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Authors: J. Lee Coulter

Portals Of Time (10 page)

BOOK: Portals Of Time
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Chapter Twelve

The warriors crept stealthily through the dark woods. Arrows were nocked
in readiness...swords were drawn. They were to give no quarter. Lucian would not grant mercy to any who dared harm his countess...not even her brother.

Once everyone was in their places, he roared out their battle-cry as they charged the camp. Angus leapt to his feet as the arrows rained down upon them. Holding his shield over him to deflect the missiles, he glanced about the camp to get his bearings.

Half of his men would never rise from their pallets, he realised
as he swung his sword at an attacker. The melee was intense as he and his men fought for their lives.

It did not take long for Lucian to spy his target. He wanted Angus’ blood on
sword! He brandished the light-weight blade with ease as he plowed through the MacGregor rebels. Any that confronted him were quickly dispatched as the berserker in him took over. It was not long before they were face to face in the center of the camp.

“Why did ye attack my wife, Angus? What gain was there for ye?” They circled each other cautiously, blades drawn, searching for an opportunity to strike.

“Gain? Why all me father’s lands! If there be nae bride...there be nae dowery ta give ye!” Lucian scowled in disgust.

“That makes nae sense! We are wed already! The dowery is mine. Ye speak nonsense, Angus!”

“Tis nae nonsense.” He shook his head. “Ye had ta be wed two moons before ye received it. Did ye nae read the contract?”

Surprise lit his face. He had not bothered to read it.
His father had told him that it was a standard writ...nothing more. It made no difference to him.

“If she had stayed gone then I would nae have had ta harm her. The witch told me that she could nae return...twas impossible!”

What is he speaking of? Did he have a hand in her disappearance all those years ago?

“What witch do ye speak of?”

An evil grin crossed his lips as he lunged at the earl. Lucian easily deflected the blow as he countered the attack. Steel met steel as sweat gathered on their skin.
The only sound was clanging metal and grunting from their efforts. The Dunbar warriors stood silent as they watched the lethal contest. The two warriors were evenly matched in size and skill. The advantage belonged to Lucian, though, as he tirelessly swung the lightweight blade.

Angus stumbled as he wearied and the earl took advantage of his blunder, striking a fatal blow. Standing over him as he lay dying,
ucian demanded an answer.

“Tell me true! Did ye steal her away when she was a wean?”

“Aye,” he barely whispered. “I sent” His eyes went blank as his life left him.

Lucian stared at his lifeless body for a moment before turning and walking away.

“Collin, wrap the bodies and return them ta their kin for burial. Take half the men with ye. The rest will accompany me as I fetch m
bride home.”

“It will be done, m’laird.”

Arianna sighed as she stared off into the distance from her perch in the chamber window. She had been there for almost two weeks and missed having Lucian around.

Malcolm had been a perfect gentleman while she was there, even giving her a bedchamber that faced the gate so she could watch for her husband.

Both she and Shalizar were nearly healed of their wounds, growing more restless with each passing day.

A horse whinnied in the distance. Her head shot up as she frantically scanned the treeline. Th
ere! Light flashed off of metal as the men emerged into the cleared expanse leading to the keep.

“Lucian!” She hollered, not caring that he couldn’t hear her. Heads of the villagers below her window glanced up, startled.

Arianna ran from her room all the way to the stables,
faces meeting her everywhere. She snatched up his bridle as she entered Shalizar’s stall. In no time she had him bridled and out of the building. Leaping onto his bare back, they flew through the gates before anyone could stop them.

“M’laird! M’lady is coming on that black beas
t. I fear she will harm herself!

His head shot up, spotting her as she drew closer.

“She comes too fast ta stop, m’laird!” he cried in alarm.

“She does nae intend ta do so, Finn. Ye had better move aside quickly.” A wide smile split Lucian’s face as Shalizar sailed over him with ease, landing smoothly behind him. He spun his horse about at the same moment as she did. Pulling her into his arms, he gave her a sound kiss.

“I see that ye and Shalizar are much improved,” he chuckled. “But ye really must quit using me for a wall, wife. It does nae look good in front of me men.”

“Yes, Lucian. Whatever you say.”

“Did ye miss me, lass?”
He growled down low.

“Aye, husband. I missed you more than my heart can say.”

Their lips joined once more, filled with passion, carrying her away once more to
that blissful dimension where no other exists.

The End


If you enjoyed this book, please check out my other books:

Blessing The Highlander

Tarnished Honor

The Reckoning

Highland Christmas

All are available at for Kindle or in print. I hope you will visit me on my websites:

BOOK: Portals Of Time
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