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Authors: Avery Gale

Out of the Storm (7 page)

BOOK: Out of the Storm
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Looking up to see Tobi completely covered in the silk robe he’d left on the bed for her was the sexiest thing Kyle had ever seen. It didn’t matter that she’d had to roll up the sleeves to find her hands and the damned thing hit her just above her ankles. She looked like a little girl wearing something her big brother had left unattended and still the picture was heart stopping. He held out his hand to her and was thrilled when she padded barefoot over to him and placed her small hand in his much larger one. “Kitten, I really like seeing you in my robe. And knowing that you are naked under it makes it even better.”

Her nipples were already tight and displaying themselves beautifully through the silk, Kyle watched as Kent leaned forward and sucked one of the little beauties in without even baring it. He must have been biting down ever so softly because Tobi’s soft sighs had morphed into a needy moan. When Kent leaned back he smiled up at Tobi’s glazed over expression. “The robe does look lovely on her, but I prefer her without it. Hand it over, sweetness.” Kyle fought a smile as she seemed to be having trouble bringing herself back to the moment and focusing on Kent’s words. When Kent lifted an eyebrow in question she finally seemed to remember what he’d told her to do and slid the robe off her shoulders and handed it to him.

In the future her hesitance would earn her a punishment, but for now they were more interested in building her trust and compliance would be a natural by-product. As the robe had slid off her shoulders Kyle could see that she’d found the lotion they’d left out for her because her skin looked almost dewy and the scent of citrus and sage wafted over his senses making every nerve ending sit up and take notice of the beautiful woman standing naked in front of him. Leaning forward, he slid his hand up the inside of her thigh forcing her to move her legs apart. “The first thing we want to explain is the use of safe words.  Since you’ve researched the lifestyle some, I’m assuming you know what that means, is that right?”  When she nodded and answered affirmatively, he continued.  “We’ll use the club’s stop light system.  Green means you are good to go.  Yellow means you want things to slow down or you have a question about what’s happening.  And if you say red everything stops.  We’ll discuss what went wrong, but we won’t play again until we’ve all taken a break, rested, and talked it through.  Now, we’re going to show you two poses, kitten. There are several more, but these are all you’ll need for tonight. You are going in as our guest tonight, but there are still some hard core members that won’t like the fact we have allowed you inside if they don’t think you are a sub at the very least.”

He waited a couple of seconds until she’d had a chance to take in what he’d said before he continued. He’d learned years ago that when a sub’s senses were being bombarded with new sensations and their emotions were running high it often took them longer than normal to fully process information.  That realization had saved him and the subs he’d played with a lot of grief over the years. 

While it was true they owned the club and as the owners they could easily override a member’s demand for punishment if Tobi was to act inappropriately, that wouldn’t serve any of them well in the end. Their plan for the club had always been not only that it would follow the cardinal rule of “Safe, Sane, and Consensual” at all times, but that everyone—even he and Kent—were subject to the “Rules of the House.”

Some of their members weren’t people they personally liked, but they’d met the club’s criteria for membership and had made it through several levels of screening.  Each new member was personally screened and investigated by Micah Drake. Micah caught a lot of guff about his looks, and Kyle had heard subs in the clubs refer to him as the Beefcake Dom.  Standing well over six feet with shaggy blonde hair and crystal blue eyes, Micah was often mistaken for a southern California surfer even though he’d been born and raised in the Texas hill country.  Micah had been the computer guru on their SEAL team so when he’d decided against re-upping, Kyle and Kent had talked him into moving back to Austin.  They’d helped him open a private investigation firm and then promptly secured his services for Prairie Winds. If the prospective member passed Micah’s scrutiny, their references were called and interviewed at length. Passing that level meant they spent at least an hour being questioned by both he and Kent. Micah had managed to send through the cream of the crop, so he and Kent had really had a pretty easy time of it when it had come to the personal interviews. The great thing about their system was they knew each of their members personally—that didn’t mean they
each member or necessarily that they respected them, but they did
each member on a first name basis. The familiarity had helped them know which members were sticklers for the smallest details of protocol and several of them were scheduled to be in attendance tonight.

Kyle pushed Tobi’s legs further apart than he knew was comfortable for her and then showed her how to lace her fingers together at the small of her back. The position displayed her breasts perfectly. “Kitten, if one of us tells you to
this is the position we’ll expect you to assume immediately. We won’t ask for this randomly so if we do, there is a compelling reason and you’ll need to do it quickly and without question. I’m reminding you of this because there are several members of the club that will be watching you closely and we don’t want to give them any reason to demand that either we take you in hand or that we allow them to mete out a punishment.”

The change in her demeanor was almost immediate. She started shaking so violently at her core that Kyle actually placed his hands on her hips to keep her from falling. “Kitten, what’s this about?” Her reaction was so out of proportion to what he’d said that he couldn’t help but worry they were making a serious mistake by taking her downstairs. The frown on Kent’s face told Kyle that he was also concerned about Tobi’s reaction.

“I…please, I don’t want anyone else besides you to touch me.” She was looking back and forth between the two of them with a desperation that spoke to the sincerity of her fear. True fear was something every Dom watched for and gently explored, but always respected. And since Tobi wasn’t really their sub or even a member of the club they would absolutely make sure no one touched her but the two of them.

Kent leaned forward and put his hands on each side of her face, “No one will touch you, Tobi. Well, I’m sure you’ll get a hug from Regi and probably Tank, he’s the bouncer at the front door, but they are both staff and friends of ours.” This wasn’t what Tobi had meant and they all knew it, but Kyle understood why Kent was mentioning it. Regi was always a force to be reckoned with and Tank’s size alone was intimidating as hell. He wasn’t particularly into the lifestyle, but he was protective as hell of the subs and damned good at helping up front. Tank had played professional football for the Cowboys, but two serious concussions in one season had forced him to decide if his sports career was worth the risk to his life.  Tank had told them that when the doctors had explained the likely consequences of a third head trauma the decision had been easy.

Once Tobi seemed to have gotten her fear under control, they quickly taught her the kneeling pose. She was truly a natural with the positions and when they’d inquired about her flexibility she’d blushed.  She explained she had been practicing yoga for years as a way to try to keep her weight down while staying toned and to control the stress in her life. Both of those were issues Kyle planned to address with her if their relationship worked out the way he and Kent were hoping it would, but he let the comments go by for now.

“Here’s the dress we want you to wear this evening, kitten.” He held up the dress and her eyes went impossibly wide with an expression of pure appreciation before it quickly changed to shock.  Feigning confusion, he looked at her questionably, “What’s the matter? Don’t you like it?”

“Oh don’t even try that hokey innocent nonsense with me, Kyle West. You know perfectly well what’s wrong with it. Where is the
of it?” Oh, she was playing into their hands beautifully and he had to fight the urge to rub his hands together like some dastardly villain in an old melodrama.

“Oh, sweetness, be very careful. You are skatin’ on very thin ice here. This is actually a fairly conservative dress as club-wear goes so you might want to check the attitude before you earn yourself a punishment.” Kent’s words sounded stern, but his eyes were alight with the humor of the situation and Kyle knew his brother was battling to keep from laughing as well.

“But it’s obscenely short and there’s no back at all. Crapamolie, I’ll be lucky if the crack of my ass doesn’t show.” Kyle watched her look around before she refocused her attention on the two of them. “Where’s the panties? And shoes? You can’t expect me to go without underwear or shoes.”

“We do indeed expect exactly that.”  He’d already secured the choker around her slender neck and let his fingers follow the chain down her back, smiling at her shiver. “Now, let’s slide this on and see how you look, shall we? Arms up.” Kyle was actually surprised that she raised her arms over her head and he quickly pulled the dress down and positioned it so her pretty rose-colored nipples were covered before re-tying the halter behind her neck after Kent had lifted her hair out of the way. He and his brother stepped back and both twirled their fingers in the air, signaling her to turn in a circle. That was all it took for the last of the blood that had been in his brain to gallop south to join the party heating up in the other head. “Sweet baby Jesus. You look fucking amazing, kitten.” Kyle knew his voice had gone from stern to reverent and he couldn’t even manage to care because the woman standing in front of him was a walking wet dream.

Kent’s voice sounded as strained as Kyle’s had felt, “Stunning. Sweetness, you are absolutely stunning. Regi really deserves a raise for helping us with the clothing. That color looks amazing on you.” Tobi’s sweet cheeks flushed at their words and Kyle wondered if she had anyone in her life that ever said anything nice to her.

Kyle watched her look between them and then down at herself. “But it’s really not decent. Not to mention it’s probably a size
or two
too small. If I sneeze, my boobs are going to fall out unless you have some of that double stick tape. God forbid I should even try to bend over because strangers are going to see things they aren’t supposed to see, if you know what I mean. I think it’s a perfectly nice
, but you can’t really expect me to go around flashing my bare ass to everyone can you?” And there it was.  The perfect lead in.  Damn if she hadn’t just handed it to them on a silver platter.

Kent stepped back from her and crossed his arms over his chest. “You agreed to spend the weekend with us, Tobi, and to do as you were told, isn’t that correct?”

“Umm, yeah, but…oh damn.” Kyle had to cough to cover his snort of laughter because she’d figured it out quicker than either he or Kent would have dared hope.

Kyle reached into the small bag he’d set behind the desk and pulled out the plug and a new bottle of lube. Tobi’s eyes went wide and she started to back up but froze in place when he raised a brow at her. “Kitten, you’ve earned this punishment. Because you have been uncooperative, you’ll be wearing this pretty plug in your ass tonight. Since you were worried about people seeing your bare bottom, we’ll just give them something else to look at.” He snapped the lid on the bottle and started lubing the plug and his fingers. “Bend over the edge of the desk, kitten. Spread those legs nice and wide and arch your back so you sweet rear hole is where I can get to it easily.”

Kyle thought his heart would stop when she complied so perfectly. “Well, brother, it seems maybe our sweet subbie likes this more than she wants us to know because her pretty pink pussy is practically dripping she is so wet.” He emphasized his point by deliberately curving his fingers just enough to be sure they’d make a nice slurping noise as he worked them in and around her pussy. When he started rimming her ass with his finger smoothing the lube all around and massaging it gently into the tight ring of muscles around her puckered hole he heard her sharp intake of breath. “Have you ever been fucked in the ass, kitten?” He knew the words were crude, but he’d done it deliberately to see how she reacted to the tone and language, and he was rewarded with a breathy denial and fresh flood of moisture over his fingers. “Push back against my fingers, kitten. Good girl, like you would if you were going to try to push me out.”

Kyle looked over at Kent and almost laughed out loud at his pained expression. When his brother finally looked up, Kyle gave him a quick signal with his other hand and Kent’s smile told him that he was on board with the suggestion. “You know, brother, I’m not sure a butt plug is going to be enough of a lesson for our woman. She doesn’t seem to be having to exactly
in this punishment, if you know what I mean.” Oh Kyle knew exactly what Kent meant and Tobi was going to have a crystal clear idea as well in a few seconds. Kyle leaned forward and slid his arm under her, moving them both back away from the desk just enough for Kent to position himself in front of her.


Chapter Seven



Kent pulled Tobi back so her face was just inches from where his cock was pressing against the zipper of his pants. He was going to be lucky if his dick didn’t have a permanent zipper imprint. Kent had been so intent on watching the wide-eyed look she was giving his crotch that he hadn’t even been able to speak yet and he was grateful for his brother’s intervention.

“Kitten, open up his pants. Have you ever given a blowjob before?” Kent watched as Tobi tried to process Kyle’s words at the same time her body was being bombarded by so many new sensations. Kyle hadn’t stopped pressing his fingers slowly inside her ass and Kent smiled as he watched her slowly move her hands to the snap on his jeans and then work the zipper down. Since he went commando his throbbing cock had sprung free immediately and bobbed in front of her startled face.

BOOK: Out of the Storm
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