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Authors: Jess Dee

More Than Lovers (4 page)

BOOK: More Than Lovers
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“You won’t need the comfort,” he panted. “Don’t know a man alive who wouldn’t see you as the perfect woman.”

“You charmer, you.” She began the climb to orgasm, rising up to meet his thrusts, increasing the pace, pushing him harder, taking him deeper. Every sweep of his cock through her channel pressed her further into her lustful, needy haze, took her closer to the edge.

“Not charming. Just calling it like I see it.”

Sometimes Charlie rubbed her clit while he fucked her. Sometimes she needed that extra something to propel her over. Today she needed nothing more than the wild ride he provided. His fixed belief in her and in her worth was enough to bring her endless pleasure. His skilled lovemaking and thick cock drove her beyond the edge of reason.

Sarah didn’t attempt to respond to his words. Couldn’t if she tried. Her voice was lost to ecstasy. She came, convulsing around his pounding cock, her back arched in bliss, her thighs locked around his waist. She threw her arms above her head and let the orgasm sweep through her. Let the waves of rapture carry her away.

She’d have lost herself to the heady release had Charlie’s groan of satisfaction not grounded her beneath him, carrying her back to that pivotal point of pleasure. That area deep inside that clenched around Charlie’s shuddering dick as he too came.

And as their joint gratification wove its magic around her, Sarah briefly wondered why she even needed to meet another man if Charlie could do this to her.



Sarah stared at her phone in surprise. It vibrated beside her on the lab bench, flashing the name “Charlie” across its screen.

Charlie never phoned.

He was a knock-on-the-door kind of guy.

“Hey, you,” she answered, setting her pipette down and marking a result on the page in front of her.

“Just a heads-up, beautiful. I’ve organized your first date. He’ll phone you tonight.”

She dropped the pen. “You have? He will?” Well, shoot. “Um, I’d kind of hoped you’d forgotten about the bet.”

“Not on your life, Geek Girl. I promised you three dates, and I will deliver three dates. Get used to it.”

“Do I have to?”
Ugh. Really?

“Uh-huh. You have to. And your first date is a nice guy. I think you’ll like him.”

Sarah pushed her reading glasses up on her nose and glanced around the lab, hoping no one was listening to her conversation.

No one was.

“Yeah, um, think you could give me a bit more information? Nice guy’s a good start, but I’d like a few more facts.”

“I can, and I will, just not now. I have a lesson about to start and my wetsuit’s not even on. Give me a sec.”

Silence filtered through the phone, followed by a whistle of wind and something that sounded like a wave crashing in the background. She could only assume Charlie was at Bondi Beach, pulling on his gear while they spoke.

“I’m back. Sorry ’bout that.” The rasp of a zip being done up or pulled down followed his words. “Tell you what. I’ll drop in later. About seven. Give you all the details you’ll need then.”

Sarah’s jaw dropped. Had she heard him properly? “I’m sorry, you’ll what?”

“Pop by your place later and give you the details in person. Easier than trying to speak through this wind.”

“O-okay.” What the…? Charlie never warned her when he dropped in. He just came over when the mood felt right. “I’ll be there.” If she’d had plans for the night, she’d have cancelled them.

“Cool. And, Sar?”

“Hmmm?” She picked the pen up again and balanced it dreamily on three fingers, her mind already on the evening ahead, her body tightening in anticipation.

came over just to talk.

His voice dropped to a whisper. “Be naked when you open the door.”

Chapter Three

She wasn’t naked. Not entirely. She had on her lab coat and her glasses.

Sneaky wench.

Sarah knew it drove him to distraction when she wore that damn coat. And the glasses? Jesus, they made him sweat. He freaking loved her geeky professor look. Loved how prissy and repressed she appeared. Loved even more that her nudity beneath the coat meant she was anything but.

If he knew her, and he thought he did—pretty well—she’d be wet and ready for him beneath the white coat.

It was all the encouragement he needed. Charlie whipped her up in his arms and carried her straight through to her bedroom, where he set her down on her bed atop her lace-covered doona.

“Get on your hands and knees, Geek Girl, and don’t even think about losing the coat.” He began to strip with shaky hands.

Fuck, he shouldn’t have told her to answer the door naked. Should never even have told her he was coming around. Arranged meetings were not their thing. Never had been, never should be. But damn it, he needed her. Needed to reassure himself that he was the one she lusted after.

He was setting the woman he loved up on a blind date…with another man.
Three other men.
The process was killing him. Reminding himself that it was for her good didn’t seem to help put his mind at ease. The deeper he delved into their bet, trying to prove himself right, the more he felt the need to make an impression on her, to remind her that no matter who she might meet, he was the one who fucked her so good.

Since hanging up earlier, he’d been able to concentrate on little else. Now finally he had her where he wanted her, and it seemed like a lifetime since they’d last touched. Which was ridiculous, since they’d been together only two nights ago. But he had a compulsive, irrepressible desire to get his hands on her again, to reinforce that he was the only one who made her this wet, this horny.

No one else.

“You mean like this?” Sarah looked up at him innocently, twisting her face over her shoulder. She was perched on all fours, her ass in the air, her coat hitched up over her hips.

Charlie almost tripped over his own feet.

“Yeah, exactly like that.” He kicked off his Havaianas and tugged down his boardies before yanking open her bedside drawer and taking a few things out.

“Can’t handle foreplay tonight, Sar. I need to be inside you too bad. Are you okay with that?”

Sarah wiggled her knees apart, providing Charlie with an enticing view of her cunt and ass. “More than okay. I’ve been fantasizing about this since you phoned today.” Her pussy gleamed wetly.

“You have?” Charlie had to clear his throat. “Tell me exactly what you were thinking.”

Sarah didn’t miss a beat. “I imagined us both nude, with you standing behind me, slamming your cock into me.” She gulped, and her cream trickled onto her thigh. “Hard and fast. W-we weren’t in my room though.”

“Where were we?” His dick throbbed as he slid the condom over it.

“By the front door. Next to it. You took me against the wall, my breasts squashed there, my ass pushed backward.”

Charlie squeezed his eyes shut and drew air into his lungs, needing it badly. “And I was fucking you from behind.”

“Uh-huh.” He could hear the smile in her voice. That sinful smile that twisted his balls, and he opened his eyes, devouring her with his gaze. “But in this particularly fantasy, you weren’t fucking my pussy.” She rolled her hips as she said it, drawing his attention to her tight butt cheeks and the pink hole between them.

Charlie swallowed. “I think…” He swallowed again, his throat tight. “I think you and I had the same fantasy.” He opened the tube he’d taken from her drawer and squeezed a healthy blob of lube into his hand.

“Do you think you can make that fantasy a reality?”

He palmed his stiff cock, getting it slick and ready as he stood behind her. “Shift back twenty centimeters towards me, and I’ll give it my best shot.”

Sarah crawled down to the edge of the bed on all fours, presenting herself to him ass first, with her legs spread.

The need to slam into her burned through him. Christ, he wanted to drive his full length home in one mighty thrust. Instead he held his cock and placed just the tip by her hole, tickling her with it, teasing, rubbing gently until frustrated moans emanated from her throat.

Reciting the entire version of “Waltzing Matilda” in his head only helped to beat down his urgency minisculey. “Wanna hear about date number one, beautiful?” He couldn’t keep his gaze off her, couldn’t stop watching as she rolled her hips, pleasuring herself on his cockhead, tantalizing them both.

“Want you to fuck me more than I wanna hear about date number one.” She pushed back against his shaft, letting him know she was ready for the teasing to end.

“No worries there.” He gave her an inch, allowing the tip of his cock to press through the tight ring of muscle. “Nothing on God’s earth could stop me from doing this.”

“More,” she said on a soft sigh.

With his jaw clenched in restraint, he gave her another inch, then withdrew ever so slowly, giving her time to grow accustomed to his girth before pushing back in just a little farther.

Goose bumps broke out on her butt cheeks.

“His name is Henry Mason.”

“Henry?” She relaxed around him, letting him slide in another inch. “Really? How old is he? With a name like that, I’m guessing mid-seventies?”

Charlie chuckled. “Thirty-four.” He withdrew and glided back in, deeper this time, until he was half-buried inside her. His eyes closed in pleasure, and for a long moment he didn’t try to get in deeper. He was quite content to slide in and out of her like this. It was almost…cathartic. Soothing. A balm to his jealous soul. He had her where he wanted her. She wasn’t leaving, wasn’t going anywhere for now—even if he was giving her details of a date with another man.

“Tell me more about him.”

“He’s an accountant.” He brushed his hand over her lower back, and she broke out in goose bumps wherever he touched her. “Took lessons with me about a year back, and we’ve kept in touch. Surf together in the mornings sometimes. Nice guy. I think you’ll like him.”

She stilled. “Think he’ll like me?”

Charlie almost growled his response. “Of course he will.”

Lucky bastard, getting this opportunity with his woman.

“And you said he’d phone when?” So rapt was Charlie in his own pleasure, he almost missed the way Sarah drew her hand up and placed it between her legs. Had she not caught her breath, Charlie might not have noticed at all.

“Sometime tonight.” His abdominal muscles stretched taut as blood surged afresh to his groin. “You playing with yourself, Sar?”

“Mmm. Feels good.”

Fuck cathartic.

With his next thrust Charlie seated himself fully in her ass.

She gave an excited yelp as she bounced forward. “Finally! Welcome to the party, Surfer Dude.”

It took a very long time before Charlie could respond. Now that he was fully inside her, he couldn’t seem to hold back, couldn’t keep to the gentle pacing he’d held before. Charlie fucked her in earnest, withdrawing and slamming back into her.

Jesus, he loved her ass. Loved how deep he could get. Loved the sensation as her dark, velvety passage closed around him.

Sarah responded as she always did, wholeheartedly, taking him in with low moans and complaining when he withdrew.

“Henry mentioned dinner, but you might wanna consider coffee for the first date.” Fuck, she felt unbelievable. “Just in case he’s not for you. You’re not forced to spend that much time with him.”

A part of him prayed Henry wasn’t the guy for her. Yeah, he was doing this for her, setting her up to prove she was as desirable as she was intelligent. But that didn’t make his feelings for her any less intense. And he might be a selfish bastard, but the thought of her meeting “the right” man did not get him in the least bit excited.

Sure, he wanted her to be happy, wanted her to achieve all her goals, to become professor. He just wanted her in his life too. Forever.

Son of a bitch.

“Coffee’s a good idea.” Sarah’s voice was breathless. “Don’t want to stretch out a date if it’s not going well.” Her hand worked her clit, flicking against his balls every time he drove into her.

Shit, there went his blood pressure. Skyrocketing as his heart pounded.

“It’ll go well,” he promised. “Henry’s smart, decent and has a kick-ass sense of humor.”

“I like a man who makes me smile.”

His balls ached with the need to explode. “Do you like a man who makes you come?”

Sarah jerked, losing her rhythm and dropping her hand, dislodging Charlie in the process. He growled as his cock popped out of her ass.

“Y-you think Henry will make me come?” she asked in a shaky voice.

No. Fuck, no.

Charlie grabbed his dick, held it tight. “That’s your call, Sar, but this time round I was talking about
making you come.”

This time round?

time round.

She relaxed again, leaning forward on her arm and pushing her ass up at him, inviting him back in. He was inside her in a heartbeat, and this time he gave her no chance to touch herself. Instead he grabbed her hip with one hand, and slid his other—the hand still slick with lube—around to finger her while he fucked her.

BOOK: More Than Lovers
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