Read Heaven With You Online

Authors: Rebecca Julia Lauren

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Sagas

Heaven With You (8 page)

BOOK: Heaven With You
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Pulling open the door, my heart thumped madly when my eyes crashed over Hunter, and I savored the sight of him like a fine wine. He was dressed in slacks, a crisp white dress shirt with tie and a holster strapped to his shoulder. His shiny badge was pinned to his belt.

I lifted my gaze and met his intense blue eyes.

“You look surprised to see me. Did you forget I was coming over?”

Was he serious? His brow furrowed at my hesitation, and I was totally amazed. Maybe I wasn’t as obvious about my interest in him as I’d thought. “I didn’t forget. You just look different dressed up.”

“I got tied up at the station and didn’t want to be late so I came straight here.”

My heart warmed at his consideration. My brain scolded me for being thrilled that a man picked me up on time. Really, I should expect more from the guys I date but it was less disappointing to have low expectations.

“If you’re not ready, I don’t mind waiting.”

“No, I’m ready.” I said this too quickly and stepped out of my apartment with my bag already on my shoulder. If he noticed my eagerness, he didn’t comment on it.

When we got to Hunter’s expensive SUV, he walked with me to the passenger side and I shot him a look of confusion. “Aren’t you going to drive?”

He cast his eyes down at me and frowned. When he opened my door for me, I felt ten shades of foolish. I’m sure my face was flaming, but he didn’t comment on my blunder.

I slid inside the soft leather seats that molded to my back and inhaled the new smell of his SUV even though I knew he’d had it for a couple of years. Hunter got in and my gaze caught his defined profile with a strong, chiseled jaw that was covered with a shadow of scruff and was sexy as hell.

I glanced away, unsettled. Even though I acted normal, it was unusual for me to think any man was sexy but my body reacted to Hunter in a way that I’d never experienced with any other man.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, glancing over at me. “Having second thoughts about our deal?”

“I’m looking forward to it,” I told him with a smile.

“I hope you like lasagna.” He glanced at me with concern. “If not, I can make you something else.”

It fascinated me that he wasn’t the least bit cocky, despite how incredible he was. He even cared if I liked what he’d made for dinner. My heart swelled like a balloon.

“I love lasagna. Actually, I love almost all food. I’m not picky. Did you make the lasagna?”

“This morning.”

“I can’t believe you’re still single.”

“I was thinking the same thing about you.”

When we got to his house, Hunter poured me a glass of wine and I sat on the back patio while he changed. I rubbed Jack on the head, admiring Hunter’s pool that included a spectacular waterfall and a hot tub.

A few minutes later Hunter appeared dressed in navy swim trunks and white t-shirt that clung to his sculpted muscles when he moved.

“The lasagna will be ready in about half an hour. You want a take a swim while we wait or do you want to get down to business.”

My gaze flickered over the pool with interest. “I’ll race you to the other side of the pool. Winner gets to ask questions first.”

“You like to make bets, don’t you? I’ll give you a head start.”

I stood up, suddenly realizing that I was going to have to take off my dress. Hunter pulled the t-shirt over his head and I froze. My blood heated, heart pounded and I was light-headed. Hunter McAllister was all lean, tanned muscle and he even had a six-pack. I stared. A fine line of hair tapered from his breastbone, over his flat stomach and dipped into his swimsuit. I could not look away.

Hunter stood still, watching me watch him.

“You’ll have to take off that dress,” he said softly.

With shaking hands I lifted the hem of my dress over my head and pulled it off, leaving me in only my modest swimsuit that made me feel completely naked and vulnerable.  Folding my arms across my breasts, I glanced up at Hunter and saw that his eyes were steady on mine.

Hunter cocked a brow at me. “On your mark, get set…”

I dove into the water before he finished and began swimming as fast as I could for the other side. A few feet later, Hunter’s hand caught my foot, pulled me back and passed me.

Laughing, I swam on trying to catch up. It was a close race, but Hunter won.

“You cheated!” I said, half-laughing, half-sputtering for air.

He laughed and the sound rippled gently along my spine. “You didn’t wait for me to say ‘go’.”

I smiled over at him. “Rematch?”

He lifted himself easily out of the pool, sat on the edge, then turned and reached for me. I took his hand and he pulled me out of the water. “Maybe later. I’ll let you choose. You want to ask or answer questions first?”

Grabbing a towel off a chair, he handed it to me and I wrapped it around my shoulders. His question was a no-brainer since I hated talking about myself, and I was dying to know everything about him. “I’ll ask the questions.”

“Alright. Fire away.”

Hunter was close enough to me that his bare leg almost brushed mine, and it was difficult to think. “What do you look for in a woman?”

“I like women that I can have fun with, someone genuine.” Jack laid his head in Hunter’s lap. “She’d have to be someone that likes animals and doesn’t mind when I have to work crazy hours.”

“I suppose she’d have to be beautiful too.”

“That’s a bonus, but it’s not one of the top things I look for when selecting a date.”

“How old should she be?”

“No one younger than twenty-five. I wouldn’t want to date someone the same age as my daughter.”

“What do you like to do when you’re not working?”

“I like to run, play golf, fish. I like to cook.”

“You can’t be as perfect as you seem. Do you smoke? Chew with your mouth open? Ever cheated on a girlfriend? Have you lost your temper and hit her?”

He waited until I locked eyes with him to answer. “The answer to all four questions is no.”

“You are perfect.”

“No, I’m not perfect Isabelle.”

I shook my head, thinking differently.

“I started drinking when I was ten.”

The startling admission ripped through me. My gaze flew to his.

“I stole my mom’s liquor and it helped take the edge off at first. Soon I started getting in trouble in school, my grades dropped, I got picked up by the cops a few times for criminal mischief.”

What he was saying went against everything I believed about him.

“I was drunk the night that Anna got pregnant.”

I froze. “Did she want to…” I couldn’t finish the sentence. It hurt too much.

“Isabelle, I’ve never laid my hands on a woman that didn’t want them there. I’d never hurt a woman.”

Swallowing a knot of emotion, I forced myself to look at him.

“I know you’ve got it in your head that I’m some hero because of how we met all those years ago, but I’m not anyone’s hero.”

He was just a man with flaws like everyone else. I tried to imagine Hunter stumbling drunk like Darryl, lying in a pool of his own vomit, raising his hand to strike a woman, but my mind refused to form the visual.

Hunter was nothing like Darryl, no matter what he’d done in the past. He’d said that he wasn’t anyone’s hero, but he was Ellie’s hero. He was still mine.

“I think you may be wrong about that.” I took a deep breath. “Hunter, I promise I’ll never repeat what you just said.”

“I know. I trust you, Izzy.”

His quiet admission filled a void deep inside of me.

 “You going to tell me what you want in a man?”

The question caught me off guard even though I should have been expecting it. This was the reason we were here after all.

“Someone nice with a good sense of humor, employed and they’d have to like animals and kids.” I paused, nervous. “I guess you probably want someone nice and employed as well.”

“Hold on. We’re talking about you now. What else do you want?”

“What else is there?”

“A lot. Tell me what your interests you.”

“Friends, sunsets, running, fishing, movies, coffee…magic.”

I saw that my answer intrigued him.  Hopping up, I went and fished a paper napkin from my bag. I sat down, smiling at Hunter. “What do you see?”

His brow furrowed. “It’s a napkin.”

My hands moved quickly, wadding up the paper and folding it tightly in my left fist. “I didn’t bring my clown dust so you’ll have to tap on my fist.”

He reached out and lightly tapped the back of my hand. Lifting my chin, I locked eyes with Hunter and then I opened my fist. It was empty.

I caught his surprised expression before he glanced around, searching for the paper. This was the best part. I was going to get to touch him. Lifting my hand, I touched the side of his face and a current shot through me.

He didn’t move a muscle. His eyes never veered from mine. I knew that I couldn’t continue stroking his face indefinitely, but I loved touching him. Reluctantly, I reached behind his ear and withdrew a tiny paper fish.

Hunter stared at it and then at me. “How the hell did you do that?”

I smiled, pleased that he was impressed. “Magic.”

He picked up the tiny fish. “You’re talented Izzy.”

“I make a living as a clown. Any man I’d date would have to not be embarrassed by that.”

“Hmm. You want a nice guy that has a job and doesn’t look down on yours. You don’t ask for much, do you?”

I smirked. “Trust me that’s a tall order to fill.”

“You know one of my secrets. Are you going to share any of yours?”

“One of your secrets? There’s more?” I asked eagerly.

“It’s your turn,” he returned.

I considered making something up so that I wouldn’t humiliate myself any further in front of this man, but he’d trusted me and I couldn’t lie to him. “I’m not good at sex. I’d have to have someone that wouldn’t mind if I’m not that into it.”

I’d shocked him again. I felt his scorching gaze on me but couldn’t look at him. “Stop looking at me like that.”

“Like what?” he replied gently.

“Like there’s something wrong with me.” I hated the vulnerability in my voice.

“I’m not judging you.”

The sincerity in his voice pulled my eyes to his. “I have no doubt that it will be easier for me to find someone for you. If you want to forget this whole thing, it’s fine. I know sex is important to most men, right?”

“That’s true.”

“It’s important to you?”

“Yes,” he replied carefully.

I glanced away. “Does it matter if the woman you’re with doesn’t like it?”

“It matters.” He reached out and gently tugged on a strand of my hair. “This won’t be an issue when you’re with the right guy.”

“Maybe,” I conceded, but I didn’t really believe he was right.

“Is it just sex you’re not into or is it all of the stuff that leads up to sex?”

I blinked, his words softly brushing my skin, not exactly sure what he was asking.  

“Isabelle, I’m talking about foreplay, do you like that?”

My stomach dipped. “I don’t know.”

“Do you like to be touched?”

His leg brushed mine and I trembled. Reaching out, he picked up my hand and cradled it in his own. I nodded. I liked it when Hunter touched me.

“How about kissing? Do you like to be kissed?”

The question kindled a fire in my lower bed and I shifted. His eyes fastened on my mouth. It was difficult to think with his thumb stroking little patterns on my hand and making me feel things I’d never felt before.

I inhaled a ragged breath. Hunter was watching me, waiting for my answer. If I said yes, would he kiss me? My body felt strange, hot and alive, but achy and unsatisfied. Pressing my thighs together, I shifted again but still felt unsettled.

Raising my hand to his mouth, he brought it to his lips and I felt his breath tickle my skin just before he pressed a kiss inside my palm. My sharp intake of breath drew his attention and for the first time ever I saw something in his eyes that looked like hunger.

I moved slightly and my breasts brushed his arm. I gasped. My nipples were hard and the light touch was almost painful. His gaze dipped to my breasts several seconds before returning to my eyes. God, I wanted him to touch me and kiss me, everywhere. The thought brought a visual of Hunter and I, naked and tangled in each other’s arms, and I suddenly wanted that more than anything.

“Tell me what you’re feeling, Izzy.”

My throat was dry, but still I managed to speak. “I want you to touch me and kiss me, Hunter.”

He sucked in a breath, his body tense and his eyes dark. “I can’t,” he said softly, pulling his hand from mine.

“Why not?”

“I’ve already done too much. I’m not taking advantage of you.”

“We haven’t done anything.”

“My God, you’re innocent. It’s called foreplay, Isabelle, and you and I have been doing it almost since we got here.”

Frowning, I shook my head. “You’ve hardly touched me.”

His gaze raked over me, pausing on my breasts before he locked eyes with me. “You’re turned on. What you’re feeling now is what you should feel every time a man makes love to you.”

“You did this to prove a point.” I felt tears sting the backs of my eyes, but I forced myself to take a deep breath and calm down. I was not going to get upset in front of him. Hopping up, I turned my back to him.

I heard him move, felt him behind me a second before he gently clasped my arm and turned me around, dragging me against him so that there was no mistaking what his body wanted from mine.

My breath caught.

My face flamed.

 All of the feelings he’d provoked inside of me, I felt a thousand times more intensely faced with the proof that he wasn’t unaffected by me. His hand brushed the side of my face and he looked deeply into my eyes.

 I saw the regret etched in his expression. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I wasn’t thinking.”

I smirked. “I’m not innocent.”

“You are in all the ways that matter.”

“You’re turned on.” The words fell shakily from my lips.

“Yes.” His eyes never wavered from mine.

“If you want me, then I don’t see the problem.”

“The reason you want me is because you know that you’re safe with me. You’d feel the same way with any guy that treated you right.”

BOOK: Heaven With You
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