Read Finally His Online

Authors: Emma Hillman

Finally His (7 page)

BOOK: Finally His
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“Do I ever.”

He took a step toward her, but she put her palm up. “No! Sit,


She nodded. “Sit down on the sofa.”

His left eyebrow rose, but he did as ordered. His long legs
sprawled out in front of him, his arms hooked on the back of the couch, he kept
his gaze on her as if he didn’t want to miss one second of the show.

She took a deep breath, then exhaled. He’d always been the
one to give pleasure and it was high time she repaid him. And so, clad only in
her corset and matching G-string and those high heels he seemed to love, she
walked to him and knelt between his legs.

He gasped, the small sound making her smile. “Ready?” she
asked as she looked up at his frozen face.

“You don’t have to do this, Lucy.”

She knew where this was coming from. He might be okay with
having sex with her, but in some ways she was still Alex’s little sister to
him. Determined to show him otherwise, she popped his jeans open and was
rewarded by the sight of his engorged cock. He wasn’t wearing underwear, the
thought captivating all on its own.

He’d done everything she wanted today, always giving, never
asking. This time, it was going to be his turn…

He murmured something, but she didn’t listen, too caught up
in this to even think about talking. He was so smooth in her hands, she thought
as she caressed him with both hands, long movements from top to bottom, from
seeping head to heavy balls.

His knees jerked then and she realized he wanted more. He
wouldn’t ask her out loud, but the clues were there. She bent her head then,
heard his intake of breath and was smiling by the time her lips stretched to
take him in. She sucked on the head of his cock and was rewarded by the sharp
taste of his pre-come. She hummed deep in her throat. His hands found their way
to the back of her head seconds later. They stayed there, unmoving, almost as
if he was wary of what he’d do otherwise.

She would make it shatter, this control of his. Resolute,
she relaxed her throat and sucked more of him, more and more, until she could
feel herself start to choke. She pulled back then and drew down to lick his
sac, the grunts he emitted their background music.

Pleased with herself, she went back up and nibbled on his
head, pre-come trickling down once more. She lapped at it eagerly and wondered
why suddenly she liked the taste of it. Maybe because this was Nick? Maybe
because she loved him and wanted nothing more than to please him, forever and
ever? Whatever it was, it worked.

When she took him back into her mouth, he tightened his hold
on her hair and forced her head down. She relished the rough gesture for what
it was, the snap of his hard-earned control, and increased her caresses. It
didn’t take long after that. She heard him tell her to pull back, that he was
going to come, but there was no way she was moving. When he started spurting
come, she managed to gulp it all down.

She drew back minutes later, still kneeling between his
outspread legs, and when she looked up at him, she knew she’d remember this
moment for years to come. He was staring down at her with something akin to
wonder in his eyes, almost as if he’d suddenly realized that maybe she was
Alex’s sister, but she was also a woman.

A woman who’d just sucked him off and had obviously enjoyed

“Okay?” she asked.

He nodded. He shuddered. He grabbed her hands in his and
pulled her up so she was on his lap, snuggled up against him. “Thank you,” he
finally whispered into her hair.

Lucy closed her eyes and smiled. Mission accomplished…

* * * * *

She was everything he’d always thought she was, everything
he’d always thought she’d become. She was the one woman he’d always tried to
stay clear of, the one woman he’d always known would fit him like his favorite
T-shirt did. She was his and yet she wasn’t.

He watched her sing to herself as she packed her suitcase,
her ass jiggling from side to side. He thought back to that morning, when he’d
woken up to find that same ass curved into him. He hadn’t woken up with a woman
in such a long time it’d taken him awhile to remember where he was and who he
was with. By the time it had hit, it’d been too late. He’d been hard beyond belief,
his cock digging into her back. She’d wriggled a little and he’d wondered
whether she was awake or not.

Unable to stop himself, he’d let his hand roam up her front,
finding one heavy breast seconds later. He’d played with her nipple, feeling it
harden beneath his palm. Knowing she was responding to him so damn easily had
been a kick to the head. Pleasure had rushed through him and he’d pulled her
leg up, settling himself just where he wanted to be. Her pussy had been wet
from their last time together and it’d been as if he’d never left her. He’d
slid inside her, her soft moan echoing in the room.

God, she was so damn perfect. He wondered how it would feel
to wake up next to her every morning. Would it grow old after a while or would
it get even better? Would she remain the same uninhibited woman or would she go
back to behaving like that shy teenager she’d once been? He wanted to know.

But he couldn’t. This weekend had been amazing, but she’d
been right. It was only sex, just sex. He wasn’t ready for a relationship; she
wasn’t either. It was better if he just made it a clean break rather than mess
up his relationship not only with her, but also with her brother. Forcing his
gaze away, he grabbed his bag and strode to the door, calling over his shoulder
that he would be waiting for her outside.

When she stepped onto the front porch minutes later, her
smile had dimmed. Knowing he didn’t have a choice, he cleared his throat and
began speaking, “Back to being friends then.” He forced a chuckle out. “I hope
you got what you wanted out of this weekend.”

“Huh, sure.” She hurried past him and beeped her car open.

“Why don’t you leave first and I’ll follow? Don’t want Lex
to think we were together, eh.”

“Right. That’s… Yes.” She flung her suitcase onto the
backseat and he watched as she stood there, her hands tightened into fists at
her sides. When she whirled back around, her face was as hard as granite.
“Thanks for the weekend, Nick. I had fun.”

“All part of the service.” He chuckled some more.
he insulted himself, but worked hard on keeping the charade up. “Who’d have
thought little Lucy could be such a good slut after all?” Her eyes widened, and
he realized he’d gone too far. Shit! “Well, it was fun. Just be careful next
time I’m at your house. We don’t want you acting differently around me, do we?”

“Oh, believe me, I won’t.” Her voice had gone hard too. He’d
done it; she was pissed now.

“Cool. Drive safely now, Lucy.”

“You too.” Without even a wave goodbye, she climbed into her
SUV and shot out of there like the devil was on her heels.

“Fuck it!” he finally exploded when he was sure she was
gone. He kicked his front tire and rubbed his face with both hands. It’d been
so damn perfect, it would never have lasted. Yes, he just had to keep on
telling himself that.


Chapter Six


Lucy heard his voice seconds before he entered the den. It’d
been a week since she’d left him at the cabin, his words spinning inside her
mind. He’d called her a good little whore! Slut. Same difference, right? She’d
been thinking about it all week long. At work, at home, in the car. All she’d
been able to do was think about his parting words, as if the rest of the
weekend hadn’t happened.

It had taken her two little days to fall even more in love
with him. She hadn’t been able to stop herself, not when he’d been so damn
amazing. He’d been playful, sexy and sweet in turns, paying attention to her
unlike any other man before. All her exes had acted as if they were doing her a
favor, as if the fact she was round everywhere meant she was somehow less. Nick
had behaved exactly the opposite, making sure she was satisfied, in and out of
bed. What could possibly have gone through his head for him to utter those
words? Had the heat gone to his head or something?
Damn men to hell!
Always opening their big mouths and ruining everything.

She watched her brother step into the room just before his
best friend, both smiling at her in welcome. The two men had started hanging
out again and she was happy for Alex, but it also meant Nick spent a lot of time
in their house. She should have been used to this, she really should have. The
weekend spent together had changed everything however.

She smiled back, but didn’t move from the sofa, her gaze
swiftly moving back to the TV screen. She couldn’t even remember what she’d
been watching, too caught up in trying
to look at Nick.

Alex sat down beside her, Nick moving to her other side. His
thigh brushed hers and she saw him lean down from the corner of her eye,
knowing he was going to kiss her cheek like he usually did. She turned her
head, aware she wasn’t going to have a choice. She was going to have to let him
do it so her brother didn’t notice anything different between them.

What happened next spun everything out of control. She
watched his face lower to hers and knew, without a single doubt, that he was
aiming for her lips. Her reaction was instinctive. She clasped her fingers
around his thigh and pinched him.

He jerked back, his eyes wide, probably just realizing what
he’d been about to do. He blinked, blinked some more. Shook his head. Looked
everywhere but at her. He cleared his throat, and that’s when she couldn’t take
it anymore. She stood up and said she was tired and was going to bed. She
kissed her brother goodnight and, avoiding Alex’s knowing eyes, ignored his
best friend altogether as she left the room.

What the hell had just happened?


His friend’s fist slammed into his shoulder, sending Nick
flying against the sofa’s arm. “Ouch!”

“What the fuck was that, Santos? You were going to kiss my
sister, just like that?”

“I don’t know, okay? She was there and… Shit. I can’t
explain it.”

“Can’t or won’t?”

“I’m sorry, okay? It won’t happen again.”

“Damn right, it won’t.” Alex crossed his arms over his chest
and stared him down. “What the fuck is wrong with you, man?”

Knowing he had no excuse whatsoever, he went on the attack
instead. “Hey, you’re the one who hooked us up. Twice!”

“She begged me! I thought you’d do your usual caveman
routine and she’d end up hating you.”


Alex leaned back against his seat. “I wanted her to get over
her damn crush. You were supposed to drive her away, not the fucking contrary.”

“Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”

“What would have been the point? You suck at relationships,
just like I do. Why couldn’t you behave as you usually do?”

“I did!”

“So why is she still attracted to you? She follows you
everywhere with her eyes and you’re not much better.”

“She’s looking good these days, what can I say?”

A taut arm was pressed against his throat a second later.
“She’s my sister, asshole!”

“She’s still a woman,” he managed to utter through clenched
teeth. “Cut me a break, Alex. You’re not her dad. You can’t keep her hidden in
here forever.”

“I’m not hiding her.” Alex drew back. “I just want her to
find a nice man, someone completely opposite to us.”

“Hey, speak for yourself. I’m a nice man.”

“No, you’re not. You’re a player and you know it. I don’t
want her to be hurt. She’s too damn sensitive and whenever she cries or is in
pain, I feel it. I can’t stand it, okay?”

Oh. Nick blinked. For a while there he’d forgotten about
their twin connection. Everything Alex had told him tonight made sense and now
he felt even worse.
Would this ever end?
he thought with a grimace.

Now that their parents were gone and with his own long
forgotten, the twins were the only people he wanted to claim as family. And
what had he done? He’d had sex with Lucy, had pissed off his best friend so
much they’d nearly come to blows.
Why do I always screw things up?
clenched his hands.

Alex was right. He wasn’t good enough for Lucy and never
would be. She deserved better and even if the thought made him want to hit
something, he knew she should find herself a man who’d make her happy, someone
who’d understand her. He couldn’t give her a family; he couldn’t even give her
the stable relationship she probably yearned for. No, he definitely wasn’t that

It didn’t matter that he cared about her. Love sucked
anyway, something he’d been taught at a young age. There really was no choice.
He was going to have to stay away from Lucy and make her hate him. Whether he
liked it or not.

* * * * *

Lucy had come to a unilateral decision. What had happened
earlier had been a wake-up call.

She sat up in bed and clicked her bedside lamp on, wincing a
little as the bright light hit her half-opened eyes. Leaning back against her
headboard, she smoothed the duvet over her knees and thought back to Nick’s
face as he’d leaned down to kiss her hello. Like a boyfriend did…

She wanted that, damn it! So why wasn’t she fighting for
him? Whatever her brother thought, whatever Nick had said, none of it mattered.
She loved him. She was head over heels in love with him, especially after the
weekend they’d spent together. It’d been amazing to just be the two of them,
being able to talk and laugh and just plain have fun without interruptions.
Like a normal couple did…

, she thought as she drew her head up. She was
going to fight for him. She couldn’t just give up on what they’d shared at the
cabin. She would show him how good they were together, that even though they
had no guarantee over what the future held, they were worth a shot.

He won’t know what hit him
, she thought with a smirk.
Leaning to the right, she clicked the light off and snuggled back under the
covers. She closed her eyes and dreamed of Nick and a happily ever after.

BOOK: Finally His
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