Read More Than Lovers Online

Authors: Jess Dee

More Than Lovers (2 page)

BOOK: More Than Lovers
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Ah, right. Sebastian
“His best friend. He liked his best friend more than he liked me.”

Charlie slipped a finger into her pussy, knuckle deep, making Sarah groan and her knee wobble.

“It’s like I said, Sar. He’s a dickhead. Can’t see when he has perfection in front of him.”

“You think I’m perfect?” She dropped her head back as he slid his finger in all the way. Her nipples tightened into the hardest of beads, and her breath shuddered through her chest.

“’Course I think you’re perfect. Taste perfect too. Even better than usual.”

She laughed huskily. “You just like the Brazilian.”

“Don’t like it. I fucking love it.” And then he said no more as he set about tasting her further. Tasting her completely. Tasting her until shivers turned to shudders and an orgasm slammed through her.

Her eyes slid shut as the world spun out of control, as her pussy convulsed beneath his tongue and finger, as bliss took her temporarily to another plane.

Charlie caught her before her knees gave way. Picked her up as though she weighed nothing and carried her over to his leather couch. And that was where she lay, luxuriating in the aftermath of her climax, as Charlie raced to his bathroom, tearing the clothes from his body as he went.


Fuck, his hand shook so badly, he couldn’t grab the box of condoms without knocking over his bottle of aftershave. It clanged onto the vanity and fell into the basin. Checking only to see that it hadn’t cracked and spilled, he took the entire box in hand and headed back to the lounge, his dick an iron rod in his boardies.

He’d managed to divest himself of his shirt and thongs, but the unit was small. There’d been no time to lose the shorts. Which was a problem, seeing as they currently held his erection in a death grip, when just fifteen minutes ago they’d fitted comfortably.

Sarah always had this effect on him. If she came anywhere near him, he got a stiffy. Had from the first time he’d met her, the day he moved into the unit upstairs from hers eighteen months ago.

He’d slept with her that night. And at least once a week since then. Except for the times she’d been seeing other guys or he’d been with other women. But none of those relationships had outlasted their booty calls.

Tonight he’d taken one look into her glazed eyes and known her desire was at fever pitch. Known it wouldn’t take much before she came on his tongue.

What would take an effort though was getting her to come on his cock now.

Sarah needed to catch her breath before he could whip her up to fever pitch again. But he had time. He didn’t need to be anywhere, and with Saint Sebastian out of the picture, she didn’t need to be anywhere either.

She lay on the couch with her head on the low arm, her eyes closed and a hand resting on her chest, which heaved unevenly. One knee was bent, her foot perched near her other knee, providing Charlie with an enticing view of her cunt. Her glistening cunt, wet from her juices and his tongue.

She looked supremely fuckable. But then, even fully dressed, she looked supremely fuckable. Her killer curves could not be hidden by clothes. He could even see them beneath the white lab coat she sometimes forgot to take off before leaving the uni. Damn, she looked good in that lab coat, all virginal and innocent, which he knew—from very personal experience—she was not.

Charlie fully suspected the woman could wear a potato sack and he’d find her hot.

“Char?” Her voice was throaty, raspy, like it always sounded after she’d just come.


She looked at him through sultry green eyes. “Could you take your shorts off and come over here so I can lick your balls?”

Charlie began to sweat. Seriously, how could a classy woman like her, an academic who looked and acted like an angel, talk like a hooker? It turned the very balls she wanted to lick inside out.

“I could do that, I guess. If you tell me why you wanna lick them.” He took out a condom and tossed the box onto the coffee table.

She gave a throaty chuckle, her pale skin flushing pink with excitement. “As if you don’t already know.”

He shucked his boardies, silently thanking God the pants hadn’t done him permanent damage. “Remind me.”

“Because, Surfer Dude, licking your balls gets me hot. Really hot. Like second-degree-burns hot. And besides.” Her lips curved into a wicked smile. “They taste like sin. Delicious and forbidden.”

His dick sprang free, thumping against his stomach.

“You just gonna lick ’em, Geek Girl?” Charlie made his way over to the arm of the couch where her head rested, surprised he could walk with a stiffy of this size.

Sarah shuffled up until her neck was supported by the arm and her head tipped over the edge.

“Uh-uh. I’m going to feast on them.”

And then her hands were on his legs and she was burrowing her head between his thighs, and true to her promise, licking his balls.

Jesus, fuck.

Her tongue was liquid fire, scalding him where it touched. And it touched everywhere. Left not an inch of his scrotum unexplored. His body lit up from head to toe, alive, alert and attentive. Hungry, starving for more of her feasting mouth. She licked, tickled and nuzzled, and when a fierce groan ripped from his throat, she sucked his left testicle into her mouth, gently yet firmly, and Charlie saw fucking fireworks.

He had to grip the base of his dick and squeeze to force down the urgency to come. Then he had to squeeze even harder when she released his left nut and sucked the right one into her mouth. But when she released that one and nuzzled her way farther back, pushing her tongue between his ass cheeks, he knew he had to stop her. Either they had to change positions or it would be game over before he ever got inside her.

And he wanted inside her.

How could he not? Being inside her was the best part of every week. And after visiting her last night he’d feared he might never have the opportunity to be inside her again. Sarah had been seriously interested in Saint Sebastian. So much so, Charlie had hated him without ever laying eyes on the guy.

Shit, Charlie had it bad for Sarah. Really, really bad.

He stepped back from her greedy mouth, grimacing with the effort it took to draw away, and almost changed his mind when her moan of protest echoed through his ears.

“Hush, beautiful. I’m not going far.”

Just as far as onto the couch, on his knees, straddling her chest. She wriggled down and grinned feverishly as he offered her his dick, her green gaze glued to his swollen shaft.

“Suck it, Sar. I wanna see those pink lips swallow me down.”

And then her hands were on his ass, pushing him forward, closer to her mouth. She didn’t bother with niceties. Didn’t stop to swirl her tongue around the tip of his cock as she sometimes did. Didn’t lick him from root to tip, which she knew blew his mind. She just parted her lips, tilted her head, and swallowed him, like he’d ask.

“Ah, fuck.”
Forget blowing his mind, he about blew his load the second his cockhead touched the back of her throat.

He had no idea how she did that, how she managed not to choke, but Christ, he was grateful. Grateful and desperate. He had to scrunch his eyes shut and concentrate intensely on not coming. Had to bite down on his cheek hard enough to cause pain, dig his nails into the soft leather of the couch and clench his jaw. His free hand almost crushed the condom, and he made a concerted effort to relax his fingers.

That condom was going to be used. No point destroying it now—no matter how damn good her mouth felt. No matter how incredibly sensual she looked, bobbing her head up and down his dick.

“Sure you don’t wanna marry me, Sar?”

She let him slide from her mouth slowly and gave a low, raspy laugh that reverberated all the way down his spine. “Let me know when marriage moves to the top of your list. Maybe I’ll reconsider then.”

And there it was. The sensational slide of her tongue from the root of his cock to the tip. He had to catch his breath before he could explain. “I’m not just asking because of the Brazilian, you know.”

“I know. It’s because—according to you—I give the best damn head this side of the equator.” She licked him again.

“Both sides of the equator,” he corrected. In truth, the Brazilian and the blow jobs had nothing to do with the real reason he now joked about marriage. Nothing at all. Although they were both an undeniable bonus. “Think you’d ever have given Sebastian a blow job as good as this one?”

“I’ll never know.” She shrugged and swirled that wicked tongue around his cockhead. Beads of pre-come leaked from his shaft, and she moaned softly as she tasted them.

Chills raced up his spine. “Think he tastes as good as I do?” Charlie knew she loved the taste of his cock. She told him as much often.

“No one tastes as good as you.” And to prove her point she swallowed him whole again, feasting on him.

Now that the urgency had passed, Charlie gave himself over to the feel of her lips around him, to her velvety cheeks stroking his shaft, to the wet heat of her mouth and the tantalizing tease of her tongue. He let one hand sift through her soft curls, the long, red strands a gentle caress over his fingers. He tucked the condom beside him and leaned back, so he could use his other hand to play with the thin strip hair on her mound, so fine it almost didn’t exist.

Then he tickled the bare skin surrounding the strip, and Sarah sighed around his dick.

“Sensitive?” he whispered.


So he wasn’t the only one loving her new look.

He let his hand trail down over her hair-free pussy lips, a finger on each side of her cunt, slipping through the smooth, wet folds.

She twisted her hips, bucking beneath him, and her mouth suctioned harder.

Fuck, she felt good. He had nothing against pubic hair. Nothing at all. Especially Sarah’s red pubic hair. But almost free of it, with her cunt all silky and slick, the urge to play with her was stronger than ever.

She was wetter than he expected.

Definitely more sensitive.

He took advantage, skimming his fingers through her folds, softly, gently, never applying too much pressure, never penetrating her.

She twisted harder, moaned louder, and cream dripped from her cunt, sliding down towards her ass. He’d have taken advantage, but in this position there’d be no way he could reach her puckered hole. Not without pulling away from her mouth—and he wasn’t ready for that just yet. Not when she’d started that whole licking from root to tip thing again.

“Sebastian’s an idiot,” he told her. “What kind of moron chooses another woman over you?”

Sarah sighed heavily, and warm air tickled his dick.

“The kind I really liked.” Another long lick.

Charlie shuddered, partly because her tongue felt like a little piece of heaven, but more because he hated the fact she really liked any other guy.

“He wasn’t good enough for you.”

“Or maybe I wasn’t good enough for him.” She swirled her tongue around his cockhead.

Charlie froze. “Pardon me?”

Sarah dropped her head back on the couch arm with another long sigh. “I said maybe I wasn’t good enough for him.”

Red-hot fury slammed into him. “Do not ever let me hear you say that again, you got it?” He’d gritted his teeth together, making it hard to talk, but fuck, the fact she could undermine herself like that made him want to punch something. Someone. Saint Sebastian.

She looked up at him and there, in the extraordinary depths of her green eyes, was a hurt so transparent Charlie’s heart ached for her.

Sarah brought a hand up and stroked his balls. “It’s not that I’m not good enough for him exactly, it’s that, well, it sometimes feels I’m not good enough for anyone.”

Jesus, she was killing him. Seriously, cutting him up into little pieces. “You can’t honestly believe that, Sar. You’ve got to know you’re the most beautiful, sexiest woman alive.” With a PhD in human genetics, she wasn’t just beautiful, she was a fucking genius. “You bring me to my knees with just a look. Make my day brighter with just a smile. There’s not a man out there who wouldn’t give his right arm to have you at his side.” And if there was, well, the man must either be blind, deaf and dumb or just a dumb fuck like Saint Sebastian.

“Char?” She shifted beneath him.

“Yeah, beautiful?”

“Can you please fuck me now?”

The groan he emitted could not have been suppressed. “You bet I can.” He passed her the condom, watching as she took it, her beautiful skin pale against his tanned arm. “Put it on me.”

She obliged with shaky hands. Her cunt dripped beneath his fingers. As crappy as she might be feeling about herself, his words certainly seemed to have boosted her arousal, which suited him just fine.

“The conversation isn’t over, you know?” Not a chance in hell would she leave his place believing she wasn’t good enough.

She rolled the condom over his shaft. “Put your dick inside me, and we can carry on talking.”

Charlie inched down her body until he knelt between her knees. She spread her legs, wrapping her toned, shapely thighs around his waist and pulled him closer. “Now.”

BOOK: More Than Lovers
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