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Authors: Avery Gale

Out of the Storm (10 page)

BOOK: Out of the Storm
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Kent leaned forward as well and ran his fingers through her soaked folds several times.  “Sweetness, you are fucking perfect.  You are so wet, I’d say it’s a given that we’ll be introducing you to the joys of flogging.”  He must have felt her stiffen because he quickly added, “The strands start out as a tingle that lights up your skin and sensitizes you to even the softest touches and wafts of air. As the blood is drawn to the surface, the heat follows and is a delicious kind of pain that you crave as the finest pleasure.  Master Albert used nipple clamps with small swinging weights so each breath his sub takes reminds her that she belongs to him…her pleasure is his to give when and if he decides to.  You, my sweet sub, have permission to come as soon as Chloe does.” 
Oh mercy, please Master Albert, please, please let her come.


Kent could feel Tobi’s sweet cream rolling over his fingers as she became more and more aroused by the scene.  He and Kyle had both been happy to see Albert and Chloe on tonight’s roster because not only was Chloe comfortable in her own skin, a lesson Tobi certainly needed to learn, but Albert was an easy going Dom who wouldn’t care if they used his scene as a teachable moment for Tobi—as his earlier wink had proven.  The Westfalls had been friends of his parents for many years and he and his brother had been thrilled when the couple applied for membership.

Smiling to himself, Kent remembered the conversation they’d had with their dads when they had decided to open a BDSM club. Even though it was common knowledge that their dads were Doms and their mom was their submissive, both of their dads had jokingly said they didn’t believe they would
be playing at Prairie Winds.

Dean and Dell West had inherited a mildly successful shipping and transportation business and turned it into a multi-billion dollar a year conglomerate.  Even though the company was still privately held, their dads had recently mentioned they were considering going public.  They knew appointing a Board of Directors and hiring a CEO was the only way they could take a step back from the crazy schedules they’d kept for the past thirty plus years.  No one had told Lilly yet, but their dads had purchased a large ranch that adjoined the Prairie Winds property.  Kent’s understanding was they planned to tell her later this month at the surprise party they’d planned for her birthday. He also knew that both of their dads were so excited about the purchase he doubted they’d be able to wait that long.  Besides, he’d never known anyone to be able to fly low enough to avoid his mom’s radar for very long. 

Kent knew his mom was going to jump at the chance to live near them once again, especially if she already thought Tobi was the one he and Kyle had been looking for.  Laughing to himself, Kent was certain she was going to be working fulltime to make sure they convinced the little beauty kneeling between them to be theirs.  And then Lilly West was going to become the chief engineer for the “I Want Grandchildren Now” railroad and she’d run over anyone standing on the track to get to her destination.  

Kent watched as Chloe neared the point of no return and smiled as Albert dropped the flogger to the floor and stepped around the cross so he was facing is lovely sub. Albert’s face pressed against his wife’s ear and his fingers plunged into her dripping heat. When Kent saw her body stiffen, he grabbed a handful of Tobi’s blonde waves, and tilted her face back and stared into her startled eyes. “Come” was all he managed to command before he sealed his lips over hers. Just as Chloe screamed with a release that seemed to go on forever, he caught Tobi’s scream and felt her come all over his fingers as he fucked her with them. Her body clenched his fingers so tightly that he was sure she was going to send him over all too quickly once he finally had his cock inside her.

When he finally released her lips, she was gasping for air and the glazed look in her eyes was the look every Dom dreams of seeing on his sub’s face.  Kyle’s voice sounded like sandpaper as he spoke along Tobi’s other side. “Kitten, that was amazing. Watching you come on my brother’s command was spectacular. Christ, this may be the shortest tour of a BDSM club in history.”

After congratulating the Westfalls on an extraordinary scene, they moved on through the large room. They’d given Tobi another bottle of water and she’d downed most of it before smiling up at them. “I think you are right about dehydration being an issue, mercy. But I really could use a restroom break if you don’t mind.”


Tobi walked into the spacious ladies lounge and even though she didn’t see anyone, she heard female voices. “Did you see the blond toad that Masters Kyle and Kent are escorting around the club? I wonder who is paying them to babysit their chubby sister?”  The first woman’s voice was brittle sounding and Tobi didn’t hear any accent so she knew the woman wasn’t a local. 

“No clue, but she’s a piece of work.  At least they had the decency to put red cuffs on her so no Dom would play with her.”  This voice was pure southern bitch.  Tobi had been dealing with woman like this her entire life.  Woman who had been lucky enough to be born on the
right side
of the tracks and weren’t about to let the “have nots” ever forget their place. 

Tobi felt like her feet had suddenly become cemented to the floor.  If she didn’t move quickly they were going to find her standing there, and she didn’t want to deal with that drama.  But her dammed feet wouldn’t move despite her mind’s pleading insistence.  The women had continued their catty remarks but it had faded to the background as Tobi concentrated on not crying and getting her feet to cooperate.  When she felt soft hands on her shoulders she jerked her head up and saw the woman who had been getting a spanking earlier in the bar.

“Come on” was all the pretty redhead said to her as she guided her back out of the lounge. When she stopped in front of Kyle and Kent they both looked up and creases formed between their brows.

“Noelle? What is this about?” Kyle’s voice was stern but Tobi knew it was with concern, not anger.

“There was a problem in the lounge. Take care of your girl here and I’ll be right back. Oh and don’t let anyone in until I come out, okay?”  The woman’s smile couldn’t be described as anything but predatory and Tobi didn’t even try to suppress her shiver as Noelle turned and stalked away.

Kyle turned his attention to Tobi and the look on her face must have told him how close she was to the edge.  “Kitten?  What happened in the lounge?” 

Tobi opened her mouth to speak but before the words could come out the tears she’d been holding in slid down her cheeks. She would swear she heard both men growl but they were all quickly distracted by the sounds of raised voices coming from the lounge. The noise didn’t last long and was followed by a few grunts and moans, and then nothing but eerie silence. The man that Tobi assumed was Noelle’s Dom had joined them and Kent had quickly explained why they were all staring at the bathroom door.  He started chuckling and shook his head before looking at Tobi, “Honey, are you okay?”  When she nodded numbly he went on, “Well no offense sugar, but you look a little shell-shocked.  I’m guessing somebody in there wasn’t very nice to you, am I right?”
How did he know that?
  “The only time Noelle goes off the deep end is when she is defending someone.  How the hell she ever ended up as a prosecutor is a mystery a cluster of Mensa members wouldn’t be able to unravel.”

Just as he’s finished speaking, Noelle walked out of the room and smiled sweetly at her Dom. “Hi, Master.  Sorry I was delayed.  Just had to help Masters Kyle and Kent out with some housekeeping.”  Looking over at Tobi, she stuck out her hand, “Hi, I’m Noelle Chambers.  You’re Tobi, right?  It’s nice to meet you.  I wish it hadn’t been under these circumstances, but I’m betting your Masters take care of um…what’s left of the problem in short order.  Welcome to Prairie Winds by the way.”  Noelle quickly explained to the men that she’d walked in right behind Tobi and had heard the remarks of the two women before hustling Tobi back outside. 

Tobi reached out and shook Noelle’s hand even though she wasn’t sure she was supposed to and quietly muttered her thanks.  Kyle introduced her to Noelle’s Master, Neal Chambers, before the couple wandered away.  Tobi had never felt more defeated than she did at this moment.  The women’s comments had brought each and every one of her insecurities right back to the surface. She just let her eyes drift to the floor wishing it would open up and swallow her whole.  How had she ever thought she could fit in here?  What in the name of creation had possessed her to imagine men as good looking and successful as Kyle and Kent West that they could possibly be interested in her?

The past few minutes had been a brutal reminder of why social classes have existed for centuries and don’t appear to be fading anytime soon.  Tobi hadn’t even seen the two women involved, but she’d be willing to bet she knew exactly what they were about.  When she heard the door in front of them open she looked up and had her worst suspicions confirmed.  Both women were young, model beautiful, and perfectly built.  Sighing, Tobi just looked back at the floor.  Kyle had stepped up behind her and wrapped his arm around her protectively as he pulled her back against his chest.

Kent stepped in front of the women who both seemed to be walking gingerly.  “Stop.  You two find your Doms and meet us in the office in three minutes.  Do not be late.”  His voice was razor sharp and when he glanced at his watch, they both scampered off like frightened rabbits.  Kent turned back to her, “Sweetness, we should have explained that while it is true the red cuffs are a signal that you aren’t available for play, we put them on you because you aren’t a club member yet and quite frankly we didn’t want any other Dom hitting on you.  So our reasons were both business and selfishly personal.”  His sweet smile started melting some of the ice she’d suddenly found herself enclosed in. 

Kyle turned her in his arms and leaned down to kiss a tear track from her cheek.  “Kitten, those two have both tried more than once to get us to top them.  We have steadfastly refused and have always tried to be polite in our refusals.  But they obviously are not getting it.  I can assure you they are going to understand completely in a few minutes.  While we hash this out, we’re going to have you sit with Tank and Regi.  They’ll be thrilled to spend time with you and if I had to guess, Noelle has already given them a heads up.  That woman is one very bright cookie and she would have seen this pow-wow coming a mile away.” 

Kent’s chuckle surprised her, “Hell, my guess is she is marshalling the troops and is planning a tar and feather surprise party for those two as we speak.  We haven’t known Noelle long, but it’s easy to see that she is a firecracker. Sweetness, you’ll be safe with Tank and Regi, and I promise we won’t be long.  But I don’t want you exposed to the negativity this meeting is going to produce so we won’t include you.”  The soft strokes of his thumbs over her cheeks were soothing and suddenly the events of the day seemed to be catching up with her, all she wanted to do was curl up in a ball and sleep until she managed to forget the harsh words she’d overheard.

It was obvious as soon as they entered the small reception area that Kent had been right.  Regi and Tank had definitely already been given the scoop and they were wound tight.  Regi sprang out of her chair the minute they walked in.  “Shi...shih tzu puppies on a stack of sauerkraut Tobi…are you okay?”  Tobi was so confused by what Regi had said that she just stared at her new friend who was practically vibrating with anger.

Kyle laughed, “Regi, I swear your saves from you cursing get more creative every time I hear one.  But you better break that habit before we find a Dom for you or you’re gonna be spending a lot of time over the spanking bench, darlin’.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I know, but the creativity is part of my charm.  Now, Tobi. How are you?  Boy those hags have been seven kinds of nasty to anybody they consider competition…so in a way maybe they were giving you a back-handed compliment.”

“I like to use my hand on their back-something.”  Tank’s comment must have surprised everybody because when he looked around and saw everyone staring at him he just grinned sheepishly and shrugged.  “You all are contagious.  Damn, my mama warned me this was gonna happen.”  His impish grin was such a contrast to his size that Tobi couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled up from deep in her chest. 

Walking over to him, Tobi pulled him down by the placket of his western shirt and kissed him sweetly on the cheek.  “Thank you for that, Tank.  I wouldn’t have thought anyone could make me laugh right now and you did in under five seconds.  You are amazing.” 

When she pulled back, his face was bright red and his murmured “you’re welcome” was so quiet she almost didn’t hear them. 

“Well damn, now I don’t know if it’s safe to leave our lovely sub out here alone with Casanova or not.”  At Kyle’s words, Tobi jerked her attention to him and was relieved to see he was grinning.  She wasn’t sure she was ever going to be able to be a good sub.  She’d been on her own and struggled for so long to master all the social skills required for today’s business world that she wasn’t sure she wanted to “unlearn” those hard-earned habits either.

“Alone?  Hey!  What am I?  Chopped liver?” Regi’s indignant voice sounded from the side and Tobi couldn’t help but laugh again.  “Go on.  We’ll be fine.  And the sooner you deal with those two, the sooner you can get Tobi back upstairs…she looks like she is about to crash.”  Regi was right, but Tobi wouldn’t have made an issue of it. 

Kent pulled her against his chest and whispered against her ear, “Sweetness, please let Regi take you to the employee’s lounge.  Or at least settle back in one of the chairs out here so you can lean back and rest a bit.”  She nodded and then stepped back as the two women and their escorts entered the small area.  Tobi noticed the men looked mad as hell and one of the women looked contrite while the other clearly didn’t think she’d done a thing wrong. 

By the time Tobi had settled on the soft chair behind the reception desk she felt like she was running on fumes.  She leaned her head back and decided to close her eyes for a few minutes.  In the back of her mind she realized someone was lying a soft blanket over her and then she just let herself fall over the edge into the peaceful abyss of the fatigue she’d been fighting for too long. 

BOOK: Out of the Storm
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