Lena's Happily Ever After [The Town of Pearl 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (13 page)

BOOK: Lena's Happily Ever After [The Town of Pearl 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Lena looked at Bryant and raised her eyebrows at him.

He stared at her and crossed his arms in front of his chest. He wasn’t going to answer it.

Lena began to walk out of the kitchen.

“Whoever it is tell them to get the fuck out of here. I don’t want any visitors. It’s bad enough I have to deal with you.”

She ignored his comment and headed toward the front door.

As she opened it, she saw Frank and Abigail.

“Hi,” Lena said then motioned for them to come inside.

“Oh, is it all right with Bryant?’ Abigail asked, and she looked so timid and afraid. Lena wondered if Bryant had treated his mother the same way he treated everyone else. She was a good woman with a big heart. Her husbands were exceptional men and wanted to do whatever they could for their sons.

“Lena, I told you no visitors.”

Frank and Abigail hesitated a moment.

“Nonsense. They’re not here to see you, soldier boy, they’re here to see me.” Lena took Abigail’s hand and walked her through the living room and into the kitchen.

“The place looks amazing, Lena,” Abigail commented, ignoring Bryant’s snarls and dirty looks.

“How are you doing, son? You look good,” Will stated.

Bryant gave him a dirty look.

“Come on in, Will, I just made a batch of fresh sweet tea. You know I never had sweet tea before coming out here to Texas. At least none with fresh mint leaves and home brewed. You know that Kenny taught me how to make it?”

“Really? That’s nice. I’d love some,” Will stated, and he joined them in the kitchen.

Lena went about cleaning up the pans from cooking.

“I was just about to head home. I have to work tonight at Rocky’s and then tomorrow night.”

“I thought you were done working there after those men tried to hurt you?” Will stated, and Bryant walked into the room.

“Someone tried to hurt you?”

“No big deal. That was weeks ago. I need the money. Some of us can’t sit around on our asses and live off of the family heritage,” Lena stated with attitude, and Bryant walked out of the room.

“Lena, should you be speaking to him that way?” Abigail asked and Lena smiled.

“If he can dish it out, then he better be able to take it. So, what brought you by today?”

Abigail shook her head and smiled as she took a sip of the tea. “This is really good. We wanted to try and see how he was doing. I guess it was a wasted trip.”

“Maybe not. He’s coming around.”

“Yeah, he didn’t kick us out and tell us off as he threw beer bottles at our heads,” Will stated and Lena gasped.

“He didn’t?” she asked, and they nodded their heads.

Lena was annoyed. How could anyone treat people who loved them in such a way?

“Well, those days are over.”

“We’d better get going. This is a lot farther than we’ve gotten inside his house before. The place looks amazing, Lena, and the food smells good,” Will stated as he placed the glass into the sink.

“He looks a hell of a lot better, too, Lena. He must like your cooking.” Abigail rose from the seat. As Lena walked them outside, Bryant was standing on the porch.

“Good-bye, son. Hope to see you again soon,” Will said, and Abigail touched Bryant’s arm. He of course pulled away and went back inside.

Lena could see the sadness in Abigail’s eyes. She smiled to her.

“It will get better,” she whispered then kissed Abigail and Will good-bye.

What she would do to have such loving parents as the Joneses. She couldn’t even imagine having more than one father who loved her, never mind a mother.

Shaking her head, she looked out toward the truck, and she saw some cowboys on horseback.

She waved as they waved before she went back into the house.

The moment she walked through the living room, Bryant grabbed ahold of her arm and pressed her against the wall.

“You think you’re real slick, Detroit, don’t you?” he asked as he wedged his thigh between her thighs and held her arms against the wall.

“What the hell is your problem?”

“You. I don’t want anyone visiting. I don’t need to see them and look into their eyes and know that they feel sorry for me.”

“No, Bryant. You are filled with excuses. They love you.” He abruptly released her arms and stepped away from her. He ran his hand through his hair. It was getting longer, and he could use a haircut and a shave.

“I have to get going. I’m sure you can handle the door when I’m gone. The dinner is on the stove. Just take the foil off and heat it in the microwave for fifteen seconds. That should do it. The sweet tea is in the fridge.”

“You’ll be here for breakfast tomorrow?”

“Why? Are you looking forward to it?” she teased.

“No. I was just wondering if you were going to make the eggs the way I like them instead of overcooked and maybe some bacon. What the hell does a man have to do around the house to get fucking bacon?” Soldier boy was back to giving her shit. He really didn’t care for her at all.

“Bacon it is and watery eggs to boot. Wonderful for the cholesterol level, darling. Good night,” she said with a Texas accent, then headed out the door.


* * * *


“You should have seen the job she did over there, Pete. My God, the place was sparkling, and Bryant looked really good,” Abigail stated as they sat on the porch outside of their house.

“He let you in okay?” Frank asked.

“Hell no. It was Lena who let us in, and she told him we were there to visit her. You should have heard the way she was talking to Bryant. He gave her shit and she gave it right back. It’s no wonder she’s still there,” Will stated. Pete and Frank chuckled.

“She sure has done a lot for us and for Bryant. I just wish she would open up about her past. Maybe getting together with Anna and Stacy might help?”

“That sounds like a nice idea. You should invite them over for lunch on Sunday. We’ll show the men around the ranch and start working out details for the Fourth of July festivities,” Frank stated.

“Great. I’ll go call them,” Abigail said then headed out.


* * * *


The bar was crowded. There were so many people it was difficult to get from table to table without getting bumped into. There was some kind of pre-bachelor party going on along with the regular bachelor party Rocky had called her in for. Stella, the other waitress, told Lena that the actual bachelor party to the pre-party was taking place in Vegas tomorrow night. By the looks of the bachelor and his friends, the unlucky girl marrying him was in for it. That guy had his hands up every skirt in the joint. The whole honky-tonk-style bar was beginning to grow on her and even the country music. She was drawn into the twang in certain people’s voices, and she was starting to feel a lot more comfortable. Although the bar bordered between Pearl and the next town, people traveled to get to Rocky’s from all over. Meeting new people was a definite plus and helped move her shift along. As she looked around toward the bachelor again, she couldn’t help but chuckle at his numerous attempts to reach under one woman’s skirt.

Lena laughed as she watched what was going on.

“What’s so damn funny?” Sissy, one of the other waitresses, asked.

“Just checking out the scene. I feel sorry for the bride.”

“Yeah well, what’s really crazy is that the bride’s ex-boyfriend is that big guy over there with his three buddies sulking at the bar.”

“Oh my God, does he look pissed.”

“That’s Bill. He’s a mean son of a bitch when he gets drunk. Stay clear of him.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Lena said then walked over to another table of men looking to buy a few drinks.

As the night went on, it seemed as if her shift would never end. At this rate she would be there until closing.

As she stood by the bar humming along to a country tune, hoping that the last stragglers would head out, she heard the commotion going on behind her. As she leaned against the bar, she didn’t even turn around to look. The groom and the ex-boyfriend were having it out. They were cursing and carrying on, and Rocky had already told the bartender, Jeff, to call the police.

Lena shook her head. This was getting old fast. In a matter of a few seconds, she heard the stools fall to the floor then someone yell “fight.” As she turned to see what was happening, the fist hit her cheekbone, knocking her to the ground.


* * * *


She sat in Rocky’s office with a bag of ice against her cheek.

Rocky placed a hand on her shoulder as Wyatt looked at her.

“That’s going to be really bad by morning,” Wyatt stated.

“It is morning, Wyatt,” Rocky said.

“Do you want me to call Kenny?”

She shook her head.

“Right now, all I want to do is go home and sleep. I have to be up by seven, and it’s already four o’clock.”

“I’m real sorry this happened to you, Lena. Those animals were so drunk and crazy.”

“They’ll be spending a few nights in jail for the damage they did and, of course, assault charges. I’m glad you gave your statement this time. Now how about I give you a ride home?” Wyatt offered.

She was supposed to get a ride home from Sissy, but she left over an hour ago.

As they drove in Wyatt’s sheriff’s truck, he told her about him and his brothers and their woman Anna.

“Abigail had mentioned her and Stacy to me. I guess Stacy is your cousin’s girlfriend, right?” she asked, trying to remember what Abigail had told her and also remain focused on the conversation despite the pain she felt.

“That’s right. They’re looking forward to lunch on Sunday and meeting you.”

Lena smiled.

“This town is very nice and so are the people, for the most part,” Lena teased.

“Don’t let Rocky’s patrons make you think the worse of this town. A lot of those people don’t even live in Pearl. They live a few towns over.”

“Well, wherever they’re from I wish they would stop trying to bother me. I’m just trying to make a living.”

Wyatt was silent a moment.

“I understand that you have a past that makes you feel untrusting or fearful to reveal too much about yourself. I know you say that you don’t know your social security number and you lied about your last name being Spright. You don’t need to do that with me or any of the other deputies in town. We’re not out to hurt people. We’re out to help them.”

Lena took a deep breath and felt the instant anxiety in her chest.

“I don’t want any trouble. I don’t feel you need to know anything about me, including my social security number or last name to resolve any of this situation.”

Wyatt exhaled then gave her a look that made her turn away from him. It was too intense.

“I think you’re going to like talking with Anna and Stacy. As a matter of fact, you may even become good friends.”

She remained quiet for the last few minutes of the ride.


* * * *


It took a few minutes for Lena to adjust her eyes. Was it morning already? Her cheek and her head throbbed beneath the pillow. She should really turn over and lie on the opposite side. She moaned from the pain, and as she looked at the clock on the bedside table, she saw that it was after seven in the morning. Soldier boy was going to be pissed off about the lack of bacon and watery eggs. She was a no–show, and it didn’t sit right with her at all.

It took her forever to doze off as her mind thought about the life she had. She was so tired. Tired of getting knocked around and being a nobody. Her heart began to ache, and that was when she heard the floor creak. Someone was in her home.

She blinked her eyes numerous times and saw the tall, bulky figure taking up her entire doorway. It looked like soldier boy, but why would he be in her home? He was a loner. He kept to himself and only stepped outside his door at night. It was wishful thinking on her part. She had been fantasizing about Bryant, Quinn, Blake, and Kenny for weeks now. They wanted to know why she wouldn’t sleep with them and take their relationship to the next level. Truth was that she was scared out of her mind. She just passed her twenty-first birthday, and she knew nothing about relationships, sex, or men. And the Joneses were superior men. Cowboys with great big attitudes.

“I’ve been waiting over an hour for my bacon and eggs, Detroit.”

Her eyes widened, and she moaned as she moved. Sure as shit, Bryant was in her house.

“Bryant?” she whispered. He took a few steps toward her, and she used the pillow to cover her bruised cheekbone. Her eye felt a bit swollen now, too. What was he going to do when he saw it, she wondered?

“How did you get in?” she asked him, and he moved closer.

“I’m a Marine, baby.”

Oh God, why did that sentence make her belly tighten and her pussy awaken?

“I’m tired, Bryant. I had a late night at Rocky’s.” Every word made her head hurt and her cheek throb.

He stood over her now, and she wondered if he was going to make her get up and cook him his fucking bacon and eggs.

BOOK: Lena's Happily Ever After [The Town of Pearl 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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