Read Owned And Owner Online

Authors: Anneke Jacob

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Adult, #Erotica

Owned And Owner (9 page)

BOOK: Owned And Owner
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‘But how do you know if she’s all right? What if something is hurting too
and she can’t tell you?’

‘I check her restraints very carefully. And she can convey a lot without words. In fact, she couldn’t be easier to read.’

The man gave his last shot. ‘Garid, I hate to say this, but what if she’s unhappy? Would you keep her anyway? What if she changed her mind, and couldn’t speak and say so?’

Garid grimaced and looked away. ‘You would ask the killer questions.’ He thought for a moment. ‘No, I wouldn’t keep her if I really thought she was unhappy; I’d take her off-planet and let her go. But she’s not unhappy, believe me.’

‘How do you know?’

‘It may be unappealing to you, but look at this.’ He lifted his pet’s tail, and ran gentle fingers down the inside of her thigh. They glistened with juices.
caught sight of the swollen vagina.

‘She’s in heat!’ he exclaimed.

Garid laughed quietly. ‘She’s always in heat. Women don’t go in and out of season. This one is aroused all the time. The more I restrain and beat her, the more aroused she gets.’ She was clenching and wriggling in response to the light touch, raising her moist hind parts slightly toward her master. He put a restraining hand on her hip, squeezed, and growled, ‘Behave!’ She held herself still at once, only her breathing betraying her excitement. Her inner thighs glimmered in the firelight.

Garid looked at his friend seriously. ‘She can’t help being what she is. And since this is what she is, she’s property…’ his hand tightened its grip, ‘…and she’s mine.’


That night Garid played with his pet’s anus, experimenting to see what reactions he could get from her. Her beautiful juicy vagina was more interesting to him. He’d seen enough assholes in the days when he felt he had to get it somewhere. Still, he enjoyed seeing her fastened over his bedrail, her feet tied apart, helpless as he tried various dildos and his fingers in her exposed rear. He heard the yelps and squeaks of discomfort turn to panting and the occasional throaty moan. He left her there for a long time with a dildo fastened in, which was a little bigger than the one she had worn that evening. When he slowly entered her sopping cunt and shifted the dildo gently around inside her ass, she shuddered and began a series of orgasms which wrenched her restraints. She squeezed Garid so hard he had trouble holding back his own powerful climax, the one that had been building all evening. Afterwards he got onto the bed in front of her and, holding her by the hair, had her lick him clean. She was still shuddering, and he could tell she had another couple of orgasms in her. He gently slid another dildo between her swollen nether lips and fastened it to the same straps as the other. Then he used a flogger on her until her ass
pink, purely for the extra arousal it would give her.

He untied her, and then retied her arms tightly behind her back. He set her on her knees before him. She arched her back even further than the restraints dictated, holding her breasts out toward him, a pleading look on her face. He laughed, and stroked her little face instead. It was flushed and hot, and she was panting. She fervently kissed and licked his hand. When he did touch her breasts it was to crush the hard nipples between his fingers, and pull on them cruelly. She whined and gasped hoarsely, her small body begging for more with every thrust and shudder. Garid stopped, however, when he saw that she was clenching her thighs together around the two dildos. He found a spreader bar to fasten between her knees, tied her wrists to her ankles, and put clips on her nipples. Then he went off to watch a late night
. There was one he liked on the scenery of
torrid moon, starkly beautiful images that stayed with him.

It was late when he returned and made use of his woman’s mouth. She was tremulous, fervent as she sucked on him, his big hands controlling her head. He sat back and took his time, and eventually his eyes closed and he governed her completely through his fingers. He was half asleep, the space
still wheeling through his head. He let the current of his pleasure move slowly, visualizing glittering mercury flowing through a moon valley.

When he was done he left her in her little kennel beneath the stairs, her hands chained to her collar, her knees still separated by the spreader bar. He took off the nipple clips, but left the dildos in all night. Her eyes, trapped, glittering pools, were the last thing he saw in the dim light as he closed the kennel door. In the morning they were dark circled, deep with pleading. Garid enjoyed that very much, and did not satisfy her.




‘You’re visiting Lave this time?’

‘I’m not a recluse like you. And I have to take opportunities as I find them. I’ve got days to finish that design.’
eyes were dancing. Garid shrugged. His friend had an uncomplicated approach to pleasure. Garid dwelt in his own sense of difference, of seriously odd sexuality, and noted, not for the first time, that none of this cut deep with Therin. The man’s high spirits rarely failed him, despite the frustration of wanting something very much that he really couldn’t afford.

‘I thought you said you were taking on extra jobs to make money.’

‘Well, I admit it’s a hard decision sometimes – play with another man’s sweet pussy now, or work hard for some hypothetical, rare, extremely expensive female later, when I’m too old to enjoy her. Which would you choose? No, don’t answer that; I don’t need to hear about your talents for delayed gratification.
Especially since you don’t have to delay it anymore.’

‘Just don’t lose the contract, okay? I’d hate to think of you having no chance at all, you lazy sod.’

‘You think I don’t take anything seriously, but actually this woman owning ambition of mine has done great things for my career. I work a hell of a lot harder than I would otherwise. It’s not natural for me. Don’t begrudge me a little fun. I only do it when I can freeload on someone for a lift – completely shamelessly, I might add – so I don’t waste the

Garid had to admit that this was a good compromise. It was a big planet. ‘Don’t tell me that everyone but me shares their slaves around; I don’t believe it.’

‘No, you’re right; there are different degrees of possessiveness.’ Therin placed a long finger on his temple in a parody of contemplation. ‘Let me see. At one end of the continuum are the jealous ogres like you who won’t let anyone near their treasure. Not very many of them, but they do exist. Then there are the ones who’ll let you look but not touch, or fondle but not fuck. A lot will only share with other owners; guys like me are the rogue males being warned away from the herd. But some of them – the good guys! – have a great time sharing. They get a kick out of making the woman service their friends. And of course they like to give their friends a treat.’ He raised a sardonic eyebrow and wiggled it.

‘All right, all right.
I told you I’d let you know. Don’t rush me, or I’ll throw you out of the herd for good.’

Therin laughed soundlessly, stood back from the screen, lowered his head and prepared to charge.

Garid took no notice. ‘What I don’t understand is how you can leave again afterwards.’

Therin stopped pawing the floor and looked up at the screen.
‘Without a woman on a leash?’
He found something to look at off-screen. ‘Yes.
Very depressing.’
He glinted at the screen again. ‘But it’s worth it. Pleasure now, that’s my credo and I’ll stand by it. If I didn’t want my own woman so much, I wouldn’t dream of planning ahead in this pompous way.’

Therin had been working non-stop for weeks, with only glimpses of
pet on the
to lighten his existence, when he had received the message to call Lave. He’d returned the call instantly, his heart quickening.

‘Therin, you horny extruding machine, what are you doing tomorrow?’
Lave was a manufacturer with a range of such metaphors.

‘Nothing I can’t get out of, my kind friend.’

‘I’m going to be out your way for a meeting. Do you want to come back with me? I can get you back as far as
the next day.’

The next day?
He’d never been offered an overnight stay before. ‘Yes, I can get back from there. Thanks!’ He ruthlessly rearranged his schedule, and made the gleeful call to Garid. The rest of the day he sang with anticipation.

The next day he sat on a terrace with the cooling breeze of late afternoon on his face, the light turning from lemon to a pale orange-yellow in the sky, taking a drink from the hands of
. The woman had soft and generous curves, a handsome face and long, wavy dark hair. She was tall for a
, being all of 160 cm. Lave had allowed
to wear a diaphanous silvery skirt that slithered down her thighs in long triangles. This concealed very little of her darkly curled pubic mound, and through the material Therin examined the long marks decorating her thighs and buttocks. He wished he had put them there. The lush round breasts were bare, the big nipples wide and soft at the moment; Therin looked forward to making them stiffen under his lips and teeth.
, her eyes down, turned back to the kitchen, the tags on her collar jingling softly, the thin short chain that linked her ankles chiming a little louder. Her shortened steps made her hips dance invitingly under the diaphanous skirt, and Therin caught his lower lip in his teeth and groaned softly, his cock already rigid.

He heard
voice in the kitchen, and a soft reply.
tone grew louder, and Therin heard
whimpering in a pleading tone.
Then a sharp smack.
Therin was already on his way when Lave called him in. The man had
by the ear, half bent over.

‘She didn’t prepare the seasonings like I told her. Hand me those cuffs, will you?’

They were of thin metal, but wide, fitting tightly and covering half of each forearm. Therin brought them over and watched Lave lock the woman’s arms behind her back and pull her face down over his lap. Her husky
-accented voice was pleading low, ‘Please, master, I’m sorry I forgot, please don’t punish me, please?’

‘You don’t think you deserve it, you lazy girl?’ Lave used the word ‘
’ for girl, a rural diminutive for a female herd animal. He was calling her a cow, and she knew it.

‘No – yes – I won’t forget again, I’m sorry, please don’t hurt me today. Please?’ she begged. She was clenching her buttocks fearfully and half crying. ‘I promise I’ll be good.’ She gave a tense but suggestive wriggle as she lay over his lap. Her silky skirt was tangled around and under her, but Lave had pulled it up over her back and her ass was bare. Her ankle chain jingled as she
her legs over his thighs.

Lave laughed. ‘You’ll be better than good.’ He grasped both her arms firmly with his left hand and brought his right down hard, covering most of her ass with one blow. She gasped. ‘You’re a bad, lazy little girl, aren’t you,

‘Nooo, no more, no?’ her cry was cut off by another explosive smack. ‘Ow, please, plea?’ another blow took her breath away, and only wordless wails were forced from her by the next few blows. Lave slowed down a little and she tried begging again, with no noticeable effect. The next blow tipped her over into tears. She sobbed incoherently through the next series of smacks, kicking helplessly.

Therin watched with the deepest sort of delight, the kind of enjoyment that anticipates even greater pleasures to come. Lave had entertained him before, but scenes such as this never grew stale. The blows were not so much raining down as sleeting, the kind of sleet that strikes the ground in huge spreading smacks.

When her ass was a bright crimson Lave stopped and let Therin feel the heat coming off her skin.
limp and sobbing, her head hanging low. Tears were dripping down her long hair and onto the floor. ‘Tell us what you are now,
,’ Lave said. His voice was deceptively quiet.

She swallowed, panted a moment, and shuddered. ‘I’m a bad, lazy girl, master,’ she whispered thickly.

‘Now you’ll count for Therin.’ She stiffened in his lap and wailed. He set her on her knees in front of him. ‘Fetch the strap,
.’ She shook her head so hard the drops flew off from side to side, but looked up at her master’s face, gulped down some tears, and shuffled off at once on her knees toward the other side of the room.

‘Hold your skirt up so we can see your ass,
,’ said Lave.

She choked out, ‘Yes, master,’ half a sob, and used her bound hands to pull the skirt up under her arms. Her buttocks emerged a painful red instead of the pink they had appeared through the folds of the material. She shuffled on, her knees taking each little step less far than the restriction of the ankle chain allowed. The men watched, mesmerized by the shimmying of the pretty red mounds of sore flesh. On the far side of the room was a low bench with several implements laid out.
bent from the waist, displaying the dusky red of her glistening cunt surrounded by dark curls, and picked up a strap in her teeth. Then she turned and made her way back toward them, her wet eyes downcast. The occasional sob still shook her.

BOOK: Owned And Owner
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