Read Logan's Calling Online

Authors: Abbey Polidori

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Military, #Literature & Fiction

Logan's Calling (6 page)

BOOK: Logan's Calling
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He sucked the bundle of excited nerve endings between his lips and caressed it with his tongue, sending Sarah into a shuddering build up to her climax.

'Yes, just there!' she moaned, grabbing his head with both hands and holding him against her sweet pussy as she writhed and ground herself against his face.

Logan lapped at her little pleasure bud and sent her over the edge. She screamed out and threw her head back, eyes closed and mouth parted as she experienced her orgasm. Logan pressed his tongue against her clit but didn't move it, knowing it would be too much for her as her climax made her too sensitive. She came against his face and the taste of her sweet arousal made him want to plunge himself deep inside her right now but he waited as she rode the wave of pleasure and came down from it gasping and panting and moaning his name over and over.

It was too much. Her taste, the sound of her pleasurable moans, the sight of her full breasts rising and falling in the moonlight as she breathed, each rounded swell topped with a hard excited nipple, at all made him need to bury himself deep inside her now. Right now.

Sliding up against her body, he found her entrance with the head of his cock and pushed inside. The hot tightness that enclosed his manhood made him groan and push his hips forward so he sank deeper into Sarah's willing sex. She pressed her hips up to meet his and draw him deeper into her body. They kissed passionately as if they couldn't get enough of each other. Their bond was beyond that of a man and woman. They had Called to each other and now they were mates, a bonded pair. This act simply symbolized that bond, strengthened it.

Logan felt himself losing control and his thrusts became more erratic as he tried to get himself as deep inside Sarah as possible for the moment he reached his inevitable climax. He broke the kiss and arched his back, closing his eyes and moaning with the pleasure he felt rising from his balls along the length of his sensitive shaft. 

Sarah raked her fingernails lightly over his chest and that sent him into an explosion of pure bliss as he erupted deep inside her. The Calling and the mating led them to this act of absolute unity where they gave each other pleasure and shared a moment of ecstasy that made their bond even stronger.

Logan gave himself fully to Sarah and remained inside her after the sensations subsided within him and they kissed tenderly, both of them hot and breathless and satisfied. 

When he finally pulled out of her it was with regret and he felt an emptiness that he didn't feel when he was physically one with her.

They lay together in the moonlight and Sarah looked at him, her blue eyes seemingly flecked with silver, and smiled. 'This feels good, lying here together.'

'Yes, it does. It feels right.'

'How is your shoulder feeling?'

He hadn't thought about it since she had bandaged it but now he gave it his attention, he felt a dull ache there. It throbbed.

'It's a little painful.'

She lifted herself up on one arm and looked intently at his face. 'You don't look so good.'

'I thought we had a discussion already about my scars.'

'I don't mean that. Do you feel hot? Feverish?' She placed the back of her hand on his forehead, testing his temperature. 'It's hard to know if you're hot because you're ill or because you just had sex.'

'I don't feel too bad. Hot, yeah, but like you say that could be because of the sex.'

'Do you want a cold drink?'

'I could use a glass of iced water right now.'

She slid off the bed and walked naked to the door, looking back at him over her shoulder and saying, 'I'll go get it. Back in a minute.' He watched her ass as she left the room. Damned gorgeous.

He wasn't cooling down, despite the fact that Sarah's overhead fan was revolving above the bed. He shouldn't feel this hot. And his shoulder ached like a son of a bitch. He needed that drink. His mouth felt dry. And he was suddenly tired. So tired.

Maybe if he just closed his eyes for a few seconds, he would feel better.

He rested his head on the pillow and closed his eyes and...































He woke up feeling disoriented and dazed. It was light outside and the brilliant sunshine made him squint against the brightness of the day. What the hell time was it? The digital clock on Sarah's nightstand said it was 17:48. Jesus, how had he slept for so long? Why hadn't Sarah woken him? They had plans to make, things to do.  Sitting up groggily, he called her. 


Nothing. No reply.

Maybe she had gone to work at her father's detective agency. 

Unlikely. She was usually home by three. It was almost six now.

Logan found his clothes and put them on while he woke up fully. At least the throbbing in his shoulder had gone. In fact, he felt absolutely fine. The fever and tiredness had soon passed. Now he felt ready to help rescue Sarah's sister. He felt more than ready, he felt strong and fit and pleased about the challenge ahead. He needed to stretch, to move, to get out in the fresh air. He could hardly believe he had spent so long in self-exile from the world. What had he been thinking? There was no need to hide away like a haunted beast, afraid of society. Sarah had no problem with his scars so he really didn't care what anyone else thought about him.

As he slipped the Harley Davidson t-shirt over his head, he left the room and went down to see if Sarah had left him a note or some other indication of where she had gone.

There was no note but there was an indication of where she was and when Logan saw it, his heart thumped wildly in his chest and his legs felt shaky. He held tightly onto the stair rail for support and looked into the living room. It looked like  a hurricane had hit the inside of the house. The glass coffee table was smashed and lying on its side. The sofa was overturned. 

It became all too apparent what had happened here. Logan had been wrong about Frazier not coming after Sarah. He had been fucking wrong. Unwilling to wait for Sarah to go to him, Frazier had come to her. He had taken her. He had fucking taken her.

Logan stormed into the living room and drove his fist against the overturned sofa, wishing it was Frazier's face.

How long ago had it happened? How could he get her back? The only lead he had was the address on the packet Frazier had used to send the locket. 229 Lakeside Road, Great Bear Lake. He knew roughly where the lake was in relation to Hope and he had maps of the area at home. He could find it. He had to find it.

He couldn't believe he had slept upstairs while Frazier had come in and abducted Sarah. There had obviously been a struggle. Why hadn't Sarah just shifted and fought Frazier off? Because she would have revealed her secret and he would have contacted the Temple of Thul immediately, sure of what he had to offer them. 

So she had not shifted. But how had Frazier managed to take her? She was no pushover. Maybe Frazier had help. They had taken her and not bothered to check upstairs because they thought she lived alone. They also thought she was an unmated shifter. And that was wrong. She was Logan's mate now and he already felt a biting despair at her disappearance. He had to get her back, along with her sister Amy. Just because they were shifters didn't mean they could be treated like animals.

He left the house and walked across the lawn to his own front door. Once inside, he flicked on the News Channel to see if there was anything about a kidnapping in Hope. Maybe someone had seen something and called the police. But if the police had entered the house, they wouldn't have left him sleeping upstairs.

Logan checked the time in the corner of the TV screen and did a double take. The day and date were displayed above the time and there was no way they could be right. Could they? He collapsed onto the EZ chair and stared at the TV as reality hit him.

He had been asleep for two days.

That was why his shoulder felt fine. It had healed. He had fallen into some sort of fever coma while his immune system healed the bite. Or assimilated whatever it was that meant he was a shifter now.

Oh fuck.

He was a shifter.

And he had been asleep for two days.

The full moon was tonight.

He got up and turned off the TV, heading for the basement door and feeling a growing dread in the pit of his stomach. If he had been asleep for two days, how long ago was Sarah taken? He might already be too late. No. He couldn't let his thoughts go down that road. He flicked on the overhead bulb and descended the wooden stairs into the basement. Fixed to the wall was a locked steel cabinet he hadn't opened in a long time. He opened a small combination safe that was cemented to the basement floor and dug past various legal documents and forms for the cabinet key. 

He opened it and looked at the guns inside. A hunting rifle with a scope and a Desert Eagle handgun. Unopened boxes of ammo were arranged in neat rows on the floor of the cabinet. Logan grabbed everything including the cleaning cloths  and set about making preparations to rescue a woman he had never met and a woman who had become his mate. 

Outside, the sun began to sink toward the horizon.




Leaving the house hadn't been as bad as he had thought it might be. He had simply thrown the guns into the passenger side of the truck, got in, and driven off the driveway and onto Arroyo Street. He almost had a panic attack when he got far enough up the road that he was out of sight of the house but he reminded himself that Sarah and Amy needed him and he managed to calm himself down and steer the truck toward the outskirts of Hope.

Now he was on the narrow road that led around Great Bear Lake, driving past the summer cottages on the lakeside of the road and a dense pine forest on the other. Full moonlight reflected off the lake like molten silver. He checked the map on passenger seat with a flashlight every now and then and checked the numbers on the mailboxes. If he was right, he should be approaching Frazier's place. 

Pulling over by the woods, he looked at the low full moon in the cloudless night sky. It had no effect on him. In a way he felt disappointed that he wasn't changing into a werewolf. It would have made his bond with Sarah even closer if they were both shifters. But the bite on his shoulder had obviously not been enough to change him; it had just given him a fever and made him sleep for two days.

And now he had to find Frazier's cottage fast and get the girls out of there. He grabbed the guns from the passenger seat and stuffed the Desert Eagle into the waistband of his jeans. With the rifle in hand, he set off along the road, keeping to the shadows of the trees. Up ahead the dark shape of a cottage sat by the lake, a single lit window breaking the darkness around the place.

Logan stayed low and crossed the road and crept across the undergrowth behind the cottage. Crouching beneath the window, he listened for any sounds coming from inside. A loon called from somewhere out on the lake and he heard voices speaking far away but the cottage was silent. He risked a quick glance through the window but all he saw was an empty kitchen and a doorway leading to an empty room beyond. No sign of life.

If he was too late... if Frazier had already...

A sound from within the cottage reached Logan's ears. A small sound. A whimpering sound. He risked another peek through the window and this time he saw movement in the  room beyond the kitchen. A man in a dark blue suit walked past the doorway. Logan barely got a glimpse of him but assumed it must be Jensen Frazier. The angle from this window was crap so he edged his way around the side of the building slowly, staying low to the ground. The loon called out across the lake again.

There was a large window that looked into the room beyond the kitchen. Slowly, carefully, Logan peeked around the edge and when he saw Sarah, his heart hammered crazily in his chest.

The wood-panelled room was furnished with a sofa and a chair. These had been pushed aside and two iron cages had been placed on the floor. In one of those cages sat Sarah, dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt and looking like she was fighting an almighty internal struggle. Her eyes were cast down to the floor of the cage and she seemed to be focusing on one spot of the floor to aid her concentration. In the second cage sat a dark-haired pretty young woman who looked a year or two younger than Sarah. She was dressed in a floral print summer dress but her position mirrored Sarah's exactly. Eyes down, almost trembling with concentration. They were trying not to shift and give their secret away to the two men in the room. 

The man in the dark blue suit was tall and probably in his fifties. Distinguished flecks of silver ran through his hair at the temples. He had the look of a gameshow host or second-hand car salesman but even through the window, Logan could feel power radiating from the man. It was as if a dangerous current ran beneath his skin and radiated outward to make the hairs on the back of Logan's neck prick up.

The second man was dressed more casually, in dress pants and a shirt open at the neck. He was in his mid-twenties, about the same age as Amy, and was almost certainly Jensen Frazier. 

'It's going to happen anytime now,' he told the man in the suit. 'Look how much they're trying not to change.'

That proves nothing,' said Blue Suit, 'Unless I see them in wolf form, I'm not interested in the slightest. The Temple doesn't pay handsomely for hearsay and empty promises, Mr Frazier.'

Frazier grabbed the edges of Amy's cage with both hands and rattled it. 'Come on, Amy, you know you can't resist. It's a full moon out there and you aren't wearing silver. You
to change.' He rattled the cage again and turned away in frustration.

'That's only going to happen if she is indeed a shifter,' Blue Suit said, 'and from what I've seen so far, I am distinctly unimpressed.'

BOOK: Logan's Calling
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