Read Owned And Owner Online

Authors: Anneke Jacob

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Adult, #Erotica

Owned And Owner (10 page)

BOOK: Owned And Owner
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She brought the strap to her master’s feet, and then looked up at him, her eyes pleading. ‘Take it to Therin, you naughty girl!’ She dropped her eyes and looked as if she were about to burst into fresh tears. Then she sighed shakily and shuffled over to Therin, who took the strap from her mouth and sat down on the chair that Lave had been using.

‘What was that about?’ he asked Lave.

‘Nothing, she’s just trying it on. She likes to pretend I’m the only one that can punish her.’

Therin looked at
on the floor in front of him, and took the opportunity to fondle the nipples that stood out so firmly now. The woman sighed with pleasure and thanked him in a tiny whisper, letting out a yelp and a wail when he switched to yanking, pinching and twisting them hard. Therin prolonged this until he was sure she was experiencing more pain than pleasure. Then he pulled her bottom up over his lap and examined the wet cunt, so swollen that the inner lips were visible and the clit was peeking from between the folds.

‘Don’t touch her there, yet,’ said Lave. ‘She’ll come, and she doesn’t deserve to until her punishment is over.’

‘All right.
How many?’

‘I think twenty will do. Good ones.
, you’re going to count each one and thank Therin, or you’ll get another.’

‘No…’ she moaned. ‘Don’t make me, master, please?’

‘Yes. Didn’t you say you were a bad, lazy girl?’

She writhed. ‘Yes, master.’ It was half a breathless creak from her position.

‘What do you need, then,

‘Punishment, master…’ she wept.

‘That’s right. So you’ll count, and you’ll thank Therin.’

Her body shook briefly, and then went slack. A long moment passed. She nodded abjectly. Then she seemed to gather herself together.

Therin gripped the slender forearms locked together on her back, raised the flexible strap over his head, and brought it down fast on one cheek. The required words seemed to be forced out of
in a gasp by the weight of the blow.

Therin brought the next one down on the other cheek, and
groaned hard and rushed out her answer. She was breathing fast to contain the pain.

Another blow.
And another, and yet another, biting and burning across the already crimson ass cheeks, while the slave stumbled through the number and her thanks.
Purplish swollen marks were appearing over the red skin. Therin aimed the eighth blow at one of these, and the woman shrieked and lost control, failing to say anything intelligible. Therin hit her twice more in the crease of each thigh before she forced out a cry of, ‘Eight! Thank you, master!’ Therin noted that she knew better than to skip any. She managed to sob out the required words steadily for several blows after that, and then lost it again over a very hard snap just above her swollen vulva. Howling and thrashing helplessly through three more uncounted blows, she then wailed an impromptu pleading through the next five. Therin pressed the squirming body hard against his crotch, took a fresh grip on her forearms, and hit her again, carefully and without mercy.
finally picked up the count again at fifteen, managing to finish the twenty with only about ten extra stripes on her bottom; a record, Lave said.

He picked her up off
lap and put her back on her knees in front of them, her face tear-soaked and pitiful. ‘Well?’ he asked. ‘What do you say now?’

pushed down an anguished sob or two. ‘Thank you – for the punishment, masters,’ she choked out. ‘I deserved it. I – I’m sorry I was a – a bad girl…’ Her voice rose and cracked on ‘bad girl’, and she cringed. Then she took another shuddering breath. ‘…And I promise to try harder to do as I’m
– told.’ She broke down and cried again, hanging her head. Lave wiped her eyes and helped her blow her nose.

‘That’s right. Now show us how grateful you are.’

In moments she was satisfying them one after the other with her mouth. Her eagerness, despite her tears, bespoke her intense arousal, and the frantic suction gave Therin an excruciatingly powerful orgasm. Lave, too, came in her throat, and after he caught his breath, looked at her pleading face for a minute. ‘No, not yet,’ he decided. He lifted her skirt out of the way and circled her waist with a slim cord, knotted at the front. Then he pulled the line down between the lips of her cunt and tied it tightly to her wrist cuffs, pushing her skirt up again at the back in the process. She moaned and gasped as the thin cord cut into her swollen, hungry flesh, but at the first thrust of her hips Lave stopped her.

‘Go stand in the corner. And don’t you dare come until I tell you to.’
walked with her restricted steps, very slowly in the direction he indicated, her hands tight and unmoving in the middle of her striped and swollen bottom. Reaching the corner, she adjusted herself until her breasts pressed against the two walls and her head was bowed into the corner.

Lave smiled at Therin. ‘We’ll leave her there for a little while. The cord’s too thin and smooth for her to get much friction, and she won’t want the beating she’ll get if she tries to come without permission.’ They sipped their drinks and talked, watching the line of the slave’s thighs tremble from time to time.

Therin mused, ‘Something happened there when she gave in about counting.’

‘Mmm. Counting humiliates her.’

‘I thought so.’

‘I make her participate in – even ask for – punishment and humiliation. If that’s not humiliating, what is?’

Therin stored this away for future reference. ‘Does she do a lot for you around the house?’ he asked.

‘Oh yes, she’s not a bad housekeeper, really. I didn’t put in much automation when I built the place, because I was saving to buy a female. So I make her scrub floors and so on.
It’s a very pretty sight.’

Therin grinned. ‘You know, I never considered what it’s like day to day.
Living with them, looking after them.’
He closed his eyes a moment, visualizing a pet woman on her knees, chained by the front door, waiting for him to come home.

‘You’ve just been thinking about the sex, boy. Fully charged and no outlet. I give you a place for your piston and then a few minutes downtime, and suddenly the rest of life occurs to you.’

Therin laughed, lazy in the afterglow from
superb blowjob. ‘All right, tell me about it while my piston cools off. What do you do with her when you’re at work?’

Lave stretched his arms over his head, cracked his knuckles, and glanced at the woman standing in the corner. ‘I leave her on a chain that’ll reach whatever chores she has to do.’ He gestured at a corner-mounted spy
. ‘And I monitor from time to time from elsewhere, unpredictably, so she knows she has to behave.’

‘And does she behave?’

She’s lazy sometimes. That’s what got her into trouble on Raniz; she kept taking the money for jobs and not doing them. The one time it looked like she was actually working, she was in fact embezzling about ten years’ worth of someone’s funds.’

‘How did she keep getting hired if she didn’t do any work?’

‘Smart. She’s quite well-educated, you know.’

‘Not smart enough not to get caught,’ Therin said dryly.

‘Oh yes. She knew what she was doing. How else could she have gotten here?’

‘She planned it then?’

‘Maybe it planned her. I don’t know. Anyway, here she is, and I do all the planning now.’

‘And what about vacations?
And long work trips?’ Therin had a sudden vision of a boarding kennel for women pets whose masters were on vacation, with himself as glad proprietor.

Sadly, the vision was dispelled the next moment. ‘Take her with me,’ Lave said. ‘As long as they’re on a chain they’re safe enough. Hotel staff will come in and feed them if you pay a little extra.’

They discussed
plans for a rigid transparent plastic suit for
to wear for punishment when she misbehaved. It would leave her breasts and ass cheeks free, but impale her cunt and asshole on hard plugs. ‘I can’t wait to see her scrub floors in it.’

‘All right,
,’ her master said after half an hour, ‘come here.’ She turned herself away from the corner and walked carefully toward him, her body shuddering with the effort to keep her hands still. Lave removed the crumpled skirt and examined the cord. He untied it from her cuffs and pulled it tighter, until the woman squeaked with pain. He tied it off, turned her around to face him, and said, ‘On your knees.’
sank gingerly, the discomfort on her face now almost overcoming the signs of arousal. ‘Make yourself come, now.’

She winced, but obediently began pulling on the cord, arching her back to try to get a little slack. She hissed with pain a few times, but also groaned and sighed, then closed her eyes. ‘Eyes open, girl!’ She obeyed, and kept her eyes on her master as she tried to manipulate the cord back and forth against her swollen folds. ‘It hurts, doesn’t it,

‘Yes, master, thank you,’ she whimpered.

‘Bad girls don’t get to come unless it hurts, do they,

‘No, master.’

Just then she managed to slide the tight cord over her clit and back again, and she shook all over. She yanked convulsively and cried out in pain as the cord bit into her flesh, then staring into
face, moved her arms sideways again and slid into a hot orgasmic rush.

He caught her before she hit the floor, and eased her down. Within moments he had clipped the cord and was soothing the hurt flesh with his tongue. He put her legs with their chained ankles over his shoulders so he could reach all of her.
cries reverberated off the walls. Therin knelt down next to her and began to suck and fondle her nipples, and she arched her back and thrashed wildly, so that Lave had to hold her down to keep his mouth where he wanted it.

Finally Lave arranged her over the back of a couch, and he and Therin plunged in alternately from behind. They took turns, and they took their time. When it was his turn Therin suggested removing her ankle chain, and Lave took the opportunity to tie each ankle at a wide stretch to the couch’s legs. For good measure they fastened her collar to the middle front leg, leaving her hands cuffed in the small of her back as before. Then they spent a long time enjoying her.

At the end Therin was slowly pumping her from behind, his hands on her hot, welted ass, while Lave, his fist in her hair, was using her mouth. They hastened their movements at the same time and came, first Therin, then Lave.

Then they lay, gasping and laughing, half draped in different directions over the couch and the woman.

When they had pulled themselves back together again, Lave released his slave, chained her ankles together again, and sent her off to the kitchen with a smack that made her shriek. ‘Prepare the seasoning,’ he said.


The next day Therin and Lave were on their way to
. Therin was silent, thinking of the silky feel of the slave between his legs all night in the guest bedroom. He felt like something had grown into him and been torn away.

Lave glanced at his face, and then back out the screen. ‘You’ll get one someday.’

Therin snorted,
I convinced myself to try for that latest one, the one Garid bought, even though I knew I didn’t have enough. I didn’t even come close.’

‘There’s time. Do you know how he’s doing with her, by the way? Does he still talk to anyone? He must be doing something besides fucking; I keep seeing his name in the eco-bulletins.’

‘He’s doing fine.
On his own.
Won’t let anyone near the creature, but he lets me look sometimes on the

‘It takes some that way. When it’s something you want this much, it takes over for a while. He’ll ease up.’

‘Were you like that when you bought yours?’

‘Oh, my friend, I didn’t go out of the house for weeks.
Had to remember to eat.
Hardly slept.
I’ve never been such a sex machine. Years of waiting, it does it to you.’




My master put me back in the crate one day for an
ride, and I was scared. It was the first time I had been in an
since the party, and I had been dressed up that time. What was he going to do with me? My imagination, always overactive, began to conceive of disasters. Fantasies about the good stuff were now way outdone by reality, so my imaginings could only go the other way. Had I been too bad, too stupid? Surely he wouldn’t sell me? I sat in the straw in almost complete darkness and tried to turn off this line of thought. Life without him… No. My mind blanked this out as too awful to contemplate. To be touched by him, or hurt by him, in whatever way he deigned, to be the focus of his
attention, that
was what I lived on. I touched the collar around my neck, trying to reassure myself. I ran my finger back and forth over one of the tags, over the smooth part that was probably the
with his name.

BOOK: Owned And Owner
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