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Authors: J. Lee Coulter

Portals Of Time (2 page)

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She sputtered in confusion. Most people had just thought her mom had been
to tattoo a babe.

“I’ve always had it.

Malcolm smiled as he shook his head. “The Earl’s intended bride had been given that mark as a babe t
ensure nae trickery from the MacGregors. He bares the same although his is the male counterpart. Tell me, my lady, do y
have the ‘knowing’?”

Her head shot up. She knew he was referring to p
ic powers. Arianna started to shake her head in denial when her dream/nightmare flashed through her mind.
Well hell! How do I deny the dream that tells me I’m in danger right now?
Lie! That’s

Smiling sweetly, she put on her most innocent face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. No one can know what the future will bring.”
Ain’t that the truth! I never would have thought that my dreams meant this!

Malcolm smiled
as he saw through her lie. It seems that good fortune had finally smiled on the Maclean clan.

Chapter Two

The old crone
stared intently into the bowl of water searching out the meaning of the noise she had heard that day. At first there was only her reflection. Soon enough her face dissolved revealing a red-haired beauty on a black steed. Ma
is cackled

“Well auld woman...what do ye see? Should I call out the guard?” The man’s voice was rich and deep as he spoke.
authority obvious in his
. A wise man would not question it...but Ma
is was neither wise nor a man.

Glancing toward him with an impatient look, she shook her white head, then laughed again.
Turning back to the bowl, she watched the scene unfolding before her golden eyes, a frown crossed her face.
This will nae do! The Maclean can nae have her! She belongs ta Luc
ian and nae other! Tis ordained!

Lucian growled deep in his throat with impatience. He did not have time for this foolishness! Still he waited, knowing that the hag was never wrong in what she saw in her scrying.

“Ye must hurry, m’laird. What is promised ta ye...your most valued being stolen away as we speak!”

He stood abruptly as alarm assailed him, hand on the hilt of his sword
. Images of Dunbar Castle under seige flashed through his thoughts as he
d to the door of the hut. The voice of the old crone cut into his thoughts
s departure

“Is your castle your most prized possession, m’laird? I think nae! Be at ease. Tis nae your home that I speak of but your life!”

He spun on her in a rage. “Explain yourself auld woman! I grow weary with your riddles!”

With a disgusted sneer, she dismissed him with a wave of her hand. She held no great love for the nobility...but they had their uses.

“Twould serve ye right ta lose your treasure. Ye do nae respect the auld ways, even when ye see the truth with your own eyes.” Sighing, she acquiesced. “Still, it has been ordained. I can nae interfere.”
Peering intently into his vivid green eyes she continued. “You must ride with your guard t
the southern stone gate
post haste! Your betrothed has arrived, but into the hands of your enemy...

Lucian was stunned!
He wracked his brain, pulling together bits and pieces of knowledge that he had acquired over the years about his betrothal. Rubbing the rampant lion on the side of his neck as it warmed, memories began flooding in at a
I was told t
hat the lass was missing when I ha
d seen eighteen summers. She
would have been
only nine by that time. That was ten summers back! Father was furious with the MacGregor, thinking he lied. He had said that she had been stolen awa
y when she was nae more than two
but he feared telling the Earl. Perhaps he
had been
after all

Lucian shook his head in disbelief. The auld seer must be mistaken. The lass had to be dead.

“Ye are wrong, Ma
is. My betrothed is gone. Wishing will nae change that fact.”

Her eyes narrowed as she waved her gnarly finger in his face. “Nay m’laird...tis ye who are wrong! The lass lives and even now the Maclean has his hands on her!
Twould only take a few hours journey t
discover the truth of it...if ye dare!”

She had the right of it. It could easily be disproved once he saw her. The bairn had been marked when the betrothal was confirmed. And if it were true...? He had to be certain.

He strode quickly out the door and leapt to his steed’s back. As he put his heels to its flanks she yelled after him, “Hurry m’laird! She is t
be touched by n
other but y
! All will be lost if he possesses her!”

Arianna’s thoughts were racing as Malcolm led her back toward his men.
Damn! I wish my head would stop pounding so I can think. My dream didn’t show me getting caught by this guy. And just exactly where am I? The dream was of twelfth century Scotland...
Her eyes darted
in alarm
to the pile of rubble a few yards from them
Oh shit! I thought time travel was a fantasy!
It must have been caused by the force of the blast.

She hadn’t realized the differences before when she awoke. It was too quiet. Normally there was always some sounds caused by civilization. She had noticed the same quietude after September eleventh when all the air traffic had been grounded. It was eery. She shuddered. The smells were not the same either. Inhaling deeply, the air smelled crisp and clean. Heavenly! A giggle escaped her.

Malcolm gave her a curious look.
Does she nae understand the danger she is in? Mayhap she is a witch after all...or daft.
It did not matter.
Eying her clothing, a wave of lust shot through him. She wore form fitting jeans topped off with a snug sweater revealing every sensuous curve of her body...even her nipples were visible. A low growl rumbled in his chest.

“Who are you? I have told you my name
. It is quite rude of you to not tell me yours.”

He halted. “Ye do nae ken who I am?”

She shook her head, instantly regretting the action as pain shot through her temple.

He snorted. “Nae a very good seer, are ye? I be Malcolm Maclean, Chief of the Macleans! And ye will be me bride afore nightfall.”

Arianna’s mouth fell open in shock.
There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that that’s going to happen! I know that I’m meant for the ‘other’...whoever he is.
I have to get away from these lunatics!
She smiled up at his rugged face.

“You want to wed me? How exciting! Where is your priest? I will not settle for less than a proper wedding.” She glanced at his clansmen expectantly, searching for the clergy.

She IS daft! Very well. Since she seems ta be willing I will take her to the abby. An agreeable bride makes
a better wedding night

“There is an abby a league from here. We will wed there. Mount your steed so we may leave here.”

She flashed her teeth in a satisfied grin
then leapt into Shalizar’s saddle. A burly Scotsman reached for the reins to lead her mount. The black stallion scre
amed in protest as he reared up
then spr
ng forward as if shot from a bow, racing across the glen to the north. Arianna leaned low over his neck as he found his stride. “Fly, my pet.” Behind her she heard the men shouting in confusion as they hurried to give chase. The pounding of hooves drew closer but she dared not look back.

A road appeared on the other side and she steered her mount onto it, never
breaking their stride. Rounding a curve, her eyes widene
d in dismay. Before her was at least
thirty mounted Highlanders blocking her way.

Determined not to stop, she gave Shalizar his head and barreled down on them. The terrified guard
scattered out of her way except for one man. Her neck began to burn as the tattoo glowed irridescently the closer she
. Their eyes locked.

“Duck!” she screamed in a panic as Shalizar gathered himself to leap over the obstacle.

Lucian was
entranced by her wild beauty.
he will stop...I think. Jesu! She thinks to jump me like a wall!
Realizing that he had misjudged her actions, he la
flat on his destriar’s back as he felt the breeze of their passing inches from his backside. He turned his head quickly to see her land safely and continue on her way.
What a little hellion! Father chose well.
He grinned as he straightened on his mount, then jerked his head around at the sound of riders.

me men. She will nae go far.” His guard lined up in formation just as Malcolm and his men pulled up before them.

The Earl eyed the tresspassers with disdain, settling his gaze on Malcolm. Eyes hard as flint, he growled at him.

“Let us pass, Dunbar. I have a need t
recover m
betrothed.” Malcolm was bluffing but he did not know what else to do. Hopefully, the Earl did not know who the lass was.

He shook his head slowly, his vivid green eyes boring a hole in the laird. “Ye are mistaken, Maclean. The only lass that has passed by here was MY betrothed. I am thinking ye thought ta steal her.”

“Ye be certain of that, m’laird?” Malcolm’s eyes rounded as he noticed the Earl’s lion glowing just before he reached up to rub the irritation.
Magic! He kens who she is alright.

“Aye! There be nae mistaking my lion’s mate. Mayhap ye did nae see the mark?”

“Mayhap.” Malcolm knew they were no match for thirty guardsmen. He would have to retreat for the moment. “Well, if ye be certain, m’laird

“I am.”

“Very well. I bid ye
good eve
then.”He jerked his reins back, spinning his horse about and left the way they had come.

With a gesture, two of his guard followed the band discreetly, assuring that they left Lucian’s lands.

Chapter Three

Arianna slowed her mount about half a league away. She was certain that the Highlander they had jumped over would not allow Malcolm to follow.

Rubbing her throbbing temple, she tried to collect her thoughts.
Who was that man? I know him from somewhere. I felt it when he looked into my eyes.
She sighed. One thing was certain...there was no going back to the present. Even if the gate stood
she knew that the world was destroyed.

The sound of hoofbeats invaded her
as the Earl of Dunbar caught up with her. Surrounded by his men she turned to gaze up at her savior as he sidled up to her. A gasp escaped her as her neck
began to
burn. He reached out, brushing aside her fiery hair, exposing the glowing lioness on her neck.
Startled, his eyes darted to hers.

“I was told ye were dead, Arianna! Where have ye been?”

The pounding in her head grew thunderous as she slip
into a black void.
The wild ride had been more than she could stand.
Lucian caught her, transferring her onto his lap
, as she fell limp.

“Ian, take her mount,” he barked. Searching for injuries, he felt a lump on her scalp but no blood.
Good! Tis nae serious. We will go t
the abby t
tend her and continue on in the morn.

Ian pulled up beside him with Shalizar in tow. “Who is she, m’laird?”

Lucian grinned widely, pleased with the results of this day. Holding her close had eased the burning
on his neck assuring him that her’s had eased as well. Stroking her cheek with his thumb, he responded absently.

“This is m
long-lost betrothed...Arianna MacGregor...returned ta me.”

He studied her from his
on the bench. Lucian didn’t know what to make of her strange clothes. He had never seen anything like them before. He shook his head.
One thing is for certain...they reveal too much of m
He growled with displeasure.
It did not matter. By morn Ian will have returned with proper attire and then they will be immediately wed. It was supposed to have occurred three years ago. He refused to wait one more day, especially with Maclean sniffing about her skirts!

Lucian gave Arianna an appreciative appraisal as his eyes lazily ran the length of her supple form.
She had grown into a stunning woman. Fiery red hair fell past her arse thick and luxurious. Long dark lashes graced her cheeks as she slept, hiding ceruleun eyes as deep as the sky. Her skin glowed from many hours spent in the sun and across her pert nose was a light dusting of freckles.

His gaze faltered as it fell across her lips.
Lips that held a promise of untold pleasures to come. A smile teased his mouth as he remembered their meeting.
What spirit the lass has! I saw nae fear in her eye as she leapt over me...only concern. I ken of nae man who w
ould attempt such a feat! Where
ver she has been these past years...they have trained her well.

There was a scratching at the door
just then
. The Earl rose silently and slipped out to the corridor where Ian stood with his bundle.

“Did ye bring all that I asked?”

“Aye, m’laird. I forgot naught.” Handing him the bundle and a small pouch, he turned and left.

Lucian returned to the bench to take up his vigilance once again. Opening the pouch, he extracted a ring and examined it.
It was his mother’s ring from when she had been wed. The golden lion’s emerald eye glinted at him
reflecting the candlelight in the small chamber. Replacing it in the pouch, he leaned back against the stone wall to catch a few hours rest before the wedding.

Arianna woke slowly.
Wow! What a nightmare! That was the most realistic one yet!
She cracked open one eye in trepidation of what she would find.
other eye popped open in shock as she gasped.
Oh shit! It was not a bad dream at all!
Leaning against the wall, slept the handsomest man she’d ever seen. The one who had always been hidden in the shadows...except for his eyes.
Her tat began to warm as she backed out of the other side of the bed.
The c
hill air caus
her skin to prickle
alerted her to another problem

Where’s my clothes? I’m naked!
She turned a suspicious eye at the sleeping stranger...
and who removed them?
She swiftly wrapped the coarse blanket about her, then frantically began searching out her clothing.

Smooth as silk, a deep voice rumbled at her
causing her to jump.

“If it be your clothing for which ye will nae find them.”

Arianna spun around
to confront the stranger.

“Where are they? I need to dress and be on my way.” She had no clue of where she would be “on her way to” but he didn’t know that. Her eyes narrowed. “And
, exactly, removed them from me?”

A slow smile spread across his full mouth as she gasped in horror.

“You...y-you undressed me? You’re a lecherous pig!” He had seen her naked! Touched her!
She blushed in embarrassment. “Give me my clothes at once!”

His eyes bore into hers for several moments before he shook his head. “I think nae. I prefer ye as ye are.”

This is getting me nowhere fast. Perhaps a different tactic is called for.
She rubbed her tatoo as the warmth began to irritate her. Arianna glanced over at him as he sprawled casually on the bench.

“Who are you, anyway?”

“Why I am struck t
the bone that ye do nae remember your betrothed!” His brow arched in question. “Ye truly do nae ken me?”

She shook her tousled head.

“I remember your eyes from my dreams...but that is all.”
Nightmare would be more accurate

His head jerked up.
She has the “knowing” if she dreamt of me.

“Tell me of your dreams.”

She shook her head again. “I can never remember them...not the details, anyway. I always see that man, Malcolm
,” she shuddered, “and your green eyes. I wake up with a forboding and also...a yearning for something that I can’t explain. It’s the same every time, although it has become stronger lately.”

Lucian watched the animation of her expressions as she answered him. He was satisfied that she spoke true. He rose from the stone bench and retrieved the bundle his squire had fetched for him.

“Ye may wear these.” He
handed the clothes to Arianna. “I will try t
explain things as ye dress.”

“I would prefer privacy!”

“That ye can nae have...but I vow I will nae watch if that makes ye feel better.”

Snatching the bundle from him, she stalked over to a darkened corner muttering to herself. “What good is that vow when he’s already seen everything anyway? I should charge admission!”

He chuckled as he overheard her. One thing was certain...their life together would not be boring!

“Well? I’m waiting.”

Lucian cleared his throat.

“We were betrothed when ye was but a summer
ld...I had seen eleven summers by then. When I was
ten and nine
, Father sent for ye t
live in Dunbar Castle with us so ye could learn how t
run it. That is when the MacGregor came empty-handed
us of your abduction when ye were two summers
ld. We were ta be wed three summers past.

“If your betrothed was only two then how can you be certain that it is me?” She stepped out of the shadows as he turned toward her.

He inhaled deeply at the transformation. The blue silk gown matched her eyes perfectly as the material hugged her voluptuous curves. Stunning was not accurate enough to describe her beauty. Lucian snapped his mouth shut and continued as his finger delicately traced the lioness on her neck.

“Because of this. We both acquired these when the contract was signed.”

“It could just be coincidence though. Where I come from
these tattoos are pretty common.”

Lucian shook his head. “Nay, lass. These lions are special. Have ye never examined it closely?”

She shook her head. Her body quivering at his delicate touch. He reached for the candle bringing it close to his head. “See for yourself, lass.”

Her eyes were drawn to the exquisite artwork of the black and gold rampant lion. She gasped suddenly and stepped back, her eyes darting to his.

“I can see my name written in the mane! It could still be coincidence.” She shook her head in denial.

“If that be true, then how do ye explain
name written in your lioness’ tail?”

“I don’t believe you!” She reached for her throat in a panic.

“See for yourself, Arianna.” He handed her a piece of brightly polished metal and held the candle closer. Her eyes
in shock as she dropped the metal to the floor.

Shaking her head, she cried out, “How can this be? I’m from the future...almost nine hundred years apart!”

Lucian was stunned.
I must have misheard her! Tis nae possible unless...Ma
is! If anyone could have done this, twould be her! There is nae denying that she has mysterious powers. That could explain
strange clothing. If this is true then Arianna
has untold knowledge of historical events! Such knowledge in Maclean’s hands would be disastrous!
He shook his head. He would not allow that to happen.

A feeling of dread snaked up her spine. She should not have said that to him! He will either think she is crazy or a witch!
Neither idea appealed to her as she slowly raised her eyes to meet Lucian’s hard stare.

BOOK: Portals Of Time
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