Lena's Happily Ever After [The Town of Pearl 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: Lena's Happily Ever After [The Town of Pearl 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Why did Wyatt drive you home this morning?”

Her eyes focused in on him. It might as well have been Kenny asking such law-enforcement-type questions. God, when Kenny, Blake, and Quinn found out, she was surely going to get an earful. Damn and maybe that spanking they told her about for disobeying.

She swallowed hard.

“Well, Lena, I asked you a question.”

“I don’t have to tell you anything. How do you know anyway?”

“I was up early this morning. I heard the truck and saw him drop you off.”

He sat down on the bed, his thigh hit her thigh, and she realized that the sheets were all messed up and to the other side of the queen-size bed.

He looked her over, and she rolled another few inches into the pillow to hide the injury.

“I also saw you holding something against your cheek, Lena.”

His tone had changed. Was he really concerned over her, or did he just want to make sure she wasn’t playing hookie to avoid making him his breakfast? He was such a demanding, militant type. He wanted what he wanted when he wanted it or else.

He reached for her cheek and caressed her skin.

What the hell is he doing?

She was shaking from the connection she felt when he touched her skin and what this could possibly be all about. In a panic, she turned away from his deep, prying eyes. “You need to go, Bryant. I’m tired.”

“What the hell happened?” When she turned to look at his eyes, she realized that he had seen the bruising. He looked so angry and disgusted.

He grabbed her shoulders and squeezed.

“Who the fuck did this to you?”

“Please, Bryant, it’s not a big deal.”

“Not a big deal? Let me see.” He released her shoulders to gently turn her cheek toward him. He looked as if he were clenching his teeth or biting the inside of his mouth as he turned red with anger.

He stood up and paced back and forth by the side of the bed. “Tell me who did it. I want to fucking know who hit you.”

“It was an accident, Bryant. There was a fight at the bar and I turned to look and caught some big dude’s right hook that was meant for the guy standing next to me.”

“Are you fucking kidding me? Did you ice it?” he asked, moving back toward the bed.

She turned onto her side.

“I will later, once I get some more sleep.”

She felt his hand on her shoulder. Then he gently caressed her chin below where the bruising was.

“Does it hurt?” he asked in a more calming tone. Her head was throbbing and she was so very tired.

“Yes. Please just go, Bryant. I’m sorry I can’t cook your breakfast today. I’ll stop by to make lunch, all right?” she asked with her eyes closed.


* * * *


Bryant was so enraged right now he wanted to hit something. How could this happen to Lena? She was such a sweet, young woman just trying to work to save money. What the fuck kind of asshole could hit a woman like that.
Accident my fucking ass.

He knew something was wrong the moment he saw Wyatt’s truck and Lena got out. It was after four in the morning. He hadn’t slept as usual because of the nightmares. He was looking forward to seeing her today just like the past few weeks.

He worried about her, but who was he to tell her what to do?

As he watched her begin to fall back to sleep, he absorbed the sight of her body. The way her hips curved, the roundness of her ass and her long, toned thighs. The tank she wore barely covered her breasts or her upper body. She might as well have been sleeping in nothing at all.

He swallowed hard. He was so attracted to her, but she was too young, and he was too fucked up to have her. Plus, his brothers wanted her, too, and he wasn’t even talking to them anymore.

She looked so fragile and small lying there with her cheek all swollen. Even her eye was swollen. He would make her see his father when she awoke to make certain that the bruising would heal and that there wasn’t any other damage.

She looked over her shoulder and stared at him.

“You’re creeping me out, Bryant. I can’t fall asleep with you watching me.”

He didn’t think. He just focused on her beauty and the fact that she sounded so sad and lonely. He got onto the bed, and when she didn’t protest or scream for him to get out, he placed his hand on her hip and adjusted his position so her back was against his front.

“What are you doing?” she whispered.

He smoothed his hand over the skin on her belly. It felt smooth and taut. His upper arm brushed against her large breasts that were free beneath the scanty tank she wore.

He got more comfortable and held her against him. Her ass fit perfectly against his cock that now poked against the seam of her ass.

She snuggled closer, and he inhaled the scent of her perfume and the smell of soap on her skin. She felt so good in his arms as he closed his eyes, and for the first time in years, he wished for things he could never have, like Lena.


* * * *


She awoke aroused and completely aware of the large, warm hand that cupped her breast. The big, muscular body she was wedged against, and ultimately the hard cock at her lower back, were what truly awoke her senses.
He stayed with me and held me the entire time.

Lena tried not to shift, and in trying to be still, Bryant adjusted his body behind her.

She had to stop the moan that nearly escaped her mouth. He was such a sexy man, and his personality and take-control attitude completely made her putty in his hands. She felt her nipples harden and apparently so did Bryant.

He gently rubbed his thumb along her breast while still cupping it under her tank top.

“Comfortable?” she whispered in such a sexy, deep, voice it shocked her.

“Quite,” he replied, squeezing her breast gently and making her other breast jealous for his touch.

She moved again, adjusting her hips as her pussy felt damp.

“Quit squirming, Detroit. I haven’t been this close to a woman in years,” he admitted, and she felt the tightness in her chest and her belly quiver. Slowly she rolled toward him, and he adjusted his hold on her. He wedged his thigh between her thighs and hip as he lay halfway over her. Bryant cupped her face between his hands and looked at her bruise.

“We should ice this.”

“Okay, later,” she whispered, and he stared at her lips. Her breathing became shallow rather instantly, and she wondered why he hadn’t kissed her yet. He did have her breast in his hand and now his cock lay hard against her belly.

“How old are you?” he asked her, and it surprised her as she squinted her eyes.


“’Cause you look so young, yet you have the body of a porn star.”

She chuckled and he adjusted his body over hers.

“What’s so funny?”

“A porn star, huh? Is that the best line you’ve got? How old are you?”

“I asked you first, and for a petite young woman, you do have the body of a porn star. That wasn’t a line, darling,” he teased as he rubbed his thumb along her left breast and nipple making it tingle straight to her mound. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes.

Lena felt his warm breath against her neck then his tongue as he licked her skin. When Bryant reached her chin, he nibbled gently with his teeth, causing her to moan then raise her left thigh and try to rub it along his thigh.

“I don’t want to hurt your bruise.” He shifted upward to kiss her on the mouth. When he released her lips, she lifted her mouth toward him to make him come back and kiss her more when she felt the twinge of pain in her cheek and eye.

“Damn it, Lena. You’re hurting.”

“It’s fine,” she stated, feeling annoyed. She was used to pain. Pain was a rather common thing in her life.

Before he responded, they both heard the sounds of trucks pulling up outside and then the sound of heavy footsteps.

“Your men are here for you,” he stated with a bit of an attitude then slowly got up off the bed.

Her heart immediately sank as she tried to look at him, but her head really hurt.

“I’ll get the door and the ice.”

He adjusted his pants and slightly limped out of the room.

How was she supposed to handle all these feelings? It wasn’t right to feel this way about four men at once. Maybe it was because she never met such perfect men before and she was being crazy?

“What are you doing here?” she heard Kenny ask and then heard the other footsteps.

“Is she okay, Bryant?” Quinn asked him.

“I’m getting more ice.”

Lena looked at the clock with one good eye and one blurry eye. It was nearly swollen shut and black and blue. She just knew it.


Kenny came storming into her bedroom followed by Blake and then Quinn. Three huge-ass cowboys were crammed into her tiny bedroom. What a sight.

She held up her hand.

“I’m fine. There’s no need to freak,” she whispered as she cuddled into the pillow. They saw her face, and the yelling started.

“Holy shit, that looks fucking terrible!” Kenny yelled.

“Jesus, Lena, how the hell did that happen?” Blake asked.

“Son of a bitch, that looks bad,” Quinn added as they gathered around the bed.

It was Kenny who knelt on her bed and touched her chin, tilting it up toward his face. She kept her eyes closed.

“Why didn’t you call one of us?” Kenny asked through clenched teeth.

“I’ve told you this before, Kenny, I’m a big girl and can take care of myself.”

He squeezed her chin a little tighter and held her gaze with his stern expression.

“The point is that you don’t need to handle things on your own.”

“Yeah, that’s why we’re here,” Blake added.

“I should call Dad and see if we can bring her over so he can take a look at that eye,” Quinn suggested, looking rather upset. He was a handsome cowboy, dressed in dark jeans and wearing his button-down plaid shirt and Stetson. Damn, what was she thinking running off to a place like Texas?

She closed her eyes, and Kenny lightened his hold on her chin.

He kneeled with one leg under him as he leaned the other arm over her waist. His big broad shoulders blocked her view from the others.


* * * *


Kenny was trying his hardest to reign in his anger, but the damn woman was thickheaded.

“I told you not to go back to Rocky’s, didn’t I?” He absorbed the sight of her battered face. He wanted to kill the fucking bastard that hurt her. Wyatt wouldn’t let him ten feet near the jail cell where the four men responsible for last night’s brawl remained.

He watched her swallow hard, the motion of her beautiful neck and chest lifting as she tried to remain calm. Her breasts looked full and round, and the tank she wore hardly covered her.

“I’m not getting into this with you again,” she replied.

He inhaled, trying not to lose his control.

“This isn’t up for discussion.”

“This is unacceptable, Lena. No woman of ours is going to come home from work battered and abused,” Quinn added as he stood behind Kenny.

“This is nothing. You’re the ones making a big deal about it.” She raised her voice then cringed from pain, most likely. Kenny lost his cool.

“You can’t be so calm about something like this, Lena. We can’t allow you to work in unsafe places,” Kenny said.

“It’s not like I’ve never been hit before, Kenny. This is my life, and you can’t tell me what I can and can’t do,” she blurted out.

“What did you say?” Kenny asked, and she turned away from him. Kenny looked at his brothers, including Bryant, who remained standing by the doorway as if on guard. He wondered what the hell was going on before they arrived. He would address that later with Bryant. Right now her admittance that she had suffered abuse before bothered him and his brothers. He could tell by their facial expressions.

“Lena, I don’t know anything about your past, baby, but getting knocked around and abused is not acceptable,” Kenny whispered then caressed her chin.

“It’s not normal, baby, and you are so beautiful and sweet that it’s crazy to think that you feel abuse is normal,” Blake stated.

She turned to look at them.

“I didn’t say that I accept it or think that it’s normal, I said that this wasn’t the first time I’ve had a bruised cheekbone or black eye. Listen, I’m tired, my head hurts, and some ice might help right about now.”

Bryant walked into the room and he locked gazes with Lena. Kenny watched as her eyes lit up and Bryant sat down on the bed and placed the bag of ice gently on her cheek.

“How does that feel?” Bryant asked her.

She covered Bryant’s hand with her own.

“Cold,” she whispered, and Bryant used his free hand to push a stray hair away from her eye then caress her cheek.

“It’s supposed to be. Keep it on. I know from experience that it helps.”

BOOK: Lena's Happily Ever After [The Town of Pearl 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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