Read Devon's Discipline Online

Authors: Adaline Raine

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Romance, #BDSM

Devon's Discipline (9 page)

BOOK: Devon's Discipline
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“I’m sure you can think of something.” Matthews reappeared in the doorway.

“Please, come in.”

She watched as he walked over the thresh-hold. A mental image of sleeping on ice packs flashed through her mind.
Shit! What am I thinking?

“I understand you want to feel in control of the situation, but I’m in charge.”

“I know.”

He sat on her bed, and she shuffled over to him.

He pulled her across his lap. “When I saw you on the ground, broken and covered in blood, it scared the hell out of me.”

Devon tugged down her pants. If she had made him afraid, he had deeper concerns then she thought.
But what if I can’t handle his punishment?

“Ow!” Devon bucked as he targeted her sit spots with gusto and had her openly crying within a minute or so. He focused his hand on the center of her cheeks, bringing it down over and over again.

“Except for classes, I want to know where you’re going and when.” Matthews landed another flurry on both cheeks, causing her to buck again.

“Ouch! Okay!”

“I’m dead serious,” Matthews replied as he continued to rain his hand down on her bottom. “No more going to bars or clubs.”

“I won’t!” she bawled as the lesson continued. The intensity varied, but every inch of her butt felt raw and hot. Devon felt terrible for making him scared and worse for questioning his concern in the first place. “I’m really sorry!”

“I believe you now.” He finished her punishment with two more hard slaps to her smarting bottom, then fixed her clothes and help her sit up. “You’ll feel that for a while.”

“I’m sure I will.” Devon wiped at her eyes as Matthews moved them both back against the headboard so he could hold her in his lap. “Will you tell me about your parents?” She curled her arms around his neck and her legs behind him. “Please?”

“It’s not a pretty story.” His eyes darkened and he looked away as if remembering. “My father traveled a lot, and that gave me a lot more responsibility than my peers. I worried about my mother, especially when I found out she’d been having an affair.”

“What year did the affair start?”

“Aren’t you clever?” He poked at her arm, then shook his head. “Not relevant because the point is that the man she let into our house killed my father when he finally returned, and then he killed her.” Matthews swallowed hard.

“Why didn’t he kill you?”

“For all intents and purposes, I mind-fucked him. He took me on as his protégé until I grew up, so to speak.” He sighed, apparently lost in his thoughts again. “Some time afterwards, he turned me into a vampire and I finally got revenge for my parents’ murders by killing him.”

“It sounds more complicated than what you described.” Devon bit her lip. “I mean, it doesn’t sound like you had many choices.”

“I didn’t, but my point is that even under extreme circumstances I managed to keep myself together—even with his death on my hands.” Matthews kissed the top of her head. “If I could do it then, you can do it now.”

“Thank you for sharing your story with me.” Devon knelt up on her knees and kissed him on the lips. “I’m a lot stronger than I thought.”

“Yes, you are.” He tangled his hand in her hair and drew her close to kiss the spot just below her pulse. Then he stopped suddenly and pulled away. “I should go.”

“Do you still want to taste me?” Devon whispered.
Gods, I want him to bite me.

“Yes, but if I do we will reach a very intimate level. There is no undo button on this. If I drink from you, it will be extremely hard on both of us to simply walk away from each other.” He leaned back further to look her in the eyes. “Do you understand?”

“Do you get bonded to everyone you drink from?”

“Bonding is different in every situation. But you still have my blood inside you, so anything can happen.”

“I want to belong to you fully.” Wet tears dripped into her mouth and left salt on her tongue. The taste distracted her slightly from his intense stare, but only for a moment. “I know what I’m asking for.”

“Don’t struggle then,” he murmured and returned his attention to her throat.

Devon felt the wetness of his tongue trace around the base of her neck. Panic flooded her senses and she held her hand up in protest, but he took hold of both her hands and turned her sideways on the bed.

“Relax,” Matthews whispered as he trailed kisses down to the soft hollow of her neck and then back up again.

“Gods….” Devon breathed, waves of endorphins rushing through her. His teeth scraped against her skin as he bit down into her flesh. She screamed from the sharp pain but quieted as he sucked. The delicious mix of pain and pleasure blotted out everything else.

One of his knees teased her inner thighs, and she opened her legs for him.
I have wanted this for so long!
His hips pressed against hers and she writhed underneath his body.


Matthews sucked deeper as he dipped his hand down to her breasts. He reached under her thin camisole and tweaked at her nipples, causing them to harden immediately. She felt like a puppet on strings as each touch caused another reaction.

“Please, I want more!”

“More what?” He pulled away from her neck and took one of her nipples into his mouth.

“I want you inside me,” Devon begged then had a random thought. “Oh wait! Can vampires make babies?”

“No,” he smirked as he got up on his knees, then ripped off her pants in an epic one-handed motion.

“Um, got it,” Devon sputtered. She had been wet from the first spank of his hand and he slid inside her easily. “I can’t scream your name if I don’t know it.”
Now he has to tell me his name.

“You won’t have enough breath to scream it.” He increased the speed of his hips and smiled as she moaned from the sensations running over her.

“Oh…” The endorphins made her feel like she was exploding with sensation as he drove faster and harder against her. His hand still held both of hers, and the knowledge that she could not escape if she wanted to added to her pleasure. She arched her hips up to wrap her legs around his waist and he rocked faster. She quickly skyrocketed higher as he brought them to climax. Devon managed to plant a kiss on his shoulder before she tumbled into an afterglow dream.


* * *


“What the hell?” Devon opened her eyes in confusion. Her waist felt like it was wrapped in steel. She looked over her shoulder to see Matthews tightly spooned against her.

“Shit.” She wiggled herself down the bed and out of his arms. “Where are my pants?” She looked around, then remembered he had torn them to pieces. With a sigh she picked up a new pair and made her way to the bathroom.

!” Her hands flew up to her neck after she flipped on the light. Bruises in various shades of blue, black, and purple crossed all over both sides in addition to the dark red bite marks where he’d drawn blood.
Hollywood lied! Two tiny puncture wounds hidden by a band aid—my ass! Concealer be damned! How am I going to explain this?

She grabbed her robe from the hook on the door and made her way down to the kitchen.
Why did I beg him to do this to me?

Devon grabbed a juice box from the lower shelf of the fridge and popped a straw through it. Barbi must have done the shopping as she was the only one who had an affinity for sugary drinks.

“Are you okay?” Matthews bounded down the steps and met her at the fridge.

“I don’t know.” She shrugged, then sucked on the straw. “I guess.” Devon emptied the box and grabbed another. Her mouth felt like a desert and she quickly drank all of it. She grabbed a third, but his hand reached out and stopped her.

“You’ll get nauseous with another.” Matthews grabbed the iced tea on the third shelf. “Here, this is better than all the other options in there.”

“Okay.” Devon grabbed a glass and filled it to the top. She took several large gulps, then set the glass down on the counter. Unfortunately his words rang true and her stomach gurgled.
What the hell? I still feel like I could drink a lake.

“Do you care to tell me what your issue is?” He returned the iced tea to the fridge, then crossed his arms over his chest.


“You don’t care to explain, or you don’t know?” Matthews moved one arm around her waist.

“I’m busy with projects and homework and all.” Devon bit the inside of her cheek hard. All she wanted right now involved no clothing, more sex, and no teeth. She blinked several times and tried to shake the thoughts away.

“If you need another reminder, I swear you’ll have trouble sitting through your classes…” he moved his hands down over her bottom and rested them on the base of her spine “…for the remainder of the semester.”

“I get it,” Devon groaned as his hand dropped. “There is a lot on my plate right now.”

“I can clear it for you,” Matthews offered.

“No, no. I’ll be good by tomorrow, and honestly, I’m sorry I scared you. I’ll let you know what I’m doing from now on.” Devon reached up and kissed his cheek.

“I expect you to keep your promise.” Matthews laid a kiss in the middle of her forehead. “Work on your assignments now and I’ll check on you later.”

“Thank you.” Devon led him to the door and opened it. “See you.”

He touched her cheek then headed out. She locked the door behind him, then slowly padded back to the kitchen.

What the hell had just happened? She had begged him to drink from her, like some chick in a lame, fanged version of a romance movie, and she felt more confused than ever. Devon picked up her glass and chugged the rest of her iced tea.
What did I just start?


* * *


Devon felt completely alone, even though her roommates had returned to the house. She could not tell them the insane thoughts flying through her head—or the fact that she literally could not get the feeling of his hands on her body and his teeth on her neck out of her mind.

After her last class was over, Devon grumbled the entire way back to the house. She had taken the long way back, through the woods instead of out in the open. Not always the safest path but at least she could take her time and not run into anyone.

Matthews had the uncanny ability to know what she was up to and he could read her mind when he wanted to. It made it hard to choose to go out against his expressed warning. Could he read her mind only because he had given her his blood?

Devon stumbled as her scarf caught on a nearby tree, and she fell down. It figured that she could barely get home without an injury of some sort. She winced at the long scratches on the palms of her hands. Was she out of touch with reality, or was she just the biggest klutz ever?

“Did you know Professor Matthews is a vampire?” Lucy appeared out of nowhere, grabbed her hand, and helped her back onto her feet.

“I have the topic of vampire discrimination for his class. You’re confused.” Devon brushed the dirt off her legs. “Were you looking for me?”

“I can smell your blood. I know he bit you!” Lucy tore the scarf off her neck and threw it to the ground. “Look at your neck! It’s battered! He could have killed you.”

“Your mate hurt me. Matthews did not.” Devon reached down to pick up the scarf, then carefully wound it around her neck. It had been the only thing she had that was big enough to cover the entire wound. “The marks on my neck have nothing to do with what happened this weekend.”

“My mate would never do something so awful. Your boyfriend could drain you in minutes.”

“Then you don’t know your mate, because he let his brother and his friend attack me.” Devon took a few steps back. Had Josh told her what happened? The three wolves had not appeared to be drunk. “This is a cat scratch compared to the injuries I had. Plus, he’s not my boyfriend!”

“I don’t believe you. Josh wouldn’t do that!” Lucy protested as Devon crossed her arms in front of her.

“No, but his brother would,” she snorted. “Whatever. I have to go.” Devon spun around to head the other way.

“Don’t turn your back on me!” Lucy snarled, long and loud.

Devon crouched down to avoid her wrath and found two very nice shoes planted in her path.

“Your best friend had multiple broken bones, a concussion, internal bleeding, and more. Matthews had apparently walked into their argument and his voice held a dangerous note. “It sounds like you don’t know your mate at all.”

“I bet you jumped at the chance to take advantage of the situation!” Lucy growled.

“Little wolf, before you continue, remember your pack is miles from here,” he threatened.

Devon pondered the absurdity of the moment. It felt like yesterday she and Lucy were two normal girls, getting ready to go off to college. Today she had feelings for a vampire, and Lucy was mated to a werewolf. She stood very slowly as their argument continued.

“My pack is never far away.” Lucy seemed to be sizing up Professor Matthews, but Devon could not tell why.

“If you think you can take me here, alone, you’re sorely mistaken.”

The blond wolf pounced, but Matthews caught her mid-attack, then pinned her to the ground with one hand. “You’re out of your territory and element. Your alpha will beat the hell out of you.”

“I’m a fucking werewolf! I can take you!” Lucy sprang up from the ground.

Matthews caught Lucy easily and slammed her back down. She whimpered pitifully under his stare. “You attacked me on my grounds. Pick yourself up and get the hell away from here while I still allow you to.”

“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” Lucy wiped the dirt off of her hands and legs. “I just want Devon to understand what this is really about.”

“Devon is mine. Now go home, and be thankful I’m in a forgiving mood.” Matthews grabbed Lucy’s chin.

“Yeah, okay,” Lucy whimpered again.

“You better tell your alpha what happened because I’m the last person he’ll want to hear it from.” Matthews let go but didn’t move away.

“I’ll tell him. I’m very sorry.” Lucy looked over at Devon again. “Please don’t be mad at me.” She backed up into the woods on all fours, then disappeared in the thick brush.

BOOK: Devon's Discipline
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