Read Heaven With You Online

Authors: Rebecca Julia Lauren

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Sagas

Heaven With You (7 page)

BOOK: Heaven With You
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I found him outside on the back porch grilling steaks. His back was to me and I simply stood there a moment enjoying the view. He must have showered because his hair was damp and he’d changed into khaki cargo shorts and a navy t-shirt. Despite my big talk, I did not spend much time checking guys out, but my gaze roamed hungrily over Hunter’s broad chest, narrowed waist and hips and paused on his amazing backside. Wow. My eyes traveled down his tanned legs, moved up and started to slide over him again.

“You want something to drink?”

I jumped. How had he known I was there?

“There’s tea, lemonade and beer. Help yourself.”

He turned and the smile vanished from his face replaced by a look of shock.

“What’s wrong?” My voice shook a little.

“You look about sixteen.” He was clearly displeased with this.

“That bothers you,” I observed. “I’m not sure why since you’re not attracted to me.”

For several heartbeats he just stared at me. “Why do you think I’m not attracted to you?” he asked carefully.

“You told me not to flirt with you, and you don’t look at me the way most men look at me.”

His eyes fastened on mine, searching, as if eager to know my most guarded secrets. My skin tingled with awareness and I felt hot beneath his unwavering blue gaze.

“How do most men look at you?”

“Like they’re imagining me naked.” I held his steady blue gaze despite feeling the urge to look away.

“I see.” The two words held significant meaning.

“I think you do.”

He set the plates on the table and we both sat down. A moment later, he replied, “Isabelle, I’m not a saint.”

“What are you saying?” I asked both curious and intrigued.

“I don’t think you want to know.”

Interesting. “I think you have imagined me naked, Hunter McAllister.”

“You’re a beautiful woman. I’d have to be blind not to notice that.” His gaze burned into mine. “I’m attracted to you, but I won’t do anything about it.”

A shiver slid down my spine. “You won’t?” I swallowed hard.

“No. I’ve already made you uncomfortable enough mentioning this.”

I started to protest, but he spoke again. “Your arms are folded across your middle, and your shaking.”

“I’m not afraid of you Hunter,” I told him again, but it wasn’t entirely true. I was scared to death of falling for Hunter McAllister and not having him feel the same way.

His eyes flashed with emotion. “That’s good. I’d never hurt you, but you and I will never be more than friends.”

His words were like a knife cutting into me. “Is it because I’m screwed up?”

“You’re not screwed up. Not all men are like your dad.”

“What kind of man do you think I should date Hunter?” I asked, obviously flirting with him.

“A man worthy of you.”

“You don’t think the guys that want to take me home from Shooters are worthy?”

He scowled.

“I was joking. I don’t really do that.” An idea came to me and I spoke without thinking. “Maybe I should let you set me up with the kind of man you think would be right for me. Better yet, we could set each other up. It might be fun.” As soon as I’d made the suggestion, I realized the error of my plan. I did not want to see Hunter with any other woman, much less be the one to set him up with one.

I relaxed, thinking he’d dismiss my idea as crazy but instead he was watching me curiously. “I don’t know.”

My mind began to turn over the possibilities of making such a deal with him. In the two years since I’d been Ellie’s friend, I’d only been around Hunter a handful of times. Striking this arrangement with him would allow me to spend time with him. “You don’t know any good men that would want to date me?” I teased.

“That would be the easy part.”

“Then you’re afraid of who I’d set you up with?”

He smiled and my heart squeezed.

“Think of it as a challenge. We could even make a wager to see who’s the best matchmaker.”

He cocked a brow. “What are we wagering?”

I had no clue. “I don’t have a lot of money to spare. We’ll have to be creative.”

“I have a friend that owns some apartment complexes. If I win, you’ll let me help you find another apartment.”

My heart warmed and twisted like a pretzel. “Okay. What if I win?”

“What do you want?” His soft, deep voice and penetrating gaze wreaked havoc on my nerves.

My heart was pounding inside my chest. “I’ve never been on a boat before. You could take me fishing on yours.”

Hunter gaze melted into mine. “I’ll do that anyway. You sure there’s nothing else you want?”

“That’s it.  Do we have a deal?”

He reached across the table and offered me his hand. “What the hell, it’s a deal.”

I never could think straight when he touched me. “Maybe we should get to know each other better so that we’ll be able to choose dates that the other likes.”

He nodded. “That works.”

I was so excited that I couldn’t enjoy my steak as much as I’d have liked. Hunter and I were going to see each other again soon. Sure, I’d have to find him a date but I wasn’t going to dwell on that now.

“I should be going.”

“I’ll follow you home.”

“No. You’re not responsible for getting me home safely. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

“I’m still coming with you.”

“You sound like my brother,” I complained, but I wasn’t upset at all. Hunter gave a damn whether or not I made it home safely, and I loved that.

“How’s he doing?”

“Good. His leg is healing nicely. He’ll have his surgery to get the IIizarov off in a few weeks. Ellie is his nurse, you know.”

“I know. Izzy, I’m making sure you get home safely.”

Hearing him call me by the nickname made me melt inside.  I tried to act put out. “Are you this bossy with all women?”

“I’ve had no complaints.”

I scoffed. “You wouldn’t. I’m sure women are tripping over themselves at the chance to spend time with you.”

Several seconds ticked by, before I lifted my chin and saw his floored expression. Interesting. Hunter McAllister had no idea how desirable he was.

“When are we going to get together again?” I tried not to sound too eager.

“Dinner tomorrow?”

Since jumping up and pumping my fist in the air would be a bit too over-the-top, I settled for a calm smile.  “I don’t think I have any plans.”

“I’ll pick you up at six.”

Hunter drove me to my car, followed me home and walked me to my apartment. Just like before he came inside and made sure everything was secure before he left. I didn’t want him to leave.

I didn’t get any more texts from Scott, and I slept peacefully all night.  Maybe things would work out after all.


Chapter Five


“I think Reed is sleeping with Ellie.”

Choking on my coffee, my eyes watered and I gasped for air until my lungs were finally clear. “Amber,” I said wearily. “You’ve got to stop obsessing.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Ellie is dating a doctor. She’s not trying to steal Reed from you.”

Tapping her manicured nails on the table, she sighed. “I just have a feeling, and I’m usually right about these things.”

“Have you talked to Reed?” I asked patiently.

“Not about Ellie. I’m not sure he’d tell me the truth.”

The last thing I wanted to do was get involved in my brother’s love life, but Amber was my friend and her parents had always looked out for Reed and I.  It wouldn’t hurt me to talk to Reed and find out what was going on with him. After all I knew that he was in love with Amber. Unfortunately, Reed didn’t trust easily and Amber had broken his heart when she’d left him for someone else while he was in Afghanistan. It was going to take time, and Amber wasn’t the most patient person.

“I’ll talk to Reed, okay?”

“Thank you! You’re the best Isabelle.  Saturday night drinks are on me. I’ve been dying to check out this new club downtown, and you can tell me what you found out about Reed.”

I frowned. “I’m spending the day on the lake with Cora and Ellie. You can come too.”

Amber pouted, looking put out. “You’re always doing stuff with them. I miss it when it was just the two of us.”

“Fine. We’ll do something with just the two of us. Let me know when and where.”



“Alright, fine. Friday night. We’ll check out the new club.”

“Awesome.” I forced a smile and tried to look like I couldn’t wait to check out the hot new club, but it wasn’t something I wanted to do.

After I left Amber, I drove to Reed’s house and found him lifting weights on the deck.

“You call this taking it easy?”

He laughed. “I call this getting my ass back in shape. I’m tired of sitting around.”

I glanced down at his left leg, which was encircled with the IIizarov device. “You should be careful.”

“Isabelle. You worry too much.” Reed sat up on the workbench, grabbed a towel and grinned. “Tell me you’ve changed your mind about moving in with me.”

“I’m not moving in with you, Reed.”

“Why the hell not? I’ve got plenty room and that dump you’re living in isn’t safe.”

“Stop. You sound just like Hunter.”

This caught his attention. Reed’s brows rose. “Hunter?”

“Captain Hunter McAllister? You remember him. He’s Ellie’s dad?”

“I know who he is, Isabelle. I’m just surprised that you’re calling him ‘Hunter’.”

“We’re not kids anymore, why wouldn’t I call him by his first name?” I tried to sound casual.

“I didn’t mean anything by it Isabelle.” He frowned. “Is that jackass still bothering you? Did you go to the police?”

I shook my head, hating that I’d upset Reed. He should be concentrating on getting better, not trying to protect his sister. “No. Jeez, little brother. You’re the one that worries too much.”

“Okay,” he replied carefully. “So you didn’t meet Hunter again at the police station. Are you dating him?”

Just the mention of dating Hunter McAllister made my stomach do a slow flip. How could I ever have thought I was in love with Scott when another man’s name had such a profound affect on me? “We’re just friends. I should never have brought him up.”

Reed’s gaze sharpened. “You like him.”

“Of course I do. He’s Ellie’s dad.”

“That’s not what I mean and you know it.”

I sighed. “I didn’t come here to talk about my love life. I came to talk about yours. Amber thinks you’re seeing someone else.”

A flash of irritation crossed his face. “How about we not talk about either of our love lives.”

I stared at my brother in astonishment. “You are seeing someone else.”

“Amber and I aren’t getting back together. I’ve told her that.”


“Isabelle, I know Amber is your friend. I’m sorry.”

“She’s been your best friend since kindergarten. I know how much you love her, and her family is the only one we’ve ever known.”

His eyes darkened. “I know, but things change.”

“This isn’t because you’re worried about your leg, is it? Because Amber will love you no matter what.”

“It’s not that.” Raking a hand over his jaw, he changed the subject, “I like McAllister. If you were interested in him, I think he would be good for you.”

“Men like Captain McAllister don’t date women like me, Reed.”

“What’s wrong with you, Isabelle?” The question was softly spoken and deceptively casual, but I knew my brother was ready to leap to my defense if I answered the question wrong.

I met his deep blue eyes that were the same color as my own. “You know what’s wrong with me.”

“You should talk to someone.”

“Have you talked to anyone about all the bad shit that’s happened to you?”

“That’s different. I’ve gotten over it. You’re still thinking every guy you meet is going to turn out to be like Darryl.”

“I know not all men are like
.” I refused to say his name. “We should call a truce and not bring up Amber or Hu—Captain McAllister.”

We talked for another hour. I felt bad for Amber, and I knew that Reed really did love her, but I also knew that I’d pushed enough for one day. He needed time.

Reed walked me outside, and I was glad because chill bumps had popped over my arms. Glancing around, I saw only a few kids playing in the cul-de-sac, a man mowing his yard, and a woman on her way to check the mail. There was no sign of Scott. He didn’t even know where Reed lived. Still, as I drove away I had the strangest feeling that someone was watching me.




I ignored my unease, thinking I was overreacting. Glancing in the rearview mirror, I relaxed. My imagination was working overtime.  I looked nervously over my shoulder as I got out of my car and hurried up the stairs to my apartment. Once inside I let out a deep breath.

Hunter had called me earlier asking where I wanted to go tonight. I’d told him it didn’t matter, and that was the truth. As long as I got to spend time with him, we could go anywhere and I’d be happy.

He’d said that he’d take me wherever I wanted to go or we could come back to his place and he would cook for me again. I didn’t care what he intended to make, but I wanted to go back to his house. So we were dining in.

I showered and blow-dried my long dark hair. While I was putting on a little make-up, I tried to decide what I should wear. After changing five times, I settled on a black knit dress and sandals. Beneath it I wore a black two-piece bathing suit that looked like a one piece. Hunter had said to bring my swimsuit if I wanted to get in the pool, but the thought of being that close to him wearing so little wired my nerves enough to make me realize I’d be in danger of making a fool of myself—again.

A half an hour before he was supposed to pick me up, I started getting anxious. What if he forgot? I thought about texting or calling him, but that seemed a little too desperate. Instead, I turned on the TV and flipped the channels while I waited to see if Hunter would remember our date.

At six o’clock someone knocked on my door. Jumping up, I turned off the TV and grabbed my bag. My heart was racing with excitement, and I forced myself to pause, take a deep breath and pretend that I wasn’t as ecstatic about going out with him as I was.

BOOK: Heaven With You
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