Read Hollow (Hollow Point #1) Online

Authors: Teresa Mummert

Hollow (Hollow Point #1) (11 page)

BOOK: Hollow (Hollow Point #1)
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I made my way back to Riley’s house to spend the day with Piper. I wasn’t looking forward to a meeting with the woman who was destroying Riley’s life, but I made a promise, and I intended to keep it, even if it were for selfish reasons.

I knew she had made the right choice by telling Landon we weren’t friends, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt my ego.

Knocking on the oversized doors, I took a step back and waited for Piper to answer. Checking my phone, I realized I was still early. I groaned, looking up at the sun, not wanting to spend the day with someone Riley considered a bitch. She had to be bad.

I stepped off the porch, walking across the cobblestones as I took in the lush grass and vines that climbed their way up the front of the house. There was a splashing sound and I stepped around the corner to see Piper’s head pop above the water. Just great. She forgot we had plans. I shook my head as I took a few steps closer and that’s when a man’s head popped out of the water in front of her. She laughed before her mouth pressed against his. I clicked the camera icon on my phone and began to record a video.
Maybe keeping up my end of the deal would be a lot easier than I thought.

After I had got enough incriminating evidence, I slid my phone back into my pocket and headed back to the front porch, sinking down on the steps as I waited for the clock to hit nine.




“Sorry, I was just working out and had to run through the shower.” She smiled brightly as she took a step back so I could enter.

“So, what is it you have in mind for the engagement party?” I asked, trying not to let my gaze linger on her chest too long.

“Something low key and fun.”              Her eyebrow rose as her teeth raked over her lower lip.

“You have a problem getting on the back of a  bike?”

“Not at all.”




Twenty minutes later, Piper had changed into jeans and was straddling the back of my bike as we headed out to Hollow Point Pool Hall. It was a large open building that the club held a lot of our functions at. There was a lake behind the building, and it was next to a golf course. Perfect place for an uptight, pretentious asshole to announce he’s marrying his mistress.

I parked my bike out front and cut the engine.

“Wow, this place is beautiful,” She said as she climbed off the bike and pulled off her helmet. “But I am looking to have the get together in the next couple of weeks. Do you think it’ll be available?”

“If you’re interested I can give my friend a call.  I’m sure it won’t be a problem at all.”

She eyed me skeptically for a moment. “You know, you don’t really seem like the party planner type.”

I laughed,  “There’s a lot of things about me that may surprise you.” 



The school was already buzzing about my party. Tatum and I spread the word that it was exclusive and then sat back and laughed as people begged and pleaded to get an invite.

Her face beamed, and I couldn’t help but think how wrong Knox was about me. She was happy, and it was because I’d chosen her to be my friend.

“This is going to be so much fun!”

“About that, I just wanted to let you know that Knox may be coming to the party. I ran into him at the store while picking up supplies,” I cringed as if it would soften the blow. I decided to omit the fact that we’d be hanging out on and off for a while now. The fewer people who knew I was spending time with him, the better.

“You told him! He’s going to freak out and tell Greta.”

“It’s no big deal. Trust me, he will be so distracted that he won’t even notice when you and Bryce sneak off. Leave him to me.” I winked, and she relaxed a little, but I could tell she was terrified that he would cause a scene.

Pulling off this party and still holding up my end of the deal was going to be difficult, but I had no other choice if I wanted to get my dad back to my mom.




By the end of the day, I was all anyone was talking about. But we still had a few more hurdles to jump before we could relax. Pulling off a party that people would talk about long after I was gone was going to take some magic.

After school, I drove Tatum to her house so she wouldn’t have to ride the bus. As soon as the door opened, my stomach panged with hunger.

“That smells amazing!”

“Thank you, dear. It’s just some cinnamon rolls. I make them from scratch,” Greta called out from the kitchen.

“Would you like one?” She asked, icing dripping from her spatula.

“Oh, I couldn’t. Too many calories.”

Knox stepped off the bottom step and walked across the kitchen, grabbing a roll. “You can stand to gain a few pounds, Princess. It must be hard to carry all of those souls you steal around with you every day.”

I narrowed my eyes as he walked toward me and as I opened my mouth to curse him, he shoved a bite of the roll into my mouth. I wanted to scream.
Who knows what kind of diseases he has?
But the dessert was so warm and sugary, I could only close my eyes and savor the flavor. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d eaten anything so decadent.

“Good isn’t it?” He asked, and my eyes slowly opened as he took the pad of his thumb, running it over my lower lip to catch a drop of the melted frosting. He put his thumb in his mouth and sucked it clean, causing my stomach to flutter.

“Yes,” I whispered, my eyes still locked on his mouth as his tongue ran over his lips. He smiled, dimples settling deep into his cheeks as he winked.

His voice rose loud enough for the older woman to hear us, “So are we still going camping this weekend?” He asked.

“Oh, that sounds fun,” Greta called out and I scrunched up my face in confusion.

“Yeah, Tatum and her new
here are going camping so I’m going to tag along and make sure they are safe. You never know what could be lurking out in the dark.”

“I know that’s right,” she called back to him.

“Grab your bag, Tatum. We should head out soon.”

“I thought we’d wait until tomorrow,” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“A kickass party takes planning,” he whispered. “All the good camp sites will be booked. It’s a beautiful weekend,” he called out loud enough for Greta to hear.

“Come on,” Tatum grabbed my arm and drug me up the stairs to her room, giggling the entire way. “I can’t believe Knox is being so cool about this party.”

“Is he actually coming to stay at my house?” I whisper yelled.

“It’s not polite to talk about me behind my back,” Knox replied from the doorway, causing me to jump.

“Shit! You need to wear a bell around your neck or something,” I groaned as Tatum shoved her belongings into an old duffle bag. She held up the blue dress I’d bought her, and I nodded. The party would be the perfect time for her to show it off and I knew Knox wouldn’t like it.

“Come on, Princess. Someone is going to have to lift the kegs for you.”

“Ew. This isn’t one of your cousin-uncle’s weddings. We don’t need to all share from the same trough like animals.”

He cocked his head to the side before he burst out laughing. “That’s
how you drink from a keg.”

“I don’t plan on learning. I got plenty of imported beer as well as liquor.”

“Imported beer?” His face twisted in disgust. “Are you trying to make everyone hate you?”

“Only you,” I snapped.

“You’ve succeeded, Princess. Good job. I’ll handle the beer.”

“It’s already been handled.” I clenched my teeth so hard it felt like they might break from the force.

“Fine,” he held up his hands in surrender. “You’re in charge. I’m just a peasant.”




After we’d gotten everything together, we followed behind Knox on his motorcycle as he lead us across town. We pulled off behind an old brick building. He got off his bike and disappeared inside while a flipped through the radio stations, desperate for something to listen to.

“Why are we here?” I whined, and Tatum shrugged. As Knox stepped back out of the bay door, I sighed, happy that we could finally get on our way. That’s when I noticed the man behind him clad in overalls and a plaid shirt. He was pushing a large silver cylinder strapped to a dolly and walking toward my vehicle. I jumped out of the car, ready to scream.

“What the hell is that?” I asked.

Knox looked at the man and laughed. “See what I mean?”

The man nodded, smiling broadly. “You may need two kegs to put up with that attitude.”

“Thanks for the judgment, hillbilly,” I snapped.

“You think we can get it in there?” Knox asked as the guy eyed my car.

“No! No freaking way are you putting that in my car.”

“That sounds like a challenge to me,” Knox quipped as the pulled open the back door. I hurried around to the passenger side, struggling to block them.

“Tatum, do something!”

“You want me to put the top down?” she asked, scrunching up her nose.

“No, I don’t want you to
put the top down
,” I mocked her as I opened her door. “Get out here and do something. He’s your…” I looked over Knox, still not certain what the hell he was to Tatum. “Your
. Fix it.”

Tatum reluctantly got out of the car as her eyes darted back and forth between us and I knew she didn’t know which one of us to defend, and I couldn’t blame her for not wanting to step between us.

“You know her party will be shit if I don’t bring this right?” Knox reasoned.

“I think people would like a touch of class and sophistication,” I countered.

Tatum’s shoulders slumped, and she stepped out of the way.

“Seriously?” I stomped my foot, but there was no talking any sense into either of them. “Whatever.”

“Put the top down,” Knox beamed.




After a lot of seat adjusting and cursing, the keg was successfully lodged into my car.

“Where is Tatum going to sit now?” I asked, not even trying to hide my smirk.

“The driver seat,” Knox shrugged as he walked to his bike and slid his leg over it.

“What?” I stuttered as Tatum slipped into the driver seat of my car, pulling on the seatbelt.

Knox put on his helmet, strapping it under his chin as my car disappeared down the road. “She’s deathly afraid of motorcycles,” he explained, holding out a spare helmet.

“No. Not a chance in hell! Who knows what I would catch putting my body against yours.”

“You’d probably catch feelings,” he quipped with a wink that despite my anger, still made my stomach flutter.

“You wish.”

“Suit yourself. Your house is a few miles that way. Wait…” he looked over his shoulder. “It’s that way.
that way.” His bike roared to life, and he slowly walked it next to me. “See you in a few hours, Princess,” he yelled over the noise.

“Wait! You can’t just leave me in this place. What if some strange guy attacks me?”

“Just talk to him. With a charming personality like yours, I’m sure he will take off running.”

“That’s not funny.”

“What’s funny is you standing here arguing with me when we both know you are going to get on.”

“Not a chance in hell.” I glared at him. He had
idea how stubborn I could be.
How did he think I always got my way?

“Get on the

I turned on my heel and began to walk angrily down the sidewalk, my arms wrapped around myself as I looked around. I heard the rumble of his engine move closer, and I smiled to myself, but I refused to turn around and look at him. He would have to beg me.

He revved the engine as I continued on and all of the sudden, the bike went around me. I stopped walked, my hands falling to my side as my mouth hung wide open in shock.

He left me.

I sniffed as my vision blurred. Glancing around frantically I realized I had no idea where I was or how to even get back home. I let out a string of expletives when I realized my cell was plugged into the charger in my car, and I’d left my purse as well.

The sun was beginning to set, streaking the sky with pinks and blues, sinking down below the pine trees in the distance. An old pickup truck rumbled by, and I wondered why I hadn’t seen a cab. That’s when I realized I hadn’t seen
cabs in the small town I was staying in.

I sank down on the curb and buried my face in my hands. As angry as I wanted to be at Knox, I was disappointed in myself for not knowing how to handle the smallest of problems thrown my way. I was so lost in my own self-loathing, I didn’t hear the rumble of his bike until he was a few feet away. My head snapped up as he cut the engine, leaning the bike on its kickstand before getting off. He sank down on his haunches in front of me, and I was so embarrassed that I’d broken down, I couldn’t bring myself to look at him.

“Hey,” he whispered, placing his fingers under my chin and turning my face to look at him. “I just went around the block. I wouldn’t leave you out here by yourself.”

“But you
,” I snapped, sniffling as the pent up anger I didn’t realize I’d been harboring began to boil over. “You were
to apologize.”

I?” The concern had left his voice. There was a twinkle in his eye as a mischievous grin spread across his face.

“It’s not funny.”

“It actually
kind of funny,” he laughed, shaking his head. “For a moment…”

He pushed to his feet, kicking at the pebbles along the road.

“What?” I asked, standing up behind him.


“No,” I folded my arms over my chest. “I want to know what you were going to say.”

He turned around, eyeing me for a moment. “Trust me, you
want to hear what I’m thinking.”

“Oh, so that whole honesty thing only pertained to when something is going on with Tatum?”

His eyes narrowed as his tongue ran out over his lower lip. “You know what? You’re right. I was going to say that for a moment when I saw you crying, I was worried I’d hurt your feelings. But then I realized that was impossible because you clearly don’t have any.”

“You left me standing on the road in the middle of who knows where! I could have been kidnapped!”

that didn’t happen. Where would we all be without you? Here’s the truth, Princess. You didn’t cry because you were scared. You cried because you didn’t get your way and you don’t know how to deal with someone telling you no.”

My mouth snapped shut, and I took a step back as if I’d been physically slapped. “You don’t even

“I know enough. Get on the bike or the next time I pull away. I’m not coming back.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” I seethed.

“Oh, Princess, Apparently you don’t know
at all.”

“Stop calling me Princess!”

“You may run everyone else in your life, but you don’t get to tell me what to do.”

We stood silent for a moment, locked in a death glare, challenging the other to back down. He was just as stubborn as I was and it was infuriating.
I wish I would have been able to ride with Tatum. Shit! She was going to get to my place and have to deal with Ezra.

“You win. Get on the stupid bike. Let’s go.”

BOOK: Hollow (Hollow Point #1)
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