Read Finally His Online

Authors: Emma Hillman

Finally His (6 page)

BOOK: Finally His
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Lucy pulled back and uttered an unintelligible protest, but
he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. He nudged her face with his chin, and
as soon as their gazes locked together, he smirked. “You know when you said you
wanted this weekend so you could try new things?” She nodded. “Well, that’s
something I’ve always wanted to try.”

She licked her lips and asked, “What’s that?”

“Sex in the water. With you.”

“With me?”

“Yeah.” His fingers squeezed her thighs, almost as if he
couldn’t help himself with the images running through his head. “I watch you,
you know. When you’re swimming in the pool every evening.”

“Every evening?” she repeated, her voice half-strangled.

He chuckled. “Well, every evening I’m hanging out with your
brother. I time my arrival so I’m there to see you swim. Then I watch you get
out of the water. I’ve had many fantasies about joining you, let me tell you

Oh God. Nick had fantasized about her! Her insides clenched.
Her nipples hardened. Her heart skipped a beat.

“Nick,” she whispered, almost climbing up his body in her
haste to claim his mouth again.

They kissed, the rest of the world forgotten. Nothing
existed but the heat between them, in them. Nick’s cock pressed against her
swimsuit-covered pussy, his wet chest against her barely restrained breasts. As
soon as he started rocking, she knew she was going to come.

Right there.

Right now.

“Nick! Oh God. I think I… Nick!”

He stared down at her and she knew the second he understood
what she hadn’t been able to articulate. With a muffled grunt, his fingertips
digging into her skin, he settled lower on his haunches. It forced her legs to
open wider, her body’s weight pulling her down. She gasped, fireworks erupting
inside her.

She tightened her legs around him. His cock jerked against
her pussy and she began sliding her hand down between their bodies, wanting to
grasp him, push their swimsuits out of the way and impale herself on him.

A moan echoed somewhere behind them.

They jerked apart at the sound, Lucy falling backward with a
splash. The orgasm that had consumed her body only seconds before was
completely forgotten as she emerged from the water and whirled around, only to
come face-to-face with a beaming couple watching them from a nearby dock.

“Shit,” she muttered under her breath. “They saw me, right?”

Nick looped his arm around her shoulders and brought her
close to him. He nodded. “No doubt about it. Probably heard you too.”

She felt herself start to blush, especially when the couple
started waving at them. It got worse when they called out and said, “Please,
don’t stop on our account!”

“Eeek,” Lucy couldn’t help but squeak out. “Who are these

“Our neighbors, I’m guessing.”

She snorted at Nick’s reply. “What should we do?”

“Huh. Be polite and go talk to them?”

“Do we have to?” She took a step back. “I mean, they just
saw me…you know.”

“Hump me and come while screaming like a banshee?”

“Nick!” She turned to him and hit him on the shoulder.

“That’s not what you were saying two minutes ago.” He

“Stop it!”

“Oh, look, darling, they’re so cute.” The woman’s voice rang
above them and this time there was no way they could ignore them.

Sighing, Lucy followed Nick as he stepped through the
still-not-clear-enough water, a smile ready on his face as he waved at their
neighbors. “Hey there,” he called out as he came to a stop just feet from the

“Well, hello there,” the woman, who looked to be in her
forties, said with a wink. “Looks like you two are having fun. Are you renting
the Wilsons’ place?”

“Yes. Just for the weekend.”

“Oh, that’s a shame. We like having new people around. But
that reminds me, what are you doing tonight?”

The man at her side laughed and grabbed her waist. “I think
I know what they’ll be doing, dear.”

“Shush, Toby. Let’s not embarrass them.”
Too late
Lucy thought with a shudder. They were still talking however. “We’re hosting
this small party tonight. You two should come. The more the merrier, as we

She half listened to Nick saying they’d try to make it, all
the while focusing on how empty she felt. She needed something here! She
yearned to feel his cock deep inside her, her body softened by her earlier
orgasm. Unable to stop herself, she let her hand fall into the water and curve
around his seriously nicely formed backside.

He twitched, but kept on talking. She decided to up the ante
and slid her hand beneath the elastic at his waist. Her fingertips grazed his
lower back, kept on going until she hit the top of his ass. He twitched again
and she grinned. Turnabout was fair play after all.

His hand shot out and clasped her wrist, holding her
captive. She looked up, startled, but he was still amiably chatting away.
Okay, she needed to pull out the big guns. Forcing her hand down, she heard him
grunt in reaction, but didn’t stop. Instead, she opened her fingers wide and
cupped his butt cheek. She squeezed. Once. Twice.

Feeling very proud of herself, she grinned as she leaned
against his broad back. Now all she needed to do was slip her hand to the front
and… Yes, tighten her fingers around his cock.
She watched a water
droplet slowly make its way down his spine and moved to catch it with her

This time, his other hand shot out and he pulled her tight
behind him. “Not now!” he hissed, but that only made her giggle.

She listened as he said goodbye to the couple, reassuring
them that, yes indeed, they would try to make it to their party tonight.
she thought with a grimace. She could just imagine what type of party it would

Two seconds later, Nick had whirled around and tugged her to
him. She splashed against his chest and looked up, grinning even wider when she
felt his hard-as-a-rock cock bump into her. “Need something?” she murmured as
she snuggled closer.

“You’re gonna pay for that, you know,” he muttered, pushing
her backward toward their own dock.

“Ohhh,” she couldn’t help but say. “Am I really? What do you
have in mind?”

He laughed out loud, shaking his head as if he couldn’t
quite believe her. “I tell you I’m gonna make you pay and that’s your

“Hey, I’m easy.” She scrunched up her nose when she realized
what she’d just said. “Huh, I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.” He laughed
even more, nearly bent double as guffaws echoed around them. “Nick!” She
slapped his shoulder, to no effect. “Men, I’m telling you,” she muttered under
her breath as she turned around and walked toward the shore.

“We do have our uses.” His voice rang behind her just before
he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her down into the water.

Another battle began…

* * * * *

He watched her step out of the bedroom a few hours later and
felt his breath hitch. She was wearing a short, swingy blue dress, the color
vibrant against her tanned skin. Between the cleavage on show and the high
heels she wore, lengthening her legs until all he could think about was how
they were going to feel wrapped around him, it was a wonder he could still
think. He gulped, working saliva back into his mouth, and willed his erection
down. For now, at least.

She stopped a few feet away from him, her gaze on him,
hesitant. Oh, he got it.
, he thought with a wince. She was
worried and wanted a reaction, a compliment, something from him that showed he
approved of her dressing up for him. Not like he’d reacted last time…

Forcing his feet to move, he came to a stand in front of
her. He usually towered over her, but the heels meant she stood tall enough for
her mouth to be just inches from his. He admired the red lipstick she’d
expertly applied and imagined those soft lips stretched wide around his cock.
He stopped himself from reaching for her, and instead, caught her gaze. “You
look amazing.”

Relief evident in her eyes, she smiled and replied, “You
don’t look too bad either.”

He looked down at himself and shrugged. “Not as good as you,
believe me.” He’d just put on nice jeans and a shirt, nothing remotely fancy.
He had a jacket he could wear on top, in case the restaurant he’d booked for
their dinner was way fancier than he’d expected. “Are you ready to go?”

She nodded and accepted his arm. His palm brushed her lower
back as he let her step out of the house first, his gaze automatically drawn to
her ass. He’d never seen her in heels before because he was damn sure he’d have
remembered. Her gait was different, her hips gently swaying from left to right
in a hypnotic rhythm. Shit, she was going to kill him. There was just no way he
was going to last the evening with her looking like that.

He gulped once again and locked the door, directing his feet
toward his car and the lovely woman waiting for him there. He was so, so

Chapter Five


Nick looked amazing, Lucy thought as she admired him from
across the table. He’d booked a table at a restaurant that was decidedly
romantic, candlelight making his expression dreamy. What were they doing here
if this weekend was only supposed to be about sex and more sex? She bit her lip
and focused her gaze instead on the couple at the table on their right. They
looked so in love, she mused, lost in each other’s eyes as if nothing else in
the world was important. Their hands were clasped together, their voices soft.
Lucy watched them and yearned.

She’d never had a relationship like that, love like that.
Sure, she’d had boyfriends before, but none had been romantic. Oh, they’d given
her flowers from time to time, but it’d been only when she’d reminded them
about a specific occasion or anniversary. She was a romantic at heart, however,
and reading romance novels probably hadn’t helped her get over it.


Nick’s voice brought her back to the moment and she pasted a
smile on her face as she looked back at him. “Yes?”

“How was your dessert?”

She looked down at her plate and felt her eyes widen when
she realized there was nothing there. She’d eaten it all and couldn’t remember
even taking a bite. God, she had it bad. Licking her lips, she tilted her head
and replied, “It was great. Yours?”

“Mine too. Do you want something else?”

Catching his hungry gaze, she understood his implied meaning
and forced her thoughts to turn back to sex. “Just you,” she said with a smirk.

“Oh, really.” His voice low, he grabbed her hand and
squeezed it. “How would you like me?”

Breath hitching, she struggled to remain focused on the game
they were playing. “Huh, why don’t we go…back to the car so I can show you?”

His eyes flashed and he was standing next to her, offering
her his hand only a moment later. She grabbed it, let herself be pulled out of
her chair, and careful not to look at that other couple, let him lead her away.
She didn’t say anything as he paid the bill but she was stumbling by the time
they reached his car, uneasiness warring with eagerness inside her. She wanted
him; she couldn’t deny it. Nick was slowly becoming her own personal drug, her
way of forgetting about everything else, but she wanted more… She wanted it

He trapped her against his car and nudged her face up, their
mouths only inches away. She could feel his breath tickle her parted lips when
he said, his voice just above a whisper, “Remember the last time we were
against my car?”

She shivered, trying to force the memories back. It didn’t
work. Images of their first time together flashed behind her closed eyelids and
she found herself moaning, her hands finding his shoulders to hold on to.

“You totally took me by surprise that day, you know. You
took your clothes off and all I could do was stare and think about what I’d
touch first. I wanted you bad.”

“And now?”

He tilted her head up and she opened her eyes to look back
at him. “Now,” he replied, “I want you even more.”

He kissed her. She’d expected it to be soft, but it was as
if he couldn’t hold on to his control any longer. His tongue swept inside her
mouth and tangled around hers, drawing a surprised gasp from her. His hands
found her hips, fingers digging into her.

She knew the exact moment he realized she was wearing
something underneath her dress. He pulled back, his lips shining in the parking
lot’s harsh lights. “What is it?”

Her eyebrows shot up. “I’ll show you, but not here.”

“Mmm. I’m officially intrigued.”

She smiled, pleased her surprise was working. “Want to make
out some more or should we go back to the house and party all by ourselves?”

He chuckled. “No need to convince me further, baby. I’m

His words hit something deep inside her chest, but she
didn’t let it show on her face. Instead, she slid herself into the passenger
seat and waved at him to hurry.

Just sex, she reminded herself as he sped off. She could do
this. She
do this.

* * * * *

“Fuck me.”

Lucy giggled, slowly turning on herself so he could admire
the back view too. “What do you think?”

“I can’t speak, babe. All my blood’s rushed to my cock.”

She laughed out loud this time, his clear appreciation
giving her the boost she’d needed. The corset had dug into her skin all
evening, but it’d been worth it, just to see that look on his face. She’d
bought it in a small lingerie shop when she’d been visiting friends a year ago.
Even then as she’d tried it on, she’d wondered if Nick would like it. She could
still remember what the gray-haired employee had said when she’d seen her in
it. How she’d praised her opulent breasts and her smallish waist. She’d said
she had a perfect hourglass figure and that she should be proud of it. Lucy had
been cherishing those words to this day. “So, you like it?” she prompted.

BOOK: Finally His
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