Rated: X-mas: Twice Blessed (4 page)

BOOK: Rated: X-mas: Twice Blessed
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“That’s okay. I’m glad you like them.” She turned away, smiling at his open-mouthed shock. Never in her life had she made such a statement before, but tonight, she felt again the

Rated: X-mas: Twice Blessed


way she had on that trip out to California. That same thrill she had experienced when she’d given Devlin and Damien a look at her breasts. Alive, and sexy, and free.

Jenny knew immediately when they had returned, their presence exerting an actual, physical pull on her, so that she knew not only that they were there, but exactly where they were at each and every moment. The feeling was so intense, it scared her.

Once again, as though sensing her anxiety, Damien managed to reassure her. They didn’t even speak, but his gaze met hers, and something in his eyes calmed her. It occurred to her that she should be scared by that, as well, but somehow she couldn’t muster up any concern. As she glanced over at him again, his gaze traveled over her body like a liquid caress, coming to rest on the swell of her butt. Jenny turned and walked over to another group, her hips swaying, the tiny beads shifting inside her, feeling his rapt gaze almost like a physical touch.

“Jenny!” She looked up to see her uncle walking toward her, with Dev and Damien in tow. “I want you to meet someone.”

“This is my niece, Jenny Dalton.” Frank waved a hand toward the brothers. “Jenny, I wanted you to meet Devlin and Damien Blake. Their father was a client, and a good friend of mine.”

Jenny held out her hand, an electric tingle racing up her arm as she shook each of theirs. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Their father passed away recently, and the boys are in town to check on his portfolio, get some of the estate issues taken care of. They’re not from around here, so I thought you might like to give them an idea of what they should see while they’re in New York.” He winked. “I’d tell them myself, but you’d probably have a better idea what people their age might be interested in.” With that, he smiled and walked away.

Jenny sighed. “Sorry about that. I guess he’s decided to try and play matchmaker.”

Dev grinned. “No problem.”

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Damien smiled, as well. “Now we have a perfectly good excuse to call you tomorrow.”

Jenny’s heart fluttered. “Are you? Going to call?”

His look was all the answer she needed, bringing a hot flush to her cheeks. “Join us for a fresh drink?”

She nodded, beckoning over a waiter and placing her now-warm margarita on his tray.

“Thank you.” Damien placed his hand on her lower back, guiding her over to the bar.

When they had their drinks in hand, Devlin led them to a quiet corner of the room, and the three of them stood, backs to the wall, watching the crowd. Damien’s hand crept beneath her dress, his fingers catching up the silver chains. Jenny’s pulse quickened, and she glanced at him from beneath her lashes.

A smile teased the corners of his lips, and he tugged gently on the chains, watching her face. She took a deep breath, locking gazes with him as he continued manipulating the delicate strands.

A spiral of need sprang up in Jenny, tightening with each subtle movement inside her.

She found herself breathing quickly, as though she’d been running.

Dev stepped in front of her, facing them, shielding her from prying eyes. Jenny didn’t even protest as she felt the zipper being drawn down. Felt Damien’s determined fingers searching for her tight hole, then pushing inside, moving the beads deeper, guiding more of the two chains into the narrow canal. She closed her eyes as a ripple of pleasure shot through her body. “That’s it,” Devlin murmured. “Come for him, Jenny.”

Damien began pulling one of the chains out, his finger swirling, wrapping it around the digit and stimulating her throbbing rim in the process. Jenny gasped. “That’s it,” Dev urged under his breath. “That’s it, Jen. Come.” Damien was pulling out the other chain now, his finger twirling rapidly. “Come now!” Jenny drew in a deep, gasping breath and stared into Devlin’s eyes as the orgasm ripped through her, every nerve in her body urging her to cry out, to moan, to sigh, but she couldn’t make a sound; people would hear. She reached out and

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grasped his hands, squeezing hard as the ecstasy went on and on, until she thought she was going to pass out.

“Breathe, Jenny.” Damien spoke into her ear. Jenny let her breath out, and breathed in again. The orgasm finally crested and began to recede, leaving her shaking and weak-kneed.

Damien pulled up her zipper, keeping the chains tucked inside her dress. “Good girl,” he whispered in her ear, and she felt heat rising in her cheeks. How could she have let him do that to her in public?

Devlin’s eyes were knowing, and Jenny tried to look away, but they held her, a deep blue sky that she was falling into, weightless. “We have to go now, Jenny,” he murmured.

“But we’ll see you tomorrow.”

She swallowed and nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Damien and Devlin made their way through the crowd, glancing at her over the sea of intervening bodies as they told her uncle goodbye, and then they were gone, and Jenny spent the rest of the night wondering if it had all been some strange waking dream, brought on by the press of people and her own feeling of displacement.

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Jenny pulled the covers up over her head as someone knocked on the door again.

“Jenny,” her mother called. “There’s a phone call for you.”

She sat up in bed. “A call?” The events of the night before came rushing back, and she forced herself to breath slowly and deeply. “Okay, I’m up!” She picked up the extension on her bedside table. “Hello?”

There was a quiet click as Hannah, her mother’s housekeeper, hung up. Her heart thrilled as Damien’s deep voice came over the line. “Jenny?”


“Hi. How did you sleep?”

She started to say she had slept fine, but instead, found herself saying, “I didn’t.”

A soft laugh alerted her to the fact that Devlin was also on the line. “Why not?” he asked.

Jenny hesitated, but couldn’t think of a single reason not to tell the truth. They both knew she wanted them; she’d made that perfectly clear the night before. There was no reason to play the coy, shy violet now -- they wouldn’t believe it. “Because I was horny as hell, and nothing I did helped.”

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“Mmmm,” Damien murmured. “I like the sound of that. Did you play with yourself last night, Jenny?”

Heat rose in her cheeks again. Damn him! Why did he keep doing this to her? She should hang up, let him know that he couldn’t pull her chain whenever he wanted to. She winced at the unfortunate analogy. She should hang up on him. But she didn’t. Instead, she said, “Yes.”

“Will you show us?” Devlin asked. “Today. When we see you. Will you show us what you were doing?”

Jenny couldn’t answer. Her voice wouldn’t work.

“Please, Jenny. I want to see,” Devlin whispered.

Her pussy wept. “Yes,” she croaked. “I’ll show you.”

Devlin’s long sigh was a gift. “I can’t wait.”

“Can we take you to lunch today, Jenny? Someplace quiet.” The tone of Damien’s voice held such promise that Jenny’s pussy convulsed.

“Okay.” She thought rapidly. “I know a place. What time?”

“When will the lunch crowd thin out?” he asked.

“Um, around two, I guess.”

“And how long will it take us to get there?”

“About thirty minutes.”

“Then we’ll pick you up at one-thirty. Does that sound okay?”

Jenny nodded, then realized he couldn’t hear that and said, “Yes.”

“Good. We’ll see you then.”

Jenny hung up the phone and sat staring at it for several minutes as various parts of her body began to throb in anticipation. “I need a shower.” Rising, she padded into the bathroom

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and turned on the water, making it as cold as she could stand it, and even then, she felt as though each drop should be turning to steam the moment it touched her skin.

* * * * *

They picked her up in the old blue pickup, grinning like fools as she clapped her hands in delight. “We thought it would be appropriate,” Devlin said.

Jenny scooted in beside Damien, then Dev slid in and shut the door. “Where to?”

Damien asked. Jenny gave him directions, and they pulled away from the sidewalk.

Dev turned toward her in the seat, the teasing light in his eye replaced with dark desire. “Show us,” he said.

Jenny didn’t hesitate. She pulled her blouse out of her skirt and slowly undid the buttons, keenly aware of both their gazes -- Damien’s quick glances as he drove, Devlin’s steady regard. She began rolling her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, becoming more and more aroused as Dev’s breathing quickened, his tongue darting out to moisten his lips as he watched. She drew one hand down along her belly, pulling up her short skirt, brushing her fingertips across the tight curls at her groin.

She could feel Damien’s desire, as well; heard it in his rapid breathing, felt it in the quick, hot glances he cast her way. She drew up her legs, sitting cross-legged between them, resting her thighs against theirs as she fingered her clit, moaning softly. She looked at Devlin longingly, willing him to touch her. “No,” he said, seeming to read her mind. “We want to watch you do it.”

Jenny very deliberately slipped her forefinger inside her pussy, then just as deliberately pulled it out. She brought it to her mouth and engulfed the entire digit, sucking noisily as they watched, their breathing ragged and broken. She repeated the process with her middle finger, then with her ring finger, and still they wouldn’t touch her.

Jenny arched against the seat. “Please,” she begged.

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“No,” Damien insisted. “We want you to do it.”

“But it won’t work!” Jenny wailed. “I tried and tried last night, and nothing worked.”

“Touch yourself, Jenny,” Damien urged. “Show us what you did.”

Frustrated, she plunged two fingers into her pussy. “This! All right? I fucked myself with two fingers, and when that didn’t work, I --” She hesitated.

“What?” Dev asked. “What did you do?”

She shook her head.

“Do it, Jenny.” Damien’s voice left no room for argument.

Jenny brought her hand to her mouth and wet the entire length of her forefinger. Then she brought it down to her pussy. She thrust her middle finger and ring finger into her pussy, and hesitated again. “Do it,” Damien said.

Jenny swallowed, then slid down a little in the seat to give herself better access. When she pushed the tip of her forefinger into her ass, Devlin drew in a sharp breath. “Oh, fuck!”

He undid his pants with frantic fingers and began pumping his shaft as he watched.

Seeing the effect she was having on him sent a thrill of pleasure spiraling through her.

She pushed the finger in deep, then pulled it out slowly. Dev’s motions quickened.

Beside her, Damien took one hand from the wheel and unzipped his pants, as well, pulling out his cock. Jenny couldn’t contain her gasp. He was even thicker than Dev, and at least two inches longer, and her pussy clenched at the thought of having that huge member buried inside her. She moaned, pushing her finger in and out of her anus more and more rapidly, finding her G-spot with the two fingers buried inside her pussy. “Oh, God,” she gasped, as droplets appeared on the tips of both their cocks. “Oh, God!” Her pussy convulsed, and she was arching, pressing her thighs together tight around her wrist, as the orgasm rocketed through her. “Oh, yes!”

Dev’s hand came up and tangled in her hair, drawing her head down to his cock just in time for her to take him in her mouth before his seed spilled. She drank greedily, her own

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body spasming as she came again. With a final shudder, he let go, and Jenny sat up, only to have Damien wrap his hand around the back of her head, guiding her down urgently.

His seed erupted so forcefully that she nearly choked, but she willed herself to swallow, drinking the thick, musky essence from a cock so big she could only take the crown of it into her mouth. In the back of her mind, she was amazed at the fact that he was still able to drive, but the pleasure of having his hot, pulsing flesh in her mouth drove the thought away. She kept drinking, awed at the amount of cum spurting into her mouth, wishing the hot flood were filling her pussy. Finally, he let go. “Jenny,” he sighed.

She sat up, wiping her mouth. Damien grabbed her head again and kissed her, hard. “I have to fuck you,” he whispered.

“Yes, please,” she murmured. “Oh, please, yes.”


Jenny sat back abruptly. “Tonight?”

Damien nodded, fastening his pants as he drove, not even looking at the road, but guiding the car unerringly. One part of her brain realized she should wonder at that, but the only thought she had room for was the image of Damien’s gigantic cock plunging into her pussy. “Promise?” she asked.

Damien kissed her again, plundering her mouth until her limbs seemed to melt. “Does that answer your question?” he whispered brokenly.

Jenny nodded mutely. “You’d better get dressed,” he reminded her. “We’re almost there.”

As she pulled herself together physically, she tried to regain her wits mentally. What was it about these two? How could they make her want to do things so desperately, and not care who saw or what they thought of her? The questions were pushed aside as Damien pulled into the parking lot.

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Once inside, Damien chose a table in a quiet corner, and the waiter took their drink orders. After he left, Damien leaned forward. “Tell us about yourself, Jenny.”

Jenny shrugged. “There’s nothing much to tell.”

“What do you do?” Devlin asked.

“I’m a designer and seamstress for a company that produces historically accurate costumes for different time periods.”

“You mean, for movies, that sort of thing?”

“Well, up until last week, it was for other things. Plays. People who are into the Society for Creative Anachronism. Do you know what that is?” Devlin and Damien both nodded. “And we have a couple of restaurants and hotels for clients. They’re theme-oriented places, using period costumes as uniforms for their personnel.”

BOOK: Rated: X-mas: Twice Blessed
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