don’t disappoint me.” Matthews turned her onto her back and helped her sit up.

Crazy thoughts rushed through her head as she sat next to him.
Is he going to do this every day? Why the hell am I so turned on?

Devon gave herself a mental shake, found her sneakers on the side of couch, and slowly laced them up. “You’ve made your point.”

“Have I?” Matthews stood and retrieved her bag. He handed it to her as she stood up. “You don’t seem very convinced.”

“I guess I’ll have to prove it.” She accepted the item and adjusted it in front of her. “Thank you for fixing my leg. It feels a lot better.”

“I’m glad to hear that, and I’m glad to hear you want to prove yourself. Get home safe and don’t linger anywhere.” Professor Matthews ushered her out and she heard the lock click behind her.

Devon let out a long sigh as she walked down the driveway to the main pathway on campus. She followed it to the bus stop, but this time she leaned against the bench.
Did he feel anything when he pulled me over his lap?

The campus bus came to the stop within a few minutes, and she flashed her school identification to get on. As usual she mindlessly took a seat. The stiff leather seat offered no cushion to her still warm behind. Devon glanced around and spied a free spot to stand in the back. She moved to it sheepishly, though no one else aboard could guess her issue.
I’ll be sleeping on my stomach tonight.

Chapter Two



Devon chewed on her lip as she replayed the spanking over and over in her head. Her fantasy version led to steamy, passionate sex at the end.
Gods! Professor Matthews could probably make me come with his stare!
She flushed at the memory of his hand on her ass. It had been miles away from sexy, but the dominance made her drip.

I probably should have gone to the cafe instead
. She tapped her feet on the bar stool as she flipped through her tablet. She had an assignment due and the material should have distracted her from the urge to drink, but she still wanted to.

When she was buzzed nothing bothered her. She could dance or flirt or do whatever she wanted. Her inhibitions left when the alcohol hit. The shell of protection created from her grief got tossed to the side and she had no responsibilities.

Why had she asked him if he would spank her for drinking? He had said she needed to tackle class first and then they would work on the booze, but his promise hinted it would eventually be something he would address.

“Can I have two of tonight’s specials, please?” She downed the two shots as they were set in front of her. The buzz tingled along her brain and she ordered two more. As soon as the burn licked down her throat she ordered two more rounds and downed them in fast succession. She paid, picked up her bag, and made her way outside.
Shit. I shouldn’t have had the last ones.

Devon waved down a cab and stumbled slightly as she slid in the back. “I live on 814 Rosalyn drive. “

The cabbie didn’t reply but headed toward her road. Devon saw the colors rush by her in a blur.
Shit, I’m drunk. How am I going to get up for class?

The cab stopped short and she banged her head on the front seat. “Careful,” she muttered as she paid the fare and got out.

The walkway seemed to be uneven as she teetered her way up to the house. It took two tries to unlock the front door and not trip over the threshold.

“You’re home later than usual.” Lucy sat on the couch, glaring like a pissed off parent.

“I’m surprised you care,” Devon slurred slightly, then rubbed her temples to focus. “I thought you stopped.”

“Didn’t you say your foot was broken in five places?” Lucy frowned and met her in the entryway.

“I did a healing spell. You know the whole candle and herb thing.” Their conversation killed her buzz completely, and Devon quickly began sobering up.
What is her issue now?

“Were you out with Professor Matthews?” Lucy growled lightly.

“No, but why does it matter who I hang out with? For the first time in almost a year I’m going to all my classes. Besides, what do you have against him?” Devon moved around her and sank into the couch.

“He is not a good influence on you!” Lucy joined her.

“Why the hell are you so agitated? I’m doing better, which is what you wanted.” Devon shook her head, irritated at herself for going out and at Lucy for picking a fight.

“Look, I don’t have many friends and I’m really worried about you.”

“For the first time since my parents died someone else is looking out for me.” Devon looked down into her lap, then up again. “It’s not a bad thing to have.”

“Where was your handsome teacher this past summer?” Lucy got up, moved to the kitchen, and brought back a water bottle.

“I didn’t meet him until class. You’re my best friend and nothing will change that.” Devon accepted the bottle, then took several gulps. “So stop with all the questions.”

“Just remember I’ve been there for you when no one else gave a damn.” Lucy turned and stomped up the stairs.

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