Read Hollow (Hollow Point #1) Online

Authors: Teresa Mummert

Hollow (Hollow Point #1) (12 page)

BOOK: Hollow (Hollow Point #1)
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“Really?” He didn’t try to hide the surprise from his voice and the anger in the air instantly dissipated.

“Yes, really. Unless you want to pry Ezra Bronx off of Tatum, I suggest you hurry the hell up.”

“You’re putting someone else before yourself? I’m kind of proud of you, Princess.” He grabbed the spare helmet from the back of his bike and held it out to me. I groaned as I reluctantly took it, wondering how many heads it had been on and if any of them had head lice.

I plopped it on my head, and he struggled to keep his smile hidden as he turned it around, brushing wisps of hair from my face before buckling it beneath my chin.

“Thanks,” I mumbled as his fingertips lingered against my skin for an extra moment.

“Wait, who is Ezra?”

I rolled my eyes. “You know that story about the guy who was in the racing movie
that had slept with two of his costars, and they got in a fight during the premier?”

“Um… no.”

“He’s an ass who also happens to be a movie star. Right now he is greeting your sweet little Tatum and probably offering her the job of her dreams if she bends over and-”

“Alright! Jesus. Just get on the bike so we can go already.” He straddled the bike, and I hesitated before slipping behind him on the seat. My inner thighs were pressed against his outer thighs, and my hands slid around his waist. Pressing against the defined ridges of his stomach as he started the bike, I stiffened.

“Nice and easy,” He comforted me as we eased out onto the road. My grip tightened, and when we turned a corner, I began to whisper prayers hoping that we wouldn’t die in the mountains of this backwoods town.

I pressed my cheek against his back and closed my eyes. Pretended that I was anywhere but on the back of a death machine.

As we pulled up to a stoplight, his hand covered mine in an absentminded motion that sent butterflies to flight inside of my stomach. “These mountains have some beautiful trails to hike.” He called out over the noise.

“I don’t really… do that.” I yelled back, and I didn’t hear him laugh, but I felt his stomach muscles jump beneath my palm.

“We’ll try it sometime. It’s not as bad as you think,” he replied before we were driving again. Knox forgot one key element of our deal. When all of this scheming and lying was over, we wouldn’t be hanging out any longer. I ignored the sinking feeling that accompanied that realization. Knox drove me crazy and even though we were from opposite sides of the spectrum, we were cut from the same cloth. He didn’t let me get away with anything, and I refused to put up with his shit. I had a feeling that the truce we’d managed to keep would dissipate the moment he met the guy who’d been living in my pool house.





We pulled into my driveway and as I got off of the motorcycle. My body still felt like it was vibrating, but not because of the machine. Clinging to Knox on the back of his bike was the longest I’d spent with my arms around another human being. It was awkward after our fight and at the time he was the last person I wanted anywhere near me, but being forced to hold on to him and trust him with my life had been a nice change. Trust wasn’t something I gave easily, if at all.

“I apologize in advance for your hair,” Knox said with a smirk as he unbuckled my helmet and pulled it from my head before smoothing his hand over my hair. “It wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“Besides the whole fearing for my life part… it was okay,” I conceded, and his smile broadened.

He glanced over my shoulder, and I turned around to see my car parked on the other side of Ezra’s silver car. “Shit!”

“You’re just full of secrets, aren’t you, Princess?” Knox took my front steps two at a time and shoved open the heavy ornately carved wood door. His eyes scanned the living space, and I grabbed his wrist, pulling him into the home.

“Tatum?” I called out, terrified they would be upstairs or in the pool.

“Tatum!” Knox’s voice was so deep and commanding it caused me to jump. I’d seen what Knox does for fun, and I was scared to see how he reacted to someone when he was actually pissed off.

“In the kitchen,” she called out and we hurried across the room. I released a loud sigh when my eyes fell on her, perched on a stool at the island, popping a grape into her mouth. My gaze immediately dropped to Ezra, who had his head laying on his arm, appearing to be passed out.

“Is he drunk?” I asked, cringing as I stepped closer. “Dead?” My voice was slightly more hopeful.

Tatum rolled her eyes and ate another grape. “He asked me who I was and when I began telling him about myself, he said he was dying of boredom.”

Ezra lifted his head, a shit-eating grin broad on his face. “Hey, sweetheart,” he called out to me before he looked to Knox. “Who’s your friend? He isn’t an
is he?” He feigned a gasp before pushing from his stool, arm extended to greet Knox.

“Ezra this is Knox. Knox, this is Ezra.”

Knox eyed him suspiciously before shaking his hand. “You look familiar.”

Ezra’s smile widened. “You a fan of
?” He asked.

“No, that’s not it. Weren’t you in that movie with the pool scene?”

Ezra’s eyes narrowed, confused as he looked to me.

“I must be thinking of someone else.” Knox shook his head.

“Thanks for bringing my girl back,” Ezra quipped as he draped his arm over my shoulder. I shrugged his arm off of me and took a few steps back. “How much do I owe you?”

Knox’s face hardened and for a moment, I was worried he might take a swing at Ezra. “I think having your
legs wrapped around me was payment enough,” Knox shot back, and I couldn’t help but smirk as the smile fell from Ezra’s face.

“I’ll show you to your room, Knox.” I walked up the stairs with Knox behind me, his sneakers thumping loudly against the stairs and Tatum trailing behind him.

“This is a lot of space for you and your dad and his girlfriend,” he observed.

“Is there a question in there? Or are you just stating the obvious?” I knew he was trying to find out who Ezra was without being obvious in front of Tatum.

“This is my room.” I pointed to the door on my left, even though Knox had already been in there countless times. Explaining that to Tatum would be impossible.

“My father and Piper stay downstairs in the master suite,” I explained. “And that charming asshole you met earlier is in the guest house by the pool.”

I stopped at the next door, pushing it open and flipping on the light. “You can sleep in here Tatum.”

“I’m not staying in your room?”

My eyes flitted to Knox. “I thought you may want some privacy since Bryce will be making an appearance.”

It felt like Knox was trying to kill me with his glare and I had to fight against a smile.

“Knox, follow me.” I turned and walked a little further, pointing out the bathroom but each room had their own facilities. “This is you.” I pushed open the door, but he didn’t enter.

“Lead the way.”

I stepped inside of the room, flipping on the light as the door closed behind us. His fingers grabbed my arm, and I was pushed against the entry wall as he towered over me, his warm breath fanning over my face.

“What the hell was that?” he asked.

“What?” I feigned innocence, but his grip tightened slightly on my arm as his body pressed against mine.

“We had a deal.”

“Relax. The deal is still on. I won’t let Bryce get his hands in Tatum’s panties.”

His eyes had burned into mine before they dropped to my mouth. “And you’re going to back off her?”

I would,” I snapped, angry that he wouldn’t take me at my word or that he still believed I was so horrible that I wasn’t good enough to be Tatum’s friend. His hand released my arm, and he stepped back fractionally, but we still close enough that if I took a deep breath, my chest would brush against his.

“Don’t forget your end of the deal either,” I warned.

“I have the party handled.”


His lips pressed into a hard line as he leaned in infinitesimally causing my breathing to go ragged. “And I’ll make sure your father’s girlfriend forgets all about him.”

“Riley?” Ezra’s voice called out from downstairs, and I stiffened as Knox glared down at me.

“What are you going to do?” I whispered, suddenly regretting involving him at all. I could barely stand Knox, but that didn’t mean I wanted Piper rubbing herself all over him.

The right side of his mouth lifted as his fingers brushed a wayward strand of hair from my face. As he inhaled, his face dipped closer, and I let my lips part. “Do you want me to show you?”

My entire body felt like it was tingling with anticipation and for a moment, I wanted this guy who acted like he didn’t give a damn, to show me that he did.

“Riley? Where the hell are you?” Ezra called out again, this time in the upstairs hallway.

Knox leaned back with a smile playing on his lips, allowing me to finally catch my breath.

“You should go. He seems to really need
his girl

I swallowed hard, “I don’t belong to anyone,” I corrected him before calling out, “Be right there.”

Knox stepped further back into the room, and I pulled open the door, slipping into the hallway and out of the now claustrophobic space.
What the hell had just happened?


I’d recognized that stuck-up prick the moment I laid eyes on him. He was the guy who’d broken Riley’s heart and used her to get closer to her father. But worse, he was the guy who was fucking her dad’s fiancé in the pool. The arrangement between us had just gotten a whole lot more complicated. If I gave her that video, it would gut her. I was beginning to suffocate under all of the secrets I was keeping. Eventually, I would collapse under the weight and drag everyone down with me.

I couldn’t deny that he was a good actor because she was different the moment we stepped into the house. Her body stiffened slightly, her smile faltered. The confident and cocky Riley I knew was doubting herself.

Even though I was angry that she was continuing to play games when it came to Tatum, the last thing I wanted was to break her heart. The façade she portrayed to the world fell away the second she was backed up against the wall. For a fleeting moment, I saw the real her. I’d caught glimpses of it in the time we’d spent together, but tonight it was undeniable. She wasn’t the snotty bitch who showed up on my doorstep, and as much as I hated to admit it, I was starting to like having her around. We were a lot more alike than either one of us would admit.

If I had kissed her, closed that little space between us, she would have let me. She would have welcomed it. But the second the moment passed, she would have regretted it, and the last thing I wanted to be was another person on the list who’d fucked her up. I wasn’t stupid. Riley and I existed on different planes. She proved that by running into his arms the second he called for her.

I would never be the guy she brought home to introduce to her daddy, not that I’d ever want to be a pretentious asshole. I was the guy she’d ask to fuck his girlfriend to get back at him. The irony that he was the one fucking Piper behind her back was not lost on me.

I didn’t miss the way he’d dismissed me when we met as if I was nothing. As if I couldn’t have had Riley beneath me in this room right now if I’d wanted to. If it weren’t for his little cock measuring show, I wouldn’t even be standing here, rock hard and imagining what it would be like to have fucked her up against this wall until she cried out loud enough for him to hear her.

The universe wasted no time in reminding me of exactly who I was. My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I cringed as I saw Bea’s name scroll across the screen. I swiped over the notification, and my eyes danced over the message.

How could you?

I couldn’t help but laugh as I typed out a reply.

Be more specific, Bea.

Her response was immediate.

Your fight was with Topher?

Shaking my head, I wished I would have hit that motherfucker square in the mouth so he wasn’t able to talk.

Your brother had it coming.

A minute had passed before she wrote back and I knew it was because she knew I was right.

I’m sorry you have to deal with him.


Bea wasn’t to blame for any of this. She was just trying to be a good mother.

I can handle Topher, but not you being mad at me. Forgive me?

Her response was immediate.


I slid my phone into my pocket as I heard a shuffling noise from outside of my room. I pulled open the bedroom door and slipped into the hallway. I wouldn’t put it past Tatum or Riley to sneak Bryce in here.



I laid in bed, staring up at my ceiling, unable to sleep after another nightmare about my mother. I could picture her so vividly, laying on the floor, unresponsive. But in my mind, she hadn’t woken up, and I’d lost her forever. My eyes went to the clock beside my bed. It was only three in the morning, but I knew there was little chance of me being able to fall back asleep.

I thought about waking up Tatum and seeing if she wanted to watch a movie, but I knew it would make me look vulnerable, or even worse, desperate. Maybe Ezra was still awake. I cringed at the thought. I was lonely but not desperate. My eyes went to the envelope he’d given me that was still beside my bed on the nightstand. I picked it up, flipping it over in my hand before ripping the paper. A small plastic bag tumbled into my palm, and I shook my head, looking down at the little baggie of pills.


Kicking off my comforter, I straightened my baby blue silk camisole and matching shorts before pulling open my bedroom door. I shrieked, hand on my chest as the silhouette of a figure came into focus.

“Can’t sleep? Guilty conscience?” Knox asked from a few steps from his door.

“Look, I didn’t think I had to explain why some asshole was staying in my pool house.”

“You don’t owe me an explanation. We’re not friends, remember?”

“Yeah… I remember. I’m going to get some water.” I turned toward the stairs, not wanting to continue our conversation.

“I was thinking of getting some fresh air. Mind if I join you?” He asked, walking toward me before I could even answer.

“Sure. I guess,” I stuttered, clutching the little baggy in my clammy palm.

We made our way down to the kitchen, and I squinted my eyes as I pulled open the fridge and the light popped on. I bent down, grabbing two bottles of water, before kicking the fridge door closed with my foot.

“So, why are you awake?” I asked as I sank down on a stool at the island as Knox leaned against the countertop.

He groaned, rubbing his hand over the back of his head before opening his bottle and taking a large swig.

“I don’t sleep very well in strange places.”

“Nightmare?” I asked, pulling my lower lip between my teeth.

“No.” He shook his head. “Reality is much scarier than anything my imagination can conjure up.”

I took a drink of my water, my eyes drifting down his body and remembering how it felt pressed against mine.

“I’m not a piece of meat,” he quipped. I rolled my eyes trying to hide a smile.

“I was just wondering-”

“What I look like naked?”

“About that tattoo.”

His smile quickly faded as he shook his head. “Hellraiser? It means I ride with a club. But I’m not an official member, not yet at least.”

“Looks like it hurt.”

“Short term pain, for the long term gain.”

“Why aren’t you a member?”

“What do you care?”

“Just curious,” I shrugged.

“Because I have no desire to be like my father.”

I nodded, wishing he’d elaborate further, but he didn’t offer any more information. “What about Tatum’s parents?” I asked.

“Not my story to tell.”

“Come on. I’m not as evil as you think I am. I like Tatum. She’s the only person around here who wants to hang out with me and not because she thinks she will get something out of it.” I shrugged, hating that I’d admitted that. Even with all the time I’d spent with him, it was because we needed something from each other. I wasn’t stupid enough to believe that we’d be anywhere near each other without our deal.

“Like I said…”

“Okay,” I sighed loudly. “What story
yours to tell?”

“Come on, Princess. You don’t want to hear the boring tale of some poor commoner struggling to make it.”

“We both know you’re
but common,” I responded before I thought about what I was saying.

“Was that a
?” He asked with exaggerated disbelief.

“I’ll never admit to that,” I warned before letting out a small laugh. “It will ruin my reputation.”

“Why didn’t you stay in Cali?”

“Question for a question? I didn’t have a choice. My mom…” I shook my head, forcing the memories of her to the back of my mind. “When my parents split up, it got a little crazy.”

“I know it’s selfish of me, but I’m glad you came.” His smile was genuine, and I had to look away in the much too quiet kitchen.

“Greta mentioned you leaving. Where are you going?”

He blew out a heavy sigh before shaking his head. “It’s a long story.”

“I have time.”

“That’s the thing. I’m not sure how much I have. I need to make sure everything is right here if I
have to go.”

“This have anything to do with your

He shrugged, shaking his head. “I told you, I don’t have any friends.”

“Fine. Hypothetically speaking, where would you go?”

He shrugged. “Anywhere but here.”


He laughed, shaking his head. “Where would you go?”

“If I was you? Maybe Vegas.”

“Not my scene. Where would

“I’ve always wanted to see the palace of Versailles in France. Maybe hang out on the beaches.”

“Why don’t you go? I mean, it’s not like you can’t afford it.”

“I might after graduation.” I reached for my bottle, knocking it over, causing the water to spill out over the marble surface.

“Shit,” I groaned as I grabbed the bottle.

Knox grabbed a decorative towel from the sink area and quickly began to soak up my mess. His eyebrows pulled together as I tossed the bottle into the trash.

“What is it?”

“You tell me.” He turned to face me, holding up a tiny plastic baggy with pills inside. “Where the hell did you get this?”

“T-that’s not mine,” I croaked, reaching for it but he pulled his arm back before I could grab it. My face flushed with humiliation.

“Now I know why you couldn’t sleep. I don’t think your reputation is in any danger,

I groaned, sinking back down on my heels. “It’s not what it looks like.” I shook my head, a nervous laugh escaping me as I thought about Ezra giving me that stupid envelope. I wanted to kill him.

“Really? Because it looks like you dropped your baggie of party favors.”

“No. I mean, yes. That is what it looks like, but I can explain.”

“Don’t bother. I think I’ve had enough of story time.” He shoved the baggie in his pocket before he turned, angrily storming out of the kitchen.

“Ezra gave it to me. I was going to bring it down to give it back to him! Wait,” I called out as he reached the stairs. He paused but didn’t bother looking back at me. “Are you going to tell Tatum?”

“Why do you care?”

“Because she… she
likes me. Are you going to tell her?”

He shook his head before looking up the dark staircase. Then his eyes locked on to me, cold and unwavering. “No need to. The deal still stands. I want you out of her life.” He continued up the steps leaving me alone in the kitchen. 


BOOK: Hollow (Hollow Point #1)
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