Hungry Heart: Part One (Hungry Heart #1) (6 page)

BOOK: Hungry Heart: Part One (Hungry Heart #1)
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Sorry I had to run. Work keeps me busy. Can’t wait to be alone with you again. That was just my hand. Imagine what I could do by adding my mouth to it.

Clenching my legs shut at the memory and the new rush of arousal thanks to my imagination, I type a quick reply with the only thing I can possibly say to that. “
Looking forward to it.

“Oh my gosh!” Jerking my gaze away from my screen, Ethan is smirking at me while Destiny’s mouth hangs open. She snaps it shut only to end up opening it again. “You’re dating Benedict? As in Miranda’s Benedict?”


She laughs at my speechlessness, clapping her hands together excitedly, and confusing the fuck out of me. I’m glad when she continues with whatever she wants to say. “Len told me Benedict met someone new, but he didn’t tell me who. Said I wouldn’t know her. Well I guess I do now, huh?”

With a nervous laugh, I nod at her, gathering she knows all about what’s going on but not wanting to give too much away just in case. “Uh, I guess so. You know Len? I haven’t met him.”

“Know him?” She takes a sip of her soda, putting it back in place before stabbing at her salad with her fork. “Len’s my brother. He’s totally head over heels for Miranda, but he’s a little nutty himself so…”

I don’t think I should ask, or pry, or whatever. However, the opportunity to learn more about Benedict beckons me, and I’ve never been all that good at resisting temptation. So I don’t, because Destiny is open enough I might end up learning something important.

“Doesn’t dating your friend’s girlfriend break a code or something?”

She shakes her head, answering me once she’s swallowed her food. “Uh uh. Well, not to them I guess. Miranda and Benedict were together first, but I guess they all spent lots of time together, and Len’s always had a thing for her. He never said anything though, ‘cuz he respected Benedict and all, y’know?”

“So it was her idea?” I knew it was since Benedict has told me so, but I had no idea as to the extent of where her say began and his ended until now.

Laughing, she rolls her eyes, her fork mimicking her action in the air. “Everything’s her idea. I mean, I’ve known her a long time and I love her, but she’s got major control issues. Everything is her way or no way.”

Something tells me that’s the honest truth, and it makes me wonder why Benedict puts up with it since he doesn’t strike me as the type of man to do whatever someone else wants. Either way, not really my place to ask.

When my phone vibrates, I look down at it only to notice the time, and slide out of the booth after grabbing my stuff. “Time to head back to class. See you two love birds later.”

As they laugh, I walk away and open my messages.

You smell and taste so sweet btw. Looking forward to more indeed.

I don’t even reply, shutting the screen off and placing the phone in my pocket as I walk back to campus, sure the smile on my face will be permanent because my life is good and I know it.


Saturday rolls around before I see Benedict again.

Although we text a lot and talked a little on the phone, work kept him busy and studying for next week’s winter finals kept me tied up, so I haven’t seen him since those few moments in the cafe on Wednesday. Nathan’s decided to spend tonight with Rissa, so when Benedict’s text came through asking if I’d have dinner with him a few hours ago, I said hell yes with no hesitation.

He knocks on the door at five-thirty sharp, where I open it to find him ‘dressed-down’ from his usual suit and tie in khaki’s and a dark green button-down. His eyes are quick to assess me in return from head to toe in a slow, appreciative manner, which he punctuates with a whistle.

Since he’d told me on the phone to make sure I dress up, I’m wearing a strapless knee-length rose-colored summer dress, an ivory cashmere sweater in a nod to the cooler weather, and closed-toe matching sandals. I’ve pulled my hair back in a chignon and put in a pair of diamond dewdrop earrings my parents gave me for my birthday last year, but am not wearing any other jewelry because it’s not something I like to do for the most part.

The look in his eyes when they meet mine once more tell me he sure loves what he sees and I step outside.

Closing the door behind me and locking it, he holds out his arm as I face him, so I take it. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He leans in and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “Let’s get in the warm car before you freeze and then I’ll tell you how stunning you look tonight.”

“Didn’t you just?”

His happy laugh hangs in the air as we walk to the car. After I’m in, he walks around and gets in, then starts up the car and drives us away.

“You were saying?”

Using his left hand to control the wheel, his right hand sneaks over the center console and grabs mine, interlacing our fingers before giving them a gentle squeeze. “I said, you’re absolutely stunning Caroline. Anyone who sees you by my side will be jealous.”

“Yeah, they’ll wonder why such a handsome man like you is with a plain girl like me.”

“Shut up.” His reply is as teasing as my comment and he lifts my hand to kiss the back of it.

“Hey! No stealing my phrase.”

“I’m older than you so I had it first.” Opening my mouth to object, it’s not long before I snap it shut again since he’s technically correct, and he gives my hand another kiss. “In all seriousness, thanks for accepting my invitation to dinner. After the week I’ve had, you’ve made it much better with your simple presence.”

“Are you kidding? I’d never pass up a free meal.”

He lets go of my hand as he turns into the parking lot after winking at me. “I didn’t tell you you were paying? Oops.”

“Only gonna happen if they’ve got a dollar menu, buddy.”

Pulling up to the entrance, he comes around to open my door, and once I’ve stepped out he tosses the keys to the valet. Once inside the hostess greets us with a smile, two menus in hand.

“Mister Grant, we’ve reserved you and your lovely guest a private room as requested. Please follow me.”

“A private room?” My voice is a whisper as I lean into him while we walk behind the hostess. “Planning to take advantage of me in public again,
Mister Grant?

He grins down at me, wiggling his eyebrows, but not able to say anything as we approach the area reserved for us. The hostess opens the door and steps back, motioning us inside with a sweep of her arm. And once we’re seated, Benedict orders wine and they leave us all alone.

“A girl could get used to this,” I tease, pursing my lips for a moment when he looks at me, then drop my eyes to the menu when his gaze drops to my mouth. “I’ve never been here before so I need to see what they have.”

“Sure, take your time. And Caroline?”


“That’s the hope. That you’ll get used to this,” he clarifies when my gaze returns to his gorgeous, intense one. “Which you will, if you spend a lot of time with me.”

“For now.” Closing the menu, I lean a little forward in a conspiratorial manner, and speak in an exaggerated whisper. “You might discover I have terrible eating habits like consuming so much food you go broke. Or perhaps you realize I chew with my mouth open and chomp like it’s going out of style.”

Our waiter returns right then, and after Benedict taste tests the wine and approves, our glasses are poured. Once our orders are taken, the waiter exits as quietly as he arrived.

“You forget I’ve seen you eat, Caroline.” His lips quirk as he holds up his wineglass until I follow suit. “To our new relationship, and chewing with our mouths closed.”

A snort of laughter escapes me and he smiles at my amusement before taking a drink of his wine. Setting down his glass, he holds out his hand in expectation, palm up. Switching the glass to my other hand, I don’t even hesitate before placing mine on top his. He turns it over so my palm is exposed, and caresses the sensitive area with his fingertips along with an occasional stroke of his blunt nails.

Perhaps it’s the memory of the moments in the cafe, knowing what his hands are capable of doing, but his gentle touch causes an instant reaction all over my body. My nipples perk up, straining against the bodice of my dress, while the surge of arousal between my legs has me crossing them in attempt to diffuse the feeling.

He knows what he’s doing to me though, I can see it in the glint of his eyes and the curve of his lips.

“So,” he says, continuing to stroke my palm while his face grows serious, “our messages back and forth have been amusing, but we haven’t really discussed anything serious since we met. Tell me about yourself, Caroline.”

He’s right, and while I understand him wanting to get to know me, it’s been nice to just have fun and not worry about everything else. So I haven’t because it would come in time, as it is now. I answer him with a mischievous smile. “What do you want to know? Didn’t you think to stalk me on social media beforehand?”

“Nah.” He sits forward as I had earlier, his grin widening even as he continues his subtle assault on my senses. “Part of the joy of meeting someone new is getting to know them in every way. If I know everything, you may cease to fascinate me before we fall in love with each other, and we don’t want that, do we?”

What he says is so casual, yet I know the words are anything but. It’s a promise of where we’ll head if we keep this up, and at this rate, we’re going there full speed ahead. “Guess I shouldn’t admit I googled you, huh?”

“No need to admit it, I figured you had. It’s a smart thing for a girl to do every time.”

With a laugh, I tug my hand from his and he lets go without mention. “Girls are serial killers too, y’know. How d’you know I didn’t have or don’t still have secret plans to destroy you. Hell, or murder you?”

“Look at me,” he says with a sweep of his hand down his body, followed by him pointing at me, his amusement at this conversation crystal clear. “And look at you. I’m not afraid of you in the slightest. Next to me, you’re like a little fairy; one flick of my wrist and you’d go flying.”

With that imagery now in my head, I laugh out loud. “Shut up. I’m not

Eyes darkening, he opens his mouth to say something but is cut off by the arrival of our dinner. There’s a whole lot of shuffling and hustling around, but when they are near to done, he says, “Please leave us in private until I ring. Thank you.”

And just like that, it’s just us again.

Alone. For as long as we want without interruption it seems.

My body’s instant violent arousal at this knowledge has me crossing my legs and gulping down a gasp from the sheer surprise of it. He lifts a brow at me while digging into his food, the smirk he gives me right before taking a bite tells me he knows exactly what’s going on with me, and he’s loving it. Reveling in how he makes me feel.

Before taking another bite, he nods at my plate. “Dig in. You’ll need the energy for later.”

“Well, in that case…”

And there it is. The companionable silence falls between us while the sexual undercurrent is clear yet waiting to burst forth, counting on one us bursting the dam and letting our desire run wild.

It’s me who does the setting free when we’re both finishing up and I push my chair back a little. His body tenses, ready to pounce at my word, his eyes watching me with hot intent.

Knowing it was his intention to have his way with me here, I suddenly feel brazen enough to give us both what we want and inform him with a wicked grin, “There’s nothing under my skirt.”

Beyond that, neither of us say another word as we move from our chairs to the floor like two first-timers who can’t keep their hands off one another no matter how hard they try.

It’s among the hottest sex I’ve ever experienced and to say it was mind-blowing wouldn’t be an exaggeration.

But as I’ll soon learn, it’s true that what goes up must come down, and what goes around comes around, and all that other stuff we think will never touch us.

Because when one person isn’t truthful, it fucks it up for the rest of us.

And by the rest of us, I mean me.


“You need to tell me about yourself now since you distracted me earlier.”

We’re lying naked in bed at his house, where we returned to after dinner since we agreed to spend the night together.

I’m warm and comfy cuddled up next to him when he asks the question, and I give a happy sigh as I jokingly reply, “I’ll tell you anything you want to know…just not where I hide the bodies of my scorned lovers.”

With a squeeze of his arm around my shoulders, he chuckles softly. “Do you mess with everyone like this or am I special?”

“Hmm. Special, but only in that I mess with you more for some reason.”

“Been told my whole life I’m easy to tease.”

tease?” Lifting my head, I catch his hot gaze with my amused one. “
a huge fucking tease all on your own.”

“How am I a tease when I always follow through on my promises?”

Giving him a wicked smile, I trail my hand I placed over his heart down his chest, but he’s fast and catches it, shaking his head.

“Tell me about your family,” he says, putting my hand back where it was and covering it with his own. “Or should I start instead?”

“Yeah, you should.” I don’t say it out loud, but I love hearing his voice, and I want to go off what he says rather than share something randomly.

“All right. First, you should know I never do anything like I’m supposed to. At least, that’s what my parents have always said. They said I did my own thing and they let me, and it worked for all of us. Second, they’ve been married forty years, and I always thought I’d have the same terrific relationship they do. They weren’t afraid to show when they weren’t happy, but they showed me what a real relationship is all about. My father’s a lawyer, and up until a year ago, my mother taught first grade. And since you stalked me on the internet, you know I graduated high school a year early at seventeen, completed my Bachelors in three years instead of four, and went to and graduated from law school. But it didn’t take long in the real world for me to decide it wasn’t what I wanted to do with my life. I opened up
Club Play
with a little help from my father when I was twenty-five.”

BOOK: Hungry Heart: Part One (Hungry Heart #1)
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