Hungry Heart: Part One (Hungry Heart #1) (5 page)

BOOK: Hungry Heart: Part One (Hungry Heart #1)
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“No moaning, no gasping; no sounds at all.” He slaps my ass, testing my comprehension, and I hold back from giving any reaction at all, but just barely. “Those hands don’t move, Caroline. You simply lie here with your beautiful, luscious body, and please me.”

When he begins to move, I use all my energy focusing on not making a noise. Biting my lip, holding back a moan when his cock strokes me just right, and making sure I don’t move at all.

My conclusion is his certain thing he enjoys is something I enjoy and is as hot as fuck.

And I’m good at doing what he wants, getting a private thrill out of doing my hardest to make no noise, until he smacks my ass again, leaving me unable to prevent my body from being tipped over the edge of an orgasm so intense my body shakes.

“Tsk tsk, Caroline,” he says, but I hear the smile in his voice as he gives a final thrust and comes with a groan of his own.

“Shush, Benedict. It’s your fault.”

He laughs at my mumbled words, bringing his body down on mine, and pressing a kiss on the crook of my neck.

“Time for a shower, birthday girl,” he says.

And off we go.


It’s six in the evening by the time I arrive home.

After our shower, we ended up cuddling on the couch, and Benedict let me choose the movie. So I chose a romantic comedy I hadn’t seen before, and he enjoyed it more than I did.

One nap, some late lunch, and a walk in the park later, he dropped me off at home.

Taking off my shoes, I change into something more comfy, then head into the living room to find Nathan sitting on the sofa watching television, all alone. Without saying a word, I plop onto the couch beside him, automatically leaning in to him, and he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

“Happy birthday, baby.” Giving my shoulder a squeeze, he kisses the top of my head. “How was your night?”


“That good huh?”

“Honestly,” I say, laughing while snuggling closer. “I had a great time.”


We’re both quiet after that.

I’ve never asked Nathan specifics regarding his and Rissa’s time together. It’s not necessary for either of us to go into details, even though we’ve all hung out many times. It’s not weird to us, but we also don’t flaunt our love life around because we understand people are uncomfortable with it. Doesn’t mean they aren’t aware of it; it’s just the discussing of it that’s unnecessary.

And on a personal level, I don’t want to know what they do or when they do it, which is why I believe Nathan doesn’t ask about my time with Benedict, and that’s just perfect for me.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, so I pull it out and see a text from Ethan.

So how was the sex?

Who says we had sex? And who did he introduce you to?

Ha! Please. You two were almost having sex on the dance floor. I was afraid you were going to set each other on fire. As for the girl, well…

We were not! We didn’t have sex til this morning, so ha to you! And…?

Guess that makes us both sluts then becuz I totally got laid…I think I like your new boyfriend.

You fucked Benedict? Ew!

Shut up. :D No. Her name is Destiny and now she’s my girlfriend.

I laugh out loud at this, and Nathan turns to look at me. “What’s funny?”

“Last night Benedict introduced Ethan to this girl and I guess her name is Destiny. And now they had sex and are dating.”

“Cool,” he says with a shrug before returning his focus to the show, allowing me to text Ethan back again.

I’m happy for you. When do I get to meet her?


Ha. Well, I’ll see you in the morning, you can tell me everything then. I’m gonna go spend the rest of my birthday with Nathan.

K. Love ya.

Love ya too.

Slipping the phone back in my pocket, I switch my focus back to Nathan, gazing up into his face until his lips quirk and his eyes are on me.

“Why’re you staring at me?”

“Because you’re hot and I love you.”

“Ditto. You look even more hot with your cheeks all flushed like they are.” His face goes a bit serious as he lifts a hand to mine, using the back of it to stroke my cheek. “First time I’ve seen you look so pleased in a while.”

I frown at this, shocked he thinks such a thing. “What? You please me all the time.”

“Oh, I know.” With a grin, he moves the remote to the table, then grabs me by the waist and lifts, until I’m straddling his lap while facing him. “But the way you looked at him last night as he approached us, I was jealous for a second.”

My heart jumps at his words, biting my lip in a nervous manner, even though his whole demeanor makes it clear he’s happy and amused. His eyes search mine as he slides his hand to the nape of my neck and pulls our faces close until our breaths mingle.

“You know you’re my number one,” I feel the need to say, lifting my hands to rest on his shoulders for a moment before I slide them across toward his neck, then up it until I’m cradling his face. “Nobody can ever take your place with me.”

“Of course not. We’re nothing alike, which is why I was only jealous for a second and nothing more.” His eyes blaze, his free hand sliding up my soft pajama pant covered leg until he reaches my waistband, slipping it down and inside as my breath hitches. “But the flush…I remember that flush well. You looked at me the same way when we met, the desire to be close to me written all over your face.”

With a giggle, I give him a soft peck on the lips before wrapping my arms around his neck, moving my lower body into his touch as he slips his hand between my legs. “I’ve never been able to hide how I feel, you know that. I want you even more now than when we met.”

“It’s obvious to me, but less to the world.” He takes advantage of my lack of underwear, which I’d forgone during my change after returning home, gliding a finger through my arousal until he can and does penetrate me, making me gasp because of how sensitive I am. “How much you want me is evident in the way you watch me when you think I’m not looking; in how you always have to touch me in some way no matter what we’re doing; when I’m engrossed in my work and you bring me everything I need without a word. You please me in every way. It’s no wonder why you’ve got me wrapped around your little finger.”

“Ummm. Pretty sure it’s your finger with all the magic right now.”

He laughs, but it mingles with my gasp as he thrusts another one inside me, and disappears completely as he seizes my mouth with his. We kiss each other with a sweetness mixed with a hunger and a familiarity only time spent together brings. Our love is clear between us here, in these moments when all our focus is on each other and nothing else, our desire burning bright in our touch; something not even I can adequately articulate.

And moments later, when he stands up in one fluid motion, he carries me to our room, our lips never breaking contact until he places me upon the bed.

“I love you,” he says then while stripping out of his clothing, mine following his pretty quickly.

Wrapping my legs around him as he gets between them, my lips curve in happiness as my arms encircle his neck and right before our lips meet, I respond, “I love you too.”

After that, there are no more words between us.

Just the love and passion of two people who believe they couldn’t be more perfect for one another.


“Caro, are you paying attention?”

Jerked from my daydreaming by a poke in the arm from Ethan, I lift my head to glare at him. “What?”

“That’s a no,” he mutters even as he grins at me. “My girlfriend’s coming this way.”

He barely gets the words out before a girl passes me with a squeal, making me wince at the same time she throws her arms around Ethan’s neck. All I see is dark red hair, freckled skinny arms with a helluva whole lot of bangles on her wrists, and the fact she’s only slightly shorter than him because she’s pulled him into a kiss. It’s been a whole three days since they were introduced and according to Ethan, they’ve spent every minute together that they can. That means we spend less time together, but I will have to remember to thank Benedict because from everything Ethan’s said, they are perfect for one another.

My phone buzzes so I rip my eyes away from their overt display of affection and my internal thoughts to see who sent me a text.

Noticing it’s from Benedict makes me happy as does reading what he asks. “
Miss me?

But I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t mess with him a little. “
I’m sorry. Who is this again? ;)

Benedict. Who is this? ;)
” His reply is instantaneous and I laugh at realizing he’s returning my ‘fucking with’ favor.

Sorry I don’t know anybody by that name…perhaps you have the wrong number?

Perhaps you’d like to take a ride on my cock later? That might jog your memory.

My face burns as Ethan says, “Caroline, this is Destiny. Destiny, my best friend Caroline.”

Looking up to discover she’s sitting next to him now, I put my phone down on the table and smile. “Hi. I’ve heard a lot about you in the last three days.”

Leaning forward with her hands clasped and elbows on the table, her cheerful grin gives me the impression she’s a rather joyful person. I can see why Ethan likes her. “Have you? Same here ‘cuz Ethan’s told me so much about you! And y’all look so much alike.”

“Yeah, we get that a lot.”

When she sighs, it has a dreamy quality to it, and she hooks her arm around Ethan’s while leaning into him. “Y’all are so lucky. I grew up all over the place, so didn’t have the chance to spend time with one person.”

My phone buzzes, but I ignore it in the spirit of being polite. “Why’s that? Military brat?”

“Ha! No. My parents just liked traveling the world so they homeschooled me and took me along with ‘em. It was kinda cool honestly.”

“Neat.” Glancing at Ethan to find him one hundred percent focused on her, I lean back in my chair and ask, “So how d’you know Benedict?”

“Who?” Her confusion only lasts a moment before she laughs and says, “Oh! Right. Gosh, he’s friends with my brother, they met as freshmen in college. So I’ve known him forever, like, since I was nine.”

When my phone goes off once more, she points at it and smiles wide. “You should probably get that. Somebody obviously wants to get ahold of you awful bad.”

“Yeah.” Picking it up, I give her a sheepish smile of my own. “Sorry. Just a sec.”

“No big deal.” She turns to Ethan. “Let’s get something to eat, I’m starving.”

They take off without giving me another glance and I read what Benedict’s sent me: “
I don’t believe I’ve shocked you into silence. Are you okay? Do you need CPR? I’d love to put my mouth on you.
” followed by, “
Are you at the cafe? I don’t see you.

Sucking in a breath, I give a quick glance around. Unable to locate him, I respond with, “
I’m here. We’re in a booth today in the back part. Ethan invited Destiny so she could meet me.

A hand lands on my shoulder as I hit send and I jump, Benedict’s laughter instant. “Scoot over.”

Sliding in next to me, my phones barely clattered to the tabletop before he’s got one arm around my waist, and his mouth on mine. His free hand roams, our tongues dancing as I try to orient myself to his sudden assault on my senses, moaning a little as he skims a hand down the front of my body. I’m exceptionally glad we’re out of sight of everybody else when he slips his hand underneath the hem of my skirt, which is knee length and more tight than loose, gliding the hand up my bare leg to the top.

As he moves between my legs, he pulls his lips away enough to whisper, “You’ve got about two minutes before they return to the table. Unless you want my hand to stay between your legs once they’re here, you better come. And fast.”

“I can’t—”

He swallows my objection with his mouth, slipping two fingers inside me while using his thumb to tease my clit. I’ve never done anything in public, and so my nervousness at getting caught or someone hearing me wars with the desire furling through me at his expert touch. Inside me, he caresses my g-spot while on the outside his thumb goes around and around my clit, before passing over it in a series of quick touches, causing a shock of pleasure to shoot through me every time. When he speeds up, I know I’m going to come around his hand, and it’s going to be the quickest orgasm I’ve ever had, and I can’t do anything to stop it.

But I think even if I could, I wouldn’t, because this is so hot and it’s the thought of him desiring me so much he’d do such a thing in public where we could be caught is what sends me over the edge. My small cry is lost in his mouth as my body tightens, my pussy clenching down on his hand, while the arm around my waist holds me firm in his grasp.

He embraces me for only a few moments before removing his hand. Releasing my mouth, he makes sure to catch my gaze and once he has, lifts his hand to his mouth and sucks his fingers clean of the evidence of what he’s done to me.

“Yum.” He gives me a naughty wink and a peck on the lips. “Gotta get back to work. See you later, Caroline.”

Seconds later, he slides out of the booth and out of my sight, vanishing so quick it’s as if he were never there.

Leaving me sitting at the table with a flushed face and kiss-bruised lips as Ethan and Destiny return. Sitting across from me, Ethan busts into laughter the moment he looks at me, and after a look of confusion to him, Destiny’s innocent eyes dart to mine.

“What’s so funny?”

This makes Ethan’s amusement grow and I mock scowl at him, the corner of my mouth lifting in a smirk. “Shut up! You’re just jealous.”

“Fuck, that was fast,” Ethan says, sobering even though his eyes dance with glee. “Seriously. Where did he go? I should get some tips from him.”

“Tips about what?” Destiny pokes him in the arm, demanding answers. “From who?”

He leans down to whisper in her ear, and I pick up my phone right as it receives a text message, feeling my face burn as I read the new message from the man who’d just gotten me off in the cafe.

BOOK: Hungry Heart: Part One (Hungry Heart #1)
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