Read Logan's Calling Online

Authors: Abbey Polidori

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Military, #Literature & Fiction

Logan's Calling (4 page)

BOOK: Logan's Calling
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'There's something about Amy... and me... that makes us,,, different. I don't know if Frazier knew that or suspected it but I think that's why he started a relationship with Amy in the first place. He wanted more information. He wanted to confirm his suspicions. The fact that he sent me Amy's silver locket is a clear signal that he knows all about her.'

'Okay, you're losing me a little now. What is this thing? What does it have to do with a locket?'

She stood up and ran her hand through her hair, pacing back and forth as if struggling with herself. 'I can't Logan... I can't even though I know I should. I know I can trust you. I know I can.'

He went to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. 'You can trust me, Sarah. Tell me anything.'

She took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, her eyes flickering to the wolf photo on the wall as if to calm herself. 

'I don't think you'll believe me unless I show you.'

'So show me.'

She turned to face him and her hand went to his left cheek. Logan flinched automatically but she said, 'Ssshh,' and traced the scar down along his face. 'Watch me tonight. Through the window. Like you do every night.'

His eyes went wide and he felt his heart hammer loudly in his chest. 'You...'

'Yes, I know you watch me. I sense you there in your room. You feel drawn to me, don't you?'

He swallowed and nodded. No one but the doctors had ever touched the line of knotted flesh running down his face. He didn't even touch it himself. But Sarah traced her fingers along it like she was deciphering a secret held in the pattern.

'I know why that is, Logan. I know why you want me and why you feel an irresistible pull to watch me. If I told you now, you wouldn't believe me no matter how much you wanted to. So watch me tonight and you'll know everything.'

He started to speak but she placed her finger on his lips. 'I can't explain any more. Once you've seen... tonight... I'll explain everything you want to know.'

He didn't know what to say. The shock that she knew he had been watching all this time overwhelmed his senses, making him feel like he might throw up. She had known he was watching...
him according to her own words... and she had still paraded around her room in skimpy lingerie. Was that for his benefit? Had she been putting on a show just for him? His world was suddenly turned upside-down. His beautiful neighbor had
. He had spent days feeling guilty about spying on her through her window and she had known all along and by her actions given her assent to being watched.

'You should go now, Logan,' she whispered. 'I promise I'll explain everything later.'

He nodded and let her lead him to the front door. 

Once he was back within the four walls of his own living room, he collapsed into his EZ chair and tried to calm the adrenaline surging through his body. 

He had always known the power of his attraction to Sarah Cooper but he had never guessed that she herself had known about it too.

Could she possibly be attracted to him too? Had he spent a year locked away from the world in this house, shunning human communication, while all the time the woman next door, a woman he felt an instant attraction to, was the key to unlocking the door of his prison?

He needed to see what it was she couldn't tell him.

He needed to see her agin.

He needed the night.

























By the time the world beyond the window went dark, it was almost ten. Logan had been sitting in his chair for hours. He had tried to read but his mind wouldn't focus on the words on the pages of his book, slipping instead to Sarah and her secret. He had then tried to figure out what it was he would not believe if she just told him but he couldn't come up with any answers. He would believe anything she told him. They had a connection, that was undeniable, and he trusted her. 

He left the lights off so the house became shrouded in darkness and he went upstairs to his bedroom, turning on the overhead fan. The moon was three-quarters full and cast a spectral silvery glow over the row of back yards. It also shone through Sarah's open window, illuminating her bedroom in ghostly light and deep shadows.

Logan waited, sitting in his usual place at the end of the bed. He had no need to position himself so he couldn't be seen; she knew he was watching and had known all along anyway. He felt both embarrassed and excited at the same time. Even now, waiting for her to appear in her room, he felt turned on. His mind was trained to associate this action, sitting on the edge of the bed and watching Sarah's window, with sexual gratification. That she knew he was watching added to that feeling somehow. She
him to be here. 

Sarah's face appeared in the shadows, the moonlight casting a pale glow over her skin. She stepped forward, her eyes locked on Logan. He wanted to wave and acknowledge that he was here but there was no need; her eyes looked directly into his. As she stepped into the moonlight, Logan gasped. Apart from the silver locket around her neck, she was naked. Totally fucking naked. The sight of her made his cock press against his jeans almost painfully. 

She reached for the silver chain around her neck and tugged it, tossing it and the locket onto the bed. Now she was completely nude and she looked totally fucking incredible. Was this what she wanted to show him? Her amazing body?

Turning her face to the moonlight, Sarah closed her eyes. Logan studied the way the lunar glow played over her face and the sweet contours of her body, accenting her womanly shape. Her nipples stood erect in the moonlight. The area between her thighs lay in mysteriously-enticing dark shadow.

Just as Sarah had said that she sensed Logan watching her, he could now senses that something was about to happen . He felt it raise the hairs on the back of his neck and along his arms. His gut twisted as if he was on a roller coaster at the top of a slope about to go plummeting down the other side. 

She bared her teeth at the moon. There was something wrong with her mouth. It looked as if her teeth had suddenly grown and were too big for her mouth. She dropped to all fours, partly hidden in shadow, and let out a deep guttural groan that didn't sound like it came from a human woman at all. Logan got closer to his window pane to see what was happening next. Sarah writhed on her bedroom carpet and he couldn't be sure if she was in pain or if the writhing was a product of pleasure. 

Then he stepped back from the window, his eyes wide with shock. He almost fell over the corner of the bed. He closed his eyes tightly, sure they were playing tricks on him. He opened them again and stared into Sarah's bedroom again, certain that he hadn't seen what he thought he had seen. It was a trick of the light. It had to be. 

But when he looked again, he couldn't deny what he saw with his own eyes.

Sarah was gone. In her place, standing motionless on all fours half in moonlight and half in shadow, was a creature that looked like a hybrid of woman and animal. Sleek reddish brown fur covered the body and the face was wolf-like with a canine muzzle and ears. The face turned toward Logan and although the eyes were now green and wolfish, he could tell it was Sarah. She jumped up onto the bed prowled around on the sheets. She still had the curves of a woman - full breasts and womanly hips - but the fur covered everything. She had a wolf's tail but her buttocks were still shaped like the tempting buttocks he had watched through the window many times before.

Sarah was right; he never would have believed this if she had told him. He had to see it with his own eyes and even now he wasn't sure what he was looking at. It was unmistakably Sarah but it was also unmistakably a she-wolf. 

She looked at him with those green wild eyes and Logan felt something wild within himself rise in response. He was looking directly into Sarah's soul through those wolfish eyes and his own soul responded to her calling. She stretched her human-animal body out on the bed, pushing her hips back slightly as he thought she had done at the AC controller earlier. Now, there was no mistaking her intent. She raised her buttocks and let out a low longing needful sound that was part wolfish howl and part womanly moan. The calling spoke to the most primitive part of Logan's mind. He felt like he was going to explode with lust. His breathing was fast, his chest rising and falling rapidly with each inhale and exhale. He felt hot and giddy and desperate. Tearing himself away from the window and the sight of Sarah, he ran down the stairs and out of the front door and across the moonlit lawn to her house. 

She flung the door open as soon as he arrived. She had become human again and tossed on a silk robe but it was unbelted and she was naked beneath. Logan took her in his arms and they kissed hotly and passionately, their tongues finding each other and wrestling like two animals competing for dominance.

Logan's hands opened the robe, sliding it off her. It slipped to the hallway floor with a silky whisper.

'Take me upstairs,' she whispered urgently.

Logan picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her up to the bedroom and lay her on the bed. Standing above her, he pulled off his t-shirt while she unbuckled his belt and opened his jeans. By the time he got his t-shirt off, he was in her hands, hard and thick. She stroked him, her now-blue eyes taking in every inch of him.

He groaned as she bent her head forward and licked around the head of his cock as her fingers sent incredible sensations through him as they stroked his shaft. The sweet scent of her arousal, which he had detected earlier in the living room, was strong now. It pervaded the room and drove Logan wild with lust. Although he couldn't become part animal as Sarah had done, he felt the animal part of his nature rise up and overtake his being. He grabbed Sarah's hair and pulled her down to the bed, needing more than anything to be inside, to mate with her. 

'Yes,' she groaned, 'take me, Logan.'

He had never felt so hard, so desperate to fuck someone. He felt like no matter how hard he fucked her, no matter how deep he got inside, her, it could never satiate the powerful lust burning inside him.

'Change for me,' he told her.

She shook her head. 'I can't. I might bite you. I'm too wound up to control myself fully.'

'So bite me.' He laid hard kisses down her throat and over her soft breasts, taking her pouty nipples into his mouth and playing his hot tongue over them. She gasped and arched her back, pushing herself against his face.

'Change for me.' He trailed his tongue down over her flat belly to the dark blonde hairs between her thighs.

'If I bite you there are consequences,' she gasped, arching her hips to press her sex against his face. He flicked out his tongue between her lips, finding her clitoral hood and licking at it in slow lazy circles.

'Oh my God!' Sarah groaned, grinding herself against his exploring tongue. 'Yes, oh God, yes!'

Logan delved deeper, his hands supporting Sarah's sleek thighs while he pressed his mouth against her sex and stimulated her with flicks of his tongue. She writhed and moaned and grabbed fistfuls of his hair as she cried out and came. Her body trembled against him and she closed her eyes and let out a scream which became a howl and Logan realized she had changed into the she-wolf at the point of orgasm. He climbed on top of her and she looked at him with her wild green eyes and growled deep in her throat.

She smelled strongly of musky arousal and that signalled Logan's brain that she wanted to mate. But before she did that, she obviously had another need because she lashed her wolfish head forward and sunk her teeth deep into his shoulder. He cried out in pain and tore her head away from him, seeing in her green eyes a wildness that looked so primitive it could have come from the dawn of time. 

She writhed beneath him so that she was on her belly, he backside pressed against his rock hard cock. He squatted back on his knees for a moment and she adjusted her position so that her hips were thrust into the air, tail raised, her glistening lips displayed to him. The fusion of woman and wolf formed a creature that was more erotic and sensual than anything Logan had ever seen in his life. He moved forward and pressed himself against her sex and felt himself sliding inside. So hot. So fucking tight. He mounted her and pushed himself all the way into her incredible body. The throbbing pain in his shoulder was forgotten as they mated and the amazing sensation of her tightness around him filled his senses along with the feel of her fur beneath his fingers as he held her buttocks. Her scent drove him into an urgent rhythm of deep thrusts that slid his manhood all the way inside her and slicked up his cock with her musky juices. He was totally lost to the act of mating with Sarah and the sensation of it consumed his entire being. 

She thrashed about wildly beneath him, letting out little guttural moans and yelps of pleasure, her claws ripping at the bedsheets, her hips pushing back to meet Logan's thrusts and allowing him deeper access to her hot tight sex.

Logan gritted his teeth and grunted with every pleasurable thrust into her body. Sweat sheened his body in the moonlight, making his tightened muscles glisten powerfully as he fucked the she-wolf with his big thick cock. It felt so fucking good he couldn't hold out much longer before he exploded with pure pleasure. The way she wriggled and writhed beneath him and the feeling of her tight sheath sliding tightly around his cock was too much for him to resist the primitive urge rising inside that compelled him to explode inside her. As the tingling in his balls began, one thought dominated his mind, 'Oh fuck, I'm coming, oh fuck I'm coming, oh fuck...'

He roared out and buried himself deep inside her as he erupted within her sweet tight slick sheath. A year of watching her, of lusting after her, became focused into this single moment as he released his hot seed into her body.

BOOK: Logan's Calling
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